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1、九年级英语全册Unit9IlikemusicthatIcandanceto分层精练新版人教新目标版Unit 9I like music that I can dance to.第1课时Section A(1a2d).根据句意及汉语提示写单词。1The foreign song sounds _smooth_ (悦耳的)2Everyone _supposes_ (猜想) him to be poor. In fact, he has quite much money.3After _war_ (战争), the two countries found a way to make peace fo

2、r each other.4He thought he had already solved the problem, but that was not the _case_ (实情)5My mother bought an _electronic_ (电子的) dictionary for me yesterday.选择恰当的关系代词填空。1He is a musician _who/that_ plays gentle songs.2I like books _that_ are funny.3I prefer singers _who/that_ write their own lyri

3、cs.4Rose is the student _who/that_ always comes top in the exam.5He doesnt like music _that_ is too loud.单项选择。( A )1.(2017安庆四中一模)Do you often watch Running Man 2017 on TV?Sometimes. Its an interesting program, but I _ Sports News.【高频考点】Aprefer BwantCknow Dreview( D )2._ of music do you like?I like c

4、ountry music.AWhat color BWhat sizeCWhat language DWhat kind( A )3.(2017合肥模拟)I like dancing _ the music very much.I like singing along _ the music.【高频考点】Ato; with Bto; toCwith; to Dfor; on( B )4.Most students like teachers _ patient with their students.Awho is Bwho are Cwhich is Dwhich are( C )5.Wha

5、t are you doing tomorrow, Jane?_AThank you BIts rightCIm going to visit my grandma DYoure welcome.根据汉语意思完成下列句子。1如果我的老师有空,她想和我一起去看电影。If my teacher _has_ _free/spare_ time, she wants _to_ _watch_ a movie with me.2既然那样,我拒绝回答你的问题。 _In_ _that_ _case_, I refused to answer your question.3这个图书馆里有不同种类的科学书籍。T

6、here are _different_ _kinds_ _of_ science books in the library.4这部电影能给我们一些思考的东西。The movie can give us something _to_ _think_ _about_5他们更喜欢能帮助他们放松的悦耳的音乐。They _prefer_ _smooth_ music _that/which_ can help them _relax_.用方框中所给单词的适当形式补全对话。write, see, what, start, pass, get,clear, outside, famous, concert

7、A: Tomorrow is Sunday. _1_ are you going to do?B: Nothing much. Why?A: Just now I _2_ the Hefei Olympic Sports Center and _3_ an ad. It said the _4_ singer Li Ronghao would give a _5_ tomorrow evening. I _6_ two tickets. Would you like to go with me?B: Id love to. Li Ronghao is a singer who _7_ his

8、own lyrics and sings the words _8_. I like him. What time does it start?A: It _9_ at 6:30 pm. Lets meet _10_ the center gate tomorrow evening.B: OK. See you!A: See you!1. _What_ 2. _passed_ 3. _saw_ 4. _famous_ 5. _concert_ 6. _got_ 7. _writes_ 8. _clearly_ 9. _starts_ 10. _outside_ 第2课时Section A(3a

9、4c).汉译英。1恐怖电影 _scary_movies_ 2感到更伤心 _feel_sadder_ 3解决问题 _solve_problems_ 4好像不那么严肃 _seem_less_serious_ 5取决于 _depend_on_ 6使振奋起来 _cheer_up_ 7坚持 _stick_to_ 8大量 _plenty_of_ 9关闭 _shut_off_ 10偶尔地 _once_in_a_while_ .根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。1My grandpa likes watching _documentaries_ (纪录片) on TV.2Its blowing heavily

10、 outside. Please _shut_ the window.3Jane often makes up _dialogues/dialogs_ with her partner in English class.4Mike felt _down_ (沮丧) because he failed the math exam.5Her cousin is studying in a _drama_ (戏剧) school.根据句意及所给的汉语提示完成句子。1Please _shut_ _off_ (关闭) your mobile phone because this meeting musn

11、t be allowed to spread now.2My mother put _plenty_ _of_ / _lots_ _of_ (许多) books on the shelf. We may read them in the study in our spare time.3Before my dream is achieved, I must _stick_ _to_ (坚持) it.4They go fishing together _once_ _in_ _a_ _while_ (偶尔地)5Mike is sad now. We should try to _cheer_ h

12、im _up_ (振作起来).单项选择。( B )1.(2017合肥科大附中月考)Lets try our best _ our problems by ourselves.Asolving Bto solveCsolved Dsolve( D )2.What do you think of the film?It was boring. It made me _Ato sleep BsleepingCslept Dsleep( B )3.(2017蚌埠实验中学一模)The movie Dangal(摔跤吧!爸爸) is so wonderful. Do you feel like _ it

13、tonight?Yes. But I am afraid I wont be allowed _ out too late.【高频考点】 Ato watch; to stayBwatching; to stayCwatching; stayingDto watch; staying( B )4.Mom, I have to go right now, bye.Take care! You dont need to rush. You still have _ time.【高频考点】Alittle Bplenty ofCmany Da number of( B )5. _ do you like

14、 Jay Chous songs?Very much. You know I love songs that both have great lyrics and beautiful music.AWhy BHow CWhen DWhat.句型转换。1I prefer food that_tastes_a_little_sweet(对画线部分提问) _What_ _kind_ _of_ food do you prefer?2My sister Ann dislikes music that is loud.(改为同义句)My sister Ann _doesnt_ _like_ music that is loud.3My mother likes beautiful clothes.(改为同义句)My mother likes clothes _that/which_ _are_ _beautiful_4

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