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Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7Word格式文档下载.docx

1、措施6i_指示;命令 动词:1.s_将要;将会2o_克服;战胜 3g_毕业;获得学位形容词:c_体贴人的;关心他人的 代词:o_我们的兼类词:d_ v加倍;是的两倍 adj.两倍的;加倍的二、短语翻译。请浏览教材,找出以下短语,并背诵之。1_ a row连续几次地2be _ with对有耐心3_ in more _投入更多的精力4look _ _回首(往事);回忆;回顾5make a _弄得一团糟(一塌糊涂)6_ ones _沉住气;保持冷静三、完成句子。请仔细阅读教材,补充完整下列句子。1I remember _ all of you in Grade 7.我记得在七年级时见过你们所有人。2

2、Pride of _ fear.以克服恐惧为骄傲。3Im trying _ _ my cool.我在尽力保持冷静。单项填空。()1.Remember _ to the post office after school.Ago Bgoing Cto go Dwent()2.Didnt you remember_ me two years ago?Ameet BmeetingCto meet Dmet 完成句子,每空一词。3一些大城市里农民工的数量增加了一倍。The number of peasantworkers in some big cities _ _ in the past few ye

3、ars.4在父母的房间里有张双人床。There is a _ bed in my parents room.5当我们处于困境时,我们不得不保持沉着冷静。We have to _ _ _ when we are in trouble.6孩子们喜欢穿着酷酷的音乐组合。Children like musical groups that wear _ _.7青少年应该投入更多的精力在他们的学习上。Teenagers should _ _ _ _ in their studies.一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词。1Do you want a single room or a d_ one?2He

4、 made a m_, so his mother asked him to clean up his room.3We are doing a _ (调查) about the health problem.4The teacher makes high _ (标准) for his pupils.5Please read the _ (指示) on the bottle before taking medicine.二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Shall we _ (go) to the zoo tomorrow? 2I remember _ (bring) my umbrella.B

5、ut I cant find it anywhere.3Those apple trees are _ (we), and theirs are over there.4My parents bought us a _ (double) bed.5.The room is much _ (cool) than that one.三、单项填空。()1.We are preparing _ art festivals.Aon Bin Cfor Dof()2.They didnt go climbing Mount Tai _ the bad weather.Abecause of Bbecause

6、 Cso Dfor()3.Yao Ming retired but he didnt take a break _ basketball.Ato play Bfrom playing Cfor playing Dfrom play()4.My math teacher always takes the time _ difficult questions to us.Aexplain Bto explaining Cto explain Dexplaining()5.Who will you miss _ after junior high school?My English teacher,

7、 Mr.Zhang.Amore Bthe bestCthe more Dthe most()6.I remember _ the classroom this afternoon, but now it is a real mess.Acleaning Bclean Cto clean Dcleaned()7.Yao Ming is the _ of Chinese.We are _ of him.Apride; proud Bproud; prideCpride; pride Dproud; proud()8.They decided to work harder and _ more ef

8、fort after their failure.Aput in Bputted in Cput on Dbe put in ()9.Students stand hand in hand _ a row.Ain Bon Cbetween Dof()10.I believe that you can _ this problem by yourself.Awork in Bwork outCwork on Dwork at四、完形填空。Last year my English class was _1_ for me.First of all, it wasnt easy for me to

9、understand the teacher when she _2_ to the class.To begin with, she spoke too quickly, and I couldnt _3_ every word.Later on, I realized it didnt matter if you didnt understand every word, _4_.I was afraid to speak in class because I thought my classmates might laugh _5_ me.I couldnt always _6_ comp

10、lete sentences, either.Then I started to _7_ Englishlanguage TV.It helped a lot.I think that doing lots of listening practice is one of the secrets of _8_ a good language learner.Another thing that I found very difficult was English _9_.So I decided _10_ lots of grammar notes in every class.()

11、cky BhappyCdifficult Dgreat()2.A.talked BtalkCsing Dsang()3.A.think BbelieveCforget Dunderstand()4.A.either BneitherCalso Dtoo() BwithCat Din()6.A.make Bmade Cmaking Dto make()7.A.watched BwatchCwatches Dwatching()8.A.making BbecomingCchanging Dturning()9.A.grammar BwordsCpronunciation DTests(

12、)10.A.take BtakingCto take Dtook第2课时(Section A Grammar Focus4b)1.t_课文;文本 2l_水平s_级别(或地位)高的1_ _ (school)高中2look _ to doing sth.期待做某事3have problems _在方面有问题或困难4go _ (时间)逝去;过去1What _ in Grade 7 that was special? 在七年级时发生过什么特殊的事情?2Ive become much better at _ English.我已经变得更擅长说英语了。3I _ _ take dance lessons, but I dont anymore.我过去上舞蹈课,但是我不再上了。4How do you think things will _ _ in senior high school? 你认为在高中情况会有什么不同?()1.Tom has pro

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