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1、湖北版英语阶段滚动卷五温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。阶段滚动卷(五)(建议用时: 40分钟). 多项选择1. (2013咸宁模拟)Jiuzhaigou National Park, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992, is a nature reserve in the north of Sichuan and possesses rich cultural and geological. A. attractions B.

2、 amusementsC. entertainments D. presentations2. (2013襄阳模拟)When you decide to start a family, you make a(n)to them. You shouldnt turn your back on the people who love you. A. contribution B. commitmentC. devotion D. effort3. With tourism havingthe economy a great deal, the local government has passed

3、 a new law to invest double the amount in the past year to benefit more from it. A. exaggerated B. disadvantagedC. accumulated D. embarrassed4. (2013黄冈模拟)Is college, which is supposed to be a place for academic interests and independent thinking, beinginto a factory only for producing professionals

4、for a certain trade? A. transported B. transformedC. transferred D. transplanted5. Despite the fact that his words often fail towhen he sings, Jay Chou enjoys a very large number of admirers in the mainland. A. get through B. get outC. get across D. get over6. (2013黄冈模拟)What is most important is fac

5、ing the hard times, the changes, and getting through to the other side where the sun is still shining just for you. A. meeting with B. agreeing withC. going with D. coping with7. More and more teachers tend to think that teaching is really ajob, so they have to devote a lot to it. A. rewarding B. in

6、terestingC. demanding D. depressing8. (2013襄阳模拟)Cloning human beings is atopic with some considering it a scientific development while others strongly against it. A. conventional B. controversialC. contradictory D. concrete9. (2013武汉模拟)With time and patience, youllcome to realize that the Southern A

7、frican football is different from the European football in many ways. A. sensitively B. immediatelyC. automatically D. gradually10. In order not to get disturbed, I spent three hours locked in my study, the next days interview. A. in anxiety for B. in preparation forC. in exchange for D. in answer f

8、or. 完成句子1. His younger sister teaches in a secondary school, in front of. (flow)他妹妹在一所中学教书, 学校门前流淌着一条小河。2. Were saidin the Information Age, a time for new discoveries and great changes. (live)据说我们正生活在信息时代, 一个有着新发现和伟大变革的时代。3. (2013黄冈模拟)Luckily a large company agreed to sponsor us, without which our w

9、ork. (stop)幸运的是, 一家大公司同意赞助我们, 否则我们的工作就会停止了。4. “Im proud of what I did but I was just doing, ”John said. (teach)约翰说: “我自豪于我所做的, 但我只不过把我所学的做了出来而已。”5. (2013黄冈模拟)it is today!Shall we go out for a walk? (weather)今天的天气多好啊!我们出去散步如何? 6. Please call my secretary to arrange a meeting this afternoon, or. (conv

10、enient)请今天下午打电话给我的秘书安排会议, 或者在任何你方便的时候。7. (2013黄冈模拟)He has done so much for the poor in his communityhim enough. (think)他为自己所在的社区的穷人做的事如此之多, 以至于你怎么评价他都不过分。8. , she managed to finish her work. (as)尽管她很虚弱, 她还是努力完成了工作。9. It will be five yearsthis medicine on human patients. (test)要再过五年才可能在人类的患者身上试验这种药物。

11、10. (2013黄冈模拟)Nowadays young people just cant live without the Internet; they depend on it for. (need)现在的年轻人离开网络就无法生活, 不管他们需要什么信息他们都会通过互联网来获取。. 完形填空(2013太原模拟)One day a few years ago we had a guest of the uninvited variety. In fact, it was a bird, 1a sparrow. “Whats that? ”I asked when I first heard

12、the gentle thumping(重击声). “It sounds like Joe is outside playing basketball, ”my wife, Anita, said. She2and listened more devotedly. “Its coming from the3, ”she said. “Maybe its one of the little kids. ”We rushed out the door. Jonathan, our youngest, was4to make trouble. “If hes making holes in the

13、wall again. . . ”I said as I searched there. No children5. But there was that6again, coming from right up there. And thats when I7the sparrow. It was flying8just inches below the ceiling. It was9trying to get out, but couldnt see that the way out wasnt up, but down10the open door. So the bird contin

14、ued11its wings and hitting its head against the12. “Poor thing, ”Anita said. “It must be13. ”“Well, maybe its because of us, ”I said as I moved toward it. I tried to show the bird how to glide(滑翔)down to get outside, but that only seemed to14it more. “Why dont we just15for a few minutes? ”Anita sugg

15、ested. “Im sure hell16eventually. ”So we went back into the house, where we continued to hear the ongoing17. Then suddenly, it was silent. We looked into the garage, and our uninvited guest was gone. “See? ”Anita said. “I told you hed succeed. ”“Yeah, ”I said. “But how many knocks on the head did it

16、18him? ”Ive thought about that little sparrow through the years. Just like that sparrow, we often meet situations we dont know how to19. Born to go upward, we dont even consider the possibility that something good might happen if we stop flapping(拍打)around and just glide20a little bit. 1. A. for exa

17、mple B. rather thanC. or rather D. as well2. A. hurried B. paused C. ignored D. confirmed3. A. basement B. kitchen C. garage D. hall4. A. easy B. happy C. sorry D. angry5. A. in all B. at allC. above all D. after all6. A. guest B. voice C. noise D. sound7. A. watched B. found C. realized D. caught8.

18、 A. carefully B. gentlyC. patiently D. anxiously9. A. eventually B. unwillinglyC. obviously D. thoroughly10. A. through B. over C. below D. beyond11. A. shaking B. breaking C. striking D. injuring12. A. wall B. floor C. door D. ceiling13. A. clumsy B. painful C. amazed D. terrified14. A. frighten B.

19、 comfort C. confuse D. calm15. A. leave B. scream C. relax D. escape16. A. put it aside B. leave it aloneC. give it up D. figure it out17. A. accident B. achievementC. struggle D. trouble18. A. cost B. offer C. earn D. owe19. A. classify B. handle C. debate D. conclude20. A. up B. back C. forth D. d

20、own. 阅读理解In ancient Greek fairy tale, Medusas stare turns people to stone. Yang Shuo, a junior software major at Wuhan University, can cut fruits only by moving his eyes. The 21-year-old and his teammates recently developed a mask which operates a computer by eye movement. The aim is to help disable

21、d(残疾的)people and possibly to open a new area in computer control technology. Their product enables users, who have weak muscles or are disabled, to operate a computer. Their eye movement is captured(捕捉)by digital cameras fixed on the glasses, enabling the eyes to act like a computer mouse. “We wante

22、d to develop a technology that helps others and solves the most difficult problems, ”said Yang, leader of the team named“Xight”. Li Jin, 21, a junior software major at the university, found a challenging problem during his visit to Chongqing Disabled Persons Federation in an off-campus activity in 2

23、011. Li noticed that disabled people wanted to communicate through the Internet, but many were unable to because of their physical condition. The idea of using the eyes to control a computer came up. “Because the eye is one of the most agile(灵活的)parts of the human body, ”said Li. In the US, software

24、 and digital glasses with a similar function(功能)cost $8, 000. But Xights can be much more competitive. “Even if we improve the appearance of the glasses and the function in a more user-friendly way, it wont cost more than 500 yuan, ”said Yang. Many investors have already contacted(联系)the team trying

25、 to put the invention into commercial(商业的)production. But the team refused. “At present, our focus is to improve Xight and make it an ideal application(申请)for disabled people. When we achieve this well consider commercializing(使商业化)our invention, ”said Yang, who has been busy preparing a thesis and

26、materials for Xights patent(专利)application. 1. Whats the purpose of inventing “Xight”? A. To cut fruits for the disabled. B. To compete with the disabled. C. To help the disabled and open a new area in computer control technology. D. To prepare a thesis for graduation. 2. Why did the team use the ey

27、es to control a computer? A. Because the eyes act like a computer mouse. B. Because the eye is one of the most agile organs(器官). C. Because their eye movement can capture digital cameras. D. Because eyes can cut fruits. 3. Whats the best title of the text? A. Helping the disabledB. Several students

28、at Wuhan UniversityC. Spectacular(神奇的)invention“Xight”D. A patent application4. We may conclude from the text that. A. “Xight” will have a promising market perspective (前景)B. all the disabled were unable to communicate through the InternetC. Yang said the team had improved XightD. the team will not

29、commercialize their invention答案解析. 1. 【解析】选A。考查名词词义辨析。句意: 1992年被宣布为联合国教科文组织世界遗产遗址的九寨沟国家公园, 是四川北部的一个自然保护区, 拥有丰富的文化和地质景点。attraction吸引, 引力, 引人注意的东西; amusement娱乐, 消遣; entertainment娱乐, 消遣, 招待, 款待, presentation陈述, 报告, 介绍, 赠送。根据语境应选A。2. 【解析】选B。考查名词词义辨析。句意: 当你决定开始组建一个家庭, 你对他们做出承诺。你不应该背弃爱你的人。contribution贡献;

30、commitment承诺; devotion奉献; effort努力。根据语境应选B。3. 【解析】选C。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 随着旅游业积累了大量的财富, 在过去的一年当地政府已通过一项新的法律, 投资两倍的钱以获得更多的利益。exaggerate夸大, 夸张; disadvantage使不利; accumulate积累, 积聚; embarrass使窘迫, 困难。根据语境应选C。4. 【解析】选B。考查动词词义辨析。句意: 大学, 这个理应供学术爱好和独立思考的地方, 正被变成只为某种行业培养职业人员的工厂吗? transport运送, 运输; transform使转化, 常用搭配transform. . . into. . . 把变成; transfer使转移, 使调动; transplant移植。根据语境应选B。5. 【解析】选C。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 周杰伦唱歌虽然歌词含糊不清, 但他在大陆仍然很受欢迎。get through用电话联系上, 考试通过, 完成任务, 使明白; get out出来, 出版; get across把讲清楚, 被理解; get over完成, 恢复。根据语境应选C。6. 【解析】选D。考查动词短语辨析。句意: 最重要的是要挺过艰难的时刻, 积极应对种种变故, 冲破黎明

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