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1、新思维综合英语3Unit5单元练习 主讲:朱明 高级工程师、高级技师、国家经济师 高级国家职业技能鉴定考评员 高级技能专业教师综合英语3Unit5练习1.Vocabulary:Choose the best answer for each of the following items. 请选择题型 Vocabulary Grammar Dialogue Reading 1They are the sort of friends who are so close they each other with their lives. A. depend B. forgive C. trust D.

2、believe 答案:C depend, 依赖,依靠,此处虽然意义说得通,不过空格中需要一个及物动词,即 depend on. Forgive, 原谅。Trust, 信任。Believe, 相信,也是个不及物动词。 2. If one needs a lift over some obstacle that seems impossible to get beyond, the other wont leave until the obstacle is . A. corrected B. conquered C. contrasted D. completed 答案:B 选择时注意空格里的动

3、词与前面的obstacle 需要搭配。Correct, 改正,更正。Conquer, 征服,克服。Contrast, 对比。Complete, 完成。 3. He is one of the most rock climbers in the whole town. A. experienced B. explained C. exploded D. experimented 答案:A句子的意思是“他是整个城里最_的攀岩者之一”。Experienced, 有经验的。Explain, 解释。Explode, 爆炸。Experiment, 实验。 4. Theirserved each of th

4、em well over the two brutal weeks they struggled up the mountain. A. disability B. possibility C. congratulations D. friendship 答案:D句子的意思:他们之间的_使他们经过艰难的两个星期,才坚持爬上山。Disability, 无能,无力,残疾。Possibility, 可能性。Congratulation,祝贺。Friendship, 友谊。 5. When the pair reached the top, they were met by Wellmans girl

5、friend and a(n) _ crowd of news reporters. A. adjusting B. appointing C. admiring D. advancing 答案:C句子的意思:当他们抵达山顶的时候,Wellman的女朋友和一群_记者在迎接着他们。Adjust, 调整。Appoint, 任命。Admire, 羡慕。Advance, 前进。6. Wellman was there for his able-bodied friend early in the climb when pieces of rock. A. made up B. gave in C. m

6、ade out D. gave way 答案:D 句子的意思:当一块块岩石_的时候,Wellman总是随时在那儿帮助他的体格健全的朋友继续攀爬。Make out, 理解,领悟;发现。Make up, 弥补;起草;捏造。 7 Sometimes, Corbett must take the lead, and, climb the rock hills twice. A. at present B. in effect C. with caution D. in reply 答案:B句子的意思:有时,Corbett必须带头,而且_,得来回攀两次。At present, 目前,当前。In effe

7、ct, 事实上,实际上.with caution, 小心谨慎。In reply, 回答,答复。 8He the metal spikes that guide the ropes and climbs up. A. goes after B. ponders over C. pounds in D. break through 答案:C句子的意思:他把导引绳索的大铁钉_(山崖上),然后攀上去。Go after, 想要得到;ponder over, 考虑,深思;pound in, 用力敲打,打进去;break through, 突破。 9After Wellman pulls himself u

8、p the rope, Corbett backtracks tothe spikes and climbs up again. A.respire B.recover C.resolve D.remove 答案:D 句子的意思:等Wellman拽着绳子攀上来以后,Corbett还得返回去_ 铁钉重新再爬上来。Respire, 呼吸;recover, 恢复;resolve, 决定,决心;remove, 除去,取去,排除,移动。 10 On their way to the top, this process was , time and again, inch by inch, for 13

9、days. A.repeated B.conquered C.reflected D.admired 答案:A句子的意思:在向山顶攀爬的途中,这一过程一寸一寸地,一而再、再而三地_了十三天。Repeat, 重复;conquer, 征服;reflect,反射;反思;admire, 羡慕;称赞,欣赏。11evidenced by his arm and chest muscles, Wellmans job is not easy either. A. Since B. With C. As D. Although 答案:C As 在这里是连词,跟后面的过去分词短语 evidenced by 一起

10、用做表示状态的状语。 12 Wellman that on the climb up the hill he did 5000 pullups up the rope. A. fabricates B. figures C. ridicules D. admired 答案:B句子的意思:Wellman _ 在爬上山的过程中,他一共在绳子上做了5000次向上拉动。Fabricate, 制造;伪造;figure, 估计,考虑;ridicule, 嘲笑,奚落;愚弄;admire, 羡慕;欣赏,称赞。 13 He knew that I got hurt while climbing. He didn

11、t want tome. A. download B. overrun C. underestimate D. upset 答案:D句子的意思:他知道我爬山受过伤。他不想让我_。Download, 下载;overrun, 蔓延,猖獗;超过,超出;underestimate, 低估,估计不足;upset, 使烦乱,使不舒服;推翻。 14 He was 22 when he while climbing and fell 50 feet. A. slipped B. swallowed C. skated D. slanted 答案:A 句子的意思:他22岁时爬山 _ 了,掉到了50英尺的山下。S

12、lip, 滑(动);滑倒,跌跤;swallow, 吞,咽;skate, 滑冰;溜冰;slant, (使)倾斜。 15. six months, they have climbed El Captain. A. Before B. Since C. Within D. By 答案: C 句子中谓语动词用了现在完成时,说明事情指从过去某个时候持续到现在的情况。Before,在之前;since, 自从(过去某个时候开始);within, 在(时间)内;by, 到时为止,不晚于。16 Wellman said he is not trying to send any to disabled peopl

13、e by climbing. A. message B. suggestion C. movement D. present 答案:A 句子的意思是:Wellman说,他登山的目的不是为了给残疾人传递什么_。Message,信息;suggestion, 建议;movement, 运动;present, 礼物。 17 Corbett wants to bring to climbing, his first love. A. appearance B. advantage C. attention D. approach 答案:C句子的意思:Corbett希望吸引人们_登山(运动),这是他的最爱

14、。 Appearance, 出现,出场;外表,外貌;advantage, 优势;attention, 注意(力);approach, 接近;方法,手段。 18 Corbett hopes people will always find somewhere in their life. A. interference B. inspiration C. indifference D. indignation 答案:B句子的意思:Corbett希望人们总能在生活中找到 _。Interference, 干扰,干预;inspiration, 灵感,灵机;激励;indifference, 冷漠,冷淡;i

15、ndignation, 愤怒,愤慨,义愤。 19I other able-bodied people to stop and make a friend. A.embrace B.enclose C.emphasize D.encourage 答案:D 从句子结构来看,缺少了谓语动词,而且需要跟后面的不定式能够连用的。Embrace, 拥抱;接受;利用;enclose, 包围;emphasize, 强调;encourage, 鼓励。 20Never a person with a disability. They can blow your mind. A. underlie B. under

16、estimate C. undergo D. underline 答案:B本题考查四个形似动词的词义。Underlie, 位于之下;成为的基础;underestimate, 低估;undergo, 经历,遭受;underline,画线于(文字等)下面;强调,加强。2.Grammar:Choose the best answer for each of the following items. 请选择题型 Vocabulary Grammar Dialogue Reading 1When it was all over, both men spoke as if there a serious

17、problem. A. hadnt been B. isnt C. havent been D. wasnt 答案:A 根据从句的内容 it was all over, 可以推断,代词it 指代的事情已经过去了,表示“过去的过去”用过去完成时。 2 When the pair reached the top, they were met by Wellmans girlfriend and a(n) crowd of news reporters. A. being admired B. admiring C. be admiring D. admired 答案:B本题考查动词的-ing 分词

18、与-ed分词之间的区别。在用做形容词用法时,前者往往与被修饰的名字有逻辑主谓关系,即动词的动作是被修饰的名词所发出的。而后者有被动含义。 3 Wellman was there for his able-bodied friend early in the climb when pieces of rock . A. gave way B. have given way C. give way D. are giving way 答案:AGive way, 崩溃,倒塌。根据主从句时态一致的原则,主句用了一般过去时,when 引起的从句里也应该用一般过去时。 4He was 22 when he

19、 slipped while and fell 50 feet. A. climb B. climbed C. climbing D. to climb 答案:C 现在分词短语跟 while 一起做时间状语。 5Didnt you go into a cave when it ? A. has rained B. rains C. had rained D. was raining 答案:D从句子内容来看,when 引起的事情是主句谓语动作发生时正在进行的状态,所以用过去进行时。6 That same night they made plans, and the next morning, ,

20、 they met to begin training. A. ropes in hand B. ropes are in hand C. with hand in ropes D. hand with ropes 答案:A 从语法层面来将,ropes in hand 是名词性独立主格结构,在句子中做谓语动词的状语,表示方式或伴随状态。 7 On the coverdown a rock. A. was a photo of a woman in a wheelchair lower B. a photo of a woman in a wheelchair was lowering C. t

21、o be lowered was a photo of a woman in a wheelchair D. was a photo of a woman in a wheelchair being lowered 答案:D表示方位的介词短语on the cover置于句首时,主语部分较长时,可以使用谓语倒装形式。 8I was justalong when all of a sudden Isomeone. A. walking; was hearing; to scream B. walking; heard; scream C. walked; heard; screamed D. wa

22、lking; was hearing; scream 答案:B过去某事发生的同时存在的状态或进行的动作用过去进行时来表示。“我听到”是过去发生的事情,而“我正在走着”是听到尖叫声时发生着的动作。感官动词 hear 后跟动词原形。 9 On Half Dome, this process , time and again, inch by inch, for 13 days. A. have repeated B. is repeating C. was repeated D. repeats 答案:C 从句子内容来看,讲述的是过去的事情,一般宜用表示过去时。动词 repeat 既可以是及物的也

23、可以是不及物的。 10It was Mike Corbettfirst brought up the idea of Mark Wellmans climbing again. A. whose B. whom C. which D. who 答案:D在表示强调的句式“It is(was)被强调的部分that(who)其它部分”中,用 who 表示被强调的是人,而用that 表示被强调的是物。3.Dialogue: Choose the best answer for each of the following items. 请选择题型 Vocabulary Grammar Dialogue

24、Reading 1 . No, how horrible! What were you doing there? A.I went shopping in a department store, and Tom Cruise came in to buy a tie. B.We decided to go cave exploring. Theyd predicted good weather. C.Did I ever tell you about the time I almost drowned in a cave? 答案:C 从第二句来看,第一个说话人显然是提到过什么可怕的地方或事情。

25、A、B两句与第二句话内容衔接不上。 2 I hadnt seen my old friend Pablo in twenty years. Then last week I ran into him in a theater. . A.Did I ever tell you about that frightening movie I saw last week? B.What a strange experience that must have been! C.We found we have even more in common now. 答案:B第一句提到巧遇二十年未见过面的朋友的事

26、情。B句直接对这次巧遇给予了评价。A句语境不符,C句似乎更象是第一个说话人接下来可能说的话。 3 I was stuck on the road in my car for two hours during a snowstorm. . A.Thats awful! You must have been terrified! B.Oh, really? What an embarrassing situation it was! C.Well, why didnt you watch some TV programs? 答案:A根据英语交流习惯,在听到别人讲述不好的经历时需要表示同情或理解。暴

27、风雨中堵车并不是什么embarrassing 的经历。C句的提议在堵车的环境下并不很适合。 4 .Yes, we did, but when he went to prison, he brought us great dishonor. A.Did you give him approval or disapproval? B.Im sure you hoped your son would bring honor to the family. C.Did you tell him about her dishonesty at work when she lied to the boss about it? 答案: B A、C两句Did you 开头似符合第二句Yes,

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