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人教课标版高中英语必修三 Unit2 Language Points 教案新版.docx

1、人教课标版高中英语必修三 Unit2 Language Points 教案新版Unit2 Language Points教学设计第四课时Language Points (词汇拓展与语言现象讲解)1. Teaching Objectivesa. Further understanding of key words & expressions and difficult sentences:key words and expressions: balance, curiosity, lie, limit, benefit, get away with, in debt, cut down, bef

2、ore longdifficult sentences:Wang Peng sat in his restaurant feeling frustrated. “Nothing could be better,” he thought.Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by.b. Revision of other new words and expressions2. Teaching Procedures: 原文呈现 + 导学案Step I Finding out the key words1. Basic understanding

3、ask students to read again the passage quickly, find out where the following words appeared in the textbook and tell their meanings.balance, curiosity, lie, limit, benefit, get away with, in debt, cut down, before long What will happen to you if you dont eat a balanced diet? (Page 9) Curiosity drove

4、 Wang Peng inside. (page 10, line 16) He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies. (page 10, line 27) He did not look forward to being in debt because his restaurant was no longer popular. (page 14, line 3) , but I found your menu so limited that I stopped worrying and started a

5、dvertising the benefits of my food. (page 14, line 9) In this way they cut down the fat and increased the fiber in the meal. (page 15, line15) Their balanced diet became such a success that before long Wang Peng became slimmer and Yong Hui put on more weight. (page 15, line 16)2. Further understandi

6、ng: basically using 3 steps find out the meanings of the targeted words in different context by translating the example sentences into Chinese. add some more information to enlarge students knowledge of the targeted vocabulary. provide some exercises for students to check their understanding.1. bala

7、nce n. 天平;平衡;结余,余额; v.平衡;权衡(1)Translate the following sentences into Chinese: Can you balance yourself on the skateboard?If you earn $100 and spend $60, your balance is $40.You have to balance the advantages of living in the country against the disadvantages.Suggested answers:你能在滑板上保持平衡吗?如果你挣100美元,花

8、60美元,那么你就会结余40美元。你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。(2)Fill in the blanks with the help out their Chinese translationsThe two trucks had wheels out of balance on delivery. 这两部卡车在交货时车轮失去了平衡。 (3)Multiple choiceIn education there should be a good _ among the branches of knowledge that contribute to effective thinking an

9、d wise judgment. A. distribution B. balance C. combination D. assignment (B)2. lie vi.& n.说谎;谎话,谎言(lied,lied,lying)vi.躺,卧;处于(某一位置),在于(lay,lain,lying)(1)Translate the following sentences into Chinese:It will be against my principle to lie to you about this.He tried to cover his mistakes with a lie, b

10、ut failed.She felt sick and go to lie down in her cabin.West of the lake lies the famous city.Id rather use my money than leave it lying in the bank.Suggested answers:在这件事上对你说谎是违背我的原则的。他尝试用一个谎言掩盖自己的错误,但是没有得逞。她感到有些恶心,就回她的舱房去躺下休息了。那个著名的城市坐落在湖的西面。我宁愿把钱花掉也不愿搁在银行里不用。(2)Comparisonsee whether students are

11、able to tell the differences between “lie” and “lay” 单词词性和含义过去式、过去分词和现在分词形式lievi & n. 撒谎;谎言lied, lied, lyinglievi. 坐落于;躺下lay, lain, lyinglayvt. 放置;下蛋laid, laid, layingThen check their understanding:There was an oil painting _ in the corner. It_ there for several days. A. laying; had laid B. lain; ha

12、d laidC. lying; had lain D. laid; had been lain (C)3. curiosity n. 好奇心 curious adj. 对好奇 be curious about sth.(1)Translate the following sentences into Chinese:Children are naturally very curious about the world around them.I opened the packet just to satisfy my curiosity.Out of curiosity, he went to

13、 the library for further information about the spider.Suggested answers: 小孩子对他们周围的世界天生地感到好奇。我打开包裹只是为了满足我的好奇心。出于好奇,他去图书馆找寻更多的关于这种蜘蛛的信息。4. benefit vt. 有利,有益 n. 好处;利益;优势(1)Translate the following sentences into Chinese:The project will bring great benefit to the local people.Your body will benefit a lo

14、t from regular exercise.Extensive reading is very beneficial to all teenager students.It is said Yoga is of great benefit to human health.I have typed out some of the notes for the benefit of those who were absent.Suggested answers:这项工程会给当地人带来巨大的利益。你的身体将从日常的锻炼中获益匪浅。广泛的阅读对青少年学生有很大的益处。据说瑜伽对人体健康有很大好处。我

15、帮缺席的那些人打印了一些笔记。(2)Comparisoncompare the differences among the following words:benefit, interest & profitbenefit为普通用词,指通过正当手段从物质或精神方面得到的任何好处或利益。它的复数形式benefits意为“救济金”。eg. The insurance company will pay extra cash benefits for the accidents. interest作“利益”讲时,多用复数形式,既可指集团、群体的利益,又可指个人的利益。interest作不可数名词时,意

16、为“利息”。eg. It is in the public interests that these facts are made known.The money was repaid with interest. profit着重指收益,尤指从物质、钱财等方面获得的利润。eg. The company made a lot of profit from their new product last year.(3)Practicemultiple choiceWe should spend the money on something that will _ everyone. A. ben

17、efit B. benefit from C. beneficial D. benefit to (A)5. limit vt. 限制;限定 n. 界限;限度 limited adj. 有限的(1)Translate the following examples into Chinese:The teacher set a time limit for their homework.The father has decided to limit the overspending by his son.Suggested answers: 老师为他们的作业设定了时限。父亲决定限制他儿子的过度花销

18、。(2)Fill in the blanks according to the Chinese meanings.Ones energy is limited. (一个人的精力是有限的)There is no limit to (没有止境) what you can do if you try.6. get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚(1)Translate the following sentences into Chinese:If you cheat in the exam, youll never get away with it.I wont have you g

19、etting away with cheating in the exam.Suggested answers:考试作弊必予追究。我不能容忍你考试作弊而不受惩罚。(2)Can you think of any other “get phrases” and their meanings? get across (使)被理解;(把)讲清楚get away (from) (从)脱离,逃脱get down to (doing)sth. 开始认真地做某事get into the habit of. 染上的习惯get on/along well with. 与相处得好;get through 完成;花光

20、(时间、金钱等);通过;接通电话(3)Make a sentence with each of the above phrases.Suggested answers:In order to get the idea across, the speaker explained it again and again.No one can get away from being punished once he break the law.When mother finish washing the clothes, she went down to cooking dinner.Its very

21、 important that teenagers should not get into the habit of smoking.The new comer soon got well with almost every student in the class. He tried the same number many times but still couldnt get through.7. before long 不久以后 long before 很久以前,早在之前(1)Can you make two sentences with these two phrases?Possi

22、ble answers:Before long, the man began to recover from the accident.Chinese people began to use black powder long before Europeans did. (2)Can you guess the meaning of the following sentences?It wasnt long before he could drive the truck on his own.It will be three years before they graduate from hi

23、gh school.Suggested answers:没过多久他就可以自己单独驾驶卡车了。还要过三年他们就从高中毕业了。8. cut down 削减;删节;砍伐(1)Translate the following examples into Chinese:One can lose weight by cutting down the amount of sugar he takes in and exercise at the same time.Suggested answer:一个人可以通过减少糖的摄入量和运动来减肥。(2)Fill in the blanks with proper

24、“cut phrases”.Her little finger was cut off (切掉)in an accident at the factory.She cut the advertisement out (剪掉)of the newspaper.He cut through (穿过)the park and reached there in time.I havent given up drinking but Im cutting down(减少).Im sorry to cut in (插话)on your conversation.You nearly caused a cr

25、ash by cutting in (插队)(on me) like that.Suggested answers:cut off cut; out cut through cutting down cut in cutting in导学案使用指南:本部分可结合导学案第四课时,第二部分,“课中互动”来进行拓展和巩固Step Finding out difficult sentence patterns.1. Basic understandingask students to read again the passage quickly, find out where the followin

26、g words appeared in the textbook and tell their meanings.1. “Nothing could be better,” he thought. 2. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with telling people lies! 3. Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by.Suggested answers: 1. “一切都再好不过了”, 他想着。 2. 他可不能轻易放过让雍慧这样去欺骗大家。 3. 突然间他看到他的朋友李昌急匆匆的

27、经过。2. Further understanding:1. “Nothing could be better,” he thought.“一切都再好不过了”, 他想着。(1)Look at the conversation below, and guess the meaning.Did you sleep well last night? Never better, like a rock. Suggested translation:你昨夜睡得好吗?从没这么好过,睡得很沉。(2)Analysis of the pattern结构分析句中形容词(或副词)的比较级better与否定词noth

28、ing 连用,表达最高级的含义。常用的否定词有no, not, never, nothing, nobody, hardly等,表示最高级的含义。(3)Translate the following sentences into ChineseI think nothing is more pleasant than travelling. I cant think of a better idea. Suggested answers: 我想没有比旅行更令人愉快的事了。我想不出一个更好的方法。10. He could not have Yong Hui getting away with t

29、elling people lies! 他可不能让雍慧哄骗人们后跑掉。 (1)Analysis of the pattern结构分析have sb./sth. doing sth.让某人/某事一直做某事,表示一个持续的动作。用于否定句中表示不允许某人做某事。(2)Translate the following English into Chinese. He had me waiting for him for two hours. I cant bear it any more! Its rude of you to speak to father like that and I wont

30、have you speaking to father like that in future. Suggested answers: 他让我等了两个小时,我再也无法忍受了!你那样跟父亲说话很粗鲁,今后我不会再容忍你那样跟父亲说话了。(3)Comparison:have + -ed分词、-ing分词和动词不定式的差别wont have sb./sth. doing sth.不能容忍某人做某事/容忍某物have sb./sth. do sth.使某人或某物做某事为不带to的动词不定式)have sb./sth. done sth.请别人做某事(自己不去做或无法做); (主语)遭受了不好的事情(4

31、)Fill in the blanks.To my despair, the doctor have me waiting (have; wait) in the room for the whole afternoon. I have my watch repaired (have; repair) because it didnt work. I cant have him making (have; make) noise all the time.Yesterday Mum had Tim tidy (have; tidy) his room since it was in a mess.The woman had her handbag robbed (have; rob) yesterday.

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