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1、,Revenue,Chapter 12,Intermediate Accounting12th EditionKieso,Weygandt,and Warfield,Apply the revenue recognition principle.Describe the revenue measurement.Describe the accounting for revenue.Apply the percentage-of-completion method.,Learning Objectives,recognition and Measurement of revenue,Defini

2、tionsType and timing recognitionRecognition and measurement,Account for Revenue,Revenue,The general saleSales with buyback agreementssale when right of return existsInstallment-sales代销商品销售售后租回sales return同时销售商品和提供劳务交易Revenue from services,Revenue is the gross inflow of economic benefits during the p

3、eriod arising in the course of the ordinary activities of an enterprise when those inflows result in increases in equity,other than increases relating to contributions from equity participants.,特点1,特点2,特点3,特点4,收入是指企业在日常经营活动中形成的、会导致所有者权益增加的、与所有者投入资本无关的经济利益的总流入。,recognition and Measurement of revenue,

4、Definitions,Type and timing recognition of revenue,Date of sale(date of delivery),As time passes or assets are used,Services performed and billable,Sale of inventory,Permitting use of an asset,Rendering a service,Revenue from sales,Revenue from interest,rents,and royalties,Revenue from services,Desc

5、ription of revenue,type,Timing of revenue recognition,Date of sale or trade-in,Sale of asset other than inventory,Gain or loss on disposition,Revenue should be recognized when all the following conditions have been satisfied:,(1)the enterprise has transferred to the buyer the significant risks and r

6、ewards of ownership of the goods;,revenue from Sales,所有权凭证转移,交付实物,主要风险和报酬转移,大多数零售交易,所有权凭证转移,交付实物,主要风险和报酬未转移,商品质量规格不符,商品需要安装和检验,所有权凭证转移,主要风险和报酬转移,交款提货方式销售,Recognition and measurement,(3)the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;,(4)it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the tr

7、ansaction will flow to the enterprise;,(5)the costs incurred or to be incurred in respect of the transaction can be measured reliably.,(2)the enterprise retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold;,Revenu

8、e should be measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable.,revenue for service,If the outcome of the transaction can be estimated reliably,companies recognize revenues using Percentage-of-Completion Method.,1、The outcome of the transaction can be estimated reliably when all

9、the following conditions are satisfied:,(1)the amount of revenue can be measured reliably;,(2)it is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the enterprise;,(4)the costs incurred for the transaction and the costs to complete the transaction can be measured rel

10、iably.,(3)The stage of completion of the transaction at the balance sheet date can be measured reliably;and,2、Percentage-of-Completion Method,Companies recognize revenues and gross profits each period based upon the Percentage of Completion.,The stage of completion of a transaction may be determined

11、 by a variety of methods.,(a)surveys of work performed;,(b)services performed to date as a percentage of total services to be performed;or,(c)the proportion that costs incurred to date bear to the estimated total costs of the transaction.,Percent Complete=,Most recent estimate of total costs,Costs i

12、ncurred to date,Revenue recognized in prior periods,current-period revenue=,Estimated total revenue,Percent Complete,current-period expense=,Expense recognized in prior periods,Estimated total expense,Percent Complete,If the outcome of the transaction can not be estimated reliably,1、已经发生的劳务成本预计能够得到补

13、偿,2、已经发生的劳务成本预计不能够得到补偿,按已经发生的劳务成本金额确认收入,并按相同金额结转成本。,已发生劳务成本按能得到补偿的部分确认劳务收入,并结转全部已经发生劳务成本 不能得到补偿的已经发生劳务成本计入当期损益,不确认提供劳务收入。,Revenue arising from the use by others of enterprise assets yielding interest,royalties and dividends should be recognized when:,(1)it is probable that the economic benefits asso

14、ciated with the transaction will flow to the enterprise;and,(2)the amount of the revenue can be measured reliably.,revenue from use of an asset,Revenue should be recognized on the following bases:,(2)royalties should be recognized on an accrual basis in accordance with the substance of the relevant

15、agreement;and,(1)interest should be recognized on a time proportion basis that takes into account the effective yield on the asset;,(3)dividends should be recognized when the shareholders right to receive payment is established.,The general sale,1、发出商品时能够确认收入,Dr:银行存款应收账款预收账款等 Cr:主营业务收入 应交税费应交增值税(销项税

16、额),Dr:主营业务成本 Cr:库存商品,Account for Revenue,2、发出商品时不能确认收入,Dr:发出商品 Cr:库存商品,Dr:应收账款 Cr:主营业务收入,Dr:主营业务成本 Cr:发出商品,Dr:应收账款 Cr:应交税费应交增值税(销项税额),发出商品,能够确认收入,Sales with buyback agreements,A company sells a product in one period and agrees to buy it back in the next accounting period。,(1)收到的款项作为负债;,Mostly there is no sale,because the seller retains the risks of ownership.,(2)回购价格大于原售价的差额,在回购期间分期计提利息,计入“财务费用”。,但有确凿证据表明满足销售商品收入确认条件的,销售的商品按售价确认收入;回购的商品作为购买商品处理。,sale when right of return exists,The company shoul

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