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1、英语教学法课程教学大纲 发布日期:2010-04-13 浏览量:593 【字体:大 中 小】课程编号:050246-050247 适用专业:英语学时数:72学分数:4执笔人:张爱春 编写时间:2009年 9月一、课程的性质、任务英语教学法是研究中、小学英语教学理论和实践的学科,是师范院校英语专业的一门基础课。要求学生通过 这门课程的学习和实践,掌握本课程的理论与基础知识和技能,从而适应中、小学英语教学的需要。二、课程的教学目的和要求1. 教学法理论课:一般采用讲授、 报告和分组讲座的形式。 目地是让学生了解外语教学的普遍规律及其具体应用, 帮助学生熟悉国内外各种外语教学流派的基本教学指导思想和

2、原则,以及教学过程。让学生学会分析课堂教学和根据 不同情况采用不同教学方法的能力。学生通过学习,应了解并掌握我国当前中小学英语教学的基本原则:A. 交际性原 则; B. 四会并举、阶段侧重原则; C. 语音、语法、词汇综合教学原则; D. 尽量使用目的语、适当利用母语的原则; E. 精讲多练原则; F. 以学生为中心的原则; G . 趣味性原则。通过本课程的学习,学生应掌握以下基本方法:(1 听、说、读、写四种语言技能的教学法;(2 备课(教材处理、教案编写、课件制作的方法;(3 授课(语音、语法、词汇、句型、对话、课文等各种课型的方法;(4 教学效果检查(口试、笔试、提问的方法;(5 电化教

3、学和教具使用的方法;(6 开展课外活动的方法。为了适应中小学的教学实际,学生还必须了解中小学教学大纲、中小学教材的内容和组织、安排。课堂教学的程 序、教学效果评估以及测试的方法。2. 见习课的目的是加深学生对教学法理论课的认识, 初步了解教学理论在中学教学的应用情况, 培养学生分析和评 估课堂教学的能力。3. 微格教学主要通过录像等现代教学手段对学生的教学过程进行讲评,运用小班教学模真实教学情况。4. 教学实习给学生提供一个具体实践的机会, 让学生得以应用所获得的理论知识, 培养初步的独立上课能力, 并通 过教学实践加深对教学法理论知识的理解。三、课程的教学内容Unit One Languag

4、e and Learning(4 hours1.Basic Demand:To discuss some general matters about language learning and teaching, such as common views on language and language learning, ; qualities of a good language teacher; the structural view of language; the communicative view of language; the interactional view of la

5、nguage.2. Teaching Content:1.How do we learn Language2.View s on Language3.Views on Language Learning and Learning in General4.What makes a Good Language Teacher5.How One become A Good Language Teacher6.An overview of the book3.Focal point and difficulty:The qualities of a good teacher4.Main Points

6、for examining:how to become a qualified English teacherUnit2 Communicative Principles and Task-based Language Teaching(6 hours1. Basic demand:To discuss one of the most important trends in second/ foreign language teaching in the past three decades, that is the practice of communicative language tea

7、ching and task-based language teaching2.Teaching Content:Language Use in real life vs. traditional pedagogyWhat is communicative competence?Implications for teaching and learningPrinciples of communicative language teachingCLT and the teaching of language skillsMain features of communicative activit

8、iesTask-based language teachingHow to design tasksAppropriateness of CLT and TBLT in the Chinese context3.Focal point and difficulty:The practice of communicative language teaching and task-based language teaching4.Main Points for examining:how to design tasksUnit3 The National English Curriculum(4

9、hours1. Basic demand:to understand the goals and objectives of English language teaching; performance standards for different levels of competence and challenges facing English languages2. Teaching Content:1. A brief history of foreign language teaching in China2. Designing principles for the Nation

10、al English Curriculum3. Goals and objectives of English language teaching4. Design of he National English Curriculum5.performance standards for different levels of competence6. Challenges facing English languages3. Focal point and difficulty:performance standards for different levels of competence a

11、nd challenges facing English languages4. Main Points for examining:Goals and objectives of English language teachingUnit 4 Lesson Planning (4 hours1. Basic demand:To understand one of the most important components of language teachers work, lesson planning and the principles for good lesson planning

12、2. Teaching Content:1Why is lesson planning necessary?2Principles for good lesson planning3Macro planning vs. micro planning4Components of a lesson plan5Sample lesson plans6Conclusion3. Focal point and difficulty:Components of a lesson plan4. Main Points for examining:writing lesson planUnit 5 Class

13、room Management (4 hours1. Basic demand:To discuss how language teachers can manage the classroom more effectively and efficiently and how to deal with errors.2. Teaching Content:The role of the teacherClassroom instructionsStudent groupingQuestioning in the classroomDiscipline in the language class

14、roomDealing with errors3. Focal point and difficulty:how to manage the classroom more effectively and deal with errors.4. Main Points for examining:deal with errors according differently.Unit 6 Teaching Pronunciation (4 hours1. Basic demand:To discuss how to teach pronunciation.2. Teaching Content:T

15、he role of pronunciationThe goal of teaching pronunciationAspects of pronunciationPracticing soundsPracticing stress and intonationConclusion3. Focal point and difficulty:The goal and some aspects of teaching pronunciation4. Main Points for examining:some aspects of teaching pronunciationUnit 7 Teac

16、hing Grammar (4 hours1. Basic demand:To discuss how to teach grammar. Although grammar is usually integrated with the teaching of other language components, it is still necessary to introduce ways to “focus on form”.2. Teaching Content:The role of grammar in Language learningGrammar presentationGram

17、mar practiceConclusion3. Focal point and difficulty:Grammar presentation methods4. Main Points for examining:Grammar presentation methods and grammar practiceUnit 8 Teaching Vocabulary (4 hours1. Basic demand:To discuss how to teach vocabulary. Although vocabulary is usually integrated with the teac

18、hing of reading, it is necessary to introduce ways to learn and consolidate vocabulary.2. Teaching Content:Understanding vocabulary and vocabulary learningWhat does knowing a new word involveWays of presenting vocabularyWays of consolidating vocabularyDeveloping vocabulary learning strategiesConclus

19、ion3. Focal point and difficulty:Ways of presenting vocabulary and consolidating vocabulary4. Main Points for examining:how to present vocabulary and help student develop vocabulary learning strategiesUnit 9 Teaching Listening (4 hours1. Basic demand:To discuss how to teach listening, to introduce t

20、ypes of listening ac tivities and the ways to improve students listening ability2. Teaching Content:Why does listening seem so difficult?What do we listening to in everyday lifeCharacteristics of the listening processPrinciples for teaching listeningPre-listening activitiesWhile-listening activities

21、Post-listening activitiesConclusionPrinciples for teaching listening and how to design listening activities4. Main Points for examining:how to design listening activitiesUnit 10 Teaching speaking (4 hours1. Basic demand:To discuss how to teach speaking. From the characteristics of spoken language, t

22、o introduce types of speaking tasks and the ways to improve students speaking ability2. Teaching Content:What are the characteristics of spoken language?Designing speaking tasksUsing group work in speaking tasksTypes of speaking tasksConclusion3. Focal point and difficulty:Designing and using group

23、work in speaking tasks4. Main Points for examining:How to design speaking tasks and ho9w to organize group work in speaking tasksUnit 11 Teaching Reading (4 hours1. Basic demand:To discuss how to teach reading. Analyze some skills involved in reading comprehension and principles and models for teach

24、ing reading. Introduce some reading activities2. Teaching Content:Reflecting on your reading experienceHow do we read?What do we read?Strategies involved in reading comprehensionThe role of vocabulary in readingPre-reading activitiesWhile-reading activitiesPost-reading activitiesConclusion3. Focal p

25、oint and difficulty:Strategies involved in reading comprehension and designing of reading activities4. Main Points for examining:how to design reading activities and how to help student develop reading strategiesUnit 12 Teaching Writing (4 hours1. Basic demand:To discuss the nature of writing in rea

26、lity. Analyze problems in writing tasks and to introduce a communicative approach to writing.Why ,what and how do we writing The nature of writing in reality A communicative approach to writing Problems in writing tasks A process approach to writing Motivating students to write Designing writing tas

27、ks Using the internet to promote process writing Conclusion 3. Focal point and difficulty: A process approach to writing and motivating students to write 4. Main Points for examining: how to motivate students to write and how to design writing tasks Unit 13 Integrated Skills (4 hours 1. Basic demand

28、: To discuss how to integrated four language skills such as listening, speaking, reading and writing and the implications for teaching the four skill 2. Teaching Content: Why should we integrate the four skills? How can we integrate the four skills? What are the implications for teaching? What are t

29、he limitations of integrating the four skills Conclusion 3. Focal point and difficulty: how to integrate the four skills. 4. Main Points for examining: how to integrate the four skills. Unit 14 Assessment in Language Teaching (4 hours 1. Basic demand: To discuss assessment purposes, methods, criteri

30、a, principles and testing in teaching English 2. Teaching Content: 1Understanding assessment Assessment purposes Methods for assessment Criteria Criteria Assessment Principles Tests in assessment Conclusion 3. Focal point and difficulty: Methods and criteria for assessment 4. Main Points for examini

31、ng: Methods and criteria for assessment Unit 15 Learner Differences and Learner Training (4 hours) 1. Basic demand: To discuss learner differences and learner training in language teaching 2. Teaching Content: 1. Understanding learner differences 2. Learner training in language teaching 3 Conclusion

32、 3. Focal point and difficulty: understanding learner differences and learner training in language teaching 4. Main Points for examining: How to train learners in language teaching Unit 16 Using and Creating Resources (4 hours 1.Basic demand: to discuss the resources available and the resources hidden 2. Te

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