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1、高中英语综合复习book+2+unit+79讲练与同步训练解析北京四中高考英语综合复习Book 2 Unit 7-9讲练与同步训练解析一、重点词汇、短语与句型 with 忍受,与住在一起2.die of 死于3.cheer()up (使)感到振奋,(使)感到高兴4.suffer from 遭受5.on the contrary 正相反6.for the moment 暂时,目前 from 不受的影响,没有的8.keep in mind 记住9.roll over 翻转,倒转 honor of 向表示敬意,为庆祝,为纪念 case of 假使,以防12

2、.a list of 一张的清单13.the United Nations 联合国14.take part in 参加,参与(某事物)15.take action 采取行动16.air conditioner 空气调节器 harmony with 与协调18.put an end to 结束19.wipe out 消灭,擦洗的内部,去除20.advise sb.(not)to do sth. 劝某人(不)做某事 infected with 感染上22.spread through blood 通过血液传播23.break down the immune sys

3、tem 破坏免疫系统24.take every chance 利用时机,碰碰运气25.stay calm 保持镇静 worn out 穿破,筋疲力尽27.upside down 倒转地,颠倒地,杂乱地 whatever one can to do sth. 竭尽全力做某事29.clean drinking water 干净的引用水 rural areas 在农村地区31.make a big difference 有很大影响 bad for the environment 对环境有害33.spread across the world 传遍全世界34.t

4、ake notes of 做记录35.first aid 急救36.mouth-to-mouth 口对口的37.flow out 流出来 determined to 决心39.表明支持某种意见:We must make sure thatIts clear thatI believe that we mustIm all forIf nothing is done, thenI cant imagine thatSure/Certainly/Absolutely.It would be better if weIs there a better way to?40.描述虚拟情景:If

5、 I were you, I wouldI wishIf we/they were to , we/they couldas if二、知识点归纳1.bleed v. 出血,流血;放血常用搭配:bleed for (为事业、祖国)负伤或牺牲;悲痛bleed sb(for sth) 向某人勒索(钱财等)bleed sb white 榨取某人所有的钱bleed to death 流血过多而死Doctors used to bleed people when they were ill.从前医生常常给病人放血。If you cut your finger, it will bleed.如果你割破手指,

6、它就会流血。The blackmailers bled him for every penny he had.勒索者把他的钱榨得一干二净。He was slowly bleeding to death.他正慢慢流血而死。My heart bleeds for those poor unhappy children.对那些不幸的穷孩子我心里感到很难过。Our hearts bleed for you. 我们为你感到悲痛。Well never forget those who bled for the revolution.我们永远不会忘记为革命献身的人们。* blood n. 血,血液常用搭配:

7、bad blood(between A and B) 仇恨,恶感make sbs blood run cold 使人感到惧怕和恐怖new/fresh blood (团体、公司、俱乐部等的)新人make sb s blood boil 使某人非常气愤flesh and blood 血肉之躯,人性Theres a lot of bad blood between those two families.这两家人积怨很深。This company is badly in need of new blood.这个公司急需新人。The sight of the dead body made his blo

8、od run cold.他看见尸体不禁毛骨悚然。The way he treats his children makes my blood boil.他那样对待他的孩子,我非常气愤。It was more than flesh and blood could bear.这是血肉之躯无法忍受的。* bloody adj. 血染的,出血的bloodless adj. 不流血的,无伤亡的*blood bank 血库blood-bath 大屠杀blood group 血型blood-poisoning 毒血症blood transfusion 输血blood sucker 吸血动物,吸血鬼blood

9、pressure 血压blood test 验血blood-red 血红的,鲜红的2.honor* n. 荣幸,荣誉短语搭配:do sb the honor (of doing sth) 使某人有特殊的荣幸have the honor(of sth) 获得某种特殊的荣幸,有幸on ones honor 在道义的促使下,以名誉或人格担保in honor of 为向表示敬意,为纪念,为庆祝in sbs /sths honor 出于对的敬意We are planning a big Christmas party in your honor.我们正筹备为你举行一次盛大的圣诞晚会。This song

10、is written in honor o f Lei Feng.写这首歌是为了纪念雷锋。A monument was built in honor of the heroes who gave up their lives during the war.为了纪念在战争中献身的英雄们,建立了一座纪念碑。Will you do me the honor of dining with me?可否赏光和我一起吃饭?May I have the honor of this dance?可以赏光和我跳个舞吗?He was on his honor not to tell the secret.他用名誉担

11、保决不泄密。* v. 给某人以荣誉短语搭配:be honored for因而受到尊敬be/feel honored to do 很荣幸能做be/feel honored that很荣幸能做I am honored to be here with you.能和你在这里我感到很荣幸。Dr Bethune was honored for his selfless work.白求恩大夫由于他无私的工作而受到赞誉。Today the President is honoring us with his presence.今天总统的出席使我们十分荣幸。I am honored that you should

12、 notice me.我很荣幸您能注意到我。高考链接:Washington, a state in the United State, was named _ one of the greatest American president. (1999上海高考)A. in honor of B. instead of C. in favor of D. by means of解析:题意为:城市华盛顿是为了纪念总统而命名的。instead of “反而是”,by means of“借助的方式”,in favor of “赞成”,它们都与题意不符。答案:A3.keepin mind 记住,把记在心里

13、I hope you will keep in mind what I am saying.我希望你把我所说的话记在心里。Keep in mind the rules of safety when you swim.游泳时要记住安全规则。Ill keep your suggestion in mind.我会记住你的建议的。其他mind 短语搭配:be out of ones mind 发狂,发疯bring/call to mind 想起keep ones mind on sth. 继续专心于take sbs mind off sth . 使不再思考或担忧某事make up ones mind作

14、出决定change ones mind 改变决定或意见to my mind 依我看来You must be out of your mind if you think Im going to lend you money.如果你以为我会借给你钱,那么你一定是疯了。I know her face but I cant call her name to mind.我认得她,但我想不起她的名字了。Keep your mind on your job.专心做你的工作。Hard work always takes your mind off domestic problems.工作一劳累就使人不再想着家

15、庭问题了。Ive made up my mind to be a doctor.我决心当医生。Nothing will make me change my mind.任何事情都不能使我改变主意。To my mind you are wrong.在我看来你错了。考题链接:That contagious disease was turning the town upside down. The government was taking measures to help people _ their minds off it.A. reduce B. put C. throw D. take分析:

16、题意为:那种传染病使这个小镇翻了个个儿,政府正采取措施来让人们不再把心思放在这方面。take ones mind off 意为:使不再思考或担忧某事。答案:D4.persuade v. 说服,劝说短语搭配:persuade sb to do sth 说服某人做某事persuade sb. into doing sth. 说服某人做某事persuade sb. out of doing sth. 说服某人不做某事persuade sb. of sth. 使某人信服persuade sb. that 使某人信服You try and persuade her to come out with us

17、.你去劝劝她和我们一起出去吧。How can we persuade him into joining us?怎么才能说服他参加我们的活动呢?He persuaded his daughter to change her mind.他说服了他的女儿改变了主意。How can I persuade you that I am sincere?怎样才能使你相信我是真心实意的?We are persuaded of the justice of her case.我们确信她对案件的审理是公正的。They persuaded us out of going to the party.他们劝说我们不去参

18、加聚会。His wife finally persuaded him out of smoking.他妻子最终说服了他不再吸烟了。* persuasion n. 劝说,说服persuasive adj. 有说服力的,善于游说的* 对比:advise sb. to do sth. =try to persuade sb. to do sh.建议/劝说某人做某事(不一定说服)。I advised him to apologize to his friend, but failed.我劝他向他的朋友道歉,但他不听我的。I tried to persuade him to go there alone

19、, but he wouldnt listen.我尽力劝说他一人去那里,但他不听我的。高考题链接:The number of deaths from heart disease will be reduced greatly if people _ to eat more fruit and vegetables. (2004上海高考)A. persuade B. will persuade C. be persuaded D. are persuaded分析:根据句意,应是说服人们多吃水果及蔬菜,所以people 和persuade应是被动关系。答案:D5.lack * v. 缺乏短语搭配:

20、lack缺少be lacking in 缺乏lack for需要He is not lacking in wisdom.他并不缺乏聪明才智。I am lacking in courage.我缺乏勇气。They lacked for nothing.他们无所需求(应有尽有)。They lacked the money to send him to university.他们没钱送他上大学。* n. 缺乏,短缺短语搭配:for lack of因缺乏The meeting ended because of lack of order.因为秩序混乱,会议终止了。The project had to b

21、e abandoned for lack of funds.工程因资金匮乏而只得放弃。高考链接:Though _ money, his parents managed to send him to university.(2002上海高考)A. lacked B. lacking of C. lacking D. lacked in解析:lack是及物动词,后面带有宾语“钱”,又因“父母”与“缺乏”之间存在主谓关系,所以要用表示主动含义的lacking作状语。若选B,则要把of 改为in。答案:C6.stay 系动词“保持,维持某状态”,后面可接形容词或名词They stayed friend

22、s for years.他们的友谊维持了多年。The shop stays open until ten at night.这家商店一直营业到晚十点。I stayed awake because of missing home last night.我昨晚想家没睡着觉。*常见stay搭配:stay in 呆在家里stay for sth 留在某人家(吃饭)stay away from与保持距离,远离stay out 不回家,呆在户外stay up 熬夜,不睡觉The doctor advised me to stay in for a few days.医生建议我在家休息几天。Wont you

23、 stay for supper?你吃了饭再走好吗?I dont like you staying out so late.我不喜欢你在外面呆到这么晚。Tell him to stay away from my sister.叫他离我妹妹远一点。She promised the children they could stay up for their favorite TV programme.她答应孩子们可以晚点睡,看他们最喜欢的电视节目。高考链接:Why dont you put the meat in the fridge? It will _ fresh for several da

24、ys.(NMET2003)A. be stayed B. stay C. be staying D. have stayed分析:stay 系动词,意为“保持某种状态”,此时不能用于进行时态。题意为:肉放在冰箱里可以保鲜好几天。答案:B7.含有fire的短语搭配:catch fire 着火,起火(强调动作)be on fire 着火(强调状态)control the fire 控制火势put out a fire扑灭大火be killed in a fire 在火中丧生watch a fire 观看大火make a fire 生火be trapped by a fire被大火围困escape

25、from a fire 从火中逃生play with fire 玩火set on fire 使着火,纵火set fire to使着火,纵火go through water and fire 赴汤蹈火The pair of papers caught fire. Someone must have set fire to it.=Someone must have set it on fire.这一叠文件着火了,肯定有人放火。The house is on fire.房子着火了。Its very cold. Lets make a fire to keep us warm.天很冷,让我们生堆火暖

26、和一下。The firemen tried to control the fire.消防人员尽力控制火势。Dont play with fire.别玩火。A big forest fire broke out last night.昨夜发生了一场森林火灾。The fire had been put out before they arrived.大火在他们到来之前就被扑灭了。*fire-alarm 火警报警器fire-bomb 燃烧弹fire-break (森林中除掉树木以防止森林火蔓延的)放火带fire-eater 表演吞火的人fire-escape可借以逃离火场的太平梯或机械装置fire-

27、fighter 消防人员(尤指护林的)firefly萤火虫fireman 消防队员fireplace壁炉fire-power火力fire station消防站firewood木柴firework烟火考题链接:In that terrible rebellion, a great many houses were set _, most of which were burnt_ the ground.A. fire, B. a fire, on C. fire to, to D. on fire, down分析:set fire to sth “放火烧某物”的被动形式应是sth. be set

28、fire to; burn sth. to the ground为固定搭配。答案:C8.cheer v. 喝彩,向某人欢呼;给某人安慰The crowd cheered loudly as the Queen appeared.女王出现时群众高声欢呼。He was greatly cheered by the news.他知道这个消息很高兴。短语搭配:cheer up (使)高兴起来,(使)振作起来cheer sb on 鼓舞或鼓励某人更加努力You look as though you need cheering up.看来你需要振作起来。Try and cheer up a bit; li

29、fe isnt that bad.尽力高兴点儿,生活并不是那么糟。Flowers always cheer a room up.房间里有一有花就满室生辉。The crowd cheered the runners on as they started the last lap.赛跑进入最后一圈时,观众为运动员加油鼓劲。* n. 欢呼声,喝彩声Her performance drew cheers.她的演出赢得一片喝彩声。9.aid * v. 帮助They encouraged and aided him in his scientific studies.他们鼓励帮助他进行科学研究。* n. 帮助,援助短语搭配:with the aid of 在的帮助下come/go to sbs aid 来/去帮助某人first aid 急救do/give/offer first aid to sb. 对某人施行急救With the aid of a neighbor, he managed to put out the fire.他在邻居的帮助下把火扑灭了。He hurt his arm during the volleyball match, and some of us gave him first aid.他在排球赛中胳膊受伤了,我们几个人对他

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