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1、出租人:(以下简称甲方)2,Tenant:.( hereafter referred to as The Party B)承租人:(以下简称乙方)3,Subject of Tenancy:租赁标的:Party A hereby agrees to lease _ Apartment, located in _, Hangzhou, PRC (hereafter referred to as The Property) and the decoration, as well as the furnitures and electric appliances in clean and tenant

2、able condition to Party B, the size of The Property is around _ square meters. List of the furniture, appliances in the apartment as in Attachment Iis part of the contract to be signed by both Parties.甲方同意将位于中国杭州市(地址及房号)_房及其装潢、家具及电器设备在良好及可租赁的状态下租给乙方,租用部分面积约_ 平方米。商品房中的家具及电器清单见附件I为本合同的一部分,并由双方签字。该物业产权

3、证号码为:4,Duration of Tenancy:租赁期:4.1 The Property is hereby leased for a term of_ year(s) and _months in principle, to commence from _ and terminate on _.租赁期原则上自_年_月_日始至_年_月_日止,计_年零_个月。4.2 In case of early termination of renting owing to early termination of Mr. _ s labor contract in China, renting de

4、posit shall be fully refunded after one year renting without any termination penalty; In case of extension of Mr. _s labor contract in China, the leasing period could be extendable with the renting fee and other contract terms remain unchanged; In case any other employee from Party B is willing to l

5、ease the property after Mr. _s termination, Party B shall have the right to rent at the same price and under the same terms.若因特殊原因_先生在中国的劳动合同提前终止,则在租满一年后房租押金应全额退回并不计收违约金;若_先生在中国劳动合同需续延,则租赁期可相应续延,且租金及其它合同条款不变;若_先生退租后乙方其它员工愿承租,乙方有可以按同样的租金和条款续租。4.3 Upon termination of the Agreement, Party A has the rig

6、ht to take back The Property in full, and Party B must deliver the Property on or before the date of expiry. If Party B wishes to termination the Agreement in advance or extend the Agreement upon expiration, Party B is required to give written notice to Party A two months in advance.租赁合同终止后, 甲方有权收回全

7、部出租房屋, 乙方应如期交还; 乙方如要求提前退租或要求续租, 须提前两个月书面向甲方提出书面申请。5,Renting fee:租金:5.1 The monthly rent isRMB_yuan (in words: Renminbi _yuan only)per month, including the use free of charge of leisure facilities if any, attached to the leased property. The renting fee excludes management fees which shall be paid by

8、 Party B separately. The renting fee will be paid by bank transfer. The bank detail of Party A is:Bank Name:Account No.:Beneficiary:租金为每月人民币_2900_元(即人民币_元整). 包括免费享用一切可供承租方使用的休闲娱乐设施。租金包含管理费100元,但不包含因此而产生的房产税、土地使用费,印花税,营业税及个人所得税,租金将通过银行转帐支付。首期租金于2005年7月31日支付,甲方银行详细情况如下:银行名称:开户帐号:收款人:5.2 Party B hereun

9、der shall pay rent every three months around the 10thday or 25thday of the first calendar month of every three months starting from the date of moving in against the official tax invoice from Party A. Invoices shall be submitted to Party B as least two weeks in advance. If the rent has not been paid

10、 more than 30 days after the due date without any reason due to any fault of Party Aor without any reason of force majeure, Party B will be deemed to have automatically terminated the tenancy resulting in a breach of this Agreement. Party A will then be entitled to take back the leased property or P

11、arty B will pay late payment interest according to bank loan rate of the same period (calculated from thirty days after overdue and written notification from Party A is requested)。月租金必须每六个月支付一次,按规定自入住始于每六个月中第一个月的十日或二十五日左右付清。如不是因为出租方过错或其它不可抗力而超过付款期限三十天未付则视为乙方自动退租构成违约,甲方有权收回出租房屋,或按0.5%/每日利率向乙方收取滞纳金(自逾

12、期三十天后始计滞纳金,但甲方必须提前一周书面通知乙方)。5.3 PartyA is responsible for complying with the regulations, requirements, and subsequent procedures originating from the Tax Bureau and/or Housing Bureau related to the rent of this property. Party A shall ensure that its invoices are legal. In case of any legal suit ow

13、ing to the illegality of Party As invoice or owing to the reason that Party A has not paid related taxes for renting of this property, Party A shall be fully responsible for any legal issue and shall bear any penalty related thereto, Party B is not liable for any responsibility related thereto.乙方依照现有的规定支付税务局和/或房管所规定的各类税费, 以保证合法承租此物业。6Renting Deposit:房租押金6.1 The renting deposit totalingRMB_Yuan(RMB _ yuan only), equivalent to 2 months rental.Party B should

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