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本文(Wggrli消防产品认证.docx)为本站会员(b****3)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、Wggrli消防产品认证生命中,不断地有人离开或进入。于是,看见的,看不见的;记住的,遗忘了。生命中,不断地有得到和失落。于是,看不见的,看见了;遗忘的,记住了。然而,看不见的,是不是就等于不存在?记住的,是不是永远不会消失? 消防产品认证GB/T19001-2000标准转换申请书Application for the Fire Products Certification National Standard Changed to GB/T19001-2000申请企业名称(加盖公章):Name of the Applicant Firm:产品类别:Category of the Product

2、:申请日期: 年 月 日Application Date: 公安部消防产品合格评定中心编制China Certification Center for Fire Products, Ministry of Public Security 须 知1. 申请人应将以下文件一式二份寄公安部消防产品合格评定中心,第三份自己存档。1) 申请书;2) 现行有效的质量手册和程序文件(受控版本);3) 产品生产工艺流程图;4) 所有有效的产品认证证书(1:1复印件)。邮寄地址: 中国北京市丰台区方庄芳群园四区金城中心1205室公安部消防产品合格评定中心邮编:1000782.本申请表须用中、英文二种文字填写。N

3、OTICE1. Applicant should send two filled copies of the following documents to China Certification Center for Fire Products (CCCF), and the third copy should be filed by the applicant.1) Application;2) Current effective Quality Manual and Procedures Document (controlled copy );3) All Process Flow Cha

4、rt for Products Production;4) Valid Certificate for Products Certification.(The certificate provided should be the duplicated one with the same size as the original)Mail address: China Certification Center for Fire Products, Ministry of Public Security Room 1205,Jincheng Center,4th Section Fangqunyu

5、an, Fangzhuang,Beijing, P.R.C.Postcode: 1000782. The application form can be filled out in Chinese and English.概 况1 申请企业/Applicant Firm1.1名称/Name:1.2法定代表人/Authorized Person of Applicant firm:1.3地址及邮编/Address and Postcode:1.4 联系人/Representative to be contacted: 1.5 电话/Tel: 1.6 传真/Fax: 1.7 电子邮件/E-mail

6、: 2 代理机构或中国办事处(代表处)/Agency Organization or office PRC (Representative office)2.1名称/Name:2.2联系人/Representative to be contacted:2.3地址及邮编/Address and Postcode:2.4电话及传真/Tel and Fax:2.5电子邮件/E-mail:3 制造商/Manufacturer:3.1名称/Name:3.2地址及邮编/Address and Postcode:3.3 联系人/ Representative to be contacted: 3.4 电话/

7、Tel: 3.5 传真/Fax: 3.6 电子邮件/E-mail:4 制造厂/Factory:4.1名称/Name:4.2地址及邮编/Address and Postcode:4.3 联系人/ Representative to be contacted: 4.4 电话/Tel: 4.5 传真/Fax: 4.6 电子邮件/E-mail:5 付款单位/Payment Organization:5.1名称/Name:5.2地址及邮编/Address and Postcode:5.3联系人/Representative to be contacted: 5.4电话/Tel: 5.5 传真/Fax:

8、5.6 电子邮件/E-mail: 我们声明我们将遵守公安部消防产品合格评定中心的认证规则和程序,支付认证所需的申请、检验、工厂审查及其它有关的费用,理解并接受公安部消防产品合格评定中心提出的评价活动计划;公安部消防产品合格评定中心将不承担获得认证产品的制造厂或销售商应承担的任何法律责任。 We are hereby to declare that we will follow the certification rules and procedures of CCCF and make payment for the fees arising from the application, tes

9、ting, site audit and other services; understand and accept the evaluation activity plan put forward by CCCF;CCCF will not bear any legal responsibility which should be borne by the factory or salesman granted with the conformity certificate.法定代表人签字 加盖申请企业公章Signature:(Signed by the authorized person) Official Seal of the Applicant Firm 现有有效产品认证证书情况Description of the Valid Certificate for Products Certification序号Serial No.产品名称Name of Product型号规格Model and Specification执行标准Standard Implemented原证书编号Original number of fire product certificate商标Trademark

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