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1、北京市北京市新起点四年级英语下册复习题库新起点四年级英语下册复习题库一:语音题A. 判断下列单词划线部分发音是否相同1.Goat/coat ( ) 2.road/coach( ) 3.boat/go( ) 4.blow/slow( ) 5.willow/now ( )6.yellow/window( ) 7.right/eight( ) 8.wind/quite( ) 9.the/let( )10.park/car( ) 11.want/water( ) 12.stamp/stand( ) 13.straight/right( ) ) 15.get/eleven(

2、 ) ) 17.front/what( )18.goat/coat( ) 19.window/brown( ) 20.boat/yellow( ) 21.please/great( )22.pupil/up( )B将下列单词按语音归类Goat, tree, is, off, now, blouse, willow, want, three, road1.goat_ _ 2.cow_ _ 3.keep_ _4.window_ _ 5.on_ _二:英汉互译 community 1.到达2.youre welcome 2.在右边3.the newspaper

3、stand 3.去划船4.go straight 4.邮局5.excuse me 5.紧挨着 front of 6.到达博物馆7.get to the museum 7.我后面的男士 me again 8.在.前面9.the man behind me 9.搞恶作剧 a trick 10.再次打电话给我11.图书馆在二楼吗? 11.Where are you from?12.我怎么去博物馆? 12.His home is next to mine.13.他家在我家的隔壁。 13.This is a map of China.14.你来自于哪里? 14Is th

4、e library on the second floor?15.这是一张中国地图。 15.How can I get to the museum?B:把下列句子翻译成汉语1. Excuse me,wheres the bank?2. How can I get to the post office?3. The library is on your right.4. Jack wants to see a film.5. Well stop at the supermarket.6. 请问,药店在哪里?_me, _is the _?7. 它在书店的隔壁。Its_to the _.8. 你们社

5、区有银行吗?有的,_there a_in your community?Yes,_ _,9. 在哪里?在咖啡店对面。_is it?Its _ _the_shop.10. 在.的对面_ 11.在两个建筑物之间_12.在第二个十字路口_ 13.向右转_14.看电影_15.the bus front of me _17.walk on the grass_ 18.go boating_19. arrive at the museum_三:情景搭配1. Wheres the park? A. Go straight2. How can I get there? B. Yes, t

6、here is.3. Is there a supermarket here? C. There are some pens.4. Whats on the desk? D. Sure5. Can you help me? E.Its on the right of the school.B:1. Where is the bus? A. Yes,I do.2. Is there a library near here? B. No, there isnt.3. Where can we have breakfast? C.In the restaurant.4. Do you like PE

7、?5. I like popular music.6. Whats your favorite sport?四:连词成句1. can, I, how, to, the, get, bakery2. you, on, will, find, it, your, right3. its, bookstore, from, across, the4. the, let. first, please, go, animals(.)5. the, the, cinema, hospital, its, and, between6. dog,up,please,after,your,clean(.)7.

8、old,please,people,the,let,go,first(.)8. not,your,do,park,cars,here(.)9. to,keep,right,please(.)10. can,to,zoo,how,I,get,the(?)五:用适当的词填空1. We get up early_the morning.2. They watch cartoons_Sunday afternoon.3. How can I get _the cinema?4. The trees are _the buildings.5. Turn left _the first crossing.

9、6. We buy books in a b_.7. The bank is on your l_.8. How can I g_to the cinema?9. P_your car here.10. Dont draw on the w_.11. Andy _(go)forward.12. Lets_(have)a rest.13. _(not walk)on the grass.14. They will go _(boat).15. I want to buy some_(stamp).六:单项选择1. ( ) How can I _home?A.get B.get to C. go

10、to2.( )I am _the cinema.A.front B.front of front of3.( )The supermarket is _your left. B.on C.at4.( )The cat is_the desks. A.on B.under C.between5.( )_is the park?Its over there. A.What B.Where C.Why6.( )What room is it?Its a _.A. hotel B. study C. house7.( )_is the bus stop? Its _the buil

11、dings.A. Wheres, in B. Where, on C. Where, between8.You can go straight and turn left at the_crossing.A,.first B.two C.three9.The lamp is _my B.on C.to10.We a new dress B.a new dress a new dress11._are you?Im in the coffee shop.A.Where B.How C.What12.Bob _his friend more

12、directions.A.give C.gives13.Please tell me the way _the history museum? B.on C.at14.Mary is very _.Because she has a bad mark. A. happy B. fine C. upset七:写出下列单词的完全形式1.dont_ 2.isnt_ 3.lets_ 4.youre _5.Im_ 6.wheres _ 7.its _ 8.shes_9.cant_ 10.arent_八:按要求改写下列句子1. The bakery is over there.(对划

13、线部分提问)_ _ the bakery?2. Go along this road.(改为否定句)_ _ along this road.3,Where is the bookstore?(改为同义句)_can I _ _the bookstore?3. He buys some milk.(对划线部分提问)_ _he _?Unit10一:语音A:找出下列单词划线部分读音不同的一项1. A. tall B. fall C. walk B. off C. photo3. A. tree B. bread C. sea 4.A.have B. cake C. lake5. A

14、. flight B. eight C. right 6.A.tall B.all7. A. short B. horse 8.fall walk9.A. place B. can 10.where there二:英汉互译A词组1. all the boys _ 2.十分钟之后_ your city _4.放风筝_ 5.see dinosaurs _ 6.去慢跑_7.the flower show_ 8.本周末_ 9.a good cousin _10.去公园_B句子1.Beijing is the capital of China._2.Hope you enjoy your fl

15、ight. _3.Have you ever been to Suzhou? _4.Ill buy some ice-cream for you. _5.I dont like the city life. _C1.这座城市里有动物园吗?Is _a _in the city?2. 你下周一准备干什么?_are you _to do next Monday?3. 他想去公园慢跑。He wants to go_in the _.4. 我也是,我们一起走。_,too.Lets_together.5. 人民广场在哪?_ _the Peoples Square?三:连词成句1. are,going,wh

16、ere,you,this,afternoon(?)2. there,your,city,in,is,a,zoo(?)3. what,want,do,do,you,to,there(?)4. they,see,want,to,dinosaurs,some5. mouse,has,the,cousin,a,四:A.根据首字母填空1. Hope you e_your trip in China.2. Lets go to see the flower s_.3. There are many tall b_ in the city.4. We have many p_ for the weekend

17、.5. Shes going j_ in the park.B.A._ are you going this summer?B. Im going to Nanjing _my parents.A. Oh, its very _there in summer.B. Really? Have you ever _there?A. Yes, Its the capital of _Province. There are many _to visit.B. Thats good. Ill visit them.五:单项选择1._ is the first day of a week. A. Sund

18、ay B. Monday C. Saturday2. Well get to Nanjing _twenty minutes. A. after B. in C. before3. The West Lake is in _Province. A. Zhejiang B. Jiangsu C. Hangzhou4. _the capital of China. A. Nanjing B. Shanghai C. Beijing5._is very cold in winter. A .Harbin B. Kunming C. Xian6. Have you ever _there? A. be

19、 B. been C. was7.This area has_ all buildings. A. lot of B. lots of C. a lots of8.There are many _in the city. A. dangers B. dangerous C. dangerouses9.There _a pen and a pencil on the desk. A. is B. are C. be10._are you going to do? A. What B. Where C. WhyUnit 11一:语音A.将下列单词划线部分读音归类/u/ _/u:/ _book,co

20、ok,room,classroom,broom,look,food,cartoon,balloon,goodB.判断下列单词划线部分读音是否一致1.cook/look( ) ) 3.cookie/room( ) 4.bedroom/broom( )5.good/book( )二:连词成句1. this,will,great,be,summer,fun_2.from,China,I,come_3.its,CN Tower.famous,for,the_4.Big Ben,tall,is,the,very_5. China, the, is, 3rd, country,

21、bigger_三:翻译1.加拿大是世界上第二大国。Canada is the _ _country in the world.6. 熊猫指住在中国。_only _in China.7. 火车站在哪里?_is the railway_?8. 你能告诉我去广场的路吗?Can you _me the _to the square?9. 西湖在杭州。West _is in _.10. Beijing is very beautiful in fall.11. Tokyo is famous for cherry blossom.12. How many students come from the U

22、SA?13. Pandas come from China.14. Lets bring a map next time.四:用适当的介词填空1. Its famous _the freshwater.They live_a big city.2. This is the way _the zoo.3. I know a lot _the country.4. We have a rest _a bench.5. Lets go to the cinema _bike.五:按要求写词1. China(形容词)_ 2.Australia(语言)_第三人称单数)_4. Big Ben(

23、国家) _ 5.big(反义词)_6.beautiful(近义词)_7.France(首都)_8.lives(原形)_ not(缩写) _10.cant(完全形式) _六:情景搭配( )1.Where are you from? A.Yes,I am. ( )2.Where do you come from? B.Its famous for green one.( )3.Is there a park near here? C.I live in Yangzhou.( )4.What is it famous for? D.Were from China.( )5.Are you

24、from Paris? E.No,there isnt.七:单项选择( )1. Where _you come from? A.are )2.The city is famous_maple leaf.A.of B.for )3.I live B.on )4.Sydney is a famous city of _A.Japan B.Canada C.Australia( )5.People in China speak _.A.English B.Chinese C.JapaneseUnit 12 加写作题一:语音XA.

25、 判断下列单词划线部分是否相同1. flower/willow ( ) 2.tall/all ( ) 3.walk/hall ( ) ( )5.look/cook( ) ( ) 7.foot/food ( )8.street/tree ( ) ( )B.找出下列单词划线部分读音不同的选项( )1.A.bus C.use D.student( )2.A.cook B.look )3.A.all C.tall D.walk( )4.A.go D.

26、who ( )5.A.window B. yellow C. town D. willow二:选出下列单词中不同类的一个( )1.A.go ) ) B.yellow C.colour( )4.A.Paris B.Sydney C.USA( )5.A.from C.for( ) C.dinosaur三:连词成句1. to,China,trip,enjoy,your(.)2. ever,have,been,you,there(?)3. flower,go,you,can,to,

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