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高中英语 Unit1 The written word重点词汇讲解 牛津译林版选修8Word下载.docx

1、 2. wisdom n. 智慧;学识;明智e.g. One can not have wisdom without living life. 一个人不经历生活不可能有智慧。In those homely sayings was couched the collective wisdom of generations.在那些朴实的谚语中蕴含着几代人集体智慧的结晶。wise adj. 聪明的,英明的,明智的 3. abuse v. 虐待;凌辱e.g. Prisoners reported being regularly abused by their guards. 囚犯们举报说他们遭到了看守经

2、常性的虐待。v. 滥用;妄用e.g. They were accused of abusing their power to keep prices artificially high. 他们被控滥用权力,人为地太高物价。v. 辱骂e.g. He was fined $ 10,000 for verbally abusing the judge. 他因恶言辱骂裁判被罚款10,000美元。4. adaptation n. 适应, 改编, 改写本;适应e.g. The play is an adaptation of a short novel. 这部戏剧是一部短篇小说的改编本。 I bought

3、 my son an adaptation for children of a play by Shakespeare. 我给我儿子买了为儿童改编的莎士比亚剧本。adapt vt. 使适应,改编 adopt vt. 采用,收养adapted themselves to city life 使他们适应城市生活adopt a new technique 采用新技术5. twist vt. 使转弯,使扭曲,曲解,歪曲 vi. 扭弯,扭曲,缠绕,扭动,呈螺旋形e.g. String is made of threads twisted together. 绳子是由卷捻在一起做成的。The path t

4、wisted up the hill. 这条小路盘绕在小山上。to twist the handle 转动把手Twist the lid to open it. 拧这盖儿打开它。n. 转弯,弯曲,曲折路 a twist of fate命运的扭转 a story with a quirky twist 跌宕起伏的故事twist of the wrist 巧妙的手法twist off 扭断;扭拧开twist up 把卷成螺旋形;扭弯;歪曲twists and turns 迂回曲折之处;各个角落;精微处6. fortune n. 财富,运气,大量财产,好运,命运 e.g. She had the g

5、ood fortune to be free from illness. 她运气好,没得病。Through all his changing fortunes, he never lost courage. 任凭命运变换,他从不丧失勇气。It is also believed that it will bring good fortune in the coming year. 而且,据说放鞭炮还能为人们在新的一年里带来好运气。Fortune smiled on him. 他万事如意。make a fortune / make ones fortune 发财致富 seek ones fortu

6、ne 找出路try ones fortune 碰运气7. desperate adj. 绝望的 e.g. The missing mans family are getting increasingly desperate. . 失踪者的家人越来越绝望。adj. 孤注一掷的e.g. In a desperate attempt to escape, he killed the guard. 他孤注一掷想逃走,便杀死了警卫。 adj. 极需要的;及向往的 desperate for e.g. They were sold by families desperate for money to bu

7、y food. 它们是由极需要钱来购买食品的家庭出售的。 be desperate to do sth. e.g. He was desperate to see her again. 他非常想再见到她。 adj. 非常严重的e.g. Parts of this school are in desperate need of repair. 这所学校的一些地方急需维修。desperately adv. 绝望地;拼命地;非常;很8. civil adj. 有教养的,文明的,公民的,国内的 e.g. Be civil to the headmaster. 对校长要礼貌些。Keep a civil

8、tongue in your head! Dont speak rudely! 说话要文明有礼! be civil to 对有礼貌 say sth. civil说奉承恭维话9. bent adj. 决意的,极想的,下决心的e.g. be bent on 一心想要,决心要;专心致志于He was bent on making them happy. 他决心要让他们开心。All eyes were bent on me. 大家都把目光投向我。bend v. 弯曲,屈服动词过去式:bent;过去分词:现在分词:bending;第三人称单数:bendse.g. It is possible to be

9、nd nature to human will? 有可能让大自然服从人类的意志吗?She bent (over) to pick up a book from the floor. 她弯腰从地板上捡起一本书。10. fancy adj. 华而不实的,花哨的,高档的,极好的a fancy hat精美的帽子e.g. paid a fancy price for the car.以过高的价格买下一辆汽车。I hate the fancy education especially in our school. 我讨厌华而不实的教育,尤其在我们学校。11. reform n. 改革, 改善e.g. Th

10、e reform and open policy has brought us Chinese people a rich and colourful life. 改革开放的政策给我们中国人民带来了富裕和多彩的生活。vt. 改革, 革新, 重新组成 vi.革新, 改过, 重组to reform criminals 改造罪犯 to reform society 改革社会12. pressure n. 压,压力,电压,压迫,强制,紧迫 e.g. Do not put much pressure on the handle, it may break. 不要在把柄上太用力了,它会坏的。 He wor

11、ks well under pressure. 他在有压力的情况下工作很出色。 put pressure on sb. 对施加压力= pressure under the pressure of 在压力下 at high pressure 紧张的,用力的 work at high pressure紧张工作13. threat n. 恐吓,凶兆,威胁 e.g. The threat of war has depressed business activity. 战争的危胁使商业变得不景气。He took no notice of his fathers threat. 他不理会他父亲的恐吓。th

12、reaten vt. 恐吓,威胁 threatened threatening14. resist vt. 抵抗,反抗,抗,忍得住 e.g. She could hardly resist laughing. 她真忍不住要笑。I was unable to resist laughing. 我忍不住笑了。resist aggression 抵抗侵略 resist temptation不受引诱the power to resist disease 抗拒疾病的能力 resistance n. 反抗,抵抗,抵抗力 make some no resistance 进行不抵抗15. kick v. 踢

13、e.g. Dont kick the ball into the road. 不要把球踢到马路上。The baby was lying on its back, kicking its legs in the air. 婴儿平躺着,两腿向空中踢。 n. 踢 e.g. If the door wont open, give it a kick. 如果门开不开的话,就踢它一脚。16. spin v. 旋转, 纺, 纺纱e.g. The wheels of the car were spinning. 小汽车的轮子飞速旋转。 The heavy blow sent the enemy spinnin

14、g to the ground. 猛烈的一击打得敌人昏头转向,倒在地上。spin sb. round 使某人很快转身17. mistaken adj. 犯错的, 错误的e.g. If you thought he intended to be impolite, you were mistaken. 如果你认为他是故意粗鲁无礼,那你就误会了。 You are mistaken about him. 你错看了他了。(你误会他了。)18. reputation n. 名声 a man of good/high reputation 很有声望的人has/earn a reputation for 以出名 e.g. He did not have a good reputation in his hometown. 他在家乡的名声不好。19. debt n.债务, 罪过e.g. If I pay all my debts I shall have no money left. 如果我偿清了所有的债,我

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