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雅思口语题库Part TwoThree.docx

1、雅思口语题库Part TwoThreePart Two & Part ThreeDescribe an area of your hometown that has recently changed.You should say:what part of your hometown has changedwhat it used to be likewhat changes have been (or, were) madewhat caused this changeand explain how you feel about these changes.1. In general, wha

2、t are some of the reasons why changes occur to cities?2. What effects do (or can) changes to a city have on peoples lives?3. Are these changes always beneficial to everyone?4. Who benefits most (and who benefits least) from these changes?5. How do young people feel about changes to their hometown?6.

3、 Do you think some people can cope with these changes better than others? (Who? How? Why?)7. Do young people and old people feel the same about these changes?8. What are the most important needs of people when they live in a city?9. The Decision-Making Process Concerning Changes to Cities (and Towns

4、)10. In your country, who decides what changes are to be made to a city (or town)?11. Do you think government should consult the views of the people before these changes are carriedout?12. How do (or, how could) the government find out the opinions of the public on questions of changes toa city?13.

5、Should people have the right to ask for changes when they are dissatisfied with something about theircity?14. What effects does a fast-growing population have on a city?15. What do you suggest could be done about these problems?16. In some countries, many people are trying to move from the country-s

6、ide to the cities. How do youthink this should be (or could be) managed in order to minimize the bad effects of this on the cities?17. What are some differences between young people in the past and at present?18. Among people, what differences in attitudes are there about change?19. What kinds of pe

7、ople like change and what kinds of people dislike change?20. When governments make changes to society, who usually benefits the most?21. Changes in Government Policy22. In your country, how do changes in government policy come about?23. Do you think the traditions in your country (or culture) are ch

8、anging (or, have changed)?24. Do you think traditions should be preserved, unchanged, or is there some value in changingtraditions?25. What do you think is the value of traditions?26. Do you think old people think about traditions (or, value traditions) more than young people do?27. How will you tea

9、ch your (cultural) traditions to your children?Describe a time when you helped someone.You should say:who you helpedhow you helped themwhy you helped them (or, why he or she needed help)and explain how you felt when/after you helped this person.1. Do you like helping people?2. Why do you think peopl

10、e generally like to help others?3. What skills (or, personal traits) does one need when helping an old person or a child?4. Who would you prefer to help, a child or an elderly person?5. What are some differences between helping (or, taking care of) children and helping (or taking careof) old people?

11、6. Can you think of some examples of work that involve helping other people?7. Why do you think some people want to do helping jobs such as nursing?8. Do you think people should be paid more to do this type of work than they are paid now?9. Do you think the community, as a whole, has a responsibilit

12、y to help those in the community whoneed help?10. Why do some people choose to do volunteer work?11. Children Learning to Help Others12. Do you think (young) children should help each other?13. Do you think its natural for (young) children to help each other (or, to help others)?14. Do you think chi

13、ldren should be (or, need to be) taught to (or, encouraged to) help others by theirparents?15. How could this be done?16. Do you think its good for parents to reward their children for good behavior?17. How do you think the behavior of parents affects the attitudes that children develop concerninghe

14、lping others?Describe a useful piece of equipment (not a computer) that you use at home.You should sayhow you got itwhat you use it forhow often you use itand explain why you think this thing is useful.1. How do you think modern equipment has changed the way we work, (compared to the past)?2. Do you

15、 think equipment at work improves the efficiency of employees?3. Is it possible that modern equipment in the office could sometimes increase the work we do, insteadof decreasing it?4. Does any modern equipment at work help to improve the work environment? (health)5. Do you think that operating equip

16、ment at work can ever have some bad effects on the body?6. Do you think its important for employees (in industry) to be trained to use the equipment at work?7. What are some of the different examples of modern (electrical) equipment that people use in thehome today?8. Which of those do you think is

17、the most important?9. Are there any of those that you think are not very important?10. Why do people have these things if they are not really necessary?11. What do you think are the benefits of using modern equipment and devices (in the home)?12. Are there any disadvantages from using modern equipme

18、nt so much in the home?13. Do you think that the use of so much labor-saving equipment in the home tends to make people lazy?14. Do you think using modern electrical equipment affects peoples health in any way?15. Do you think that people in some countries rely too much on modern equipment?16. How d

19、o you think the use of modern communication equipment has affected peoples interpersonalcommunication skills?17. Besides the equipment that you use at home, what other equipment is there in your home?18. Do you think there are advantages for old people to use electrical equipment in the home?19. Do

20、elderly people use advanced equipment?20. Do you agree that older people have difficulties in using (advanced) modern equipment?21. How can we help elderly people to use these modern devices?Describe something new you have learned to do on computers.You should say:what you learnedwhen you learned it

21、how you learned itwho helped youand explain how you have benefited from learning this.1. What effects do you think the introduction of computers has had on the workplace?2. In what ways are computers useful at work?3. What do you think of people playing computer game at work?4. What do you think are

22、 the benefits of using computers at home?5. Do different people all do the same sorts of things on the computer at home?6. Are there any differences in computer usage between young people and old people?7. Why dont old people use computers very much?Describe a type of music that is popular in your c

23、ountry.You should say:what type of music it iswhere people listen to (or, can hear) iton what occasions people hear this musicwhat types of people usually like this type of music *1. What is the importance of music in peoples lives?2. Do you think that music adds something to peoples lives?3. Whats

24、your favorite style of music?4. What are the differences between the music old(er) people like and the music young people like?5. Why do you think older people have different tastes in music to young people?6. How (or why) do you think peoples preferences in music change with age?7. What do you thin

25、k are some of the reasons why a particular type of music becomes popular?8. Why does some music stay popular for a long time while other music stays popular only for a shorttime?9. Why do you think traditional music is gradually becoming less popular while modern pop music isbecoming more and more p

26、opular?10. Why do you think songs about love and friendship are so popular?11. In what ways is foreign music (or, Western music) different to music in your country?12. Do you think traditional music will eventually disappear in your country?13. How can a person know what music is (of) high quality (

27、and what music isnt (of) very high quality)?14. How does music affect peoples mood?15. Do you think music can affect peoples decisions when they are shopping?16. Do you think aggressive music has an effect on people? (If yes, what effect?)17. The Music Industry18. Do you think music can become comme

28、rcialized?19. Is there a lot of money in the music business? (Why?/How?)20. Do you think thats good?21. Is the internet having any effect on the music industry?22. What do you think of downloading music from the internet free of charge? . Do you think this will (orcould) have an effect on the music

29、industry?23. What do you suggest the government (or the music industry) could (or, should) do about thisproblem?24. Would you like to work in the music industry?25. Many young people go through a stage when they dream of being a being a pop singer or a musician.Why do you think they have this dream

30、(or, this ambition or, this fantasy)?26. Do you think its reasonable to say that since you love music, you would like to make it yourprofession?A Friend You AdmireDescribe a friend who did something you admire.You should say:what he or she didwhy he or she did thiswhat was the most difficult thing h

31、e/she had to do *and explain why you admire him/her.1. What kinds of people do young people (teenagers or children) admire?2. Do young people and older people (all) admire the same kinds of people?3. What kinds of people are most admired in your country?4. Are there any people who are admired by alm

32、ost everyone?5. Do people admire others who have high social status? (Why?)6. Why do you think people admire popular celebrities such as pop stars and film stars so much?7. Do you think celebrities such as pop stars and film stars have a responsibility to give some service tothe community?8. Do you think that celebrities (or, famous people) should

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