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1、沪教版四年级下册英语重点词汇短语和句子很全哦Module 1 Unit 1I. Words1.watermelon西瓜13.purple紫色的25.want想要2.grape葡萄14.guess猜26.vine葡萄藤3.plum李子15.or 或者27.them 他们 (宾格 )4.cherry樱桃16.right对的28.fox狐狸5.strawberry草莓17.often经常29.yum好吃的6.peach桃子18.inside里面30.these这些7.taste尝19.around 周围31.those 那些8.smell闻20.fruit水果32.sour酸的9.bitter苦的2

2、1.crunchy 脆的33.cherry-cherries10.sweet甜的22.yard院子34.strawberry-strawberries11.think认为23.also也35.peach-peaches12.juice果汁24.glass杯子36.child-childrenII. Phrases37.for me 给我在阳光灿烂的下午38.a glass of juice一杯果汁45.not at all 一点也不39.watermelon juice西瓜汁46.those plums那些李子 summer 在夏天47.these peaches这些桃子41.sit

3、 around 围坐一圈48.purple grapes紫葡萄42.big and round 又大又圆 apples or green apples43.two glasses of milk 两杯牛奶红苹果还是绿苹果44. on sunny afternoonsIII. Sentences50. Is it cherry juice or watermelon juice? It s cherry juice. 它是樱桃汁还是西瓜汁?樱桃汁。51. Is it grape juice? No, it isn t. 这是葡萄汁吗 ? 不,不是。52. What is this?

4、It s orange juice. 这是什么? 它是橘子汁。53. Is it a peach or an apple? Its a peach. 这个是桃子还是苹果?它是桃子。54. How does it taste? It s sweet. 尝起来怎么样?它是甜的。55. What do you have? I have some strawberries. 你有什么?我有一些草莓。56. What do you like? I like apples. 你喜欢什么 ? 我喜欢苹果。57. Do you like red apples or green apples? I like r

5、ed ones. 你喜欢红苹果还是青苹果?我喜欢红苹果。58. How does the red apple taste? Its sweet. 红苹果尝起来怎么样?它是甜的。59. How about the green one? It s very crunchy? 这个绿色的怎么样? 它很脆。60. The grapes are purple and round. What nice grapes! 葡萄又紫又圆。好漂亮的葡萄啊。61. Those grapes are sour. They are not sweet at all.那些葡萄是酸的。他们一点也不甜。62. These s

6、trawberries are very nice. Let s eat them.这些草莓非常好。让我们吃吧。Module 1 Unit 2I. Words1.knife小刀4.floor地板7.find找到2.pencil case 铅笔盒5.slim苗条的8.beautiful 美丽的3.purse 钱包6.young 年轻的9.hard硬的110.soft 软的20.beach 海滩30.ask 问11.rough粗糙的21.sand沙31.answer 回答12.smooth 光滑的22.key钥匙32.last最后一个13.sharp锋利的23.shoe鞋33.touch摸14.b

7、lunt钝的24.something 某物34.skirt裙子15.thick厚的25.parent父(母)亲35.long长的16.thin薄的26.all所有36.elephant 大象17.thing东西27.another另一37.office办公室18.whose 谁的28.blind盲的38.right对的19.put放29.say说名词的复数:man-menwoman-womentooth-teethfoot-feetfish-fishsheep-sheepchild-childrenmouse-miceII. phrases39.very sharp 非常锋利50.take o

8、ff my shoes 脱下我的鞋子40.over there在那边51.on the beach 在沙滩上 thick如此厚52.the man over there在那边的男人42.very much非常53.the key to the door门的钥匙43.many knives 许多小刀54.take to 把拿到44.behind the door在门后55.put on 穿上45.find her purse找到她的钱包56.lost property office 失物招领处 a skirt for me 给我买条裙子57.the last elephan

9、t 最后一头大象47.some drinks 一些饮料 of the brothers兄弟中的一个48.of course当然59.another student 另一个学生 the school yard 在校园里60.answer the question回答问题III. Sentences61. Whose knife is this? It s Dannys. 这是谁的小刀?它是丹尼的。62.Whose pencils are these? Theyre Peters. 这些铅笔是谁的?他们是Peter 的。63.Alice , put your hand in

10、the bag. All right.Alice,把你的手放在这个包里。好吧。64. Touch one thing. How does it feel? 摸一个东西。它感觉怎么样?65. It s big and round. It s smooth and soft. It s a ball.它又大又圆。它又光滑又软。它是一个球。66.Whose ball is it? It s Kitty s ball. 这个球是谁的? 它是 Kitty 的。67.Can I take off my shoes? Yes, of course you can. 我能脱下我的鞋子吗?是的,你当然可以。Mo

11、dule 1 Unit 3I. Words1.sun太阳11.noon中午21.bear 啤酒2.rise升起12.shadow 影子22.tear 眼泪3.high高13.torch手电筒23.cry哭4.grow变得14.stick粘贴24.back向后5.again又15.also也25.bite咬6.down朝下16.stay停留26.wait等7.hill小山17.sometimes 有时候27.like像8.lawn草坪18.strong 强壮的28.stop 停停止9.path小路19.tea 茶29.sound 声音10.bench 长椅20.deer鹿30.shape 形状2

12、31.away离开33.afraid 害怕32.follow跟随34.behind 在后面II. Phrases35.go down 落下去47.on the wall在墙上36.behind the hill在小山后48.on the floor在地板上37.on the path在小路上49.go off 熄灭 the sky 在空中 front of me在我前面39.on the lawn在草坪上 together一起玩40.grow short变短52.a sunny day一个晴朗的日子 the morning在早上 away

13、 逃跑 noon 在中午 with my ball 玩我的球 the evening在傍晚 very fast跑的非常快44.the trees shadow 树的影子56.follow him跟着他45.cut out 剪下57.walk down the road 沿着马路走46.make a shadow 做一个影子 afraid of dogs 害怕狗III. Sentences59. The trees shadow is long in the morning. 树的影子在早晨很长。60. The trees shadow i

14、s short at noon. 在中午,树的影子很短。61. The trees shadow is long in the evening. 树的影子在晚上很长。IV . PassagesThe trees shadowLook at the sun. In the morning, it rises behind the hill. The tree s shadow is long. It is on the lawn. At noon, the sun is high in the sky. The tree s shadow grows short. It is on the be

15、ach. The sun goes down in the evening. The trees shadow grows long again. It is on the path.My shadowLook at my shadow. She s also my friend. I go to school at seven o clock in the morning. My shadow often goes with me. Sometimes my shadow stays behind me. Sometimes my shadow walks in front of me. S

16、ometimes my shadow grows short and small. Sometimes my shadow grows big and strong. I like my shadow.Module 2 Unit 1I. Words1.poster 海报8.table tennis 乒乓球15.yourself 你自己 俱乐部9.want 想要16.enjoy 享受3.badminton 羽毛球10.notice 通知17.spare 空闲的4.together 一起11.swimsuit 泳衣18.hobby 爱好5.else 别的、其他的12.pool 池19.

17、favourite 最喜欢6.volleyball 排球13.healthy 健康的20.join 加入 篮球14.strong 强壮的II. Phrases21.badminton club羽毛球俱乐部 basketball打篮球22.favourite sport最喜欢的运动28.swimming cap游泳帽 badminton打羽毛球29.swimming goggles 游泳镜 football 踢足球30.warm-up exercises 热身运动 table tennis 打乒乓球31.swimmi

18、ng pool游泳池 volleyball打排球32.spare time 空闲时间3III. Sentences33. Enjoy yourself. 玩的愉快。34. Id love to. 我很乐意。35. Theres a new club in out school. 我们学校有个新的俱乐部。36. Do you like playing badminton? 你喜欢打羽毛球吗?37. Yes, I do. It s my favourite sport. 是的,我喜欢。那是我最喜欢的运动。38. Lets join the club together. 让我们一起加入

19、俱乐部吧。39. Who else would like to join? 谁还想加入?40. Does Alice like playing badminton?Alice 喜欢打羽毛球吗?41. Yes, she does. She often plays badminton with me . 是的,她喜欢。她经常和我一起打羽毛球。42. A pair of swimming goggles. 一副游泳镜。43. Do warm-up exercises. 做热身运动。44. It makes you healthy and strong. 它使你变得健康且强壮。45. Enjoy yo

20、urself in the swimming class. 在游泳课上玩的愉快。46. In my spare time I sing and dance. 在我的空闲时间,我唱歌和跳舞。47. These are all my hobbies. 这些都是我的爱好。Module 2 Unit 2I. Words1.cute可爱的10.animal 动物19.basket 篮子2.large大的11.shake 摇动20.hungry 饿的3.bowl碗12.leaf(leaves) 叶子21.angry 生气4.bone骨头13.fall 落下22.catch 抓住 food猫食14

21、.goat 山羊23.tired 累的6.parrot 鹦鹉15.toe 脚趾24.sleep 睡觉7.fish鱼16.boat 小船25.hole 洞 food狗食17.toast 吐司26.meat 肉9.tortoise乌龟18.dirty 脏的II. Phrases27.a large bowl of cat food 一大碗猫食35.wake up 醒来28.every day 每一天 away 逃离 about 怎么样37.jump off the tree跳下树30.fall down 落下 afraid of mice怕老鼠

22、een leaves 绿叶39.go back to the hole回到洞里32.shake the tree 摇动树40.catch the mouse抓老鼠33.want to eat 想要吃 angry with him对他生气34.climb onto the door 爬到门上去反义词 :hard-soft smooth-rough thick-thinsharp-blunt sweet-bitter clean-dirtyIII. Sentences42. Ginger is very cute. Ginger 很可爱。43. What does she eat?她吃什

23、么 ?44. She eats fish. Its her favourite food. 她吃鱼。那是她最喜欢的食物。45. Does he like dog food? 他喜欢狗食吗?46. No ,he doesnt. He doesnteat dog food at all. 不,他不喜欢。他一点狗食也不吃。447.What animals do you like ?I like cats. 你喜欢什么动物?我喜欢猫。48.What food does a cat eat?It eats fish. 猫吃什么食物?它吃鱼。49.The fish smells nice. 这鱼闻起来好香

24、。50.Milly sees an apple on the tree. Milly看见树上有个苹果。51.Milly sees a bird in the tree. Milly看见树上有只鸟。Module 2 Unit 3I. Words1.model模型10.bathroom卫生间19.storybook 故事书 帮助11.homework家庭作业20.interesting 有趣的3.breakfast 早饭12.wash 洗21.bedtime就寝时间4.lunch午饭13.dinner 晚餐22.fairy tale童话5.noise噪音 谈话23.hol

25、iday假日6.voice声音15.usually 通常 贝壳7.bedroom 卧室16.tell 告诉25.Sanya 三亚 room 客厅 聊天26.sea 大海 厨房18.themselves 他们自己II. Phrases27.wash my hair 洗我的头发41.Earth hour 地球一小时 me 帮助我 storybooks 看故事书 the living room在客厅里43.a lot of interesting stories 一些有趣的故事 the bathroom在卫生间里44.many people 许多人31.

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