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1、MSC11273GPS性能标准资料海安会决议MSC.112(73)(2000年12月1日通过)通过修订的船载全球定位系统(GPS)接收机设备的性能标准 海上安全委员会, 忆及国际海事组织公约的28(b)条关于本委员会职责的规定, 又忆及A.886(21)号大会决议,根据该决议大会决定,由海上安全委员会和或海上环境保护委员会适时代表国际海事组织履行关于通过性能标准、技术要求以及修正案的职能, 进一步忆及根据A.815(19)号大会决议通过的关于认可和接受适当的无线电导航系统的国际海事组织政策,这些导航系统在国际上使用为船舶提供其整个航程的航行定位,全球定位系统(GPS)已被认可作为全球无线电导航

2、系统的组成部分, 注意到用于全球无线电导航系统的船载接收设备的设计应符合有关系统的特定要求, 认识到由于顾及了技术的发展及所获得的经验为了确保该设备的操作可靠性需要改进由A.819(19)号决议通过的船载GPS接收机设备的性能标准, 审议了航行安全分委会在其46次会议上制订的关于修订A.819(19)号决议的建议案, 1 通过本决议附件所载的关于船载GPS接收机设备性能标准的修订建议案,其文本列入本决议的附件中; 2 建议各国政府确保GPS接收机设备: (a) 如在2003年7月1日及以后安装,符合不低于本决议附件所规定的性能标准;和 (b) 如在2003年7月1日之前安装,符合不低于A.81

3、9(19)号决议附件所规定的性能标准。附 件修订的船载全球定位系统(GPS)接收机设备的性能标准建议案 1 引言 1.1 全球定位系统是一个空间定位、速度和时间系统,共有3个主要部分:空间段、控制和用户。GPS空间段一般由6个轨道上的24颗卫星组成。卫星在20200km的轨道上运行,倾角为55,周期为12h。卫星在轨道上的布置能使全球的用户至少同时看到其中4个,其位置精度缺损(PDOP)6。每个卫星在两个L频段频率上发射:L1(1575.42MHz)和L2(1227.6MHz)。Ll载有精度码(P)和近似搜索码(CA);L2载有P码。这些码上加有导航数据信息。相同的导航数据信息在两个频率上传输

4、。 1.2 在船速最大不超过70kn的船舶上,供导航用的GPS接收机设备应满足A.694(17)号决议规定的一般要求外,还应符合下述最低性能要求。 1.3 这些标准仅包括航行用定位的基本要求,不包括设备中可能含有的计算机装置的其他要求。 2 GPS接收机设备 2.1 本性能标准中所用的“GPS接收机设备”一词包括为正确发挥其拟定作用的所有必需的部件和组件。该设备至少应包括下列设施: .1 能接收GPS信号的天线; .2 GPS接收机和处理机: .3 获取计算的经纬度位置的装置; .4 数据控制和接口;以及 .5 位置显示,以及在需要时的其他输出形式。 2.2 天线的设计应使其安装于船上一个适当

5、的位置,以确保卫星构象的清晰视野。 3 GPS接收机设备的性能标准 GPS接收机设备应: .1 能接收和处理以SA(选择可用)调制的标准定位服务(SPS)信号,并给出以全球坐标系统(WGS)一84规定的经、纬度位置信息,以度、分和千分之一分计,还应给出当时的世界协调时UTC(USNO)。还可以配备一个装置,以将按WGS一84计算出的位置转化成与使用中的航行海图数据相容的数据。当有此设备时,显示应表明,正在进行坐标换算,还应辨认表示位置的坐标系统; 参见IEC 60945号出版物 参见A 694(17)号决议,IEC 6721-3-6,IEC 60945和IEC 61108-1号出版物。 对于符

6、合HSC规则的高速船,建议至少0.5s定位1次。 符合IEC 61162系列出版物。 符合IEC 61162系列出版物。 A.424(XI)号决议。 A.824(19)号决议 .2 在Ll信号和CA码上运作; .3 至少有1个输出,以能将位置信号供至其他设备。按WGS 84输出的位置信息应符合国际标准; .4 具有静态精度,其天线位置应确定在100m(95)之内,而其水平精度损失(HDOP)4(或(PDOP)6); .5 具有动态精度,即在船舶运动和一般经受的海况条件下,船舶位置的确定应在100m(95)之内,HDOP4(或PDOP6); .6 能自动选择适当的卫星发射信号,以按要求的精度和更

7、新速率确定船舶的位置; .7 能采集载波电平为一130 dBm一120 dBm的输入信号的卫星信号。一旦采获此种为卫星信号后,该设备应能以载波电平降至一133dBm后的卫星信号继续成功地运作; .8 当无有效的航海历数据时,在30min内能获取符合精度要求的位置; .9 当有有效的航海历数据时,在5min内能获取符合精度要求的位置; .10 在GPS信号中断24h以上,但未失去供电时能在5min内再次获得符合精度要求的位置; .11 在供电中断60s后,于2min内能再次获取符合精度要求的位置; .12 至少ls能产生和输出一个新的位置结果至显示和数字接口; .13 最低位置分辨度,即经度和纬

8、度应为0.001 min; .14 产生和输出对地航向(COG)、对地速度(SOG)和世界协调时(UTC)至数字接口。这些输出应具有与位置输出一致的有效性标识。对COG和SOG的精度要求应不低于航向和SDME的性能标准; .15 具有处理按ITUR M.823建议案和RTCM标准输入的差分GPS数据的装置。如果1台GPS接收机装备了差分接收机,静态和动态精度(上述3.4和3.5)应为10m(95);和 .16 能在典型的干扰条件下,令人满意地工作。 4 防护 应采取措施,以确保偶发的短路、天线接地、其输入和输出连接或GPS接收机的任何输入输出持续5min的故障不会造成设备永久性损坏。 5 故障

9、报警和状况指示 5.1 设备应提供1个指示以表明计算出的位置是否超出了性能标准的要求。 5.2 GPS接收机至少应提供: .1 出现下述任何一种情况时,在5s内出现一种指示; .1.1 规定的HDOP业已超值;或 .1.2 多于ls的时间尚未计算出位置。 在此种情况下,最后已知的位置和最后定位的时间以及这一状况的明显显示应为恢复正常状态前的输出,以便不致引起混淆。 .2 失去位置时的警告;.3 下述差分GPS状况显示:.3.1 DGPS信号的接收;和.3.2 DGPS的修正是否已加置到显示的船舶位置之中;.4 DGPS完整性状况和报警;以及.5 DGPS文字信息显示。INTERNATIONAL


11、on concerning the functions of the Committee, RECALLING ALSO resolution A.886(21), by which the Assembly resolved that the function of adopting performance standards and technical specifications, as well as amendments thereto shall be performed by the Maritime Safety Committee and/or the Marine Envi

12、ronment Protection Committee, as appropriate, on behalf of the Organization, RECALLING FURTHER that, in accordance with resolution A.815(19) by which the Assembly adopted the IMO policy for the recognition and acceptance of suitable radionavigation systems intended for international use to provide s

13、hips with navigational position-fixing throughout their voyages, the Global Positioning System (GPS) has been recognized as a possible component of the world-wide radionavigation system, NOTING that shipborne receiving equipment for the world-wide radionavigation system should be designed to satisfy

14、 the detailed requirements of the particular system concerned, RECOGNIZING the need to improve the previously adopted, by resolution A.819(19), performance standards for shipborne GPS receiver equipment in order to ensure the operational reliability of such equipment and taking into account the tech

15、nological progress and experience gained, HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendation on the revision of resolution A.819(19) made by the Sub-Committee on Safety of Navigation at its forty-sixth session, 1. ADOPTS the Revised Recommendation on Performance Standards for Shipborne Global Positioning System (

16、GPS) Receiver Equipment, set out in the Annex to the present resolution; 2. RECOMMENDS Governments to ensure that GPS receiver equipment: (a) if installed on or after 1 July 2003, conform to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annex to the present resolution; and (b) if inst

17、alled before 1 July 2003, conform to performance standards not inferior to those specified in the annex to resolution A.819(19). ANNEX REVISED RECOMMENDATION ON PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR SHIPBORNE GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM (GPS) RECEIVER EQUIPMENT 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The Global Positioning System (GP

18、S) is a space-based positioning, velocity and time system that has three major segments: space, control and user. The GPS space segment will normally be composed of 24 satellites in six orbits. The satellites operate in circular 20,200 km orbits at an inclination angle of 55 with a 12-hour period. T

19、he spacing of satellites in orbit will be arranged so that a minimum of four satellites will be in view to users world-wide, with a position dilution of precision (PDOP) of = 6. Each satellite transmits on two L band frequencies, L1 (1575,42 MHz) and L2 (1227,6 MHz). L1 carries a precise (P) code an

20、d coarse/acquisition (C/A) code. L2 carries the P code. A navigation data message is superimposed on these codes. The same navigation data message is carried on both frequencies. 1.2 Receiver equipment for the GPS intended for navigational purposes on ships with maximum speeds not exceeding 70 knots

21、 should, in addition to the general requirements contained in resolution A.694(17)* , comply with the following minimum performance requirements. 1.3 These standards cover the basic requirements of position-fixing for navigation purposes only and do not cover other computational facilities which may

22、 be in the equipment. 2 GPS RECEIVER EQUIPMENT 2.1 The words GPS receiver equipment as used in these performance standards include all the components and units necessary for the system properly to perform its intended functions. The equipment should include the following minimum facilities: .1 anten

23、na capable of receiving GPS signals; .2 GPS receiver and processor; .3 means of accessing the computed latitude/longitude position; .4 data control and interface; and .5 position display and, if required, other forms of output. 2.2 The antenna design should be suitable for fitting at a position on t

24、he ship which ensures a clear view of the satellite constellation. 3 PERFORMANCE STANDARDS FOR GPS RECEIVER EQUIPMENT The GPS receiver equipment should: * Refer to Publication IEC 60945. .1 be capable of receiving and processing the Standard Positioning Service (SPS) signals as modified by Selective

25、 Availability (SA) and provide position information in latitude and longitude World Geodetic System (WGS)-84 co-ordinates in degrees, minutes and thousandths of minutes and time of solution referenced to UTC (USNO). Means may be provided for transforming the computed position based upon WGS-84 into

26、data compatible with the datum of the navigational chart in use. Where this facility exists, the display should indicate that co-ordinate conversion is being performed, and should identify the co-ordinate system in which the position is expressed; .2 operate on the L1 signal and C/A code; .3 be prov

27、ided with at least one output from which position information can be supplied to other equipment. The output of position information based upon WGS-84 should be in accordance with international standards;* .4 have static accuracy such that the position of the antenna is determined to within 100 m (9

28、5%) with horizontal dilution of precision (HDOP) = 4 (or PDOP = 6); .5 have dynamic accuracy such that the position of the ship is determined to within 100 m (95%) with HDOP = 4 (or PDOP = 6) under the conditions of sea states and ships motion likely to be experienced in ships; * .6 be capable of se

29、lecting automatically the appropriate satellite-transmitted signals for determining the ships position with the required accuracy and update rate; .7 be capable of acquiring satellite signals with input signals having carrier levels in the range of -130 dBm to -120 dBm. Once the satellite signals ha

30、ve been acquired, the equipment should continue to operate satisfactorily with satellite signals having carrier levels down to -133 dBm; .8 be capable of acquiring position to the required accuracy, within 30 min, when there is no valid almanac data; .9 be capable of acquiring position to the requir

31、ed accuracy, within 5 min, when there is valid almanac data; .10 be capable of re-acquiring position to the required accuracy, within 5 min, when the GPS signals are interrupted for a period of at least 24 h but there is no loss of power; .11 be capable of re-acquiring position to the required accuracy, within 2 min, when subjected to a power interruption of 60 s; .12 generate and output to a display and digital interface * a new position solution at least once every 1 s;* .13 have a minimum resolution of position, i.e. latitude and longitude, of 0.001 minutes;

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