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第一课The Middle Eastern Bazaar整理资料Word文档格式.docx

1、a word or phrase used in an imaginative way to describe sbsth else,in order to show that the two things have the same qualities to make the description more powerful.暗喻4. onomatopoeia: the fact of words containing sounds similar to the noises they describe .拟声,拟声法三 Words and Phrases重点词汇1. glare: shi

2、ning intensely, uncomfortably, and too strong; in a way unpleasant to the eyes vi.发强光 The sun glared on the sea.太阳在海上发出令人目眩的光芒n.强光 The glare of the headlights almost blinded us.汽车前灯耀眼的光使我们睁不开眼。怒视, 瞪眼 She looked at him with an angry glare. 她生气地瞪着他。shadowy: hard to see or know about clearly not distin

3、ct, dim adj.多阴影的 a shadowy path through the woods树林里幽暗的小径似影子的;模糊的 She saw a shadowy figure through the blind. 她透过帘子看到一个模糊的身影。2. harmoniously: in a pleasant and peaceful way和谐地;调和地 the need to live as harmoniously as possible with everyone else与每个人尽可能和睦相处的必要4.harmonious: adj.和谐的,和睦的;协调的,调和的 a harmoni

4、ous group of friends一群和睦的朋友音调优美的;悦耳的 harmonious music 悦耳的乐曲5.throng (n.) :a great number of people gathered together;crowd 人群;群集 A patient throng was waiting in silence. 一大群耐心的人在静静地等着。6.conceivable 可想到的, 可相信的, 可想像的There is no conceivable reason why there should be any difficulty. 想不出有什么理由可以说明会遇到困难。I

5、t is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it wont happen.人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球, 但是我们希望它不要发生。7. din: loud, confused, continuous noise. The word often suggests unpleasant, disordered mixture of confusing and disturbing soundsn.喧闹声, 嘈杂声The bustle and din

6、 gradually faded to silence as night advanced. 随着夜越来越深, 喧闹声逐渐沉寂。辨析:din指连续不断的噪音,听了很使人心烦意乱;sound指人们感觉到的各种各样的声音,包括高亢的,轻柔的,悦耳的,难听的;noise指所有强烈的、混乱的或令人不快的sounds。8. would-be: likely, possible, which one wishes to be but is not a would-be musician / football player / her would-be husband9.vigorous: adj.有力的

7、She made a vigorous speech in defence of her boyfriend.她为她的男朋友做了有力的辩护。精力充沛的 The old man is still vigorous and lively.那老人依然精力充沛。10. bargain: to talk about the condition of a sale, agreement, or contract讨价还价; 商谈,商讨条件 In some shops you have to bargain. 在一些商店中买东西要讲价。bargain on/for指望;期待“I never bargained

8、 for this tearing feeling inside me”( - Anne Tyler)“我从来没想到自己内心有如此激烈的感情”( - 安妮泰勒)11. dizzy: feeling as if everything were turning round 头昏眼花的, 眩晕的 I was dizzy from lack of food.由于没吃东西我感到头晕目眩引起头晕的 He drove the car at dizzy speed.他以令人头晕的速度开车。The dizzy heights(非正式)重要的位置 He soon reached the dizzy heights

9、 ofhis own series.他很快在他这个系列身居高位。12 penetrate: to enter, pass, cut, or force a way into or through.穿过, 刺入, 渗入 The knife penetrated his finger.刀子刺入他的手指。 Water penetrated the room.水渗入房间里。看穿 He penetrated our thoughts. 他看穿了我们的心思。 The spys disguise was soon penetrated. 间谍的伪装不久便被识破了。13. fade: to lose stre

10、ngth, colour, freshness, etc.(使)褪去, (使)枯萎 Will the colour in this material fade? 这种料子褪色吗?逐渐消失 His hopes faded. 他的希望破灭了。fade away: go slowly out of hearing, gradually disappearing The sound of the footsteps faded away.14. mute: to reduce the sound of, to make a sound softer than usual缄默的;无声的 She gave

11、 me her hand with mute thanks.她向我伸手表示无言的谢意。 The class remained mute when the teacher asked a difficult question. 老师问到难题时, 全班都沉默无言.哑的, 不会说话的 The boy is mute and deaf. 这男孩既聋又哑。 The child has been mute since birth. 这孩子从生下来就不能讲话。 (字母)不发音的 The word “debt” contains a mute letter.在debt这个词中有一个不发音的字母。消除(声音),

12、 减轻(声音)15. deaden: to cause to lose strength, force, feeling, and brightness抑制 (感情);缓和 (疼痛) Alcohol was used to deaden the pain.减弱 (声音) Wood is used to deaden the noise.木头可以用来消音。16. measured: carefully controlled仔细斟酌的,慎重的 A policeman walked by with a slow, measured tread.一名警察迈着小心的步子慢慢走过。缓慢而又有节奏的 a m

13、easured rhythm 有节奏的韵律17. overwhelm: overcome, control completely and usu. suddenly覆盖, 淹没 A great wave overwhelmed the boat. 一个巨浪吞没了那只小船。(感情或感觉)充溢,难以禁受He was overwhelmed by the death of his father. 他为父亲的去世而悲痛至极。Sorrow overwhelmed the family. 悲伤情绪充满整个家庭。18. sepulchral: related to grave, gloomy, dismal

14、抑郁严肃的 He often speaks in a sepulchral tone.19. follow suit: to do the same as someone else has done, to play / to deal the cards of the same suits 跟着做,照着做When the others went swimming, I followed suit.He went to bed and I followed suit after a few minutes. 20. peculiarity:【pkju:li:rti:】 a special feature that is different from normal or usual, strangeness古怪, 怪癖On

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