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智慧职教汽车基础电器系统检修Overhaul of Automotive Basic Electrical System考试.docx

1、智慧职教汽车基础电器系统检修Overhaul of Automotive Basic Electrical System考试1.(1分) 单选题0卤钨灯泡,就是在充入灯泡的气体中掺入了A 卤素元素B 惰性气体C 荧光粉D 钨参考答案: A 解析:无2.(1分) 单选题1用屏幕检验法检测前照灯的光束位置时,应将汽车停在距屏幕处()m的水平地面上,并且按规定充足轮胎气压,从车上卸下所有负载(只允许一名驾驶员乘座)。When detecting the beam position of headlamp by screen inspection method, the car should be p

2、arked on the horizontal ground () m from the screen, and the tire pressure should be sufficient to unload all loads from the car (only one driver is allowed to take a seat).A 5B 10C 15D 20参考答案: B 解析:无3.(1分) 单选题01.关于启动机不能与飞轮结合故障,甲说故障的原因主要在启动机的控制部分,乙说原因主要在主回路接触盘的过程过小。你认为以上观点()。1.As for the failure of

3、the starter that could not be combined with the flywheel, a said that the failure was mainly caused by the control part of the starter, while b said that the main reason was that the contact process of the main loop was too small.Do you think the above views ().A 甲正确 A rightB 乙正确 B rightC 甲乙都对 A and

4、 B rightD 甲乙都不对 A and B wrong参考答案: D 解析:无4.(1分) 单选题0点火系中附加电阻的作用为A 改善点火性能B 提高车速C 提高安全性D 降低电流参考答案: A 解析:无5.(1分) 单选题0高亮度弧光灯的灯泡里没有灯丝。There is no filament in the bulb of the high brightness arc lamp.A 正确 TRUEB 错误 FALSE参考答案: A 解析:无6.(1分) 单选题1喇叭声音微弱,其主要故障原因是( )。The main reason for the weak sound of the hor

5、n is ().A 喇叭继电器故障 Horn relay failureB 喇叭继电器电路短路 Short Circuit of Horn RelayC 喇叭按钮故障 Horn Button FailureD 喇叭按钮电路短路 Short Circuit of Horn Button参考答案: B 解析:无7.(1分) 单选题0交流发电机的()是产生交流电动势的?What produces the alternating current electromotive force?A 定子 The statorB 转子 The rotorC 铁芯 The iron coreD 线圈 coil参考答

6、案: A 解析:无8.(1分) 单选题1在讨论蓄电池结构时,甲说12V蓄电池由6个单个电池并联组成,乙说12V蓄电池由6个单格电池串联组成,你认为A 甲正确B 乙正确C 甲乙都正确D 甲乙都不正确参考答案: B 解析:无9.(1分) 单选题0门灯装在轿车外张式车门内侧底部,开启车门时,门灯发亮光色为( )。The door lamp is installed at the bottom of the inside of the cars open door. When the door is opened, the light of the door lamp is ().A 白色 White

7、B 红色 redC 黄色 yellowD 蓝色 blue参考答案: B 解析:无10.(1分) 单选题1用万用表R1挡栓测单个二极管时,其正向电阻值应在( )之间,反向应在10K以上。A 2-3B 8-10C 20-30 D 200-300参考答案: B 解析:无11.(1分) 单选题1汽车电器系统能帮我们解决的问题?That the electrical system can help us with?A 驾驶 DrivingB 乘坐 RideC 安全 SafetyD 以上都对 All参考答案: D 解析:无12.(1分) 单选题0桑塔纳车窗延时继电器可有约30S延时时间便于车主关窗Sant

8、ana window delay relay can have about 30S delay time for the owner to close the windowA 对 rightB 错 wrong参考答案: A 解析:无13.(1分) 单选题1附加电阻通常与点火线圈哪一组线圈相连,采用什么连接方式?A 初级,并联B 初级,串联C 次级,并联D 次级,串联参考答案: B 解析:无14.(1分) 单选题1功率低、发光强度最高、寿命长且无灯丝的汽车前照灯是( )。The automobile headlamp with low power, the highest luminous in

9、tensity, long life and no filament is ().A 高压氙气大灯 High pressure xenon headlampB 卤素大灯 halogen headlampC 双丝灯泡 twin filament headlampD 封闭式前照灯 enclosed headlamp参考答案: A 解析:无15.(1分) 单选题0一旦出现制动系统故障警示灯常亮的故障时,有可能是( )。Once the brake system failure warning lights are always on, it may be ().A 雾灯坏了 Fog lamp is

10、brokenB 倒车灯不亮 Back lamp is not onC 尾灯不亮 Tail lamp is not onD 刹车片磨损严重 Brake pads are worn badly参考答案: D 解析:无16.(1分) 单选题1启动汽车时,启动机连续启动次数累次不超过( )次A 3B 4C 5D 6参考答案: A 解析:无17.(1分) 单选题0近光灯不亮故障原因不包括( )。The cause of failure of low light does not include ().A 变光器损坏 Damage to light converterB 线路断路或短路 circuit b

11、reaking or short circuit,C 灯丝烧断 filament burningD 雾灯继电器损坏 Fog lamp relay damage参考答案: D 解析:无18.(1分) 单选题1电动车窗的电动一般为The electric power of electric Windows is generallyA 单向直流电动机 One-way DC motorB 双向直流电动机 Two-way DC motorC 永磁双向直流电动机 Permanent magnet bidirectional DC motorD 磁阻同步电动机 Magnetic resistance syn

12、chronous motor参考答案: C 解析:无19.(1分) 单选题0下面不属于雨刮器总成的是?Whats next that doesnt belong to the wiper assembly?A 电动机 motorB 减速器 reducerC 四连杆机构 Four-link mechanismD 蓄电池 battery参考答案: D 解析:无20.(1分) 单选题01.启动机的功用是将()的电能转化为机械能,产生转矩,启动发动机。1.The function of the starter is to convert () electrical energy into mechan

13、ical energy, produce torque, start the engine.A 发电机 The generatorB 蓄电池 batterC 电容器 capacitorD 点火线圈 The ignition coil参考答案: A 解析:无21.(1分) 单选题0蓄电池充电时,消耗了( )增加了( ),电解液密度( ),放电过程则相反。( )A 水、硫酸、下降B 硫酸、水、下降C 水、硫酸、上升参考答案: C 解析:无22.(1分) 单选题1蓄电池容量的单位是( )。A 牛/米 B 安培/小时C 瓦特/秒 参考答案: B 解析:无23.(1分) 单选题0电动车窗的执行元件是?W

14、hat is the actuator of the electric window?A 电动车窗升降器 Electric window liftB 开关 switchC 蓄电池 batteryD 继电器 electric relay参考答案: A 解析:无24.(1分) 单选题0电喇叭的音量调整主要是调节电喇叭的( )大小。 The volume adjustment of the electric horn is mainly to adjust the size of the electric horn.A 上下铁芯间隙 Gap between upper and lower cores

15、B 工作电压 working voltageC 工作电阻 Working resistanceD 工作电流 Working current参考答案: D 解析:无25.(1分) 单选题1电动车窗不可以由什么控制?Electric windows can not be controlled by what?A 司机控制 Driver controlB 方向盘控制 Steering wheel controlC 乘客控制 Passenger controlD 锁止控制 Lock control参考答案: B 解析:无26.(1分) 单选题0倒车灯常见故障不包括( )Common faults of

16、 reversing lamp excluding ()A 挂倒档,倒车灯均不亮 Back-up lights are not onB 挂倒档,一边倒车灯不亮 Back-up lights are not on at the same timeC 倒车灯常亮 Back-up lights are always onD 制动灯亮 Brake lights are on参考答案: D 解析:无27.(1分) 单选题1牌照灯要确保行人在车后( )m处看清牌照上的文字和数字。A 10B 20C 30D 40参考答案: B 解析:无28.(1分) 单选题1一般的制动灯装在( )。General brak

17、e lights are installed in ().A 车尾 TailB 车前 frontC 车顶 roofD 车内 interior参考答案: A 解析:无29.(1分) 单选题0发电机的转速( )发动机的转速。A 高于B 低于C 等于参考答案: A 解析:无30.(1分) 单选题0当发电机炭刷坏时,发电机将不发电,其原因是炭刷坏了以后,将使( )。A 激磁电路断路B 三项绕组中的某一项绕组断路C 使发电机的输出线路中断 参考答案: A 解析:无31.(1分) 单选题0雾灯的功率一般为( )W。The power of fog lamp is () W.A 10B 35C 55D 75

18、参考答案: B 解析:无32.(1分) 单选题02.下列汽车发动机不能起动的原因是()。2. The reason why the following automobile engine cannot be started is ().A 低压电路断路 Low voltage circuit breakB 供油不足 Oil supply is insufficientC 混合气过稀 The mixture is too thinD 混合气过浓 The mixture is too thick参考答案: A 解析:无33.(1分) 单选题0电压调节器触点控制的电流是发电机的()?Which pa

19、rt of the generator is the current controlled by the voltage regulator contacts?A 励磁电流 Field currentB 电枢电流 Armature currentC 充电电流 Charging currentD 点火电压 The ignition voltage参考答案: A 解析:无34.(1分) 单选题0当打开远光灯时,仪表会出现什么提示灯?When the high light is turned on, what light will appear on the meter?A 转向信号指示灯 Stee

20、ring signal indicatorB 发电机指示灯 Generator indicatorC 远光灯指示灯 High light indicatorD 发电机故障报警灯 Generator failure alarm lights参考答案: C 解析:无35.(1分) 单选题0倒车灯控制电路由( )、倒车灯、蜂鸣器、倒车语音装置、倒车雷达装置、倒车影像等组成。The backing lamp control circuit (), backing lamp, buzzer, backing voice device, backing radar device, backing imag

21、e and other components.A 继电器 Relay,B 倒车灯开关 reversing light switchC 接头 connectorD 灯泡 bulb参考答案: B 解析:无36.(1分) 单选题0交流发电机过载时,()可协同发电机向用电设备供电?When the ac generator is overloaded, what can coordinate with the generator to supply power to the electrical equipment?A 分电器 distributorB 电动机 motorC 蓄电池 batterD 启

22、动机 stater参考答案: C 解析:无37.(1分) 单选题1制动灯的颜色为( )The color of the brake lamp is ()A 白色 WhiteB 红色 redC 黄色 yellowD 蓝色 blue参考答案: B 解析:无38.(1分) 单选题1下面哪个灯与信号灯Which light and signal light is down there?A 转向灯 Turn signalB 近光灯 Near-lightC 远光灯 High lightD 室内照明灯 Indoor lighting参考答案: A 解析:无39.(1分) 单选题1装于汽车发电机内部的调节器是

23、()What is the regulator inside the car generator?A FT61型 FT61 typeB JFT106型 JFT106 typeC 集成电路调节器 Integrated circuit regulatorD 晶体调节器 Crystal regulator参考答案: C 解析:无40.(1分) 单选题0下面哪个选项不是连接装置?Which of the following options is not a connection device?A 线束 WirebeamB 开关 switchC 保险丝 fuseD 中央接线盒 Central junct

24、ion box参考答案: D 解析:无41.(1分) 单选题1下面不属于电动车窗的组成是?What is the composition of the underside that does not belong to the electric window?A 玻璃 glassB 永磁电动机及减速器 Permanent magnet motor and speed reducerC 盖板 coverplateD 发动机 engine参考答案: D 解析:无42.(1分) 单选题1可导致发电机异响?What can cause abnormal generator noise?A 发电机轴承润

25、滑不良 Poor lubrication of generator bearingB 碳刷过短 Carbon brush too shortC 定子短路 The stator short-circuitD 转子短路 The rotor circuit参考答案: A 解析:无43.(1分) 单选题11.启动机的驱动齿轮与止推片之间的间隙应为()mm1. The clearance between the drive gear and thrust plate of the starter shall be () mmA 1-4mmB 1-2mmC 0.5-1mmD 0.5-0.9mm参考答案:

26、D 解析:无44.(1分) 单选题1常见的闪光器有电容式、翼片式和晶体管式三种。Common flashers are capacitive type, wing type and transistor type.A 正确 TRUEB 错误 FALSE参考答案: B 解析:无45.(1分) 单选题0验收发电机时,检查其有无机械和电路故障,可采取()试验?When checking and accepting the generator, check whether there are mechanical and circuit faults. () test can be carried o

27、ut.A 负载 loadB 启动 startC 空转 idlingD 手动 manual参考答案: C 解析:无46.(1分) 单选题0制动灯电路包括保险丝、( )、灯泡、搭铁等。Brake lamp circuit includes fuse, (), lamp, tie-up, etc.A 继电器 RelayB 接头 ConnectorC 开关 SwitchD 倒车灯 Reversing Lamp参考答案: C 解析:无47.(1分) 单选题0下面哪个灯属于照明灯Which of the following lights belongs to the lamp?A 转向灯 Turn sig

28、nalB 近光灯 Near-lightC 示宽灯 Shallow lightD 刹车灯 Brake lights参考答案: B 解析:无48.(1分) 单选题0制动灯常见的故障点没有( )。There is no common breakdown point of brake lamp.A 制动开关损坏 Brake switch damageB 线路断路 circuit breakC 灯炮灯丝断 filament breakD 继电器坏了 relay break参考答案: D 解析:无49.(1分) 单选题1汽车电器系统的电压Voltage of automotive electrical s

29、ystemsA 220VB 110VC 12VD 6V参考答案: C 解析:无50.(1分) 单选题0验收发电机时,检查其有无机械和电路故障,可采取()试验?When checking and accepting the generator, check whether there are mechanical and circuit faults. () test can be carried out.A 负载 loadB 启动 startC 空转 idlingD 手动 manual参考答案: C 解析:无51.(1分) 单选题1当接通危险报警开关时,只有前转向灯闪烁。When the danger alarm switch is turned on, only the front steering light flickers.A 正确 TRUEB 错误 FALSE参考答案: B 解析:无52.(1分) 单选题0汽车电器系统不包括哪些?What are not included in the automotive electrical system?A 点火系统 Ignition system

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