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1、英语文化常识题大学生英语竞赛英语文化常识题库1. Where were the second Olympic Games held?A. France B. Australia C. America D. British2. Which city in Asia is the first city to bid for the Olympic Games?A. Beijing B. Seoul C. Tokyo D. New Delhi3. Which session is the largest Olympic Games?A. The 22nd B. The 24th C. The 23r

2、d D. The 25th 4. Who is the Father of the Olympics?A.Samaranch B. Coubertin C.Roger D.Yu zaiqing5. What is not the slogan of the Olympic?A.Quicker B.higher C.stronger D.bigger6. When is the Olympic Day?A.June.23 B.July.23 C.August.23 D.September.237. What does the track and field contain? A. Track a

3、nd field events B. Track events C. Field events D. Track events, field events and All-around competition8. Where is Olympic Games birthplace?A. Olympia B. France C. Greece D. America9. When is International Olympic Day?A. March.26th B. Feb.14th C. June.23rd D. July.25th 10. How many traffic circles(

4、圆环) are there on the Olympic Flag?A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven11. Which sport is the earliest sport in China?A. Badmintons B. Baseball C. Football D. Table tennis12. How many people are there in one group in a soccer game?A. 12 B. 16 C.18 D.1113. Which sport is not in triathlon(铁人三项)?A. Swimming

5、B. Running C. Riding bicycle D. Skipping14. The White Olympics and the Winter Olympics _. A. are the same thing B. are different games C. are not held in winter D. are held in summer15. Basketball was started _. A. in Europe B. in the United States C. in the Philippines D. in China16.Which sport isn

6、t the Olympic event?A. fencing(击剑) B. badminton C. boxing D. basketball17. How many times do the Olympic Games conduct? A. 30 B. 29 C. 28 D. 2718.How many countries acceded to(加入) the first Olympic Games? A. 20 B. 10 C. 13 D. 14澳大利亚、奥地利、保加利亚、英国、匈牙利、德国、丹麦、美国、法国、智利、瑞士、瑞典、希腊19. In the first Olympic Gam

7、es, the champion will have ( )? A a gold medal and cup B only a silver medal C only a bronze medal D a silver medal and a garland(花环)20. When did the modern basketball game come into China? A. In 1765 B. In 1785 C. In 1855 D. In 1895 21. The First Continental Congress(第一届大陆会议) was held in _ in Septe

8、mber, 1774. A. Philadelphia(费城) B. Boston C. New York D. Chicago22. The following states are among the first thirteen colonies (殖民地)except _. A. Maryland 马里兰 B. South Carolina南卡罗来纳 C. Delaware 特拉华 D. Colorado科罗拉多州13个殖民地。它们是:弗吉尼亚、马萨诸塞、康涅狄格、罗得岛、纽约、新泽西、特拉华、新罕布什尔、宾夕法尼亚、马里兰、北卡罗来纳、南卡罗来纳、佐治亚23. The Second

9、World War broke out in September _ and ended in August _. A. 1939, 1945 B. 1937, 1943 C. 1938, 1945 D.1937,194524. The frequent emergence(出现) of the economic crisis in the U.S.A. led to the following disastrous effects except _. A. inflation B. the rise of prices C. the decrease of population D. the

10、 decrease of the purchasing capacity25. The first thirteen states of the US mainly located _ seaboard. A. the eastern B. the western C. the northern D. the southern26. Altogether _ countries became involved in or were dragged into WWI世界守望协会.、世界观察研究所 A. 33 B. 38 C. 39 D.3727. When did the American Re

11、volution (independent war) break out? A.Seventeenth Century B. Eighteenth Century(1775) C. Nineteenth Century D. fifteenth Century28. The Great Depression(经济大萧条) in America lasted _ years. A. 2 B.3 C. 4 D.529. In 1799,_become French first emperor of empire. A.Lothaire Ier B. Louis V C. napoleon Bona

12、parte D. Raoul Ier 30. 1789-1792, _implemented constitutional monarchy(君主立宪制). A.China B. France C. England D. America31. In _, civil war in America broke out.(18611865) A. 1761 B. 1861 C. 1738 D.183832. In 1794, the U.S. government and the _ government signed jay treaty.杰伊条约 ABritish B. French C. S

13、panish D. Russian33. How many dynasties are there in China? A.23 B.24 C.25 D. 26夏;商;西周;东周 秦;汉 西晋;东晋;十六国;南朝;北朝:北魏,东魏,北齐,西魏,北周;隋朝;唐朝;五代;十国,北汉;北宋;南宋;辽;金;元;明;清。34. Which university is the oldest university in England? A. University of Oxford B. University of London C. University of Edinburgh爱丁堡大学 D. Uni

14、versity of Cambridge35. Who is the first queen of England? A. Anne B. Elizabeth C. Mary D. Jane Grey36. Who wrote the I Have A Dream? A. Marx B. Martin Luther C. Hitler D. Napoleon37. Where was the first Great Exhibition万国工业博览会 held? A. Wien B. Paris C. Tokyo D. London38. On 6 August 1945, an Americ

15、an plane dropped an atomic bomb onto the Japanese city of_. A. Tokyo B. Hiroshima 广岛 C. Nagasaki长崎 D.Hokkiado北海道39. Which date is the Independence Day of the United States of America? A.September 4. B.June 6 C.July 4 D.June 4 40. When was the statue of liberty built? A.1896 B.1866 C.1876(法国送给美国的礼物)

16、D.188641. Which of the following is by far the most influential religion in the west? A. Christianity B. Buddhism C. Islamism D. Judaism(犹太教)42. Whats the traditional Easter activity? A. egg hunt B. costume party C. gifts exchange D. book sale43. Who is the leader of the Catholic Church(天主教会)?A. The

17、 president B. The Pope罗马教皇 C. The Queen D. The Prime Minister44. Which of the following is not one of the three main regions of the world?A. Buddhism佛教 B. Judaism犹太教 C. Islamism D. Christianity45. Which of the following festival celebrates Jesus birthday? A. Christmas B. Easter C. Thanksgiving D. Sp

18、ring Festival46. How do we call people who believe in Islamism?A. Christian B. Buddhist C. Muslim D. Sikh47. Which book do Christians follow?A. The Bible B. The Koran 古兰经 C. Tripitaka 三藏 D. The Great Compassion Mantra(大悲咒)48. Who is the founder of Isamism?A. Jesuses B.Sakyamuni C. Mohammed D.Lao-tse

19、49.Whats the name of the Vigin(圣母)in the Bible?A. Jenny B. Katherine C. Lucy D. Maria50. From which religion was Christmas originated?A. Judaism B. Islamism C. Christianity D. Buddhism 51. In which country, people are all religious believers?A. Nepal B. The Vatican C. Russia D. Thailand52. The most

20、important Holy Land of Islamism is .A. Jerusalem B. Mekka C. Bagdad D. Istanbul53. Which religion is originated in China?A. Buddhism B. Taoism C. Christianity D. Islamism54. What is the symbol of Christianity?A. B. C. D. 55. What is the symbol of the Judaism?A. B. C. D. 56. Which of the religions is

21、 not one of the branches of Christianity? A. Protestantism 新教 B. Catholic天主教 C. Eastern Orthodox Church 东方传统教堂 D. Voodoo伏都57. Who do the Muslim believe in? A. Zeus B. Allah C. Jesus D. Buddha58. Which of the following is the cradle摇篮、发源地 of Islam?A. India B. Africa C. Arab D. Tibet59. Which book do

22、Muslims follow?A. Quran B. Bible C. Scripture D. Holy Book60. Which of the following is the food that Jews dont eat? A. beef B. lemon C. pork D. vegetable61. William Shakespeares Four Tragedies are . A. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Midsummer Nights Dream B. Hamlet, As you like it, King Lear, Mac Beth

23、 C. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Mac Beth D. Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, The Merchant of Venice哈姆雷特、奥赛罗、李尔王、麦克白62. The original name of Romeo and Juliet is . A. The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet B. The love of Romeo and Juliet C. The Tragically History of Romeus and Juliet

24、 D. Romeo and Juliet63. Opera originated in_. A. GreeceB. Italy(巴洛克时期意大利的佛罗伦萨)C. Britain D. France65. Which of the following operas is written by Mozart? A. The Marriage of Figaro B. La Traviata C. Carmen D. Turandot66. Where can you enjoy Broadway Musicals百老汇音乐剧? In _. A. Los Angeles B. New York C.

25、 Washington D.C. D. Las Vegas67. A dramatist must know a lot about William Shakespeare, who is known as the greatest poet and_. A. singer B. actor C. writer D. playwright68. Sonnet has _ lines.十四行诗 A.13 B.14 C.15 D.1669. Which flower is the national flower of China? A. Rose B. Lotus 莲花 C. peony牡丹 D.

26、 Lily70 Which book is written by Jing Yong?金庸 A. Harry Potter B. the Legend of the Condor Heroes 射雕英雄传 C. Star Wars D. Gone With The Wind71. Who painted Starry Night? A. Da Vinci B. Van Gogh C. Zheng Ban Qiao D. Tang Bo Hu72. What is Worlds four major ballets? A. The Swan Lake, The Giselle, Fiddler

27、on the roof, Oklahoma B. The Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, The Giselle C. The Sleeping Beauty, My fair lady, The Swan Lake, The Giselle D. My fair lady, Fiddler on the roof, Oklahoma, Watch out your steps73 Who writes the Tale of Two Cities? A. Voltaire B. W. William Shakespeare C.

28、 Jane Austen D. Charles Dickens74. Which one is not Shakespeares well-known saying? A. To be or not to be. That is a question. B. Better a witty fool than a foolish wit. C. A light heart lives long静以修身. D. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.75. What is William Shakespeares last drama?A. The tempes

29、t B. Cymbeline C. Henry VIII D. The Winters Tale77. Which one is not one of the four most popular musicals? A. Cats B. Phantom of the Opera C. Les Miserable悲惨世界 D. Notre-Dame de Paris巴黎圣母院78. Which opera did Giacomo Puccini create?A. Der Rosenkavalie B. Madama Butterfly C. Aida (威尔第的作品) D. La fille

30、du regiment贾科莫普契尼(全名Giacomo Antonio Domenico Michele Secondo Mara Puccini)意大利歌剧作曲家,十九世纪末至欧战前真实主义歌剧流派的代表人物之一。共有作品12部,成名作是1893年发表的曼侬莱斯科,著名的有波希米亚人托斯卡蝴蝶夫人西部女郎等。79. Which is not Shakespeares 4 comedies? A. The merchant of Venice B.A Midsummer Nights Dream C.Little Prince D. Twelfth Night 80. Who wrote the masterpiece War and Peace? A. Tolstoy B. Hugo C. Shakespeare D. Dickens81. How many states are ther

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