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1、牛津译林版7AUnit3知识点总结同步梳理牛津译林版7AUnit3知识点同步梳理词汇1. each用法 each后面如果需要加名词,则名词用单数形式。each of后面如果需要加名词,则需要用the+名词复数形式。each放句首,句子的谓语动词用三单。each放句中,则句子的谓语动词用复数形式例1:Each of the students _ (not be) good at swimming.例2:He gives a book to each of his _(父母).例3:We each _(有) our own office.例4:Each _(man) knows that.Keys

2、: isnt; parents; have; maneach和every的区别each指两个或两个以上的人或事物中的“每个”;every是指三个以上的人或事物的“全体”。例1:_(每个)side of the road is clean.Key: Each2、时间介词 in on at介词on用在时间上,表示某一具体的时间。通常后面加具体的日期或星期,以及被修饰过的上下午如:on Sunday morning, on July ,25.介词in用在时间上,表示在某一特定时间里,或者某段时间之后。通常后面加年、月、季、上下午或一段时间如:in the morning, in a week.介词a

3、t用在在时间上,是用某一点时间前面,以及不加day的节日前面如:at six oclock.例1:We dont have classes _ Sunday morning.A. in B. on C. at D. to例2:_ a cold winter morning, we went back to our country.A. in B. on C. at D. to例3:We always have fun _ summer holiday.A. in B. on C. at D. to例4:I was 9 years old _ 2014.A. in B. on C. at D.

4、to例5:We always have a dragon boat race _ Dragon Boat Festival.A. in B. on C. at D. toKeys: B; B; A; A; C3、系动词分类:be 感官系动词:look(看上去)sound(听上去)smell(闻上去)touch(摸上去)等 变得turn、become 保持keep、stay系动词后面需要加形容词,构成系表结构 例1:This flower smells very _(好)例2:You look so _(高兴)Keys: good; happy注:well (adj)身体健康的 (adv)好的例

5、1:Does your mother feel _(好)?Key: well4、in、wear、with表示穿的区别wear表示穿着,是动词。使用的时候需要注意句中不能有其他动词做谓语。with表示穿着的时候是介词,句中需要有其他动词做谓语,且后面一般接的是个人特征、所带的配饰如眼镜、帽子等。in表示穿着的时候是介词,句中需要有其他动词做谓语,后面一般接的是颜色或所穿的具体的衣服例1:那个红色头发的女孩是我的妹妹。_例2:Do you see a boy_ blue?A. in B. on C. with D. toKeys: The girl with red hair is my sist

6、er; A5、地点副词home、there、here前不加介词例1:在我回家的路上,我可以看到火车I can see the train _Key: on my way home6、really+adj/v例1:You look _(真的)nice.Key: really注:real和true区别这两个形容词都可以表示“真的”这一意思,real指客观上存在,并非想象和虚构的,它是与无相对而言。true是指真正的,真实的,强调事实和实际情况相符,它是与假相对而言。另外,true 还可以表示“正确的”,real没有这种用法。例1:The news is _(真的)例2:Lu Xuns _(真的)

7、name is Zhou Shuren.Keys: true; real7、动词/介词+宾格 teach us English例:Does Mr. Sun teach _(you)English?Key: you8、众“说”纷纭: tell(Vt.):表示谈论或告诉。告诉某人某事tell sb. sth. =tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人做某事tell sb. to do sth, say(Vt.),表示“说”需要加说话的具体内容。和某人说某事say sth. to sb. Speak可以加语言,如speak English,但是不加说话的具体内容 talk(Vi.):表示讨论或谈

8、论,和某人谈论某事talk to/with sb. about/of sth.例1:_(说) English in my class,please.例2:Please _(说) more slowly。例3:He is _(说) to a friend.例4:Did you _(说) anything to him.Keys: Speak; speak; talking; say9、help sb. (to)do help sb. with sth.例1:Can you help me _(写)my homework= Can you help me _my homeworkKeys: (to

9、) write; with10、hear、listen to 和sound的区别hear 表示听的结果,译为听见listen to 表示听得过程或者动作,译为听sound 为系动词,译为听起来,后接形容词例题:1、She likes _ the singers songs,but I didnt _the music today. A.listening to;hear B. hearing; listen to C.listen to;hearing D.hear;listening to 2、This idea _(sound) wonderful! Lets do it now!答案:A

10、,sounds11、open v. 开 (反) close adj. 开着的 (反)closed注:open做形容词时表示状态,可延续,如be open,通常和一段时间连用。作动词时表瞬间动作,不可延续,通常和时间点连用。反义词是同样的用法。例题:1、The door is _ (open). We can get in. 2、The supermarket usually_ at 9 a.m. But it is_ today. A. opens, closed B. is open, closed C. opens, closing D. is open, close答案:open,A12

11、、few、a few、little、a little区别few、a few修饰可数名词,little、a little修饰不可数名词其中,few、little表示否定含义,a few和a little表示肯定含义。例题:1、There are _ people on the country road late at night. A. little B. few C. a little D. a few 2、She is not kind to others, so she has _ friends. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little 3、 -Can

12、 you speak English, Mr Wang? -Yes, but only_. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few答案:B A B13、get 表示到达get to +地点,当遇到地点副词home、there和here时要省略to例题:1、你每天什么时候到家? _ _ do you _ _every day? 2、他们通常怎么到学校? _ _ they _ _ _ the school ?答案:1.What time,get home 2.How do,usually get to短语和句型1、which of the subjects do

13、 you like best?= which subject do you like best?= what your favourite subject?例题:1、English is my favorite subject. (改为一般疑问句并对划线部分提问) _ English _ _ subject? _ _ your _ subject? 2、他和他弟弟最喜欢哪一门科目? _ _ the _ _he and his brother _ _?答案:1.Is your favourite,which is favourite 2. Which of subjects do like be

14、st2、I have two cakes. (对划线进行提问) 对数量提问用how many I have two cakes. (对划线进行提问) 对具体事物提问用what例题:1、 There are few people in the street now.(对划线部分提问) _ 2、His father has two great cars.(对划线部分提问) _答案:1、How many people are there in the street now? 2、What does his father have? 3、learn about 学到关于. 了解. 注:中文翻译题注意短

15、语运用,很了解用learn a lot about例题:课堂上我们可以了解很多关于历史知识。 We can _ _ _ _ history in the class.答案:learn a lot about4、whats the date today?=what date is it today?问几月几号 What day is it today?问星期几例题:1、My birthday is on May 23rd (对划线部分提问) _ _ your birthday? 2、你知道今天星期几嘛? Do you know _ _ _ _ today?答案:1. When is 2.what

16、 day is it 5、我们学校有一个操场。 There is a playground in our school. =We have a playground in our school.不能说成Our school has a playground. 另外there be 表示存在的有,不能和have/has 连用。例题:1、那条街上有一家很大的超市。 _. 2、你们学校有图书馆吗? _ _ a _ _ your school?答案:1.There is a big supermarket in that street. 2.Is there, library in6、in front

17、 of 和in the front ofIn front of是指在外部的前面; in the front of是指在物体内部的前面。(1)The bus driver sits_ (在的前面) and drives the bus carefully.(2)The old man sits _(在的前面) and he wants to ask the driver to give him money.答案:in the front of; in front of7、My classroom is on the ground floor .(对划线进行提问) _ He lives on th

18、e fifth floor . (对划线进行提问) _答案:Which floor is your classroom on? Which floor does he live on?8、The man in a white shirt is my teacher. (对划线进行提问) _ The man in a white shirt is my teacher. (对划线进行提问) _答案:Which man is your teacher? Who is your teacher?9、the pictures of my friends my friends pictures of所有

19、格和s所有格的区别:一般情况下of所有格用在没于生命东西,s所有格用于有生命的东西,有生命的物体的所有格有时候结构也可以与of互换。复数名词注意s的形式。如:the window of the classroomthe legs of the deskthe dog tailthe students reading roomThe shirts on the ground are those _(运动员).答案:players10、on the phone ,on the radio,on the Internet,on TVJim想在电话里和你谈论关于运动会的事情。_答案:Jim wants

20、 to talk with you about the sports meeting on the phone.11、It takes sb st to do sth 对st提问,用how long does it take sb to do?It takes him 30 minutes to finish his homework.(对划线部分提问)_答案:How long does it take him to finish his homework?12、从某人那里借来某物_答案:borrow sth from sb (成绩较好的学生可以拓展lend sth. to sb.)13、thanks for sth/doing sththank sb for sth/doing sthThank you very much for _ (help) me with my English.答案:helping14、A is far(away)from B,far 不能与具体数字连用他的家离他的学校很远。_他的家离学校五千米远。_答案:His home is far (away) from his school. His home is five kilometers (ways) from his school.

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