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1、有关江西婺源的英语导游词有关江西婺源的英语导游词(最新版)编制人:_审核人:_审批人:_编制单位:_编制时间:_年_月_日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的实用范文,如导游词大全、合同范本、心得体会、致辞讲话、演讲稿大全、个人报告、工作资料、条据书信、办公文秘、其他范文等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope

2、 that after you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides you with various types of practical sample essays, such as guide words,

3、contract templates, experience and experience, speeches, speech drafts, personal reports, work information, letter of evidence, office secretary, other sample essays, etc. To learn about the format and writing of different sample essays, please pay attention!有关江西婺源的英语导游词婺源东邻国家历史文化名城衢州市,西毗瓷都景德镇市,北枕国家

4、级旅游胜地黄山市和古徽州府、国家历史文化名城歙县,南接江南第一仙山三清山和铜都德兴市。接下来是本店铺为大家整理的关于江西婺源的英语导游词,方便大家阅读与鉴赏!有关江西婺源的英语导游词1Ladies and gentlemen, we are going to travel from Jingdezhen to Wuyuan, themost beautiful village in China, the last Shangri La in China. The driving timeis about 1 or 5 hours. Xiao Hua would like to ask you

5、a question Did you oftensee Wuyuan in newspapers or on the Internet five years ago (smile) it should berare to see it Yes, Wuyuan has been on the rise in recent years One day in2001, when our jiangshuji came to Wuyuan one day, he inadvertently told theentourage that I finally came to my hometown. At

6、 that time, the entourage wassurprised and said: Chairman, your hometown is not from Jiangsu How can itbecome a la from Jiangxi At that time, our General Secretary Jiang Mimi saidwith a smile: you dont know, my grandfather came out of Jiangwan Town here,and I am also this person. At that time, the g

7、eneral secretary wrote down: themost beautiful countryside in China! Then, Wuyuan officially vigorouslydeveloped the tourism industry in 2003, and the slogan at that time was the mostbeautiful countryside in China, the last Shangri La in China. Many photographershave come here to discover the beauty

8、 of this place. Especially in March everyyear, the golden rape flowers, the unique white wall, the Horsehead wall ofDaiwa and the Hui style buildings with flying eaves become the paradise forthose tourists who love photography, making them forget to return!Now that we have entered Wuyuan, you can se

9、e that the buildings outside thewindow are all Huizhou style buildings. You may wonder why there are still Anhuistyle buildings in Jiangxi. In fact, before that, it was one of the sixprefectures and one county in Huizhou. During the period of the Republic ofChina, Mr. Jiang assigned it to Jiangxi in

10、 1937 to suppress bandits, Beforeliberation, it returned to Jiangxi. 99% of the water in Wuyuan converged toPoyang Lake. It only took us two hours to drive from Tunxi in Anhui, and two tothree hours to drive from Quzhou in Zhejiang. Transportation is very convenient,but in ancient Wuyuan, because th

11、ere are many mountains, transportation is veryinconvenient. To sum up with a sentence by Xiaohua, Wuyuan is divided into halfmountains, half fields, half waterways and manors. This kind of environmentcaused people in ancient Wuyuan to understand that when they were poor, theywould think of change. H

12、ere is a sentence about the fate of the men here: theywere born in Huizhou in the past, From this nursery rhyme, we can see that themen here were very bitter before. Because of the large mountains, small land andlarge population, they had to go out to do business. Many people in ancientWuyuan were e

13、ngaged in tea business and timber business, and gradually formed agroup of Hui merchants. Speaking of merchants, we all know that there have beenthree very famous business schools in China since ancient times. The first oneis just Shanxi merchants, when it comes to Shanxi merchants, you should think

14、 ofthe scene of Qiaos courtyard, which reflects the brilliant image of ageneration of Shanxi Merchants Qiao Zhiyong. The second business school is ourHui merchants, and the Hui merchants must think that Xiang Yang, the author ofTaiwan, wrote a book red top businessman Hu Xueyan. Hu Xueyan can be sai

15、d tobe a model of businessmen at all times and in all over the world. He is a modelin both business and conduct. Therefore, if you often go to bookstores, you willfind books about him. For example, in the recent 100 forums, a famous professorin Taipei, Zeng Zhiqiang, wrote a book Hu Xueyans Enlighte

16、nment. It can beseen that Hu Xueyan knew the talents, made great efforts to relieve WangYouling, a poor scholar, and finally became a famous businessman in the worldfrom a primary school apprentice to a rich one. It can be said that he was amodel in the business world! The third business road was th

17、e Jiangyou gang inJiangxi Province! Although the businessmen were very rich, they had a lot ofmoney There are three wives and six concubines in the house, but in fact, howhumble the status of merchants in ancient times is In ancient times, theranking is officials, peasants, workers and merchants. Th

18、e highest status isscholars, and everything is inferior. Only scholars are high, officials andscholars are the highest, followed by farmers, because they have land, thencraftsmen, and finally merchants. What is the status of merchants at that timeThey are humble, so they try to earn money, go back t

19、o their hometown to marry awife, build a big house, donate money to build ancestral temples, bridges androads, so as to improve their status and identity in their hometown. So you cantake a look at the house in Wuyuan, which is made into a horse head wall. From adistance, it looks like an ancient wo

20、man looking forward to her own mans earlyreturn!When it comes to Wuyuan, this place is just like a womans Jasper, brightand elegant. You can see from his name that this place has something to do withwomen. Take a look at the word Wu in Wuyuan. There is a girls womanbelow. This thin woman has a spear

21、 on her left shoulder. In ancient times,spear was a very sharp weapon, and his right shoulder is beside a palindrome,which means that you cant offend the women here (laughter), although she isweak and small The women in Wuyuan are typical: they can get into the hall, getout of the kitchen, raise a s

22、on, and meet their parents daughter-in-law. Justnow we said that Wuyuan men have a hard life and will go out to do business atthe age of thirteen or fourteen. But who knows that Wuyuan women are also veryhard. To marry here or a businessman, we not only have to suffer from Acacia,but also learn to f

23、ight by ourselves When it comes to the relationship betweenmother-in-law and daughter-in-law, its a science, a great knowledge. As thesaying goes: three women in a play, five women top five thousand ducks. Sothis is also a compulsory course for women in Wuyuan. When women in Wuyuan getmarried, they

24、have some interesting customs. For example, they have to cry ontheir wedding day. You must think its strange that they are very happy and itsnot lucky to cry. But people in Wuyuan must cry. The more you cry, the betteryoull get married! If you dont cry, the neighbors will joke that this womanshusban

25、d doesnt love her in the future! (smile) after Wuyuans womans crying,her husband will carry her from the ladys building to the sedan chair, andbring her wedding makeup to her husbands house. When we get to the door of myhusbands house, the new lady will get off the sedan chair and knock on the dooro

26、f my husbands house. This is that the future mother-in-law will open the doorto greet, and this greeting will also give a big gift! What do you guessFirst of all, Wuyuans mother-in-law is very fierce. As the saying goes: tenyears later, when her daughter-in-law becomes a mother-in-law, she must beru

27、thless, or how to discipline her daughter-in-law in the future (laughter)guess! Well, when her mother-in-law opens the door, she slaps her face loudly!Hehe, Wuyuans daughter-in-law doesnt cry or make noise, and her mother-in-lawbeats her What should she do Wuyuan has been a book town since ancient t

28、imes.Everything is very implicit. For example, Wuyuan peoples restroom is not calledrestroom, but called Shuyuan. In ancient times, there were couplets inShuyuan, which said: common peoples families often come here, and the emperoralso comes here! lets say that the daughter-in-law was beaten, but at

29、 thistime, she waved calmly and asked people to carry the dowry into the house Letssee what the dowry is. First, a rice sieve, second, a pair of scissors, third,five well diggers, fourth, a contract to divide the land, fifth, a coffin,sixth, a secret weapon and two tea bags.You may be surprised, wha

30、t are these used for Guess again (the answers ofordinary guests make me faint) Hey hey! Tell you! First of all, rice sieve tellsmy mother-in-law that you dont have to beat me or scold me. I may have manyshortcomings before marriage, and I also have many advantages. Today I bringrice sieve, and I wil

31、l screen my disadvantages and advantages every day Illcorrect the bad points by myself, and Ill keep the good ones, so you dont haveto beat me or scold me!Secondly, a pair of scissors is to tell mother-in-law that if your sonchanges his heart one day, or our relationship is bad, we will deal with ou

32、remotional problems by ourselves, and you dont have to talk about it. Son, yourdaughter-in-law cant do it. Repair her, right We will deal with our feelings,just like taking this pair of scissors, and it will never be broken. Please restassured!Third, five well diggers. People in Wuyuan used to drink well water, so mymothers family helped dig well. A field, and a coffin together means to tell mymother-in-law that although I married into your house today, the water I drankwas dug by my

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