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1、最新辽宁省葫芦岛市中考英语试题教学资料参考参考范本【2019最新】辽宁省葫芦岛市中考英语试题_年_月_日_部门考试时间100分钟 试巻满分120分考生注意: 请在答题卡各题目规定答题区域内作答, 答在本试卷上无效。第一部分 选择题(共50分)I.单项选择(共15分,每小题1分)从各题的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 来源:学科网1.Theyre shoes with_ . People can use them for seeing in the dark. A.1etters B.1ights C.wheels D.colors2. I didnt sleep we11 because_ su

2、ddenly knocked on the door just now.A.somebody B.nobody C.anybody D.everybody3. _ the sun was shining, it wasnt very warm. 来源:学科网A. Because B.If C.Although D.Since4. Some girls wont go out without taking time to dress up.A.ourselves B.yourself C.herself D.themselves5. -A new museum_ in Shenyang in M

3、ay. -Great! Lets go and visit it this summerA. built B. is built C.will be built D.was built.6. Mom, what are you cooking now? It so nice.A.smells B. feels C.sounds D.tastes7.-Im reallv before the competition. - Dont worry. Surely you are the best.A. happy B. patient C.nervous D.careful 8. -How do y

4、ou fee1 about the new film?- I dont like the end.A.All of a sudden B. To be honest C.After all D.In this way9. -Your speech is wonderful.-Thanks. But Ill achieve that if you dont encourage me.A. ever B. never C.always D.sometimes.10. - _ can you finish the report?- In two weeks.A. How far B. How lon

5、g C.How often D.How soon11. - Have you read the library book? -Not yet, I have just _ it for three days.A. kept B. lent D.borrowedl2. Children _ sit in the front seat of the car. Its too dangerous.A. need B.neednt C.must D.mustnt13. -Could you please tell me _ ?- Sure. Theres a flower store on

6、 the second floor.A. what time the store is closed B. which is the way to the airport C. where I can buy some roses D. how I can get to the post office14. -Are you going to play basketball this evening?-I cant decide. It _ my parents. A. depends on B. cares about C. agrees with D. looks after15. -Mi

7、ke, please dont play games on the phone in class.- . A. Certainly not B.Sorry, I wont do that C. Id1ove to D.OK. With pleasureII. 补全对话 (共5分,每空1分) 从方框内所给的句子中选择恰当的句子完成下面的对话。 A:What can I do for you?B: 16 A. Of course.B. How much are they?C. May I use my students ID card?D. I want to buy a dictionary a

8、s a gift.E. Could you please pack(包装) them for me? F. Here you are.G. So you can save at least¥5 each. A: How about this one? Its good for teenagers to use.B: Can I get a discount(打折) if I buy one more?A:_17 If you buy two, you will get a 10% discount.B: Is there also a discount for students ID card

9、s? A: Yes. Theyre on sale to the students. 18 B: Wonderful. Ill take two. 19 A: You can have two for¥80. B: OK. Here is the money. _ 20 A: No problem. III. 完形填空 (共10分,每空1分)根据短文内容, 从A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。What do you think a hero is? In this story, a brother and a sister have different ideas.It was

10、on Apri1 10. Kwan was excited. The newspaper was _21 a writing contest(比赛). The winners story would be printed in the newspaper!“It says to write about someone _22 you think is a hero,” Kwan said. “I will write about my favorite soccer player. Hes _23 hero.”Kwans sister, Cho, asked,“Can I enter the

11、contest?”“No. Youre too little,” Kwan said.“You wont win.” He 24 his soccer ball and went outside.Cho knew what to do. _25 , she took the newspaper. Next, she read the contest rules. Then, she began to write. “I believe that I can win,” she said to herself.When Cho had finished, she found her mother

12、. She told her mother _26 the contest. “Who did you write about?”asked Mother. “I chose Rosa Parks,” said Cho. “She was a true _27 . She believed everyone was equa1 (平等的). She wanted all people to be treated the same.”0n tht morning of June 3, Kwan ran outside to get the newspaper.“The contest winne

13、rs story 28 in todays newspaper!” he shoutedTwo minutes _29 , Kwan came back inside.“I guess I need to reconsider(重新考虑) what I said to you, Cho. You are not too _30 . You won the contest!”“Your story taught me a lot,” Kwan said, “Rosa Parks was a true hero.”21.A. having B. winning C.losing D.watchin

14、g22.A. which B. whose C.who D.what23.A. I B. me C.mine D.my24.A. fixed up B. made up C.picked up D.put up来源:学#科#网25.A. First B.Then C.Next D.Finally26.A. with B. from C.on D.about27.A. friend B. hero C.winner D.actress28.A. can print B. cant print C.will be D.wont be29.A. late B. later C.early D.ear

15、lier30.A. little B. small C.old D.big. 阅读理解(共20分,每小题1分) 根据短文内容选择正确答案。Passage l There are many fruit and vegetable gardens across the countryside. More students, at Madison Elementary School, are growing their own food in the gardens.The vegetables are washed. Then kids can eat them at a salad party.

16、 They are also sold in the school dining hall for lunch. This month, students will plant tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, broccoli(西兰花) and strawberries.Why are students learning how to grow food? Teachers want kids to learn healthy eating habits. Healthy food gives us energy. We need energy to grow.Man

17、y kids are now trying new food and learning how to grow food. Lisa is the parent volunteer of the program. She says a lot of students have told her, “I like salad. I didnt think I liked salad!” Then those students have gone home and asked their parents to buy vegetables that they have tried at schoo

18、l.Lisas daughter, Lucy, is one of those students. She is in Grade Two.“Ilove the garden,” she says.“I didnt really like vegetables before we had the garden. Then we found out that gardening is cool. Now I like vegetables. My favorite vegetable is carrots.”31. The kids love to grow their own food _ .

19、 A.on the farms B. in the gardens C. in the school D. on the beach 32. This month , the kids will plant kinds of fruits and vegetables. A.3 B.4 C. 5 D. 633. The students learn how to grow food because A. they like playing in the countryside B. they need healthy food for energyC. their teachers like

20、healthy food D. their parents want them to do this34. Many studentslike to eat the salad _ . A. they have tried at school B. they have planted at homeC. their teachers bought D. their mothers chose35. _ didnt like vegetables before gardening. A. Some parents B. Lisa C.The teachers D. LucyPassage 2Ma

21、ny of us have had this annoying(令人烦恼的) experience: You are waiting at a bus station when someone nearby begins to smoke. You move away, but there isnt much you can do about it.In Beijing, a new law is set to fight against smoking. It is regarded as Chinas toughest ever tobacco control rule(最严厉的控烟条例)

22、. Smoking is not allowed in all indoor or public places. If people break the rules, they will have to pay up to 200 yuan.Smoking in schools is specially mentioned in this law. Teachers can not smoke in front of students in schools. Schools should also help students give up smoking and teach them abo

23、ut the danger of smoking.To get everybody to take part in the activity, Beijing has set up a report hotline and WeChat account(微信号). The public is invited to vote on no_smoking signs on WeChat The most popular sign is a picture of a gir1. It has got more than 1 million votes unti1 now.China is not t

24、he only country fighting smoking. In March 20xx Ireland became the first country to introduce a law on smoking in workplaces and public places. Many countries, including England and the US, then fo1lowed. 36. When someone begins to smoke, there is little you can do except _ A. staying there B. movin

25、g awayC. Smoking together D. getting mad 37. In order to make people give up smoking, a new _ is passed in Beijing. A. law B. plan C.sign D.topic38. If people break the new rule in Beijing, they wil1 have to pay up to _ A.¥100 B.¥200 C.¥300 D.¥40039. The underlined(画线的) word vote in the passage mean

26、s_ . A.计票 B.监票 C.唱票 D.投票40.According to the last paragraph(段落), we can infer(推断) that _ .A. Ireland was the last to introduce a law on smokingB. China is the only country against smokingC. many countries fight smoking in public placesD. England and the US didnt say no to smokePassage3A cat army Look

27、! We are in order ,yes?Our owner trains us every day. He trains us to catch mice and do some work. And when we stay at home, we must keep the room clean. When we go out, we must run in line, When we eat out food, we must keep the ground clean and we cant eat others food. Are we lovely cats? Zhalong

28、Nature Reserve 来源:学科网ZXXKZhalong Nature Reserve (自然保护区), lies in the western part of Heilongjiang Province. Covering an area of 2,100 square kilometers, this land is a main migratory (迁徙)route for birds. Its ponds(池塘)make it an ideal(理想)home for over 300 different kinds of birds, especially red-crow

29、ned cranes(丹顶鹤).Super bonoboThis bonobo (矮黑猩猩)is a superstar from Africa! His English name is Kanzi. Kanzi is clever and he can do a lot of things. He likes eating and even cooking. Hes the best animal friend of people. He has about 99% of DNA(基因)。He can speak some English. Kanzi can also use knives

30、 and play easy computer games.Leave my baby aloneThis photo shows that a scimitar-horned oryx (弯角剑羚) fights with two rhinoceroses (犀牛) to protect her baby in Longleat Safari Park, England. In order to protect her baby, this mother oryx shows great courage to us. She doesnt fear these strong rhinocer

31、oses. What a great mother she is!41. The cat army must _ .A. keep the ground clean B. eat others foodC. stay at home D. jump in line42. Which is wrong about Zhalong Nature Reserve?A. Its in Heilongjiang Province.B. It covers 2,100 square kilometers.C. This land is a main migratory route for birds.D. Its forests make it an ideal home for red-crowned cranes. 43.Super bonobo cant _ .A. speak English B. catch miceC. play computer games D. use knives44. This mother oryx may say_ to show her great courage.A. Love me, love my baby! B. I will live to

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