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4、随着我国市场经济体制的确立,特别是1994年全面税制改革后,税收及其征管逐渐成为实务界和理论界的研究热点。马念谊和韩晓琴认为,近年我国个税收入大幅增长,同时税收流失问题也较突出。应借鉴发达国家估算所得税流失的经验。建立和完善我国的个人所得税流失估算方法体系。王惠殊认为个人所得税是我国财政收入的主要来源之一 。然而,在我国现行税制中,个税被公众认为是税收流失最严重的税种。其主要原因在于:征管方式、征管手段落后,对违法者处罚不力,纳税人纳税意识淡薄等。针对我国目前个人所得税流失的状况、原因和主要影响进行分析,并在此基础上对我国个人所得税改革和完善浅谈了几点建议。庞健认为我国个人所得税流失的原因是多



7、出了几点建议。李华和朱洁结合山东省青岛市个人所得税征管调研情况,分析了交叉型和并立型综合和分类相结合个人所得税具体征收模式对税收征管的要求,并借鉴国际先进经验,提出了具体的改革建议。苏子微从高收入者个人所得税角度, 利用简单税收流失测算工具,结合我国高收入者偷逃个人所得税的实际情况,对我国高收入者个人所得税流失及其治理对策进行了深入探讨。介绍个人所得税的征收依据、公共经济学的收入分配理论和税制改革理论,总结我国属于高收入的行业和人群,以及高收入者偷逃个人所得税的手段和形式,并估算出我国近几年高收入者个人所得税流失额。三本课题研究内容和思路论文主要从以下四个部分对本课题进行研究。第一部分,对当前



10、何事物都是处于不断发展变化的状态,那么,我国个人所得税制度在其发展过程当中难免会出现一些新的问题,这还有待于我们进一步去发现问题并解决问题。因此,文中肯定还存在不少不尽完善之处,还请各老师不吝指导.五.参考文献 1.马念谊、韩晓琴.个人所得税流失估算的国际经验及对我国的启示J.税收经济研究.2012,32.王惠殊.我国个人所得税税收流失问题及对策研究J.现代商贸工业。2010,193庞健.我国个人所得税流失及其治理对策D.北京交通大学。20084杨晓榕.浅谈个人所得税流失的对策.广州市经济管理干部学院学报.2005,4,75.潘理权.构建符合和谐社会要求的个人所得税制度体系J.税务研究.200


12、4.牛荣.个人所得税流失的信用原因及对策J.财会研究.2009,315.刘奕佚.我国个人所得税流失治理探讨J.世界经济情况.2010,816. Huu Cung Nguyen,,Hong Son Nguyen,Thu Huong Tran,Hua Liu. Analysis of Differences of The Personal Income Tax Regime between Vietnam and ChinaA.Proceedings of 2012 2nd International Conference on Financial Management and Economics

13、北京周报编辑部.What Are the Most Effective Adjustments To East Individual Income Tax Burdens?J.北京周报(英文版).2008,5218. The Equity in Individual Income Tax 外文翻译原文:Regulating social incomes and improving social equity are the bounden duty of individual income tax. Chinas current Individual Income T

14、ax Law was enacted in 1980. With the rapid economic development, the level of the personal income has improved a lot. However, the equity function of individual income tax seems diminished and can not play the role which it is supposed to. Therefore, the reform of the individual income tax is extrem

15、ely urgent. On the thirty-first meeting of the Tenth National Peoples Congress, representatives voted through the amendment of the Individual Income Tax Law. The threshold of individual income tax was raised from 1,600 yuan to 2,000 yuan from the date of March 1, 2008, which shows that Chinas indivi

16、dual income tax reforms have been effectively proceeding. However, raising the taxable threshold is only one aspect of the reform. The choice of tax system, the expense deduction system, the design of tax rates and tax grade and the administration of collecting tax all contribute a great proportion

17、of influence on the equity function of individual income tax. Expressions of UnfairnessAccording to Forbs the annual global tax misery index in 2007, China ranked No.3 around the world. The current individual income tax system remains lack of fairness, which displays mainly in horizontal unfairness

18、and vertical unfairness.Expressions of horizontal unfairness1 A taxpayer with multiple streams of income and a taxpayer with single stream of income may pay the tax differently even though they have the same amount of income. Taxpayer with multiple streams of income pays his tax respectively regardi

19、ng to different sources of the income, which the exemption amount can be deducted frequently. That means a person with 2600 yuan salary and a person with a 1600 salary plus 1000 yuan of income from labor service are required to pay different amount of tax payments.2 The same nature of the income wit

20、h different sources will be charged by different tax payments. Lets say, A earns a salary of 6000 and should pay the individual income tax(6000-2000)*15%-125=475 yuan. B earns 6000 yuan too by income from labor service but should pay tax 6000*(1-20%)x20%=960 yuan. 3 Taxpayers with the same income ba

21、sed on different natures may be charged differently. Suppose A has a salary of 50000 yuan, which the tax payable is (50000-2000)*30%-3375=11025 yuan. B has won a lottery of 50000 yuan , which the tax payable is only 50000*20%=10000 yuan. Expressions of vertical unfairness1 Wage-earning class with fe

22、w streams of income have paid a lot more tax than those with multiple streams of income from an overall perspective. In 2001, 80% of the total deposit was owned by the rich (which consisted 20% of the population) while the amount of tax paid by them was less 10% of the total. 2 People with invisible

23、 income or fringe benefit normally pay less tax, which leads to social unfairness. According to the State Statistics Bureau, the income out of salary consists 15% of the total income, which excludes benefits like housing allowance, medical care. 3 Tax is charged monthly for salary while is charged u

24、pon the number of times for income from labor service, which may cause vertical unfairness.4 The level of deductible expenses is not considerate enough. The situation of a bread-earner of 2 and a bread-earner of 6 could be totally different.5 The inappropriate administration of collecting tax can al

25、so lead to unfairness. The collection of individual income tax is carried out in ways of withholding and remitting tax from source, and self-reporting. The former is the main measure supplemented with the latter. The collection of tax from low income earners is relatively easy since the system of wi

26、thholding and remitting tax from source is standard, transparent, low cost and efficient. However, collecting tax from high earner is much harder due to multiple sources of income, cash transaction, which are not easy to supervise and control. Choice of Individual Income Tax System The individual in

27、come tax system in the world can be generally divided into classified income tax system, comprehensive income tax system and mixed income tax system. The system applied in China is classified income tax system, which classifies the individual income into 11 types and it applies to different tax rate

28、s, different tax computation methods and different provisions of expenses deduction. The advantage of classified income tax system is that it can apply different tax calculate-levy to incomes with different natures so that it can have a discriminatory tax payment. It is convenient to adopt the metho

29、d of one-off payment and reduce the troublesome final settlement. Whats more, it can also save the compliance and collection fees. Applying different tax rates to different income tax can achieve fairness to some extent. However, there are a lot of flaws in this system. Firstly, the incidence of tax

30、ation is limited. Tax mainly comes from the individuals consecutive stable income and its tax base is obviously smaller compared to the comprehensive income tax system. In this case, the applicable system for vast wage-earners, individually-owned businesses, contractors and chartering operators with

31、 low and middle income is a strict and transparent tax system. As a result, the rate of tax-paid will be high. But this tax system also offers the people with large income a great chance for tax dodging, especially for the large amount of gray income. Secondly, this type of tax computation may cause

32、 vertical unfairness which is mentioned above. Theres a more reasonable system in terms of equitythe comprehensive income tax system, which applies excess progressive of tax rate to certain level of the annual income from all sources including earned income and capital income.It is different from the classified income tax system in the way treating earned income and capital income. In China, progressive rate (9 ranks ,from 5% to 45%) is applied to earned income including salary

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