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1、教材人教版高中英语第一册 教材:人教版高中英语第一册 教材: 人教版高中英语第一册 Unit 2 English around the World Teaching Aims: 1. Train the students predicting, fast-reading, intensive-reading and summarizing ability during reading the text. 2. Get the students to learn the new words and phrases in the text. 3. Get the students to under

2、stand the text and learn about English language. 4. Develop the students reading skills and comprehending ability. 5. Get the students to understand some useful sentence patterns. 6. Get the students to learn how to 7. Enable the students to communicate with others about English language by using th

3、e words, phrases and rules they learn in this unit. Teaching Important Points: 1. Get the students to learn about the English language. 2. Improve the students reading ability. 3. Enable the students to master the usages of important words, expressions and grammar. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. Make

4、 the students understand the text better and know the development of English language. 2. Develop the students predicting, fast-reading, intensive-reading and summarizing ability. 3. Enable the students to transfer direct speech into indirect speech properly. Teaching Methods: 1. Connect reading com

5、prehension with language points. 2. Scanning the text to get some information about Annes best friend. 3. Careful reading to summarize the main idea and answer the questions in detail. 4. Individual, pair or group work to make every student work in class. Teaching Aids: 1. a multimedia classroom 2.

6、the blackboard 3. the Students Textbook and Teachers Book Teaching Procedures: Part I Warming Up (1) Country Listing Good morning, class. We have been learning English for several years. But how many English-speaking countries are there in the world? Now lets make a list of them on the blackboard. E

7、nglish Countries Explanation Mother tongue the United Kingdom the United States of AmericaCanada Australia South Africa Ireland New Zealand The people in these countries are native speakers of English. In total, for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue. Second language India P

8、akistan Nigeria the Philippines These people speak the language of their own country at home but the language of the government, schools, newspapers, and TV is English. Foreign language China Germany France etc. The number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million. (

9、2) British English and American English a. Read these dialogues and find the words which have the same meaning. Dialogue1 A: Lets go to the pictures! B: OK! But how shall we go to the movies? A: Why not go by underground? B: Er, but the subway station is far away. Dialogue2 A: Id like to hire your c

10、ar. Can I ride to New York? B: Sure, my car has a full tank of gas. A:Well, no, thank you. I still want to live. Maybe I need to find a car with petrol. People from different countries speak different kinds of English. Can you guess which person comes from Britain and which one from the USA? (A is a

11、n Englishman and B is an American.) b. Guess which of the following words is British English and which is American English. elevator/lift(BrE) in a team(BrE)/on a team rubber(BrE)/eraser petrol(BrE)/gas British people and American people prefer to choose different words to express the same meaning.

12、Do you know more examples like this? Cars and Driving British English American English Chinese car park parki ng l ot 停车场 dri vi ng l i cense dri ver s l i cense 驾照 four way crossroads 十字路口 motorway Freeway (Western U.S.) expressway (Eastern U.S.) 高速公路 petrol gasol i ne(gas) 汽油 Food British English

13、American English Chinese chips French fries 炸土豆片 pudding dessert 布丁; 甜点 sweet dessert 餐后甜点 tin can 罐头 Others British English American English Chinese autumn fall 秋天 cinema movie theater, theater 电影院 coach bus 长途汽车 engaged (as in telephone) busy (电话) 占线 fee (for schooling) tuition 学费 flat apartment 单

14、元住宅 football soccer 足球 headmaster principal 校长 hire (hire a car) rent (rent a car) 租借 holiday vacation 假日 ill sick 有病的 lift elevator 电梯 lorry truck 卡车 note bill 纸币 post mail 邮件 queue line 长队 railway railroad 铁路 return round trip 返程 rubber eraser 橡皮擦 sorry excuse me, pardon me 对不起 toilet restroom 厕所

15、trousers pants 裤子 tube/ underground subway 地铁 c. Different English, different spellings American English theater, center, liter color, honor, labor, favor, vapor traveler, woolen skillful, fulfill check program story realize, analyze, apologize defense, offense, license burned dreamed smelled spelle

16、d spoiled British English theatre, center, litre colour, honour, labour, favour, vapour traveler, woolen skilful, fulfil cheque programme storey realise, analyse, apologise defence, offence, licence burnt/burned dreamt/dreamed smelt/smelled spelt/spelled spoilt/spoiled (3) Watch a video which shows

17、the different accents of people from all over the world. Think about how these accents came into being and developed. Part II Reading and Comprehension (1) Pre-reading 1, Which country do you think has the most English learners? 2, Look at the title of the following passage and guess what is about.

18、Then read is quickly and see if you are right. (2) Fast-reading Now we go to page 9 to skim the text for the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph1: The spread of the English language in the world Paragraph2: Native speaker can understand each other even if they dont speak the same kind of English.

19、 Paragraph3: English changes and develops when cultures meet and communicate with each other. Paragraph4: By the 19th century English is settled. Paragraph5: English is spoken as a foreign language or second language in Africa and Asia. (3) Intensive Reading a. Read the text carefully and fill in th

20、e blank. Time English is influenced mainly by AD450-800 German AD800-1150 Danish and French In the 1600s Shakespeare, who make use of a wider vocabulary than ever before By the 19th century Samuel Johnson, Noah Webster Now Languages in South Asia, in Singapore, in Malaysia, in Africa and in ChinaTry

21、 to speak out the timeline of the development of English, using the passage to help you. e.g. During the 5th century AD, English was based more on German. Between about AD800 and 1150, . b. Go through Comprehending Exercise 1 and make sure the students know what to do. Let them read the whole passag

22、e again to locate particular information decide whether the statements are true or false and give the reasons. c. While checking the answers with the whole class, deal with any language problems to see whether the students can guess the meaning of new vocabulary such as culture, identity, etc. d. Pl

23、ay the tape of the passage for the students to listen and to follow. Try to find and copy all the useful expressions down in your notebook. Useful expressions at the end of, make voyages, speak English as, in the next century, change over time, communicate with, be based on, at present, become less

24、like, rule England, enrich the English language, make use of, move to, later in the 18th century, give a separate identity to, have a very large number of, fluent English speakers, become the language for, develop ones own identity, increase rapidly e. Work in pairs to discuss the questions of Compr

25、ehending Exercise3 . Part III Language Learning 一、 Vocabulary adj. official, native, gradual, latter, fluent, frequent, midwestern, African, Spanish, eastern, straight. n. subway, elevator, petrol, gas, voyage, apartment, vocabulary, spelling, identity, usage, dialect, expression, lorry, accent, lig

26、htning, block, cab v. conquer, base, enrich, command, request, recognize. 二、 Key Words 1. voyage n. 航行, 航海 go on/make/take a voyage 进行航海 be on a voyage to 在去的航行路上 voyage在水中或空中旅行去国外或较远地方的海上旅行. journey常指长途陆路直接到达目的地的旅行, 侧重指旅行所花的时间或所走过的距离 travel目的地不明确, 在各地旅行游览长时间的旅行,尤指国外旅行of Marco Polo trip短距离的旅行, 常指回到原

27、地 tour按一定路线, 沿途作短暂逗留, 然后回到原地;观光,游览,娱乐等 flight空中旅行. 2. native adj. 本园的/本地的 n.本地人/本国人 可在句中作定语、 表语 go native 入乡随俗,过当地人生活. be native to +地点产自某地 3. identify v. 识别, 认明, 鉴定 n. 本身, 本体, 身份 identity n. 身份, 同一性, 一致 identical adj. 统一的, 完全相同的 identification n. 验明, 鉴别 be identical with/to 和完全相同 4. command/order s

28、b. to do sth. 命令某人做 command that(should) do sth. (虚拟语气) get/ have a good command of 掌握, 精通 be in command of 掌握, 掌控 take command of 掌控 at sbs command 听某人支配/吩咐 under ones command 受某人的控制, 在某人指挥下 5. request sb. to do sth. 请求/要求做 request that(should)do 请求做某事 request sth. from/of sb. 向某人请求某物 make a reques

29、t for 请求/要求 Its requested that should do.按要求 at ones request/at the request of sb.应某人要求 on/upon request 一经请求 be request (of) 依照需要, 依照请求, 应邀 6.deuelop into 成长,发展 an interest in 对产生兴趣. a friendship with sb 与交朋友. photos/pictures 冲洗. cancer 得/患病 the habit of 养成习惯 adj, developed/developing n, development

30、 with the of 随着的发展. sb to do sth 7.expect 预料,估计 to do sth that clause as expected 按计划进行; 要求,期望sb to do sth You cant too much of the Ss kids to be quiet all the tome 三、 Key Phrases 1. because of(介词短语), 由于, 因为 because of +n./pron./doing sth. because(连词)+句子 同义短语: due to/owing to/thanks to/as a result o

31、f/on account of 2. come up vi. 走近, 上来, 提出(太阳)升起 ;(植物)长出;发芽,被提及,讨论,考虑. sb. come up with sth. 提出某事(主语为提出的人) sth. come up 被提出 come up 还可指植物生长出来、 太阳升起、 发生、 出现 come about 发生 come out 开花、 出版、 结果是.真像大白,(太阳,月亮,星星)出现 Everything came out wrong come across (偶然)碰到、 遇见;被理解. come on 加油、 出场 come up to 达到 come to 恢

32、复知觉, 共计, 达到(某种状态) , 谈到 涉及.when it comes to. come along 一道来, 一起去, 进步, 赶快 3. recognize sb. 认出某人ones voice /handwriting 认出,辩认出 recognize sb. as/to be 承认/公认某人为 sb. be recognized as/to be Its recognized that 人们公认; recognize sb. /sth. by /from 根据认出某人/某物 out of /beyond recognition 认不出来 He didnt that he had

33、 made a big mistake (承认) 4. base A on/upon B 把 A 建立在 B 基础上;base 多指具体的基地,特别是军事或工业方面的基 地. be based on/upon 以为基础 basic adj. 基本的, 基础的, 初级的 basement n. 地下室 basics n. 基本历程, 基本需要 on the base of 以为基础 5. at present =at the present time/for the time being现在,目前现在, 目前/now/Nowadays for the present/moment 暂时;be present at 出席的,在场的(后置定语) be in 存在于/in the situation (在当前形势下) for the 暂时 up to the

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