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本文(房地产营销策略分析以长沙房地产市场为例Word格式文档下载.docx)为本站会员(b****0)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、 作 者: 专 业: 房地产经营与管理 班 级:房管1101 成 绩: 校内指导教师:2014年4月2日摘 要房地产市场营销是房地产开发企业以企业经营方针目标为指导,通过对企业内外部经营环境资源的分析,找出机会点,选择营销渠道和促销手段,经过创意将物业与服务推向目标市场,以达到占有市场促进和引导房地产开发企业不断发展目的的经济行为。从某种意义上讲,房地产营销是在对市场的深刻理解的基础上的高智能的策划。它蕴含在企业生产开发经营的全过程,由市场调查、方案制定和建筑总体设计、价格定位、广告中介服务、售后服务以及信息反馈等组成。从中国的经济体制看,市场经济体制尚不完善,企业的经营管理水平相对低下,市场


3、乏以顾客为导向以交换为中心的理念,推向市场的住宅产品都没有到达消费者手中,或者说没有转化为真正意义上的产品或商品。市场营销就是连接市场需要和住宅产品开发建设的中间环节,是开发商将潜在市场机会转化为现实市场机会,从而实现企业自发展的有效手段,从某种意义上说,房地产营销是关系房地产开发经营成败的关键。关键词:房地产开发,经济体制,房地产营销,顾客ABSTRACT The real estate market is a real estate development enterprise to enterprise management policy, goal oriented, through

4、the analysis of enterprise internal,external business environment, resources, identify opportunities, choice of marketing channel and promotion, through creative property and service to the target market, the economic behavior to occupy the market, promote and guide the real estate the development o

5、f enterprise development objective. In a sense, the real estate marketing is based on a deep understanding of the market on the intelligent planning. It contains the whole process management in enterprise production and development, from market research, planning and building design,price positionin

6、g, advertising intermediary service, after sale service and information feedback. From the Chinese economic system, market economic system is not perfect, the enterprise management level is relatively low, the market in the allocation of social resources is not big enough, in the optimization of ind

7、ustrial structure, the reasonable organization of social production, the government still plays a bigger role. Government intervention in the economy, in order to improve the benefit of investment, reduce investment risk, reduce the waste of resources, in order to achieve the goals of economic and s

8、ocial development, to achieve this goal is needed for the function of marketing. At the same time, although the real estate industry rapid development momentum, but many of the business philosophy has not kept pace with the speed of development of the industry, appears the relative lag. In the real

9、estate marketing, the problem also exists. Under the condition of modern market economy, the real estate enterprises can win in the competition,because of its products needed by customers for the market, that is to say, the developer must understand the market, according to market demand and the dev

10、elopment and construction of residential products, through the exchange of the product value, profit or occupation of the market, promote enterprise development,but many developers are also lack of customer orientation, in exchange for the center of the concept, the market for residential products h

11、as not reached the hands of consumers, or do not translate into real products or commodities.Marketing is connected with the needs of the market and the residential product development and construction of the intermediate links, developers will be the potential market opportunities into real market

12、opportunities, so as to realize the enterprise since the development of effective means, in a sense, the real estate marketing is the key to the success or failure of the real estate development business.Key word:Real estate development, economic system, real estate marketing,customer.1 绪 论 11.1 研究背

13、景与意义 1参考文献 16 致 谢 171 绪 论1.1 研究背景与意义1.1.1 研究背景面对各地持续上升的房价和舆论的压力,中央近期连打房地产市场调控“组合拳”开始了新一轮楼市调控。对于房地产开发企业来讲,目前的宏观调控形势和市场竞争环境已经相当严峻,房地产企业要想抓住机遇,迎接挑战,必须树立现代的营销观念,创新房地产营销策略,使企业在激烈的市场竞争中立足。随着我国新一轮宏观调控政策的实施,北京等地的楼市价格持续回落,市场观望气氛浓厚,对房地产业的影响日益明显,房地产市场将逐步转向理性消费。新的形势对房地产企业提出了新的营销挑战,房地产企业要想抓住机遇,迎接挑战,必须树立现代的营销观念,创




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