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1、英语数字趣谈各种语言中数字承载着其深厚的文化内涵,往往与相关国家或民族的文化有着密不可分的关系,涉及文学典故、风土人情、风俗习惯、历史地理等等,这里整理归纳了一些与数字相关的习语,望抛砖引玉,引起英语学习者的兴趣和关注,并帮助理解英语的深刻含义。(一)说一不二1. ONE1)a one大胆有趣的人Oh, you are a one! 噢,你真大胆!2) a right one蠢人;傻子3)be one up (on sb.) (比某人)略胜一筹4) one and the same同一 Erle Stanley Gardiner and A. A. Fair are one and the s

2、ame person.5)at one :in accord or unity 一致,合力 Husband and wife were at one on everything except money.6)one and all :everyone 每个人,全体 The party was enjoyed by one and all.7)one by one: individually in succession 一个接一个8) a fast one(棒球中的)急球; 俚诡计, 骗局9)a hot one美俚异常滑稽的笑话10)a nasty one责骂; (碰)钉子; 严重的打击11)a

3、 quick one美俚匆匆一口喝下去的酒12) be all one to sb. 在某人看来全都一样, 无所谓 I dont mind which we do; its all one to me.13)become one (=be made one) 一体化; 结成夫妇14) big one大人物; 大亨; 美俚千元钞票:(对儿童说的委婉语)美俚大便15)by ones and twos三三两两地; 零零落落地 They left the hall by ones and twos so as not to attract attention.16) for one作为其中一个; 举例

4、来说 He, for one, wont let you down.17) go sb. one better 美俚胜过(某人)18) have one over the eight英俚微醉19) in one合为一体;一身兼职 He is cook, gardener and drive all in one.20) in the year one早年, 很久以前21)lay one on sb. 美俚给某人一拳22)like one oclock美俚好得很23)little ones孩子们, 小家伙们24)live one美俚随便花钱的人; 冤大头, 容易受骗上当的人25)One abov

5、e(=the Holy One)上帝26)taken one with another总的看来:taking one with another总的看来27) ten to one多用于否定句中一定, 必定; 十有八九, 多半 Tell him youve broken his vase. Ten to one he wont be angry. Its ten to one that bill will be late.28) the Evil One魔王, 撒旦29) the old one老头子, 父亲:魔鬼王30)the wicked one恶魔31)tie one on闹饮, 喝得大醉

6、32)young one孩子; 年轻人; 幼小动物33)one after another一个接一个地, 接连地34)one another相互, 互相35) one and only唯一的; 真正的; 美俚情人36)one in a thousand百里挑一, 杰出的37)one in the eye for sb. 给某人照眼一拳;给某人钉子碰38)one of those things命中注定的事39) one or other或者这个, 或者那个; 不管哪一个40)one or two一两个, 几个41)one too many多余的一个; 美口过量的酒42)one too many

7、for sb. 胜过; 非.所能敌He was one too many for too much for sb. 胜过; 非.所能 eye on同时照看 Chris tried to study with one eye on the TV set.44)be of one mind想法一致 I am of one mind with you on this.45)one at a time一次一个 He asked us to come to his office one at a time.46)one foot in the grave行将就木 The dog

8、 is 14, blind and feeble. He has one foot in the grave.47)one of these days有一天;哪一天 One of these days you will realize it.48)for one thing一个原因是;一个例子是;一则 For one thing, she is too old.49)as one像一个人一样 We are united as one to fight against the enemy.50)No.1一流的;顶刮刮的 Tiger Woods is Americas No.1 golfer.51

9、) Number one - 自己。由此而衍生to look after number one(自私,追求自己的 利益)2.TWO1) put two and two together根据事实的推测,推断2) in two: into two separate parts; in half:分成两个部分;分成两半:cut the sandwich in two把三明治切成两半3) be two不和, 合不来4)by twos (=two and two; two by two) 两个两个地, 成双成对地5)by twos and threes三三两两地, 零星地6)in twos口立刻, 马上

10、, 顷刻间7) two by four美口小的, 狭窄的, 微不足道的8) two of a kidney两个想法相同的人9) two or three两三个, 少数的10) two upon ten把眼睛睁大点(以防别人偷窃)11)be in two minds犹豫不定 Im in two minds whether to go or not.12)tell a thing or two责备 When John complained about the hard work, his father told him a thing or two.13) when two Fridays com

11、e together.“永远不”的遁词14) The two eyes of Greece.希腊古代的两座城市雅典和斯巴达。附谚语:Two and two make four. 二加二等于四; 非常清楚明显。Two can play at that game. 这一套你会我也会。Two is company, but three is none. 二人成伴, 三人不欢。Two of a trade never agree. 同行是冤家。When two ride on one horse, one must sit behind. 两人骑一匹马, 总得有一个坐在后面。It takes two

12、to make a quarrel. 孤掌难鸣。(二)说三道四3.THREE1)by twos and threes三三两两地2)Three in One(=the Trinity) (上帝的)三位一体3) three times three连续三次三欢呼4) Three sheets in the wind 酩酊大醉。When three know it, all know it.谚三人知, 天下晓。4.FOUR1) on all fours爬;匍匐2) . and four 四匹马拉的a coach and four一辆四匹马拉的马车3) scatter . to the four win

13、ds使四散消失; 抛弃; 浪费4)Four Horsemen(基督教圣经中的)四骑士(指战争、饥馑、瘟疫、死亡四大害)5)four hundred也作 Four Hundred (指当地的)名士, 名流6) Four-letter words - 粗俗的下流话。7)the four corners of the earth四面八方(三)人五人六5.FIVE1)bunch of fives俚手, 拳头2)take five美、口休息一下, 休息五分钟3)Big Five五大银行(英国 Midland Bank, Lloyds Bank, Barelays Bank, Westminster Ba

14、nk, and National Provincial Bank)4)rising fives未满五周岁幼儿学校学生5)give sb. a high five与某人高举双手击掌庆祝6) Fifth Column 叛徒或是渗透到重要部门中去为敌方效力的内奸,直译为第五纵队。7)The five wits - 常识、想象、幻想、估量和记忆这五种功能,泛指人的智能。6.SIXat sixes and sevens :in a state of confusion or disorder 乱七八糟混乱或杂乱的状态(四)七上八下7.SEVEN1) at sixes and sevens乱七八糟2)se

15、venty times seven七十个七次; 很大的数目3)The seventh son of a seventh son - 显要的后代。七这个数字在希伯来人中 间被认为是神秘而神圣的。根据圣经中所说的,世界就是在七天内创造的,每星期内有七天,还有七种美德,人一生分为七个生长时期,主祷文也分为七个部分。七的倍数也被认为是神圣的。4) 第一个是24/7,或者twenty-four, seven。这个习语指的是全部时光,即twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week的意思。I will always be available for you, 24/7

16、!5)be in seventh heaven表示非常幸福、快乐8.EIGHT1) Behind the eight ball - 处境危险,无可救药。2) the Eights指剑桥和牛津大学的划船比赛(五)九九十成9.NINE1) to the nines Informal :to the highest degree达到最高程度:dressed to the nines. 打扮得时髦到极点2)nine times out of ten十有八九,大抵;几乎都是3)The nine Muses 缪斯九女神4)long nine美廉价的雪茄烟5)long nines英陶土制的长烟斗6)on c

17、loud nine seven美俚得意洋洋; 心情非常舒畅; (过足了瘾)处于飘飘然的状态7)touch it off to the nines口干得漂亮, 干得出色, 做事聪明伶俐8)up to the nines华美地; 考究地; 整整齐齐地; 十全十美地9)nine tenths十之八九, 几乎全部10)A nine days wonder - 轰动一时而后又被遗忘的事情;昙花一现。11)To look nine ways - 斜眼看人。(六)十全十美10.TEN1) ten a penny平平常常的;毫无价值的2)ten to one十之八九;很可能Ten to one he has

18、forgotten it. 他很可能已经忘记了。3) Another ten!再划十下! 继续加油(最后冲刺时舵手的口令)!4)take ten美口休息十分钟, 小憩5)the upper ten (thousand) 上流社会; 贵族阶层6) tens of thousands好几万(七)百发百中11.HUNDRED1) a cool hundred口百镑巨款2)a great hundred一百二十a long hundred一百二十3)a hundred and one许多4)a hundred percent(=one hundred percent)百分之百; 纯粹; 完全;常用于否

19、定句身体好, 恢复健康5)a hundred to one一百与一的比; 可能性极大6)by the hundred, by hundreds数以百计, 大批地7)like a hundred of bricks口以压倒的势力; 来势猛烈地8)ninety-nine out of a hundred百分之九十九; 几乎全部; 差得不远9)the four hundred美上层社会; 上层人物; 豪富阶层10)hundreds and thousands撒在糕饼上做装饰的蜜饯小糖果11)hundreds of好几百, 许许多多12)hundreds of hundreds of数以万计13)hu

20、ndreds of thousands of几十万, 无数附谚语A fool may throw a stone into a well which a hundred wise men cannot pull out 傻子一个投石井内,智者百位难以捞回 (或:一愚闯祸,百智难补)。 A hundred pounds of sorrow pays not one ounce of debt 百镑愁难还一分债(或:烦恼不能还债)。 Buyers want a hundred eyes; sellers,none. 买东西的要有百只眼,卖东西的可以不长眼. (卖者装马虎,买者要小心). If yo

21、u kill one flea in March you kill a hundred.三月杀跳蚤,杀一少百。 One cannot do a foolish thing once in ones life,but one must hear of it a hundred times. 蠢事一生不可做一件,但一定会听到成百上千。 One enemy is too much for a man in a great post,and a hundred friends too few. 身居要职,朋友百人太少,敌人一个太多。 One father is more than a hundred

22、school masters. 胜过师长百位。 One good head is better than a hundred strong hands. 强手百双,莫如智者一人。 One man is worth a hundred and a hundred is not worth one. 一人可抵一百,一百不抵一人。 When angry,count ten before yoll speak; if very angry,a hundred. 生气时说话前先数十,大怒中数百后再开口。 (八)千里之行12.THOUSAND1) one in a thousand千里挑一的极好的人或事;

23、不可多得2) (a) thousand and one无数的, 非常多(源自阿拉伯故事集一千零一夜)3)a thousand to one千对一, 几乎绝对的, 几乎可以肯定4)by the thousand (=by the thousands, by thousands) 数以千计, 大批大批地, 论千, 按千(出售等)5)different in a thousand and one ways千差万别6)for the thousand and first time无数次, 三番五次7) the upper ten thousand 古、口上流社会, 贵族阶层8)thousands of

24、 thousands of千千万万thousands upon thousands成千上万9) A thousand thanks(千分感谢)(九)万里之遥13.MILLION1)the million: the common people; the masses 大众普通老百姓;群众:entertainment for the millions大众娱乐2) a million to one百万分之一的机会; 可能性极小的3)make a million发大财4) Thanks a million万分感谢(十)半斤八两14.DOZEN1)a bakers devils, printers do

25、zen十三个2)be six of one and half a dozen of the other dozen半斤八两3)by the dozen按打计算4)daily dozen(每天起床后的)健身操(因最初为十二节, 故名) ;日常事物, 例行公事5)great long dozen十三个6)sell by the dozen整打出售7)talk run, speakthirteen nineteen to the dozen喋喋不休8)dozens of许多15.SCORE1) three score (years) and ten七十岁, 古稀之年2) by in scores大批

26、, 许多3)scores of十几个;许多16.ELEVENTHat the eleventh hour在最后的时刻; 刚好来得及; 在危急的时候17.TWELVE1) the Twelve 【宗】耶稣的十二门徒2) in twelves【刷】十二开本3)strike twelve显出全副本领获得大成功3) Twelfth-day【宗】主显节(圣诞节后的第十二天) Twelfth-night【宗】主显节之夜18.TWENTY-TWOCatch-22第十二条军规;左右为难的尴尬境地19.THIRTEEN1) the thirteen superstition(西方)以十三为不吉利数字的迷信2)

27、the old Thirteen美国早期的国旗(上有十三颗星表示十三个州)20.SEVENTEENsweet seventeen妙龄, 二八年华21.NINETEENruntalk, go nineteen to the dozen说个不停, 喋喋不休22.FORTY1) to have forty winks(小睡,打吨儿),2) like forty美口非常厉害地; 猛烈地3) the Hungry Forties【史】饥饿的四十年代(1840-1849, 英国贫苦人民生活极其困苦, 要求政治改革)23.NINETY-NINEninety-nine times out of a hundred一 百次中有九十九次, 几乎总是

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