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1、关于中国风俗习惯的英语作文10篇关于中国风俗习惯的英语作文(精选10篇) 关于中国风俗习惯的英语作文(精选10篇) 在学习、工作、生活中,许多人都有过写的经历,对作文都不陌生吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。作文的考前须知有许多,你确定会写吗?以下是精心的关于中国风俗习惯的英语作文(精选10篇),欢送大家分享。 The Chinese manners is differend from other countries .In China,people first meet to shake hands.When people eat,Besides sou

2、p,table all food use chopsticks.Certain foods can move chopsticks eyes.And sometimes the Chinese host use their chopsticks to put food in your bowl or plate.This is a sign of politeness.The appropriate thing to do would be to eat the whatever-it-is and say how yummy it is.If you feel unfortable with

3、 this,you can just say a polite thank you and leave the food there. Dont tap on your bowl with your chopsticks.Beggars tap on their bowls,so this is not polite.Also,when the food is ing too slow in a restarant,people will tap their bowls.If you are in someones home,it is like insulting the cook. 翻译:

4、 中国的礼仪是不同于其他国家。在中国,人们第一次见面握手。当人们吃,除了汤之外,表所有食品都使用筷子。某些食物可以移动筷子的眼睛。有时中国主人用筷子把食物在你的碗或盘子。这是礼貌的标志。适当的做法是吃不管它是什么,说它有多美味。如果你觉得不舒服,你可以说一个礼貌的谢谢你,离开那里的食物。 不要用筷子敲打饭碗。乞丐行乞时常敲打饭碗,所以,这也是不礼貌的。同样,当食物来了太慢,人们会利用他们的碗。如果你在某人的家里,它就像侮辱厨师。 At the end of the Zhou Dynasty,the area we now know as China had fallen into a stat

5、e of fragmentation and conflict.While the Zhou dynasty had ruled for several centuries,several other states,originally feudal domains,tried to carve out their own kingdoms.The state of Qin would eventually emerge the victor and unify all of China under one rule for the first time in history. Qu Yuan

6、 served as minister to the Zhou Emperor.A wise and articulate man,he was loved by the mon people.He did much to fight against the rampant corruption that plagued the court- thereby earning the envy and fear of other officials.Therefore,when he urged the emperor to avoid conflict with the Qin Kingdom

7、,the officials pressured the Emperor to have him removed from service.In exile,he traveled,taught and wrote for several years.Hearing that the Zhou had been defeated by the Qin,he fell into despair and threw himself into the Milou River.His last poem reads: Many a heavy sigh I have in my despair,Gri

8、eving that I was born in such an unlucky time.I yoked a team of jade dragons to a phoenix chariot,And waited for the wind to e,to sour up on my journey As he was so loved by the people,fishermen rushed out in long boats,beating drums to scare the fish away,and throwing zong zi into the water to feed

9、 braver fish so that they would not eat Qu Yuans body. 翻译: 周朝的末尾,我们现在知道,中国陷入了分裂和冲突的状态。而周朝统治了几个世纪,其他几个州,最初封建领域,试图开拓自己的王国。秦国最终将出现一个规那么下的维克多和统一全中国的历史上第一次。 屈原担任部长周皇帝。一个明智的和表达的人,他深受百姓爱戴。他做了很多打击猖獗的腐败困扰法院从而获得其他官员的嫉妒和恐惧。因此,当他敦促皇帝为了防止冲突与秦王国,官员们迫使皇帝让他从效劳中移除。流亡,他旅行,教了好几年。听力,周秦被击败,他陷入了绝望和扑进Milou河。他最后的诗中写道: 许多沉重

10、的叹息我绝望,悲伤,我出生在这样一个不幸的时间。我配合的一组玉龙凤凰战车,并等待着风,酸在我的旅程,他是如此深受人们的喜爱,渔民在长船冲出来,敲锣打鼓吓跑鱼,把粽子投入水喂勇敢的鱼,这样他们不会吃屈原的尸体。 Today, lets talk about the customs of Chinese New Year. There are many new years customs, the most mon are pasting Spring Festival couplets, watching Spring Festival Gala, visiting relatives and

11、eating New Years Eve dinner. People hope to have good luck in the next year by pasting Spring Festival couplets, so they put two auspicious words on the door. Watching the Spring Festival Gala is a festive program for people to prepare for the new year. On the eve of new years Eve, the whole family

12、can sit around and watch the Spring Festival Gala while eating a rich new years Eve meal. Visiting relatives is a way for the younger generation to say hello to their elders and express their wishes. New years Eve dinner is because all year round, let every family get together, and have a beautiful

13、meal. The custom of celebrating the new year is something that must be done every year, because the purpose of doing these things is to make the new year have a lively atmosphere and a new year flavor. In the final analysis, to make the family happy is to make the society happy! 翻译: 今天,我们来说说过年的习俗。 过

14、年的习俗有很多,最常见的有贴春联、看春晚、走亲戚和吃年夜饭。过年贴春联是人们希望下一年能有好运气,所以在门上贴上两句桔祥的话。看春晚是人们为了迎接新年而准备的喜庆节目,在大年三十的晚上,全家人可以围坐在一起,一边看春晚,一边吃着丰富的年夜饭。走亲戚是晚辈向长辈问好,表达祝愿的一种方式。吃年夜饭是因为一年到头了,让每一家人都团圆在一起,和和美美地吃一顿饭。过年的习俗是每年必须做的事,因为做这些事的目的是让过年有了热闹的气氛,有了年味。 不管过年的习俗要做什么,归根到底就一句话,那就是让人们更快乐、让家人团圆、让社会更美好! The Spring Festival, the traditional

15、 festival in China, is ing again, which reminds me of the customs in the Spring Festival, such as offering sacrifices to the kitchen, pasting couplets, making dumplings, shooting, etc. My favorite custom is shooting. Speaking of shooting, it has a history! It is said that in ancient times there was

16、a kind of monster called Nian, with a long pointed head and extremely fierce. Nian has been living deep under the sea. On New Years Eve, it will climb onto the shore to devour livestock and hurt peoples lives. Therefore, every new years Eve, everyone helps the old and the young, and escapes to the m

17、ountains to avoid the harm of Nian. Until one new years Eve, when everyone fled the village as usual, an old man with white hair stayed. When Nian was about to break into the village to wreak havoc, there was a burst of firecrackers, and Nian shivered and did not dare to enter the village any more.

18、Then the old man with white hair appeared in front of Nian in a red robe, and Nian ran away in a panic. It turns out that the year of explosion and the sound of fire are the most feared. From then on, every new years Eve, every household pasted red couplets and set off firecrackers. This year, we bo

19、ught a lot of fireworks, firecrackers, thunder and firecrackers. I can set off fireworks and firecrackers heartily, let these forever stay in my memory! 翻译: 我国的传统节日春节又到了,这让我想起了春节里习俗,例如祭灶、贴、包饺子、放炮等。 我喜欢的习俗是放炮。说起放炮,它还有个来历呢!相传古时侯有一种叫“年”的怪兽,头长尖角,凶猛异常。“年”一直深居海底,在除夕的时候就会爬上岸来吞食牲畜伤害人命。因此每到除夕,大家都扶老携幼,逃往深山,以躲

20、避“年”的伤害。直到有一年除夕,大家像往常一样逃离村庄的时候,有位白发老人留了下来。当“年”准备闯进村肆虐的时候,突然传来一阵爆竹声,“年”混身颤栗,再也不敢进村了。然后那位白发老人身披红袍出现在“年”的面前,“年”竟然仓惶而逃了。原来,“年”最怕红色,火光和炸响。从此以后,每到除夕,家家户户都贴红对联,燃放爆竹。 今年,我买了许多许多鞭炮、擦炮、烟花、和大雷子。我可以尽情的燃放烟花爆竹了,让这一些永久的留在我的记忆里吧! My view on Chinese New Year is that the whole family go to their parents home together

21、 to play, clean up before the festival, stick door god, shoot new year animals, watch the new year and so on. The source of the Spring Festival is because there is a new year beast that es up from the bottom of the sea every new years Eve to kill people. One year, an old man with white hair came her

22、e to drive out the new year beast with a gun, a door god and a new year God. Since then, the new year beast has never appeared again. In this way, people passed down the method of catching up with the new year beast from generation to generation, and later it became a human custom, which is the sour

23、ce of the new year. Im very curious about new years beast. I want to know if it has any and what it looks like. I have to find it out. So I look up it on the Inter. Some say yes, some say no. I see pictures about new years beast. Some are crawling and some are standing. An hour passed unconsciously,

24、 and I read the mentary again. It said that there may not be new years beast. I want to study hard to study this mystery. Do you want to know? Then study hard with me! 翻译: 我对过年的看法是全家人在一起去亲亲家玩,节前清扫卫生、贴门神、放炮赶年兽、守岁等。 春节的是因为有一头年兽,每到除夕就从海底上来,来到人间杀害百姓。有一年一位白发苍苍的老人来到这里用炮和门神、年神赶走了年兽,从此以后年兽再也没有出现过。就这样人们把赶年兽的

25、方法一代一代传了下来,后来就成了人类的习俗,这就是年的。 我对年兽很好奇,想知道年兽到底有没有,年兽长什么样子,我一定要找出来,于是我在网上查找,有的说有,有的说没有,我又看了关于年兽的图片,有的是爬着的,有的是站着的。不知不觉的一个小时过去了,我又看了讲解,上面说不一定有年兽。我要好好学习来研究这个万年这迷。 你们想知道吗?那就和我一起好好学习吧! The happiest thing in my memory is the Spring Festival. Aording to Sichuan customs, the Spring Festival is almost ready fro

26、m the beginning of the lunar month. People have to hang long sausages and fresh bacon in the Chinese lunar month. Its really attractive! A few days before New Years Eve, we all have to go shopping with mom and dad in the supermarket, not to mention how busy the supermarket is! New years goods and ot

27、her goods are dazzling, everywhere decorated, a festive atmosphere. We need to buy new clothes, all kinds of food, New Year pictures, couplets and firecrackers. As the new years Eve approaches, every family rushes to cook and eat the delicious new years dishes. We will drink. The elders will drink,

28、and they will say, I wish you every day. We also want to toast our elders! New years Eve evening to see the Spring Festival party, the program is too good! At 12 oclock, we will set off colorful fireworks, you can see colorful fireworks shining in the night sky, you can hear the deafening sound of f

29、irecrackers, which indicates the arrival of the New Year! On the first day of the lunar new year, we will wear beautiful new clothes and go to our elders home to pay New Years respects. Our elders will give us lucky money. The fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year is the climax of the Spring Festival,

30、 which is also called the Lantern Festival. On that day, there will be lion dance, Lantern Festival and Lantern Festival. Its really lively! Hope, hope, in the hope of every year, I spent one happy Spring Festival after another, I also gradually grew up. The annual Spring Festival es again, and the

31、winter vacation begins. We are going back to our hometown for the new year. My brother and I are looking forward to going back to our hometown soon. After moms preparation, we set out. After a long journey, dad drove hard for 8 hours and finally returned to his hometown. Back home, grandma has bough

32、t delicious crabs from her hometown, waiting for us. When grandma saw us arriving, she immediately brought out a plate of golden crabs and smelled delicious crabs. I couldnt wait to catch them and eat them. This can be said to be my brothers favorite. My brother and I scrambled to eat them. Soon, this big crab was wiped out by us. After eating crab, grandma starts to make new years cake. Its a custom in our hometown. Every family has to make this kind of cake on New Years day. It can be given to relative

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