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1、全国网络教育统一考试大学英语B综合练习题全国网络教育统一考试大学英语B综合练习题 第1套交际用语1.How do you go to work?A, I go to work everyday.B, I do not go to work everyday.C, By train.D, By air.2. Good morning, John. How are you doing?A, I am pleased.B, Good night.C. Not so bad. And you?D, How do you do?3, - We are planning an outing. - Sure

2、.A, Where are you doing?B, When will you leave?C, How is everything?D, Do you want to join us?4,We ordered 20 boxes of your products, but we have only got 19. A, You do not have to.B, It does not matter.C, We will send another tomorrow.D, Nothing serious.5, - Hello, Id like to speak to Mr. Wang.- ,

3、Hes out to lunch now.A, Sorry, you cant.B, I do not knowC, You cantD, Would you mind calling back later?阅读Passage One If youve been joining in chat room conversations, or reading email with net pals, you have become one of the millions who write in a special, short form of English. Throughout the wo

4、rld, every night children and their elders are talking on-line: many of them are talking at the same time.It is fast: trying talking to six people once. It is convenient: three or four words per exchange. It takes cleverness, concentration and quick fingers. And it requires very simple language. The

5、res neither time nor space for explanations. Why waste precious time telling six friends you have to leave for a moment to take care of your little brother when BRB(=be right back) will do? Want to enter a conversation? Just type PMFJI (=pardon me for jumping in). Interested in whom youre talking to

6、? Type A/S/L, the common request to know your pals age, sex and location. You may get 15/M/HK as a reply from your pal. If something makes you laugh, say youre OTF (=on the floor), or LOL (=laughing out loud), or join the two into ROTFL (=rolling on the floor laughing).And when its time to get back

7、to work or go to bed, you type GTG (=got to go) or TTYL (=talk to you later).People want to write as fast as possible, and they want to get their ideas across as quickly as they can. Capital letters are left in the dust, except when expressing feeling, as it takes more time to hold down the shift ke

8、y and use capitals. Punctuation is going too.6, When people are on-line, they talk by _.A. using body languageB. drawing some strange picturesC. making phone callsD. making use of an especially short form of English7. The Internet makes many people in the world _A. talking at the same timeB. discove

9、r their friends and relativesC. pick out good things to buyD. find out about some problems in society8. The sentence Theres neither time nor space for explanations means that A. people should use words properlyB. people should know what time it is when they are talking C. People on-line have to expr

10、ess themselves in a simple wayD. people should communicate in a funny way9, If you get 19/M/HK as an answer to your A/S/L, it meansA. the person who is talking to you is 19 from Hong Kong and he is highB. you are talking to a boy 19 years old and he lives in Hong KongC. you are talking to 19 boys fr

11、om Hong Kong at the same timeD. the boy from Hong Kong has been online for 19 minutes10, Which of the following is a way to save on-line time?A. People seldom use capital letters or punctuation marks. B. Many people draw pictures.C. People only use the mouse instead of the keyboard.D. People never u

12、se the shift key.Passage Two Many people believe they are supposed to drink eight glasses of water a day, or about two liters. Why? Because that is what they have been told all their life. But a new report offers some different advice. Experts say people should obey their bodies; they should drink a

13、s much water as they feel like drinking.The report says most healthy people meet their daily needs for liquid by letting thirst be their guide. The report is from the Institute of Medicine, part of the National Academies. This organization provides scientific and technical advice to the government a

14、nd the public.The report contains some general suggestions. The experts say women should get about two-point-seven liters of water daily. Men should get about three-point-seven liters. But waitin each case that is more than eight glasses.There is an important difference. The report does not tell peo

15、ple how many glasses of water to drink. In fact, the experts say it may be impossible to know how many glasses are needed to meet these guidelines. This is because the daily water requirement can include the water content in foods. People do not get water only by forcing themselves to drink a set nu

16、mber of glasses per day. People also drink fruit juices and sodas and milk. They drink coffee and tea. These all contain water.As you might expect, the Institute of Medicine says people need to drink more water when they are physically active. The same is true of those who live in hot climates. Spen

17、ding on heat and activity, people could need two times as much water as others do.11, According to the passage, experts advise people to _A. drink eight glasses of water a dayB. drink as much water as they feel like drinkingC. drink a glass of water after each mealD. drink no less than eight glasses

18、 of water a day12, Most healthy people meet their daily needs for water by drinking A when they are tiredB when they are sweatingC when they are thirsty D when they are hungry13, The Institute of Medicine usually A changes some traditional ideasB announces some medical advancesC provides scientific

19、and technical advice to the government and the publicD provides scientific and technical advice to the National Academies14, Which of the following is TRUE?A Peoples daily water requirement can include the water content in foods.B The report does tell people how many glasses of water to drink a day.

20、C The experts say it may be possible to know how many glasses are needed to meet these guideline.D People cant get water when they drink fruit juices and sodas and milk.15, People need to drink more water A when they are physically activeB when they live in hot climatesC when they are running long d

21、istanceD all of the above词汇与语法16, I earn 10 dollars _ hour as _ supermarket cashier on Saturdays.A a anB the a C an aD an the17,He made a living in the past _ in a middle school.A teachingB taught C by teachingD on teaching18 There _ a book and some magazines on the desk.A isB are C haveD has19, Yes

22、terday was _ day that we decided to go swimming.A such beautifulB so beautifulC such a beautifulD a so beautiful20. Children under 12 years of age in that country _ be under adult supervision when in a public library.A mustB mayC canD need完形填空Last night, a fire broke out in Anns house in Manchester.

23、 Anns 21 were out of town for the weekend when something wrong in the room caused the fire to start in the middle of the night. The 22 was waken up by the family dog, Danny, who was barking loudly in the back garden. Ann smelled something 23. She 24 and 25 ran through the smoke filled house to wake

24、her old brother, Frank. When Frank would not wake up, Ann got some help from the dog. Franks unconscious body was far too 26 for the little girl to move alone, but the 27 girl brought the dog 28 and tied the dogs lend (牵狗的皮带 ) to Frank s left ankle. She then held her brothers right ankle, and togeth

25、er the girl and the dog 29 Frank to safety. The 10 year old girl, Ann, 30 her big brother from death.21,A parentsB brother and sisterC friendsD Classmates22 A child B boy C girlD dog23 A delicious B bad C burnD burning24A stood up B woke up C got upD put up25A at once B at first C at lastD at that m

26、oment26A big B smallC lightD heavy27A careless B busy C cleverD careful28A inside B outside C backD near29A pushed B pulled C cardedD made30 A was received B got C was savedD saved翻译31,Who is going to answer the telephone?32, Tom and John mistook each others glasses.33, People usually hate mice, but

27、 one mouse won the hearts of the people all over the world.写作建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目用英语写一篇不少于80词的短文。How to keep healthy参考答案1-5 CCDCD6-10 CACBB11-15 BCCAD16-20 DCACA31-30ACDCADCCBD31 谁去接电话?32 汤姆和约翰错拿了对方的眼镜33 人们通常厌恶老鼠,但有一只老鼠赢得了全世界人的心。全国网络教育统一考试大学英语B综合练习题 第2套交际用语1. How did Mr.Zhang go to the cinema? A, At

28、10.a.m.B, To Mrs. Jones.C, By car.D, To the Grand theater.2. I wish you success in your carrier. A, You are welcome.B, I think so.C, Yes, please!D, The same to you.3, - Could you give me a helping hand? - I want to clean my room.A, How is that?B, Sure, what can I do for you?C, Not at all.D, Which on

29、e?4,The party is so wonderful. Thank you once more for inviting me. A Oh, you are leaving.B I like the party.C Goes now if you have timeD Thank you for coming.5, - Sorry to have kept you waiting. - A That is OK.B What is wrong with you?C What are you doing?D Where have you been?阅读Passage One Down th

30、e entrance hall of the school walk four eighth-grade students. Each one is carrying a small basket with a single egg inside. Soon more students join them each one of them is also carrying a basket with an egg. The eggs in a basket are part of a new school program that helps young people understand t

31、hat having a baby is a great duty.At the beginning of the program, the teacher puts the students in pairs:one girl and one boy. Each pair gets an egg, which they must take care of for two weeks. For those fourteen days, the students have to take care of the eggs as though they were real babies. Students whose eggs get broken have to start the two weeks all over again with a new egg.One person in each pair must have the egg with

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