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line graph 曲线图.docx

1、line graph 曲线图Line graph考查重点描述曲线的主要变化趋势描述曲线变化的时间、幅度、数据比较不同曲线变化趋势的差别核心表达the highest point reach / attain / climb up to/ increase/ rise to + a peak of / a high point at / a summit of /a pinnacle at +数字peak at + 数字电视观众人数在 8:00 pm到达最高值60%。The number of TV audiences reached a peak of 60% at 8:00 pm.The p

2、ercentage of TV audiences peaked at 60% at 8:00 pm. the lowest pointbottom out atreach the bottom ofhit/ strike the lowest point atfall to the floor ofdescend tohit a trough三月份的旅游人数达到全年最低的三万人。The number of visitors hit the bottom of 30,000 in March.In March, the tourists figure fell to 30,000, the l

3、owest point of the year.上升v. increase, grow, rise, climb, mount, ascend rocket(90), escalate(80), swell (70), soar(60), surge(45),boom (30), ease up (20), edge up (10)p.p. on the rise, with an increase, on an upward trend下降v. decrease, fall, drop, decline, descend dip, go down, sink plummet(90), plu

4、nge(80), collapse(70), slump(60), subside(45), ebb(30), ease down(20), edge down(10)p.p. on the decline, on a downward trend 人的记忆力随着年龄增长而衰退。As one grows older, ones memory declines.2000年的整体犯罪率是过去20年最低的,而2010年持续下降。The overall crime rate in 2000 was the lowest in the past 20 years, and the downward tr

5、end continued in 2010.海外留学的数量上升到最高点。The number of going abroad soared to the summit.在这35年间, 出生率从最高点跌入最低点。The birthrate plunged into the bottom from the peak in the 35 years.本公司的销售量呈增长趋势。There is a growing trend in sales in this company.保持稳定、不变stand at, remain stable, stay steady, keep constant, keep

6、 the sameremain plane, maintain, stay unvarying, keep balanced, level off/ out波动V. fluctuate, vary, waver, undulate, flutter, swingAdj. variable, mutable回升pick up, turn up again, rise again after a fall, rebound, recover经济活动将在第三季度触底,然后再今年晚些时候回升。The economic activity is expected to bottom out in the

7、third quarter, then to turn up later this year.人们期望食品价格趋于平稳。People expect the food prices to level off.如图所示,犯罪率在今后5年内可能保持平稳。The crime rate shown in this table is likely to remain stable in the next 5 years.在线图中的波动反映了出口量的不稳定。The fluctuations in the line chart reflected the instability of export amoun

8、t.法国的失业率回到了原点。The unemployment rate in France recovered the original point.就业率在最近几年内起伏波动。The employment rate waved in these years.幅度幅度大 adj. dramatic, drastic, rapid, sharp, steep, substantial, considerable , significant, marked, remarkable, noticeable, tremendous, immense, enormousE.g. It rises sub

9、stantially.= There is a dramatic increase in the number of= We can see a significant increase in the percentage of 幅度中 adj. moderate, gradual, steady, mediumIt rises moderately.= There is a medium growth in the number of= The number of is in moderation.幅度小 adj. slight, small, minor, minimal, gentle,

10、 subtle, slowIt rises gently.= There is a slight increase in the number of= We can witness a small increase in the percentage of比较adv. comparatively, relatively相应地adv. correspondingly, proportionately分别adv. respectively, each时间时间点:在时: in(+年,月), on(+日), when, which, at (the point/time of)到时: by, unti

11、l, before时间段:FromtoBetween andFrom until/ tillDuring / for/ over the period of / a-year period从1900年到2000年from 1900 to 2000a period between 1900 and 2000the one hundred years from 1900a century from 1900 till 2000转折:whereas, on the other hand, while, however, on the contrary, compared with, by contr

12、ast, differently , in the contrast相似:Similarly, follow the same trend, both increase substantially, to the same level从英国到法国的旅游人数从2000年初的15,000人激增至二月的近50,000人。The number of UK visitors to France shot up dramatically from 15,000 at the beginning of the year of 2000 to nearly 50,000 by February. 从二月到六月

13、,人数逐渐降低至30,000人左右。In the next four months, this figure gradually declined to 30,000.六月到八月的两个月间,旅游人数小幅回升至将近40,000人。The two months between June and August saw a minor recovery of tourists number to approximately 40,000.接下来的两个月,人数迅速探底至不到10,000人。However, the number plunged to the bottom point of the yea

14、r, less than 10,000, by the end of October.一年的最后两个月,旅游人数有明显回升。There was a steady rebound in the number of UK visitors in the last two months of the year.As is shown in the graph, the number of UK visitors to France started at 15,000 at the beginning of the year of 2000, and shot up dramatically to r

15、each nearly 50,000 by February. This figure, however, gradually declined to 30,000 in the following four months. Although the two-month period between June and August saw a small recovery to about 40,000, the number plunged to the bottom point of the year, less than 10,000, by the end of October. Fo

16、rtunately, the tourists enthusiasm seemed to pick up in the last two months of the year.Average attendance of NBA basketball重点句型The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999.近义替换show = describe/ illustrate/ demonstrate/ summarize/ out

17、line/ indicate proportion = percentage categories = kinds, types families = householdsThe table gives a picture of the percentage of different kinds of Australian households living in poverty in 1999. The table indicates the types of impoverished families in Australia in 1999.The graphs / charts/ ta

18、bles/, based on, illustrate / unfold/ display a clear picture of (主要内容) in (地方、方面) between and (时间).As is reflected/ revealed / shown / illustrated / in the graphs, the number / percentage of + (上升;下降) dramatically/ gently + 时间.Lee-Hom Fans1990 5,0002000 50,000标准版本(5.5-6)1. 直接法The amount/ number/ pr

19、oportion of + 对象+ 趋势 (v.)+数字+ 时间E.g. The number of lee-hom fans increased from 5 thousand in 1990 to 50 thousand in 2000.2. There be句型There is / was/ will be + 趋势 (noun.)of + 数字 + in + 对象+ 时间E.g. There was a steep rise of 45 thousand in the number of lee-hom fans over the decade since 1990.高分版本(6.5-

20、7):拟人法 1时间+ saw / witnessed/ experienced +趋势 (n.)+ 数字+ 对象E.g. The decade since 1990/ the period from 1990 to 2000 experienced a growth of 45 thousand in the number of lee-hom fans.拟人法 2对象+ witnessed/ saw/ experienced + 趋势(n.)+ 数字+ 时间E.g. The number of lee-hom fans witnessed a growth of 45 thousand d

21、uring the last decade of the 20th century.被动法趋势(n.)+数字 is found in + 对象+ 时间(一般不用于将来时)E.g. An upward tendency of 45 thousand was found in the number of lee-hom fans between 1990 and 2000.将来时Is expected/ predicted/ forecasted多条曲线不符合要求的写作:(1)只罗列数据(2)不总结趋势(3)不写特征数据(4)妄自揣测推论数据背后的原因The graph below shows r

22、adio and television audiences throughout the day in 1992.双曲线写法:首段 与写一条曲线方法相同中间段落 分别描写两条曲线的变化末段 写两条曲线的共同点和不同点The line graph describes the percentage of radio listeners and television viewers over four years old in the U.K. throughout the day from Oct to Dec in1992. The figure reveals that before 1:00

23、 p.m. there were more radio audiences, while after 1:00 p.m. more people turned to television.The data indicated that radio listeners increased substantially before 8:00 am, when the percentage reached a peak of 27%. Then, it declined steadily in the following 20 hours, bottoming out at 2% at 4:00 a

24、.m. of the next day. The period from 4:00 am to 6:00 am saw another slight rise to 4% in radio listeners.The change seen in TV viewers, however, differed significantly. As for TV audiences, the period from 6:00 8:30 a.m. saw a steady increase , when there was a leveling off at 8% until 10:00

25、am.From then on, it generally maintained an upward trend until the peak( about 45%) was reached at 8:00 p.m., in spite of some small fluctuations. However, after that there was a slump in the percentage, and it continued until 3:00 a.m. when the number reached the bottom of 3%. Then, a slight rise w

26、as shown after 4:00 a.m.The general trend was that the percentage of both radio and television audiences rose first and then decrease, while the total number of the latter was bigger than the former. In addition, the prime time for radio and television was 8 am and 8 pm, respectively.The line chart

27、gives information about the electricity demand in England on typical days in winter and summer. It illustrates that the demand in winter is almost twice that in summer.It can be seen that the electricity demanded in winter starts from a high of 35,000 units at 0:00, and is followed by a steady incre

28、ase to approximately 40,000 at 3 a.m. However, from then on, the number drops sharply for the next 6 hours to hit the bottom of 30,000 units. After that, the electricity demand is on a steady rise until 22:00, when the peak of the day is reached, about 48,000 units. The last two hours of the day, no

29、t surprisingly, witness a sharp decrease in the demand to the same level as in the very early morning.However, electricity usage in summer first experiences a gradual decline from 18,000 at 0:00 to 12,000 at 9:00, which is the lowest in the day, and then a steady climb, back to its peak of 20,000 un

30、its at 14:00. In contrast to that in winter, the summer needs decrease slightly and almost level out for most of the evening, with a peak (nearly 20,000) at 22:00.Overall the time from 8 a.m. to 9 a. m. sees the lowest usage of electricity in both winter and summer, and a peak is also indicated at a

31、round 10 p. m.范文1:按照时间分段The graph shows the increase in the ageing population in Japan, Sweden and the USA. It indicates that the percentage of elderly people (aged 65 and over) in all three countries is expected to increase to almost 25% of the respective populations by the year 2040. In 1940 the proportion of people aged 65 or more stood at only 5% in Japan, approximately 7% in Sweden and 9% in the US. However, while the figures for the Western countries grew to about 15% in around 1990, the figure for Japan dipped to only 2.5% for much of this period, before rising to almost 5% again a

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