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Starter Units 13.docx

1、Starter Units 13Starter Units 13单元分层训练 课内基础自测.字母(A)按顺序写出英语的26个字母(包括大小写)。(B)你知道哪五个字母是元音字母吗?请按字母表顺序写出来(包括大小写)。(C)选出与所给字母含有相同元音音素的一项。()1.FAHBG CO DL()2.C AI BJ CB DK()3.H AM BK CE DO()4.I AN BD CG DY()5.Q AK BU CD DB.从方框中选择适当的词填空1_ are you?Im fine.2Whats this in English?_ an orange.3What _ is the cup?I

2、ts white.4This is a _ jacket.5Whats that?Its _ English book.6Nice to _ you, Jim!.用am, is 或are填空1How _ you?2I _ fine.3This _ an orange.4It _ a key.5The ruler _ white.6_ the quilt green?7_ you a student?8Tom _ a boy.9This _ a yellow ruler.10What color _ the map?11The pen _ blue. 12I _ a Chinese girl a

3、nd Eric _ an English boy.根据句意及汉语或音标提示完成句子1_(我) am Alice.2How are _(你)?3This is an _(橙子)4The cup is _(棕色的)5Whats this in _(英语)?6Its a _ /kwlt/.7What _ /kl(r)/ is it?8Its _(紫色的)9The jacket is _(绿色的)10Im fine, _(谢谢).根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1What color is your ruler?Its w_2Is that a key?Y_, it is.3What color is t

4、he cup?It is r_4Can you s_ “morning”, please?Yes, MORNING.5Whats that in E_?Its a cup.6Good m_, Bob!7Its an o_ pen.8How are you, Grace?Im f_, thanks.9Can you s_ your ABCs?10W_ is that? Its a pen.课后巩固提升.从(B)栏中选出与(A)栏中的句子相对应的答语(A)()1.Hi, Im Mike.()2.Good morning!()3.Good afternoon!()4.Good evening!()5

5、.How are you?()6.Hello, Eric!()7.Spell it, please.()8.Whats this in English?()9.Goodbye.()10.What color is it?(B)AGood evening!BGoodbye.CIts a map.DGood morning!EHello, Li Lei!FIm fine, thanks.GGood afternoon!HHi, Im Alice.IIts red.JKEY.补全对话,每空一词Gina: Good morning, Sam!Sam: 1._ morning, Gina!Gina: H

6、ow are you?Sam: 2._ fine, thanks.Gina: 3._ this 4._ English?Sam: Its 5._ jacket.Gina: 6._ it, please.Sam: JACKET.Gina: What 7._ is it? Sam: 8._ green. And its very nice.根据图片提示完成对话1A: Good morning, Bob!B: _ _, Mike!A: _ are you?B: _ fine, thanks. 2A: _ this _ English?B: Its _ _. A: What color _?B: _

7、green. 3A: _, Alice! Whats this?B: _ a ruler. A: _ _, please. B: RULER. A: Thanks. 完形填空A: Good _1_, Jim!B: Good morning, Mary!A: How _2_ you?B: Im fine, thanks. And you?A: _3_ fine, too. B: _4_ this?A: Its a cup. B: _5_ do you spell it?A: CUP, cup. B: _6_ is it?A: Its _7_. Is this _8_ pencil?B: _9_.

8、 Its a pen. A: Oh, its _10_ orange pen. ()1. A. evening Bnight C. morning D. afternoon()2. A. are B. is C. am D. be ()3. A. Youre B. Im C. You is D. I are()4. A. Whats B. What C. What are D. How()5. A. How B. What C. Can D. /()6. A. Whats color B. What color C. What D. How()7. A. a card B. the yello

9、w C. an orange D. green()8. A. / B. a C. an D. the()9. A. Yes, it is B. Yes, it isnt C. No, it isnt D. No, it is ()10. A. / B. a C. an D. the.阅读理解This is Pigcasso. She lives in South Africa(南非). You may think pigs only like sleeping and eating. But Pigcasso does not. She is a clever white pig. She c

10、an paint(绘画).Three baby red pandas were born(出生) in December. They are at a zoo in Sydney(悉尼). They are Rohan, Ishwar and Mishry. They are cute(可爱的).This is Mitsi. It is a cat. It is white, brown and black. It lives at a station in Israel(以色列). Many people like it. But some people dont like cats. Th

11、e station wants to look for a new home for Mitsi.()1.What color is Pigcasso?AIts white. BIts black. CIts brown. DIts yellow.()2.What does the underlined(画线的) word “clever” mean(意思是) in Chinese?A聪明的 B普通的 C调皮的 D孤独的()3.Where is Mishry?AIn South Africa. BIn Sydney. CIn China. DIn Israel.()4.What does Mi

12、tsi need(需要)?AA good friend. BA nice cup.CA small pen. DA new home.()5.Which is TRUE(真实的)?APigcasso only likes sleeping and eating.BMishry is white. CPeople all like Mitsi. DMishry is at a zoo now.语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Hello! My 1._ is Lucy. I 2._ a girl. Look! T

13、his is 3._ ruler. I can 4._(spell) it. RULER. Its(它的) 5._ is yellow. It is 6._ my ruler. Its Bobs. And whats this 7._ English? 8._ is a book. I cant spell it in English. Can 9._ spell it? Its blue. Its Helens. 10._ that? Its a pencil. Its black. Whose(谁的) is it? Its Toms. .任务型阅读Hello! Im Jack. Look!

14、 (A)这是一支钢笔。Its yellow. And that is a key. Its yellow, too. (B)Thatsablackruler. And that is a jacket. Its blue. Oh, that is a map. Its red. 1写出文中提到的物品。_2将(A)处画线的句子翻译成英语。_3找出文中表示颜色的单词。_4将(B)处画线的句子翻译成汉语。_5回答问题:What color is the jacket?_XIII书面表达同学们,图中两个男孩(Tom, Mark)正在谈论他们看到的物品以及物品的颜色。请结合Starter Units 1

15、3所学的内容,编写一组对话。(不少于10句)教师详解详析.(A)(B)(C); 3.orange4.brown5English6.quilt7.color8purple9.green10.thanks.1.white2.Yes3.red4.spell5English6.morning7.orange8fine9.say10.What.15HDGAF610EJCBI.1.Good2.I

16、m3.Whats4.in5a6.Spell7.color8.Its.1.Good morning; How; Im2Whats; in; a jacket; is it; Its3Hi/Hello; Its; Spell it.15CABAA610BDBCC.1.A细节理解题。由表格第一栏中“She is a clever white pig.”可知,Pigcasso是白色的。2A词义猜测题。由表格第一栏中“She can paint.”可知,Pigcasso会画画。故判断它是聪明的。3B细节理解题。由表格第二栏中“They are at a zoo in Sydney. They are R

17、ohan, Ishwar and Mishry.”可知,Mishry在悉尼。4D细节理解题。由表格第三栏中“The station wants to look for a new home for Mitsi.”可知,车站想给Mitsi寻找一个新家。故选D。 5D综合分析题。由表格第一栏中“You may think pigs only like sleeping and eating. But Pigcasso does not.”可知Pigcasso并非一头只喜欢吃和睡的猪,故A项错误;由表格第二栏中“Three baby red pandas were born in December.

18、”和“They are Rohan, Ishwar and Mishry.”可知Mishry是三只“red pandas”中的一只,不是白色的,故B项错误;由表格第三栏中“This is Mitsi.”和“Many people like it. But some people dont like cats.”可知许多人喜欢它,但有些人是不喜欢猫的,故C项错误;由表格第二栏中“They are at a zoo in Sydney. They are Rohan, Ishwar and Mishry.”可知Mishry和Rohan, Ishwar都在悉尼一家动物园,故D项正确。.1.name2

19、.am3.a4.spell5color6.not7.in8.It9you10.Whats.1.a pen, a key, a ruler, a jacket, a map2This is a pen.3yellow, black, blue, red4那是一把黑色的尺子。5Its blue. Possible versions:(1)A: Good morning, Tom!B: Good morning, Mark!A: How are you?B: Im fine, thanks. How are you?A: Im OK. B: Whats that in English?A: Its a ruler. B: Spell it, please.A: RULER, ruler. B: What color is it?A: Its green. (2)A: Good morning, Tom!B: Good morning, Mark!A: How are you?B: Im fine, thanks. How are you?A: Im OK. B: Whats that in English?A: Its a jacket. B: Spell it, please.A: JACKET, jacket. B: What color is it?A: Its green.

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