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1、2Playing computer games too much is just a w_ of time for children.3We believe our homeland is _(发展)stronger and stronger.4In China, everyone should know the _(公正性)of the law(法律).5David d_ from the roof of the house and hurt himself yesterday.6The nice restaurant p_ delicious meals, so we often have

2、 dinners here.7Let your little daughter make some decisions by herself. Itsimportant to develop her i_ .8Lucy and I live in the same apartment and we are next door n_ .9Her grandma was badly i_ .10_(既然)you have no time, I have to go alone.根据句意及汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。11Jim worked hard at his lessons _ _ _(为了)

3、get good grades.12Good health _ _(依赖)good food, exercise and getting good sleep.13Could you please _ _ _(照料)my parents while I m away?14Some parents think doing chores is _ _ _(浪费)kids time.15How do you make your dream _ _(实现)?二、用单词的正确形式完成句子用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空look after, do, make, fall, write16Would

4、you mind _ the bed by yourself ?17The writer spent two years and a half _ this book.18Many parents buy houses near the school in order to _ their children better.19_ chores can help to develop childrens independence.20Jims mother _ ill yesterday, and he had to look after her at home.三、单选题21Though he

5、 often made his little sister ,today he was made by her.Acry; to cryBcried; cryingCto cry; cry22The newly-opened company _ the local people with more chances to work.Agives Bprovides Coffers Dshows23 My English is so weak. Can you help me, Gina?Practice more and the most important is to a good habit

6、 of reading.Amake BcompleteCdevelop Dshow24We can do it better with money and people.Aless; fewer Bfewer; less Cless; less Dfewer; fewer25 stop more accidents, we should slow down the driving speed.AIn order that BIn order to CThanks for DBecause of26My favorite TV program is“The Reader”. I think we

7、 should spend as much time as we can in our spare time.Aread Bto read Creading27The little girl has to take care of her grandmother and grandfather when her parents are out.Alook into Blook for Clook up Dlook after28Youd better try to guess the meaning when you meet a new word. Dont always yourdicti

8、onary.Akeep on Bdepend on Cdecide on四、句型转换根据要求完成句子29The woman looks after the old couple.(改为同义句)The woman _ _ _ the old couple.30To provide a clean and comfortable environment for their children is the parents job.(改为同义句) _ _ the parents job _ _ a clean and comfortable environment for their children

9、.31The man got up early this morning so that he could catch the early bus.(改为简单句)The man got up early this morning _ _ _ catch the early bus.32We dont know where we will go tomorrow.(改为简单句)We dont know _ _ _ tomorrow.33He spent 200 yuan on a pair of sports shoes.(改为同义句)He _ 200 yuan _ a pair of spor

10、ts shoes.五、完成句子根据汉语意思完成句子34 我可以带些饮料和小吃来吗? 当然可以。 Could I bring _ _ and _ ? Of course you can.35他花费太多的时间玩电脑游戏,结果考试老是不及格。He _ too much time _ computer games. _ _ _ ,he always fails his exams.36科学家认为在太空旅游是有可能的。Scientists think _ _ _ to travel in space.37反正我觉得干家务也不太难。And _ ,I think _ chores _ not so _ .3

11、8我不理解为什么一些家长让孩子在家帮忙做家务。I do not understand _ some parents _ their kids _ _ housework and chores at home.39为了能赶上其他人,他跑得很快。 _ _ to catch up with the others,he ran very fast.40他不知道怎样照顾自己。He had no idea how _ _ _ _himself.六、语法填空 A young woman in her twenties was sitting on the train,next to her mother.

12、They both looked tired but excited. While the young woman 41(look)out of the train s window, she shouted suddenly, “Mom, look, the trees are behind us!”Her voice was so loud that everyone on the train 42 (hear)clearly.Mom smiled. But a young couple who were sitting nearby looked at the young woman s

13、 childish(孩子气的)behavior with pity. “Poor girl. There must be something wrong with her mind, ”they thought.A few minutes later, the young woman shouted again,“Mom, look! The clouds 43(run)with us! ”Momsmiled again. And she seemed very happy with her daughters words.Finally, the couple couldnt help asking the mother, “Sorry if we offend(冒犯)you, but why dont you 44(take)your daughter to see a good doctor?”The mothersmiled and

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