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1、)2.Today I want to talk to you about a very important subject. x!kw今天我将和你们谈一个非常重要的话题。3.Today I want to talk to you about the future of business in China.今天我将和你们谈一谈中国的商业前景问题。【经典句型四】最具表达力的演讲句型1.I sincerely hope. 我衷心希望2.I sincerely hope that you will take a minute to think about the future.我们真心希望你能花一点时

2、间考虑一下未来。3.I sincerely hope that you will have a wonderful time tonight.我们衷心希望你们今晚过得开心。【经典句型五】最具领导风格的演讲句型1.I ask all of you present to. 我要求在座各位2.I ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to our everlasting friendship.我要求在座的各位与我一起举杯,为我们的友谊长青干杯。3.I ask all of you present to join hands

3、 in the battle against corruption.我要求在座各位携起手来反腐败。【经典句型六】最具感染力的演讲句型1.I know I speak for. 我知道我在为说话。2.I know I speak for the president and all the employees.我知道我是代表着经理和所有的员工在说话。3.I know I speak for several people in this room when I say that we are thankful for the improvements in the company.当我说我们为公司状

4、况改善感到欣慰时,我知道这是代表你们当中几个人所说的。【经典句型七】最具煽动性的演讲句型1.I want to remind. 我想提醒2.I want to remind you that its never too late to learn.3.我想提醒你们,无论何时开始学习都不迟。4.I want to remind you all that we share the responsibility.我想提醒大家,我们都得承担责任。【经典句型八】最常用的演讲结束句型1.I wish you the best of luck in. 我祝你好运(这个句型不但演讲中常用,很多场合也能用得上,

5、比如信函的结尾等。2.I wish you the best of luck in your new business venture.祝你们新公司生意兴隆。3.I wish you the best of luck in everything you do.祝你们一切顺利。【经典句型九】最具修辞色彩的演讲句型1.Ask not what.can do for you, ask what you can do for.不要问能为你做什么,问问你能为做什么【短评】肯尼迪总统的那句Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can

6、do for your country.成了千古绝唱,为世人广为传颂。我们可以将他这个句子中的鱼骨抽出来,造出不少同样铿锵有力,同样震撼人心的句子。2.Ask not what China can do for you, ask what you can do for China.不要问中国能为你做什么,问问你能为中国做什么。3.Ask not what society can do for you, ask what you can do for society.不要问社会能为你做什么,问问你能为社会做什么。4.Ask not what others can do for you, ask

7、what you can do for others.不要问别人能为你做什么,问问你能为别人做什么。【经典句型十】最具震撼力的演讲句型1. means a great deal to. 对意义重大。2.This project means a great deal to our company.这项目对我们公司来说意义重大。3.Our companys success means a great deal to China.我们公司的成功对中国来说意义重大。2.启事万能句型1.Our school paper is great need of looking for我们学校急需招聘2.I wa

8、s careless and lost my (所丢的东西) in the (地点)因为不小心我在丢了3.This morning/afternoon, I happened to find a at/in It is今天早上/下午,我碰巧在发现了一个它是4.Those who are interested in the position, please get in touch with对这个职位有兴趣请联系5.Our newspaper/company is looking for an editor. The requirements as follows. 我们的报纸正在招聘一名编辑,

9、要求如下:6.Anyone who found it, please do let me know. May thanks.如有发现者,请务必和我联系,感激不尽。7.Many thanks to the finder. Our classroom/house is对捡到者非常感激,我们的教室/家在8.Id be very grateful to the finder.我将对捡到者非常感谢。3.便条万能句型道歉行为:Imwritingtoshowmyapologyfor/IwouldlikeexpressapologiesfornotbeingabletosorrysaythatIvefinis

10、hedreadingitthrough,andhavekeepuntilnextSunday.Excusemedelayinginturningassignment.道歉理由:hadaminoraccident./operation.弥补纠正及其承诺:amsurecanmakeupthelossbypromisewillneverhappenagain.x+/k.wItbeverykind(considerate)ofyougiveanotherchanceto (twodays进一步致歉:Manyapologies./Dopleaseforgiveme.祝贺类别便条祝贺类便条的写作步骤为:表


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