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1、CCNA路由部分测试题含答案CCNA路由部分测试题(共50题)1.当路由器接收的IP报文的目的地址不是本路由器的接口IP地址,并且在路由表中未找到匹配的路由项,采取的策略是什么?A.丢掉该分组B.将该分组分片C.转发该分组D.以上答案均不对ANSWER:A2.IGP 的作用范围是?A.区域内B.自然子网范围内C.局域网内D.自治系统内ANSWER:D3.距离矢量协议包括?(多选)A.RIPB.IS-ISC.OSPFD.EIGRPANSWER:A D4.解决路由环问题的办法是?(多选)A.定义路由权的最大值B.路由保持法C.水平分割D.路由器重启ANSWER:A B C5.在rip 中metri

2、c 等于什么值为不可达?A.8B.10C.15D.16ANSWER:D6.下列关于OSPF 协议的说法正确的是?(多选)A.OSPF 支持基于接口的报文验证B.OSPF 支持到同一目的地址的多条等值路由C.OSPF 是一个基于链路状态算法的边界网关路由协议D.OSPF 发现的路由可以根据不同的类型而有不同的优先级ANSWER:A B D7.如果一个内部网络对外的出口只有一个,那么最好配置?A.缺省路由B.主机路由C.动态路由ANSWER:A8.以下不属于动态路由协议的是?A.RIPB.ICMPC.EIGRPD.OSPFANSWER:B9.关于矢量距离算法以下哪些说法是错误的?A.矢量距离算法不

3、会产生路由环路问题B.矢量距离算法是靠传递路由信息来实现的C.路由信息的矢量表示法是(目标网络, metric)D.使用矢量距离算法的协议只从自己的邻居获得信息ANSWER:A10.以下哪些路由表项要由网络管理员手动配置?(多选)A.静态路由B.直接路由C.缺省路由D.动态路由ANSWER:A C11.关于RIP 协议,下列说法正确的有?(多选)A.RIP 协议是一种IGPB.RIP 协议是一种EGPC.RIP 协议是一种距离矢量路由协议D.RIP 协议是一种链路状态路由协议ANSWER:A C12.下列关于链路状态算法的说法正确的是?(多选)A.链路状态是对路由的描述B.链路状态是对网络拓扑

4、结构的描述C.链路状态算法本身不会产生自环路由D.OSPF 和RIP 都使用链路状态算法ANSWER:B C13.路由器中时刻维持着一张路由表,这张路由表可以是静态配置的,也可以是什么协议产生的?A.生成树协议B.链路控制协议C.动态路由协议D.被承载网络层协议ANSWER:C14.在路由器中,如果去往同一目的地有多条路由,则决定最佳路由的因素有?(多选)A.路由的优先级B.路由的发布者C.路由的metric 值D.路由的生存时间ANSWER:A C15.下面哪一项正确描述了路由协议?A.允许数据包在主机间转送的一种协议B.定义数据包中域的格式和用法的一种方式C.通过执行一个算法来完成路由选择

5、的一个协议D.指定MAC 地址和IP 地址捆绑的方式和时间的一种协议ANSWER:C16.IGP 包括如下哪些协议?(多选)A.RIPB.BGPC.IS-ISD.EIGRPE.OSPFANSWER:A C D E17.RIP 协议引入路由保持机制的作用是?A.节省网络带宽B.防治网络中形成路由环路C.将路由不可达信息在全网扩散D.通知邻居路由器哪些路由是从其处得到ANSWER:B18.对路由理解正确的是?A.路由是路由器B.路由是信息在网络路径的交叉点C.路由是用以配置报文的目的地址D.路由就是指导报文发送的路径信息ANSWER:D19.路由协议RIP,OSPF和静态路由各自得到了条到达目标网

6、络,在CISCO路由器默认情况下,最终选选定哪种路由作为最优路由?A.RIPB.OSPFC.静态路由ANSWER:C20.在RIP 协议中,计算metric 值的参数是?A.MTUB.时延C.带宽D.路由跳数ANSWER:D21.衡量路由算法好坏的原则不包括?A.快速收敛性B.灵活性,弹性C.拓扑结构先进D.选径是否是最佳ANSWER:C22.RIP 协议是基于?A.UDPB.TCPC.ICMPD.Raw IPANSWER:A23.禁止RIP 协议的路由聚合功能的命令是? route auto summanyD.undo network 10.0.0.

7、0ANSWER:C24.解决路由环路的方法有?(多选)A.水平分割B.抑制时间C.毒性逆转D.触发更新ANSWER:A B C D25.路由环问题会引起哪些问题?(多选)A.慢收敛B.广播风暴C.路由器重起D.路由不一致ANSWER:A D26.下列哪些路由协议存在路由自环问题?(多选)A.RIPB.IGRPC.OSPFD.IS-ISE.EIGRPANSWER:A B27.关于RIP V1 和RIP V2,下列说法哪些正确?(多选)A.RIP V1 报文支持子网掩码B.RIP V2 报文支持子网掩码C.RIP V2 缺省使用路由聚合功能D.RIP V1 只支持报文的简单口令认证,而RIP V2

8、 支持MD5 认证ANSWER:B C28.在一个运行OSPF 的自治系统之内?(多选)A.骨干区域自身也必须连通的B.非骨干区域自身也必须连通的C.必须存在一个骨干区域(区域号为0)D.非骨干区域与骨干区域必须直接相连或逻辑上相连ANSWER:A C D29.以下关于Rip 路由聚合的说法正确的是?(多选)A.Rip V1 默认支持路由聚合,需要时可以关闭路由聚合功能B.华为Quidway 系列路由器Rip V2 的实现可以关闭路由聚合功能C.Rip V1 不支持子网路由聚合到一个非自然子网路由D.Rip V2 支持子网路由聚合到一个非自然子网路由ANSWER:B C D30.假设有这样的组

9、网实例:两台路由器(假设为RTA 和RTB)通过串口相接,其中RTA 的串口IP 地址是10.110.0.1/30,RTB 的串口IP 地址是10.110.0.2/30,RTA 通过以太口连接的本地局域网的IP 地址是11.110.0.0/16,RTB 通过以太口连接的本地局域网IP 地址是11.111.0.0/16,在上面所有的接口上都启动RIP V1(仅仅RIP V1)协议,那么,下列说法正确的是?(多选)A.在RTA 的本地局域网上的计算机可以访问在RTB 本地局域网上的计算机B.在RTB 的本地局域网上的计算机可以访问在RTA 本地局域网上的计算机C.在RTA 的本地局域网上的计算机不

10、能访问在RTB 本地局域网上的计算机D.在RTB 的本地局域网上的计算机不能访问在RTA 本地局域网上的计算机ANSWER:C D31.根据路由的目的地不同,路由表可被划分为?(多选)A.子网路由B.直连路由C.缺省路由D.主机路由E.静态路由ANSWER:A D32.对路由器A 配置RIP 协议,并在接口S0(IP 地址为10.0.0.1/24)所在网段使能RIP 路由协议,在全局配置模式下使用的第一条命令是?A.router当接口运行在RIP-2 广播方式时,它可

11、以接受的报文有?(多选)A.RIP-1 广播报文B.RIP-1 组播报文C.RIP-2 广播报文D.RIP-2 组播报文ANSWER:A C34.RIP 协议的路由项在多少时间内没有更新会变为不可达?A.90sB.120sC.180sD.240sANSWER:C35.VLSM 的含义是?A.Variable Length Subnet MaskingB.Variable Length Shortest MaskingC.Very Long/Shortest MaskingD.Variable Long Subnet MaskingE.Variable Length Short Measurem

12、entANSWER:A36.距离矢量路由协议使用水平分割(split horizon)技术的目的是什么?(多选)A.避免在毗邻路由器之间产生路由环路B.确保路由更新数据报文沿着接收路线方向发送C.与保持间隔(holddown)机制协同工作,为保持间隔的计算提供更多的可靠性D.代替路由中毒(poison reverse)算法ANSWER:A C37.作为一个网络维护人员,对于OSPF 区域体系机构的原则必须有清楚地了解,下面的论述表达正确的是?(多选)A.所有的OSPF 区域必须通过边界路由器与区域0 相连,或采用OSPF 虚链路B.所有区域间通信必须通过骨干区域0,因此所有区域路由器必须包含到

13、区域0 的路由C.单个区域不能包含没有物理链路的两个区域边界路由器D.虚链路可以穿越stub 区域ANSWER:A B38.支持可变长子网掩码的路由协议有?(多选)A.RIP v1B.RIP v2C.OSPFD.EIGRPANSWER:B C D39.因为在生成路由表的过程中,OSPF 协议需要进行复杂的SPF 算法来计算网络拓扑结构,所以相对距离矢量路由选择协议来说,它需要更大的开销,更多的延迟,更高的CPU 占用率。T.TrueF.FalseANSWER:F40. Which routing protocol by default uses bandwidth and delay as m

14、etrics? A. RIPB. BGPC. OSPFD. EIGRPAnswer: D41. Refer to the exhibit. The network shown in the exhibit is running the RIPv2 routing protocol. The network has converged, and the routers in this network are functioning properly. The FastEthernet0/0 interface on R1 goes down. In which two ways will the

15、 routers in this network respond to this change? (Choose two.) A. All routers will reference their topology database to determine if any backup routes to the network are known.B. Routers R2 and R3 mark the route as inaccessible and will not accept any further routing updates from R1 unti

16、l their hold-down timers expire.C. Because of the split-horizon rule, router R2 will be prevented from sending erroneous information to R1 about connectivity to the network.D. When router R2 learns from R1 that the link to the network has been lost, R2 will respond by sending

17、 a route back to R1 with an infinite metric to the network.E. R1 will send LSAs to R2 and R3 informing them of this change, and then all routers will send periodic updates at an increased rate until the network again converges.Answer: CD42. Which of the following describe the process ide

18、ntifier that is used to run OSPF on a router? (Choose two.)A. It is locally significant.B. It is globally significant.C. It is needed to identify a unique instance of an OSPF database.D. It is an optional parameter required only if multiple OSPF processes are running on the router.E. All routers in

19、the same OSPF area must have the same process ID if they are to exchange routing information.Answer: AC43. Which two statements are true about the command ip route (Choose two.)A. It establishes a static route to the network.B. It establishes a static

20、 route to the network.C. It configures the router to send any traffic for an unknown destination to the network.D. It configures the router to send any traffic for an unknown destination out the interface with the address It uses the default administrative dista

21、nce.F. It is a route that would be used last if other routes to the same destination exist.Answer: AE44. Which three statements are correct about RIP version 2? (Choose three.)A. It has the same maximum hop count as version 1.B. It uses broadcasts for its routing updates.C. It is a classless routing

22、 protocol.D. It has a lower default administrative distance than RIP version 1.E. It supports authentication.F. It does not send the subnet mask in updates.Answer: ACE45. Refer to the exhibit. Router1 was just successfully rebooted. Identify the current OSPF router ID for Router1. A.

23、 C46. Refer to the exhibit. The network administrator requires easy configuration options and minimal routing protocol traffic. What two options provide adequate routing table information for traffic that passes between the two routers and sati

24、sfy the requests of the network administrator? (Choose two.) A. a dynamic routing protocol on InternetRouter to advertise all routes to CentralRouter.B. a dynamic routing protocol on InternetRouter to advertise summarized routes to CentralRouter.C. a static route on InternetRouter to direct traffic

25、that is destined for to CentralRouter.D. a dynamic routing protocol on CentralRouter to advertise all routes to InternetRouter.E. a dynamic routing protocol on CentralRouter to advertise summarized routes to InternetRouter.F. a static, default route on CentralRouter that directs traffi

26、c to InternetRouter.Answer: CF47. IP addresses and routing for the network are configured as shown in the exhibit. The network administrator issues the show ip eigrp neighbors command from Router1 and receives the output shown below the topology.Which statement is true? A. It is normal for Router1 t

27、o show one active neighbor at a time to prevent routing loops.B. Routing is not completely configured on Router3.C. The IP addresses are not configured properly on the Router1 and Router3 interfaces.D. The no auto-summary command configured on the routers prevents Router1 and Router2 from forming a

28、neighbor relationship.Answer: B48. A network administrator is configuring the routers in the graphic for OSPF. The OSPF process has been started and the networks have been configured for Area 0 as shown in the diagram. The network administrator has several options for configuring RouterB to ensure t

29、hat it will be preferred as the designated router (DR) for the LAN segment. What configuration tasks could be used to establish this preference? (Choose three.)A. Configure the priority value of the Fa0/0 interface of RouterB to a higher value than any other interface on the Ethernet n

30、etwork.B. Change the router id of Router B by assigning the IP address to the Fa0/0 interface of RouterB.C. Configure a loopback interface on RouterB with an IP address higher than any IP address on the other routers.D. Change the priority value of the Fa0/0 interface of RouterB to z

31、ero.E. Change the priority values of the Fa0/0 interfaces of RouterA and RouterC to zero.F. No further configuration is necessary.Answer: ACE49. Refer to the output of the two show commands in the exhibit. If an administrator tries to ping host from host, how will the ICMP packets be processed by Router A? A. The packets will be discarded.B. The packets will be rou

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