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学年八年级英语下册 Unit1精品教学案共10课时 牛津译林版doc.docx

1、学年八年级英语下册 Unit1精品教学案共10课时 牛津译林版doc2019-2020学年八年级英语下册 Unit1精品教学案(共10课时) 牛津译林版课题8B Unit1 Comic strip & Welcome to the Unit学习目标知识目标识记北京不同时代的交通工具能力目标通过观察时间表并排列信息,了解和学习现在完成时情感目标通过北京的变化以此来感受家乡的变化,并热爱家乡学习重点识记北京不同时代的交通工具学习难点通过观察时间表并排列信息,了解和学习现在完成时课前自学一、 借助单词表的音标会读单词并了解其汉译。二、 熟读漫画部分Eddie和Hobo的对话内容及理解其意思。三、 翻

2、译 the bowl 2.not any with you different kind to me 6.past and present7.成公共汽车上学 8.做一个历史课题报告9.自从1965年以来 10.在家吃晚饭四、预习Welcome部分,并尝试两个人一组编对话,运用一般过去时态。 课堂交流展示一、展示单词预习情况。朗读单词。(指导,纠错。)小组竞赛:单词翻译检查。(借助墙面黑板,事先写出汉语。)二、学习展示Comic strip 的对话。1)回答问题 1.What was in the bowl an hour ago?

3、2.Why did Eddie eat Hobos food? 3.Why does Hobo think Eddie has changed?2)表演对话内容3)合上书,让同学完成下面的小短文,巩固、加深对话内容的理解。Hobo p some food in his b and went away. When he c back, the food wasnt there any m . So he asked Eddie,“ Have you s my food?” Eddie told him, “ I have just e it. “ Hobo became very a . He

4、thought Eddie was k in the past, but now he is very b . He doesnt want to p with him any more. 三、 展示翻译。借助墙面黑板,分组进行。预习检测(三)四、A guessing game.猜测下面的描述,是那种交通工具。1.It is a kind of bus, but it can carry more people than a usual bus because of its two floors. ( )2. Its faster and more expensive than bus, if

5、 you are in a hurry, you prefer it. ( )3. There are many of them. Each one has wheels and takes you to many places in and around your city. ( )4. It has provided transport service for people living in Beijing since 2002. ( )5. It is the fastest way of traveling and was introduced to Beijing in 1958.

6、 ( )6. Thousands of people travel to work on it every day, it is faster than a bus but not expensive. ( )五、编制对话,仿照例句编写对话.并且小组展示A: When did people begin to use buses in Beijing? B: People began to use them in 1935 . Buses have been in use since 1935._课堂达标检测一、用所给单词的适当形式填空1.Where is my pen? It _(be) he

7、re just now.2.Tom _just_(eat) my food . I am very hungry now.3.I would like _(have) breakfast with you.4.You always wanted _(play) with me.5.Look, Sam _(eat) a hamburger. How nice it is!6.He _(take) a bus home yesterday.7.In the past, everyone here _(ride) a bike to work.8.Tomorrow there _(be) a bas

8、ketball match in our school.二、根据句子的意思改写句式1.He wants to be a teacher when he is over eighteen years old. He _ _to be a teacher when he _ _2.He comes to school on foot every day. He _ _ _every day.3.He takes a bus to work every morning. He _ _ _ _bus every morning.4.Sam goes to London by plane. Sam _

9、_ London.5.I no more want to play basketball with you. I _ _ _play basketball with you _ _.学习感悟:课题8B Unit1 Reading 1学习目标知识目标了解阳光镇的变化情况能力目标掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读速度和能力。学会对比某地过去和现在的情况,并描述发生的变化学会合作、交流、探究,并敢于积极参与。情感目标通过学习变化,感受家乡的变化并热爱这变化学习重点理解和运用文中的重点短语和句型学习难点掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读速度和能力。课前自学一借助单词表的音标会读本文中出现的新单词。二完成翻译:Southern

10、 till married wife over cinema turnFactory waste pollute realize reduce open lonely throwHusband interview in some ways feel a bit lonely三、阅读文章,回答问题What s main idea of the passage?_四、 认真阅读文章,尝试回答下面的系列问题1.When did Mr. Chens family move to Sunshine Town?2. Where did Mr. Chen live before 1965?3. How ma

11、ny people lived in the Sunshine Town in the past? 4. Why did Mr. Chen move last year?5. Were there any shops in the Sunshine Town in the past?6. What did people say about the shoe factory?7. Does Mr. Chen think life is better now? Why?课堂交流展示一展示生词学习情况二组内展示本课中出现的新词朗读,然后在全班展示。 三、阅读文章,然后小组合作,讨论预习检测(四)四、

12、完成下面的表格In the pastAt presentPeopleWhat we have thereWater pollution 五、 小组合作,讨论课本第10页。Part C1,判断正误,然后小组展示六、个人展示课本第11页。Part C2,填入正确的单词课堂达标检测一、 整理将下面短语翻译成英文。1)对了解 2)结婚3)搬出 4)水污染5)在中心 6)感到孤独7)变成 8)不时地9)过去常常做. 10)在某种程度上二、根据课文内容填空Daniels grandpa, Mr. Chen knows Sunshine Town _. He _ there since he was two

13、 years old. He first lived in the _ part of the town with his parents. When he _ in 1965, he moved to another flat _ town. Last year, his _ bought a new flat for him, so he moved again.Sunshine Town _. In the past, there were about 30,000 people living there. There were their own shops, small restau

14、rants and _. There was an old cinema and a small post office. Now, the place _ a park. Mr. Chen missed his old friends very much. So he and his old friends meet in the new park _and Chinese chess. Its very _ for them. There was once a _ near Sunshine River. The factory used to dump its _ to the rive

15、r. It killed _ and _the water. It was a really problem. Now, the water is much _ because the government _ to reduce the pollution.学习感悟:课题8B Unit1 Reading II学习目标知识目标学习课文中的重要知识点能力目标学会合作、交流、探究,并敢于积极参与。收集知识点和展示自己的所学知识情感目标通过学习变化,感受家乡的变化并热爱这变化学习重点理解、收集和运用文中的重点短语和句型。学习难点理解和运用文中的重点短语和句型。课前自学一、 翻译下面的短语1.事实上

16、2、住在城镇南部3.结婚 4、我和我太太5、搬到另一所公寓 6、水污染7、搬出城镇的中心 8、变了很多9、在过去 10、有一个小邮局11、变成一个公园 12、时常、不时地二、继续理解文章的意思,找出重要的知识点,准备在课堂上展示三、小组合作,讨论阳光镇的变化,并把这些句子记录1._2._3._4._5._课堂交流展示一、组内展示预习检测 (一)。翻译短语,并大声的朗读与记忆二、小组展示阳光镇的各种变化.预习(二)三、讨论下面的知识点,并展示1. I know the place well. knowwell 2. My wife and I moved to another flat in t

17、he center of town.3. Now, the government turned the place into a park. turn into 4. It was very pleasant(1) Pleasant (2) Pleased 5. The factory use d to dump its waste into the river.used to do sth. 6. I feel a bit lonely from time to time.(1)lonely(2) alone展示补充其他的一些知识点。_课堂达标检测一、 翻译下列句子1、 我不想再和你玩了。2

18、、 那儿过去是许多鸟的家园3、 自从搬到北京,他就一直住在这儿。4、 过去,很多人没有钱上学5、 在过去的五年里,南京发生了很大的变化6、 很多朋友搬到其他地方去了,所以我有时感到有点寂寞7、 今天上午我采访了我们的语文老师8、 对像以前那样经常地和老朋友下棋时非常困难的了。二、句型转换1.They have gone to London already.(对画线部分提问)_ _they_already?2.Eddie has lived with Millie since he was born. (对画线部分提问) _ _ _Eddie _with Millie?3.Eddie was b

19、orn four years ago. (对画线部分提问)_ _Eddie _?4.Thanks for your help.(同义句改写)Thank _for _ _5.Changes have taken place in Nanjing. (同义句改写)Changes have _ in Nanjing.学习感悟:课题8B Unit1 Vocabulary学习目标知识目标掌握文中出现的形容词和他们的反义词能力目标掌握基本的形容词的反义后缀以及在语境中的使用情感目标学习重点掌握形容词的反义后缀学习难点形容词和他们的反义词在语境中的使用课前自学一、预习课本,填好vocabulary部分二、找

20、出其他反义词组。三、写出下列词的反义词。cheap first love noisy day beginning rich big beautiful here black easy fast good happy high hot new same long 四、翻译下列短语1、写一篇关于的文章2、采访某人3、那个地区的历史4、七十多岁5、告诉我很多他的往事课堂交流展示一、 复习Reading部分的内容。先组内展示短语翻译,然后班内展示各组结果。展示教师的(关于Reading)问题的答案。二展示单词学习情况。展示单词朗读。班内分组展示单词翻译。(借助墙面黑板,事先写出汉语。)三、小组展示预习

21、(三),写出下列词的反义词四、讨论总结出形容词的反义后缀: Im- in- un- dis,并分别写出相应的形容词_六、 小组展示课本的练习题答案。七、 尝试着用不同的形容词和他们的反义词来描述身边的事物和发生的事情,小组内进行口头训练课堂达标检测一、用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。1) Simon is an (honest) boy, we dont want to play with him.2) Jack cant pass the exam, he felt (happy) for that.3) Oh, Im very (lucky). The bus just left one

22、minute ago.4) Its (polite) for us to speak loudly to the old.5) Bob, you are (kind) to me. You never help with my housework now.二、单项选择( )1.The price of this MP3 is so , I wont take it.A. expensive B. low C. large D. high( )2. The climate(气候) in Kunming is . Youll feel comfortable all over the year.A

23、. uncomfortable B. cold C. pleasant D. hot( )3. The school life in China is from that in Britain.A. same B. difficult C. different D. simple( )4. The passage is for us to read. There arent any _words in it.A. difficult; new B. easy; new C. difficult; difficult D. easy; easy( )5. We got to the cinema

24、 late because of the traffic.A. light B. large C. heavy D. big( )6. To my disappointment(失望), the swimming pool was for the whole time during our stay.A. closed B. open C. busy D. clean三、用词的适当形式填空。1. This one is expensive. Can you show me a _ one?(cheap)2. Tom is very strong in our class. He is _ in

25、 our class.(health)3. We have little time. Its _ to finish the homework in such short time.(possible)4. His parents often tell him to drive _. (safe)5. Mary sings very _. She is _ at singing than I.(good)学习感悟:课题8B Unit1 Grammar A学习目标知识目标识记动词的过去分词形式并掌握现在完成时。能力目标1.能够在语境中正确使用现在完成时2. 运用现在完成时谈论发生在过去并与现在有联系的事情情感目标学习重点掌握并能使用现在完成时。理解并运用常与现在完成时连用的时间表达方式学习难点过去完成时与一般过去时的比较课前自学一、 翻译下列句子1、 自从1998年以来,他就住在这里。2、 我已经学习

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