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1、雅思3听力文本可编辑打印ListeningSECTION 3-1-1 JANICE:Hello . . Flagstone. JON: Oh hello;is that Flagstone Properties?JANICE:Yes thats right. Flagstone here. How can I help you? Example JON: Hello. Im ringing just to make enquiries about renting a house. My names Jon Anderson. JANICE:Yes,Mr Anderson. What sort

2、of thing were you looking for?JON: Two-bedroomed house with garden. JANICE:Well . . . yes,sir,that shouldnt be any problem . . . just to let you know that our main areas, the main areas we deal with,are the city centre itself. . . Q1 JON: City centre . . uh-huh. JANICE:And the north suburbs. JON: Oh

3、 well .we were most interested in the Northern areas actually. JANICE:Right . . . yes . . . What sort of price were you thinking of?JON: Well . . . could you give me some idea?JANICE:Certainly. It really ranges from 250 per month. Q2 JON: Only 250?JANICE:Yes,to about 500 depending on a number of dif

4、ferent factors. JON: What does it depend on?JANICE:Well,obviously the quality of the area. And then whether theres a garden. Q3 JON: Well,as I said,wed want a garden. JANICE:And a garage pushes up the price. JON: Right . . well,we wouldnt necessarily need one. I think about 350 a month would be our

5、limit. JANICE:OK. Well . . . would you like to have a look at a couple of properties,sir?JON: Yes,thatd be great. JANICE:Looking at our files . . . I think weve got two which might suit you JON: Hang on. Ill just get a pen. Right. JANICE:OK. Well,theres one on West Park Road which is 325 a month. Q4

6、 JON: Are the bills included?JANICE:Well,that one just includes the water bill, Q5 JON: OK,right. JANICE:And the second house is in Tithe Road. Ill just spell that for you . . . OK?JON: Yep. JANICE:T-I-T-H-E Road. JON: Got that. And how much is that one?JANICE:Thats 380. JON: 380. Is that including

7、water?JANICE:No,Im afraid not,but it does include the telephone rental. Q6 JON: Oh well,thats not too bad then. SoJANICE:So,when would you be available to see them?JON: Well,Ill be in town next week . . . say . . . Thursday?JANICE:No,Im sorry we dont have any availability for Thursday. How about Wed

8、nesday afternoon? Q7 JON: OK. Thats fine. Would 5.00 be OK?JANICE:Yes,fine. 5.00 it is. Just come to the Flagstone Offices. JON: Oh,before I forget. What sort of things do I need to get done . . . to rent with you?JANICE:Well,the most important thing is a letter from your bank JON: No problem. JANIC

9、E:And then a reference letter from your employer. Q8 JoN: Yes,thats OK. JANICE:Great,and then we would need you to give 2 weeks notice of moving in . . . Q9 JON: Right. . . 2 weeks notice. And what about a deposit? Q10JANICE:Thats one months rent,whatever the amount is. JON: OK. One month. Is that i

10、t?JANICE:No,sorry,one more . . . you will have to pay for the contract. JON: Oh yes. Id forgotten about that. OK,fine. So Ill start arranging those,and Ill JANICE:. . . Ill see you next week. JON: Yes. Thanks very much. Bye. JANICE:Goodbye. SECTION 2-1-2 MRS SMITH:Hello,Mrs. Sutton. Come in. How are

11、 you settling in next door? Have all your things from Canada arrived yet? I thought I saw a removals van outside your house yesterday afternoon. MRS SUTTON:Yes. They came yesterday. We spent all day yesterday arranging thin. Its beginning to feel a bit more like home now. MRS SMITH:Thats good. Look,

12、come in and sit down. Are you alright?You look a bit worried. MRS SUTTON:Well,I am a bit. Im sorry to bother you so early,Mrs. Smith, but I wonder if you could help me. Could you tell me 1mw I can get hold of a doctor? Our daughter,Anna,isnt very well this morning and I may have to call somebody out

13、. Q11 She keeps being sick and I am beginning to get a bit worried. I just dont know how the health system works here in England. All I know is that its very different from ours back in Canada. MRS SMITH:Well,I dont know really where to start,Let me think. Well,the first thing you have to do is find

14、 a family doctor-sometimes we call them general practitioners as well-and register with him or her. If you live here,youve got to be on a doctors list. If youre not, things can be a bit difficult. Nobody will come out to you if youre not registered. Anyway,they work in things called practices. Sort

15、of small groups of family doctors all working together in the same building. Q12 Now what youve got to do this morning is register with one of them. There are two practices near here,so were quite well off for doctors in this part of Manchester. Theres the Dean End Health Centre about ten minutes wa

16、lk away and theres another practice in South Hay. Thats about five minutes away going towards the town centre. Were registered at the Dean End one,but theyre both OK. Q13 There are about six doctors in our practice and four in the other. Q14 So ours is quite big in comparison. And the building and e

17、verythings a bit more modern. South Hay is a bit old-fashioned but the doctors are OK. Their only problem is that they dont have a proper appointment system. Sometimes you have to wait for ages there to see someone. Q15Anyway,you go to the receptionist in whichever health centre and ask her to regis

18、ter you with a doctor there. You have to fill in a form,but it doesnt take long. Ours is called Dr Jones and weve been going to him for years - ever since we moved here fifteen years ago. I wouldnt say lies brilliant but I suppose hes alright really. Were used to him now. They say hes very good with

19、 elderly people, Q16but he does tend to get a bit impatient with children. Listen,the one whos supposed to be really good with small children is Dr Shaw. Ive heard lots of people say that. Shes young and shes got small children of her own. So you could try registering with her. And if her list is fu

20、ll,I heard somebody say the other day that theres a really nice young doctor at South Flay,a Dr Williams. He holds special clinics for people with back trouble. But thats not really your problem,is it? Q17MRS SMITH:If you want a doctor to visit you at home,you have to ask for a home visit. Youre sup

21、posed to do that before 10.30 in the morning,but obviously,if its an emergency, you can phone at any time,night or day. It might not be your doctor that comes,though. Its quite often one of the other doctors in the practice. It doesnt really seem to make much difference. Otherwise you make aim appoi

22、ntment to see your doctor at the health centre. You usually get seen the same day. Not always of course,but usually,as I Say. They hold surgeries between 9 and 11.30 every weekday,and from 4 to 6.30 Monday to Thursday. Saturdays are only for emergencies. Q18 When the doctor sees you,he gives you a p

23、rescription. He writes what medication you need on it and you take it to a chemists shop. Theres one opposite the centre. If its for a child under 16. you dont have to pay. So if its for Anna,theres no problem. The same thing goes if youre unemployed or retired,or if youre pregnant. Q19 Just as well

24、 because its not cheap. You pay the same price for each item the doctor has prescribed. At the moment its something like 5 per item. Q20 So you pay for the medication but the consultation with the doctor doesnt cost you anything. Its completely free as long as youre a resident here. Youre going to b

25、e here for three years,arent you?So there shouldnt be any question of you paying anything to see the doctor. So thats one less problem to worry about, Look,Mrs. Sutton. If you want,Ill sit with your daughter for half an hour if you want to go clown to the health centre to register. Its no trouble re

26、ally,dont worry. MRS SUTTON:Are you sure you wouldnt mind?That would really help me a lot,Ill ask them if they can send someone round later to see Anna. I think Ill try the Dean End Centre. MRS SMITH:Good idea. Dont worry about Anna. MRS SUTTON:Right. Ill be back as soon as I can. SECTION 3-1-3 TUTO

27、R:Hello. Jonathan Briggs,isnt it?JB: Yes,thats right. TUTOR:Do come in and sit clown. JB: Thanks. TUTOR:Right. Well,Jonathan,as we explained in your letter,in this part of tile interview we like to talk through your application form . . . your experience to date,etc. . . . and then in tile second pa

28、rt you go for a group interview. JB: Group interview . . . yes,I understand TUTOR:So . . . your first degree was in Economics?JB: Yes,but I also did Politics as a major strand. Q21 TUTOR:And you graduated in 1989. And I see you have been doing some teaching. JB: Yes,I worked as a volunteer teacher i

29、n West Africa. I was there for almost three years in total from 1990 to . . . ummm . . . 1992. Q22- Q23 TUTOR:How interesting. What organisation was that with?JB: Its not one of the major ones. Its called Teach South. Q24 TUTOR:Oh,right. Yes,I have heard of it. It operates in several African countri

30、es,doesnt it? And what kind of school was it?JB: A rural co-operative. Q25 TUTOR:Oh,a rural co-operative,how interesting . . . and what did you teach?JB: A variety of things in different years . . ummm . . . I did . . . with Forms I to 3 mainly Geography and some English with Form 5. Q26- Q27 Then i

31、n my final year I took on some Agricultural Science with the top year . . . thats Form 6. TUTOR:Right. Quite a variety then JB: I also ran the school farm. TUTOR:How interesting TUTOR:. . . And how did you find the whole experience?JB: Ill be honest with you. At the end of the first year I really wanted to leave and come home. TUTOR:Why was that?JB: Well. . . I was very homesick at first and missed my family. Q28 TUTOR:Umm. . I can quite understand that. and I also found it frustrating to have so few teaching resources,

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