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1、英语专业八级人文知识试题及答案2014年英语专业八级人文知识试题及答案1. The study of _ is Syntax.A textual organizationB sentence structuresC word formationD language functions2. Which of the following is NOT a distinctive feature of human language?A arbitrarinessB productivityC cultural transmissionD finiteness3. The speech act the

2、ory was first put forward by_.A John ScarlB Johan AustinC Noarn ChomskyD Halliday4. The capital city of Canada is _.A MontrealB OttawaC VancouverD York5. . presidents normally serve a (an) _ term.A eight-yearB four-yearC six-yearD two year6. Which of the following cities is NOT located in the Northe

3、ast, .A HustonB BaltimoreC PhiladelphiaD Boston7. The state church in England is _.A The BaptistB The Roman CatholicC The Protestant ChurchD The Church of England 8. The novel Emma is written by_.A Jane AustenB ElizabethC Gaskell Charlotte BronteD Mary Shelley9. Which of the following is not a Roman

4、tic Poet?A William WordsworthB Percy B. ShelleyC George G. ByronD George Eliot10. William Sidney Porter, known as , is most famous for _.A his poemB his playsC His novelsD his short storiesKEYS:1-5 BDBBB 6-10 ADADD2013年英语专业八级人文知识试题及答案PARTIIIGEBERALKNOWLEDGE(10MIN)Therearetenmultiple-choicequestionsi


6、urces.D.itsfertileandarableland.33.IntheUnitedStatescommunitycollegeofferA.two-yearprogrammes.B.four-yearprogrammes.C.postgraduatestudies.D.or.degrees.34.In_,referendainScotlandandWalessetupaScottishparliamentandaWalesassembly. A.2000B.1946C.1990D.199735.Whichofthefollowingclustersofwordsisanexample

7、ofalliteration?A.Aweakseat.B.Knockandkick.C.Safeandsound.D.Coalandboat.36.WhowroteMrs.Warrensprofession?A.GeorgeBernardShaw.B.WilliamButlerYeats. C.JohnGalsworthy.D.Eliot.37.SisterCarriebyTheodoreDreiserisa(n)A.autobiography.B.shortstory.C.poem.D.novel.38.Whichofthefollowingitalicizedpartsisaninflec


9、ys:31-35 DBADC 36-40 ADCBD2012年英语专业八级真题(word版)人文知识部分31. The Maori people are natives of A. Australia. B. Canada. C. Ireland. D. New Zealand.32. The British monarch is the Head of A. Parliament. B. State. C. Government. D. Cabinet.33. Americans celebrate Independence Day on A. July 4th. B. October 11

10、th. C. May 31st. D. September 6th.34. Canada is bounded on the north by A. the Pacific Ocean. B. the Atlantic Ocean. C. the Arctic Ocean. D. the Great Lakes.35. Who is the author of The Waste Lana? A. George Bernard Shaw. B. . Yeats. C. Dylan Thomas. D. . Eliot.36. Which of the following novelists w

11、rote The Sound and the Fury? A. William Faulkner. B. Ernest Hemingway. C. Scott Fitzgerald. D. John Steinbeck.37. The lettuce was lonely without tomatoes and cucumbers for company is an example of A. exaggeration. B. understatement. C. personification. D. synecdoche.38. In English if a word begins w

12、ith a l or a r, then the next sound must be a vowel. This is a (n) A. assimilation rule. B. sequential rule. rule. D. grammar rule.39. Which of the following is an example of clipping? . . . .40. The type of language which is selected as appropriate to a particular type of situation is called A. reg

13、ister. B. dialect. C. slang. D. variety.Keys:31-35 DBACD 36-40 ACBDA2011专八人文知识真题参考答案31.ThenorthernmostpartofGreatBritainis_.A.NorthernIrelandB.WalesC.EnglandD.Scotland32.Itisgenerallyagreedthat_werethefirstEuropeanstoreachAustraliasshores.A.theFrenchB.theGermansC.theBritishD.theDutch33.Whichcountryi


15、rapherC.playwrightD.novelist36._referstoalongnarrativepoemthatrecordstheadventuresofaheroinanationshistory.A.BalladB.RomanceC.EpicD.Elegy37.WhichofthefollowingbestexploresAmericanmythinthe20thcentury?A.TheGreatGatsby. B.TheSunAlsoRises.C.TheSoundandtheFury.D.BeyondtheHorizon.38._isdefinedasthestudyo


17、anguages,eitherbyanindividualspeakerorbyacommunityofspeakersrefersto_.A.PidginB.CreoleC.MultilingualismD.BilingualismKeys:31-35 BDABD 36-40 CACAC2010年英语专八人文知识真题答案31.WhichofthefollowingisINCORRECTA.TheBritishConstitutionincludestheMagnaCartaof12156B.TheBritishConstitutionincludesParliamentaryactsC.Th

18、eBritishConstitutionincludesdecisionsmadebycourtsoflaw D:TheBritishConstitutionincludesonesinglewrittenconstitution32.ThefirstcityeverfoundedinCanadaisA.QuebecB.VancouverC.TorontoD.Montreal33.WhendidtheAustralianFederationofficiallycomeintobeing?A.1770B.1788C.1900D.190134.TheEmancipationProclamation



21、orphology.A.backformationB.conversionC.blendingD.acronym40Languageistoolofcommunication,thesymbol“highwayclosed”servesA.anexpressfunctionB.aninformativefunctionC.aperformativefunctionD.apersuasivefunctionKeys:31-35 DADAC 36-40 DAACB2009年英语专业八级人文知识真题及答案31. The Head of State of New Zealand is _.A. the

22、 governor-general B. the Prime MinisterC. the high commissionerD. the monarch of United Kingdom32. The capital of Scotland is _.A. Glasgow B. EdinburghC. Manchester D. London33. Who write the Declaration of Independence and later became the . President ?A. Thomas Jefferson B. George WashingtonC. Tho

23、mas Paine D. John Adams34. Which is the following cities is located on the eastern coast of Australia ?A. Perth B. AdelaideC. Sydney D. Melbourne35. Ode to the West Wind was written by _.A. Willian Blake B. Willian WordsworthC. Samuel Taylor ColeridegeD. Percy Bysshe Shelley36. Who among the followi

24、ng is a poet of free verse ?A. Ralph Waldo Emerson B. Walt WhitmanC. Herman Melville D. Theodore Dreiser37. The novel Sons and Lovers was written by _.A. Thomas Hardy B. John GalworhtyC. . Lawrence D. James Joyce38. The sstudy of mental processes of language comprehension and production is _.A. corp

25、us linguistics B. socialinguisticsC. theoretical linguistics D. psycholinguistics39. A special language variety that mixes languages and is used by speakers of different languages for purposes of trading is called _.A. dialect B. idiolect C. pidgin D. register40. When a speake expresses his intensio

26、n of speaking, such as asking someone to open the window, he is performing _.A. an illocutionary act B. a perlocutionary actC. a locutionary act D. none of the aboveKey: 31-35 DBACD 36-40 BCDCA2008年英语专业八级人文知识真题及答案31. The largest city in Canada is_.A. Vancouver. B. Montreal.C. Toronto D. Ottawa.32. A

27、ccording to the United States Constitution, the legislative power is invested in_.A. the Federal Government. B. the Supreme Court.C. the Cabinet. D. the Congress.33. Which of the following is the oldest sport in the United States?A. Baseball. B. Tennis.C. Basketball. D. American football.34. The head of the executive branch in New Zealand is_.A. the President. B. the Governor-General.C. the British monarch D. the Prime Minister.35. The Canterbury Tales, a collection of stories told by a group of pilgrims on their way to Canterbury, is an important poetic work by_

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