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1、综合B排完形填空完形填空第01篇、 A Life with BirdsA Life with Birds有鸟陪伴的生活For nearly 17 years David Cope has worked as one of the Tower of LondonS YeomanWarders, (1) known to tourists as BeefeatersDavid。641ives in a threebedroomedfiat right at the (2) of the Byward Tower,one of the gatehouses“ (3) ourbedroom we ha

2、ve a marvellous view of Tower Bridge and the Thalnes”says DavidThe Tower of London iS famous (4) its ravensthe large black birds which have lived there for over three centuriesDavid was immediately fascinated by the birds and when he was (5) the post of Raven Master eight years ago he had no (6) in

3、accepting it “The birdS have now become my life and I,m always (7) of the fact that I am (8) a traditionThe legend says that if the ravens leave the TowerEngland will fall to enemies,and itS my job to (9) sure this doesnt happen!” David (10) about four hours a day to the care of the ravensHe has gro

4、wn to love them and the (11) tIlat he lives right next to them is ideal“I can (12) a close eye on them all the time,and not just when Im working”(13) ,DavidS wife Mo was not (14) on the idea of life in the Tower,but she too will be sad to leave when he retires next year“When we look out of our windo

5、ws we see history (15) around US,and we are taking it in and storing it up for our future memories1.B better2.D top3.C From4.A for5.D offered6.C hesitation7.A aware8.B.maintaining9.B make10.A devotes11.D fact12.C keep13.C Atfirst14.B keen15.B all完形填空第02篇、 A Lucky BreakA Lucky BreakActor Antonio Band

6、eras iS used to breaking bonesand it always seems to happen when hes (1) sportIn the film Play it to the Bone he (2) tlle part of a middleweight boxer alongside Woody Harreison(3) the making of the film Harrelson (4) complaining that the fight (5) werent very convincing,so one day he suggested that

7、he and Banderas should have a fight for realThe Spanish actor wasnt (6) on the idea at first,but he was (7) persuaded by his CO-star to put on his gloves and climb into the boxing ringHoweverwhen he realized how seriously his (8) WaS taking it all,he began to regret his decision to fightAnd then in

8、the third roundHarrelson hit Banderas (9) hard in the face that he actually-broke his noseHis wife,actress Melanie Griffith,Was furious that he had been playing“silly macho games”“She was right”,confesses Banderas,“and I Was a fool to (10) a risk like that in the middle of a movie”He was (11) of the

9、 time he broke his leg during a football match in his native MalagaHe had always (12) of becoming a soccer star,of performing in front of a big crowdbut doctors told him his playing days were probably over“ThatS when I decided to take (13) acting;I saw it as (14) way of performing,and achieving reco

10、gnition What happened to me on that football (15) was,you might say,my first lucky break”1.C doing 2.A plays 3.D During4.A kept5.C scenes 6. B keen7. B eventually8. C opponent9. D so10. A take11. B reminded12. C dreamed13. A up14. D another15. B pitch完形填空第03篇、 Global WarmingGlobal Warming全球变暖Few peo

11、ple now question the reality of global warming and its effects on the worldS climateMany scientists (1) the blame for recent natural disasters on the increase (2) the worldS temperatures and are convinced that,more than (3) before,the Earth is at (4) from the forces of the wind,rain and sun (5) to t

12、hem,global warming is making extreme weather events, (6) as hurricanes and droughts,even more (7) and causing sea levels all around the world to (8) Environmental groups are putting (9) on governments to take action to reduce the (10) of carbon dioxide which is given (11) by factories and power plan

13、ts,thus attacking the problem at its sourceThey are in (12) of more money being spent on research into solar,wind and wave energy devices,which could then replace existing power (13) Some scientists, (14) believe that even if we stopped releasing carbon dioxide and other gases into the atmosphere to

14、morrow,we would have to wait (15) hundred years to notice the resultsGlobal warming,it seems,is here to stayl. B put2. A in3. D ever 4. C risk5. D According 6. A such7. B severe8. C rise9. B pressure10.A amount11.A off12. C favour 13. D stations14. D however15.A several 完形填空第04篇、 A Success StoryA Su

15、ccess StoryAt 19,Ben Way is already a millionaire,and one of a growing number of teenagers who have (1) their fortune through the Internet (2) makes BenS story all the more remarkable is that he is dyslexic,and was (3) by teachers at his junior school that he would never be able to read or write (4)

16、 “I wanted to prove them (5) ”,saysBencreator and director of Waysearcha net search engine which can be used to find goods in online shopping mallsWhen he was eight,his local authorities (6) him with a PC to help with school workAIthough he was (7) to read the manuals,he had a natural ability with t

17、he computer,and (8) by his father,he soon began (9) people10 an hour for his knowledge and skillsAt the age of 1 5 he (10) up his own computer consultancy,Quad Computerwhich he ran from his bedroomand two years 1ater he 1eft school to (11) all his time to business“By this time the company had grown

18、and I needed to take on a (12) of employees to help me”,says Ben “That enabled me to start (13) business with bigger companies”It was his ability to consistently (14) difficult challenges that led him to win the Young Entrepreneur of the Year award in the same year that he formed Waysearchand he has

19、 recently signed a deal (15) 25 million with a private investment company,which will finance his search engine1. B made 2. D What3. B told4. C properly5. A wrong 6. A provided7. D unable8. C encouraged9. B charging10. D set11. C devote12. A couple13. B doing14. A overcome15. D worth完形填空第05篇、 Traffic

20、 in Our CitiesTraffic in Our CitiesThe volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to expandThis causes many problems,including serious air pollution,lengthy delays,and the greater risk (1) accidentsClearly。something must be done,but it is often difficult to (2) people to change th

21、eir habits and leave their cars at homeOne possible (3) is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by (4) charges for parking and (5) tougher fines for anyone who (6) the lawIn addition,drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the dayThis syst

22、em, (7) as“road pricing”,is already being introduced in a (8) of cities,using a special electronic card (9) to the windscreen of the carAnother way of (10) with the problem iS to provide cheap parking on the (11) of the cityand strictly control the number of vehicles allowed into the centreDrivers a

23、nd their passengers then use a special bus service for the (12) stage of their journeyOf course, the most important (13) is to provide good public transportHowever,to get people to (14) the comfort of their CarS,public transport must be felt to be reliable,convenient and comfortable,with fares (15)

24、at an acceptable level1.A of 2.D persuade3. A approach 4. B increasing 5. C bringing in 6. C breaks 7. D known8. B number 9. A fixed10. C dealing11 .A outskirts12. D final13. B thing 14. C give up 15. B kept完形填空第06篇、 Teaching and LearningTeaching and LearningMany teachers believe that the responsibi

25、lities for learning lie withl the studentIf a long reading assignment is given,instructors expect student to be familiar with the (1) in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examinationThe (2) student iS considered to be one who iS motivated tO learn for the sake of (3) not

26、 the one interested only in getting high gradesSometimes homework is returned (4) brief written comments but without a gradeEven if a grade is not given,the student is (5) for learning the material assignedWhen research iS (6) the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it

27、with (7) guidanceIt is the studentS responsibility to find books,magazines,and articles in the libraryProfessors do not have the time to explain (8) a university library works;they expect students (9) graduate students to exhaust the reference (10) in the libraryProfessors will help students who nee

28、d itBut (11) that their students should not be (12) dependent on themIn the United States professors have many other duties (13) teachingsuch as administrative or research workThereforethe time that a professor can spend witIl a student outside of class is (14) If a student has problems with classro

29、om work。the student should either (15) a professor during office hours5 or make all appointment1.D information2.B ideal 3.C learning 4.D with5.C responsible6.C assigned7.B minimum8.D how9. A particularly10. C sources11. D prefer12. A too13. D besides14. B limited15. C approach完形填空第07篇、 The Differenc

30、e between Man and ComputerThe Difference between Man and Computer What makes people different from computer programs?What is the missing element that our theories dont yet (1) for? The answer is simple:People read newspaper stories for a reason:to 1earn more about (2) mey are interested inComputers,

31、on the other hand,dontIn fact,computers dont (3) have interests;there is nothing in particular that they are trying to find out when they readIf a computer (4) is to be a model of story understanding,it should also read for a“purpose”Of course。people have several goals that do not make (5) to attribute to computers。One might read a restaurant guide(6)-order to satisfy hunger or entertainment goals,or to (7) a good place to

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