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1、必修十第12单元 Units 12.单词默写1politician n政治家,政客2smoothly adv.平稳地;顺利地;平滑地3squeeze n拮据,紧缺;挤压4bookworm n书虫,酷爱读书的人5power vt.给提供动力,驱动6alternative adj.可供选择的,二选一的7tentative adj.尝试的,试探的,实验性的8changeable adj.易变的;可变的9preferential adj.优惠的,特惠的;优先的10closed adj.封闭的,排外的;封闭的,关闭的11yearly adv. & adj. happening every year or

2、 once a year12conventional adj. thinking and behaving in the normal and traditional way13casual adj. without any clear aim or serious interest14partner n. one of the people who owns a business15submit vt. to formally send something in writing to someone for them to consider.词汇拓展1import vt.进口;输入 n进口;

3、输入export(反义词)2dependent adj.依靠的,依赖的depend v依赖3repay vt.偿还;报答,回报repayment n偿贷,还债4casual adj.随意的,非正式的;不经意的,漫不经心的casually adv.不经意地,随便地5adjustment n调整,调节adjust v调整,调节语境助记词不离句,句不离段African politicians submited a tentative and alternative plan that they must change the closed policy to end up the repayment

4、.They also suggested that the government should adjust measures to increase the import and preferential policy.短语落实1take advantage of/make use of 利用2put pressure on 给施加压力3on top of 另外,此外4without doubt 毫无疑问5be dependent on 依靠,依赖;随而定6put_into_practice 将付诸实施7submit_to 服从,顺从,听任8take_to 开始从事;喜欢,沉溺于9in_la

5、rge_numbers 大量地10word of mouth 言传,口口相传.句子翻译1Today, some developing countries in Africa, Asia and South America stand at a crossroads.(Page 2)今天,非洲、亚洲和南美洲的一些发展中国家正处于关键时刻。2These countries collected the Roma and sent them to other countries, often without a fair hearing.(Page 31)这些国家将罗姆人集中起来,通常未经公正的申诉就

6、把他们遣送到其他国家。3它们是授人以渔的成果,让一个人可以一生填饱自己的肚子。(Page 3)They_are_the_result_of_teaching_a_man_to_fish_so_that_he_can_fill_his_belly_for_a_lifetime.4这就是许多人强烈要求使用替代能源的原因。(Page 14)This_is_why_many_people_are_pushing_for_the_use_of_alternative_energy_sources.5现在,所有的年轻人甚至我的亲人都搬走了。(Page 19)Now,_all_the_young_peopl

7、eeven_my_own_flesh_and_bloodmove_away. target vt.把作为目标 n靶子,目标【课本原句】 The FoodforGrowth programme, which targets people most at risk, such as babies, pregnant, women and the elderly.(P2) 健康成长粮食计划它主要以身处危险中的人群作为目标,比如婴儿,孕妇,妇女和老人。【联想拓展】target sb/sth把作为目标target sth on/at sth/sb目的在于hit a target 完成指标set a ta

8、rget for sth为制定目标meet a target 达到目标on target 按目标an easy target 很容易击中的目标;容易受攻击的人看看高考怎么考翻译句子Such aggressive targets are difficult because design requirements like natural light for students go against the realities of a desert climate.(2009湖北卷阅读理解D)像这种侵略目标很难实现,因为设计要求为学生有足够的光线,这和沙漠气候的现实相矛盾。What type of

9、 reader is the new magazine targeting?这本新杂志把什么样的读者视为目标?The programme is targeted at improving the health of women of all ages.这个食谱旨在提高各个年龄段的妇女的健康。The book will be the target of bitter criticism.这本书将成为尖锐批评的对象。 switch vi. vt. & n转换,转变【课本原句】 Developing countries can do this if they switch from importin

10、g food to producing it.(P3)如果发展中国家能从进口食物转换为生产食物,那么他们也能做到。【联想拓展】switch on 打开switch off 关掉switch over 转换(电台或电视频道);(方法、产品等)完全改变switch with sb与(同事)调班switch to sth转换到看看高考怎么考我们换频道3看蜗居好吗?Shall we swith_over Channel 3 for Dwelling Narrowness? 我把毯子掀开,又跑去开灯。 I lifted the blanket and went to_swith_on_ the ligh

11、t. repay vt.偿还;报答,回报【课本原句】 In fact, most of them have debts that can never be repaid.(P9)事实上,大多数发展中国家都有很多不能偿还的债务。【联想拓展】repay sb sth(repay sth to sb) 归还;偿还repay sb for sth因(为)某事回报某人repayable adj.可偿还的,应偿还的 repayment n偿还 看看高考怎么考我非常想把他们借给我的钱还给他们。 I fully intend to repay_the_money_they_lent_me我怎么才能报答你为我所

12、做的一切? How can I ever repay_you_for_what_youve_done_to_us? interest n. 利息;利益;兴趣v. 使感兴趣【课本原句】 However, very high interest rates have created a situation where countries in the developing world now spend $13 on debt repayment for every $1 that they receive.(P9)然而,高利率已经出现了一些国家每赚1美元就要花13美元来还债这样的情况。【联想拓展】

13、show/lose interest in sth表现出/失去对的兴趣have no/some/much/little interest in sth对没有/有些/很有/没有多少兴趣with interest有兴趣地in the interest(s) of为了的利益 interest sb in sth使某人对某事感兴趣be interested in 对感兴趣看看高考怎么考翻译句子我们有各式各样的夏令营活动,你可以根据你的爱好来选择一个。(2011福建卷单项填空)We_have_various_summer_camps_for_your_holidays;you_can_choose_on

14、e_based_on_your_own_interests他对此失去了兴趣。Hes_lost_interest_in_it.The film is, I have to say, not a bit interesting.Why? Its _ than the films I have ever seen.(2011江西卷单项填空24)Afar more interesting Bmuch less interestingCno more interesting Dany less interesting答案AYou are looking out of the window again.W

15、hy are you so _ about what is happening outside?(2011邵东创新实验学校11月月考)Aeager BinterestedCanxious Dcurious答案D alternative adj.可供选择的,二选一的 n(二者当中)选一个,供选择的东西【课本原句】 This is why many people are pushing for the use of alternative energy sources.(P14)这就是许多人正在强烈要求使用替代能源的原因。【联想拓展】have no alternative but to do.别无

16、选择只好做alternatively adv.两者挑一地alternate v交替;轮流alternate.with/and.使交替发生/出现;轮流安排看看高考怎么考You can see changes in their life that are connected with their alternative(可供选择的) break experiences.(2011天津卷阅读表达)我们别无他法只有辞退汤姆。We_have_no_alternative_but_to_fire_Tom. choose v选择,决定;挑选【课本原句】 Where would you like to mov

17、e if you could choose a place to move to?(P17)如果你可以选择的话你会去哪里?choose sth选择,选取,选中choose to_do sth选择做(宁愿做),决定做choose.from 从中选出There is little to choose from A and BA和B不相上下,难以取舍辨析 elect/pick/selectelect 强调选举、推选,即通过投票选择某人担任某职位。pick 强调拾起、采集、挑选、窃取、偷。select 指“精选”,即有所淘汰。看看高考怎么考根据句意,选用choose,elect,pick,select

18、的正确形式完成句子When I am faced with a difficulty, I usually choose to refer to relevant learning materials or Web pages.(2011安徽卷写作范文)He looked through a suit and selected the cheapest one for me.The children were picking tomatoes in the garden.He had his pocket picked yesterday. age n年龄【课本原句】 Throughout t

19、he Midwest and the Northeast, people aged 60 and over are packing their bags and heading south along the freeway to state like Florida.(P18)在整个中西部和东北部地区,60及60岁以上的人们正在收拾行囊,沿着高速公路向南行进到像佛罗里达这样的州去。aged adj.岁的;年迈的children aged 12 and over 12岁及12岁以上的儿童the aged (the old) 老年人aging/ageing building 老化、陈旧的建筑【联

20、想拓展】at the age of 在岁时at an early age 在很小的时候act/be your age 成熟点吧be sbs age 与某人同龄reach the age of.达到年龄with age 随着年龄的增大for ages 好久come of age 达到法定年龄be over age 超龄be under age 未成年,不足年龄看看高考怎么考Everyone is forgetful, but, we as_we_age(当我们变老时) start to feel like our brains are slowing down a bitand that can

21、 be a very annoying thing.(2011 辽宁卷 七选五)根据句意填介词He found he could not enter for the scholarship, as he was over age.John was rejected by the army because he was under age.People in Japan enjoy a long life;women can live to the age of 89 while men to 84. submit vi.服从,顺从,听任 vt.递交,呈递;提议,主张,认为【课本原句】 By r

22、efusing to submit to any government, the Roma cannot vote, but they also cannot be forced to pay taxes.(P30)由于拒绝屈从于任何政府,罗姆人不能投票,但他们也不能被强迫缴税。【联想拓展】submit (oneself) to.服从,顺从submit sth to.向提交submitthat 认为submit an entry报名参加 submission n服从,屈服;提交in submission to 服从,顺从,听从看看高考怎么考You are free to submit(呈递)

23、the article elsewhere at the same time.(2011北京卷阅读理解B)We cant _ global warming.Instead, both developed countries and developing countries should shoulder the responsibility in the fight against climate change.(2011邵阳县一中11月月考) Asubmit to Bcorrespond toCsubscribe to Dpromise to答案A put pressure on/upon

24、sb 给施压【课本原句】 The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on politicians and statesmen to do something about the famine.(P2)音乐会还受到了全世界的极大关注,这给政客们施加了巨大的压力,迫使他们为这次饥荒做一些事情。【联想拓展】ease off the pressure of sb为某人减轻压力exert pressure on sb to do sth迫使某人做某事relieve/red

25、uce pressure on sb/sth减缓的压力under pressure 在压力之下give in to pressure 屈从压力high blood pressure 高血压air pressure 大气压看看高考怎么考He also gave me some _ on dressing and speaking.I handed out my resumes and went home feeling very satisfied.(2011安徽卷完形填空)Apressures BagreementsCimpressions Dsuggestions答案DThe pressur

26、e that the bank has _ on our company is to reduce its borrowings.(2012株洲二中10月份月考)Amade Bgiven Csent Dput答案DSome people work well _ while others get nervous and do badly.(2012湖南石门一中高三摸底考试)Aunder way Bunder pressureCunder control Dunder repair答案B account for (在数量和比例上)占,占据;是的原因;对作出解释或说明【课本原句】 The group

27、 accounted for nearly 18 percent of the states population.(P18)这个人群大约占到该州人口的18%。【联想拓展】take (no) account of.(不)考虑,(不)重视take.into accounttake.into consideration 考虑on account of 因为on no account 决不(位于句首时,句子要倒装)看看高考怎么考Dr Kenneth Schrader of Duke University, North Carolina states that although the elderly

28、 represent about 13% of the US population, those aged 65 and over account_for_the_consumption_of_one_third_of_all_drugs(占了所有药物三分之一的消费)(2010上海卷六选五)离开住宅时千万要锁门。On_no_account should the house be left unlocked.By 2020, the United Nations estimates that urban populations will _ 55% of the total human popu

29、lation.(2011澧县一中摸底考试)Amake for Bcount onCaccount for Dconsist in 答案C so.that 如此以至于【课本原句】 The concert also received so much attention around the world that it put great pressure on politicians and statesmen to do something about the famine.(P2)音乐会还受到了全世界的极大关注,这给政客们施加了巨大的压力,迫使他们为这次饥荒做一些事情。so.that引导结果状

30、语从句。【联想拓展】so.that.句型中,so后面应加一个形容词或副词,“如此以至于”。so that 主要用来引导目的状语从句。其从句中的谓语动词常和can, may, should等情态动词连用,而且主句和从句之间不使用逗号,意为“以便能够”。看看高考怎么考All we assume(推测)is that some early men invented certain sounds, in one way or another, to express thoughts and feelings, actions and things,so_that_they_could_talk_with_each_other(以便他们能够彼此交流) .(2011全国阅读理解E)他们早早出发以便按时赶到。T

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