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1、英语补全对话七选五英语补全对话七选五一 A:Excuse me, sir, but Im writing a report on what people prefer to do on holiday. Do you mind if I ask you a few questions ? B:No._61_ A:Have you ever traveled abroad ? B:No, I havent. _62_ But if the weather is good, my wife and I can always afford to visit the coast at low expe

2、nse. You know,_63_ A:Do you usually visit your parents during the holiday ? B:No. _64_ A:How often do you go on holiday ? B:_65_ A:OK. Well, thank you very much for your time. B:You are welcome. A(Its too expensive for me. B(We live quite close and I can see them any time. C(I dont have enough time.

3、 D(Please go ahead. E(I just prefer to get away from the city and just enjoy the peace of the country. F(I only have two weeks holiday a year. G(I just prefer to lie on the beach and bathe in the sun. 6165DAGBF 二 一Hello.Gerry speaking( 一Hdlo(Gerry(Its me John here(61 一Well(Im terribly sorry(bat Im n

4、ot feeling very well( 一Is that all? 62 一No(Im sony(I was sick all night(I think it must be the fish I ate last night( 一Well(I think you should have at least phoned Kate and told her you werent coming to the meeting( - 63 Im sorry about that(Anyway,I think Ill be able to get in to work tomorrow( 一64

5、一I wont(Thanks for calling( 一65 A(Why didnt you phone? B(OK(Take care and dont eat any more fish( C(Why arent you here at the meeting? D(Thats all right( E(We thought you might have had an accident or forgotten the day or something. F(Ill be glad tosee you again. G(Yes(I suppose I should have done s

6、o. CEGBD 三 M: Hi, would you like some help? W: Well, Im looking for something I saw at a friends house a few days ago. 61 its a light metal shelf almost a yard long. M: You are in the right department. 62 . W: Oh, thats too bad( 63 . M: Yes. But I should tell you the price has gone up. W: 64 M: They

7、 were $12.50, but new ones will be about three dollars more. 65 We should have them by then. W: Ok, Ill be back. Thanks. A(But we dont have them in stock now. B(Why do they cost so much? C(Are you going to be getting more? D(He said he bought it here. E(Just my luck. F(Im terribly sorry for that. G(

8、Come in next week. 四 W: Hi, John. M: Hi. Lucy. 61 W: Yes. Im required to tell a story in English before the lesson begins. M: Oh, I see. 62 W: Youre right. I need to practice on the stage before they all come. M: 63 W: Yes, here, in my pocket.Oops, where is it? M: Dont worry, 64 W: .No, not in the b

9、ag. either. Im afraid I left it at home. M: 65 W: Aha! Its just the key to the classroom! Thank you so much. A. Glad to see you. B. Whats the story about? C. Whats that around your neck? D. Maybe you put it in your schoolbag, E. Do you have the key to the classroom? F. Youre going to school rather e

10、arly today. G. So you want to get to the classroom earlier to make some preparation? 61-65 FGEDC 五 Good morning, madam. Can I help you? Well, could you show me that overcoat, the silver gray one in the middle? Certainly. This one? 61 . It must be very nice on you and its 100 percent wool. OK, could

11、I try it on? Sure. Urn. , it looks really good. Look at it on you. How perfect it is! Maybe. 62 Would you like to try this one on? Good. This one fits me better. How much does it cost? We sell it at $ 195. 63 And Id like that blue sweater on the right, too. How much is it? We charge it for $ 260. 64

12、 But thats too expensive, Im afraid. How about this one? Its much cheaper. No, thanks. 65 OK, here is $ 200. Thanks, and here is your change. Welcome to be here often. OK. See you. A. You have good eyesight. B. Its the cheapest one. C. I dont like it. Its style looks out of date on me. D. Youve got

13、excellent taste. E. OK, Ill take it. F. Its a real bargain. G. But a little larger one seems better. 补全对话答案:61 62 63 64 65 DGEFC 六 W: Hi, John. M: Hi. Lucy. 71 W: Yes. Im required to tell a story in English before the lesson begins. M: Oh, I see. 72 W: Youre right. I need to practice on the stage be

14、fore they all come. M: 73 W: Yes, here, in my pocket.Oops, where is it? M: Dont worry, 74 W: .No, not in the bag. either. Im afraid I left it at home. M: 75 W: Aha! Its just the key to the classroom! Thank you so much. A. Glad to see you. B. Whats the story about? C. Whats that around your neck? D.

15、Maybe you put it in your schoolbag, E. Do you have the key to the classroom? F. Youre going to school rather early today. G. So you want to get to the classroom earlier to make some preparation? FGEDC (1) Li Hua,who is planning to travel with his parents, is now calling Hyatt Travel Agency in Xian.

16、(A: Assistant B: Li Hua) A: Hello,this is Hyatt Travel Agency. May I help you? L: Yes. This is Li Hua. Ill have a short holiday, and Im thinking about traveling abroad with my parents. 1 A: Of course. May I ask how long your holiday will be? L: About a week. A: OK. 2 L: Id love to go to Europe. A: 3

17、 We have a special offer for European tours. L: Great! 4 A: Sure. For family tours, we have five European cities on the list, and well see the Big Ben in London, the Eiffel Tower in Paris and other places of interest. L: 5 Ill talk about this with my parents and call you Back. Thank you. A:You are w

18、elcome. A.What would you like to know? B.You are very lucky. C.What do you have in mind? D.Can you pive me some advice? E.Thats just what I am thinking of. F.Can I have some extra information? G.I hope youll have a good journey there. (2) Can I help you? ,Yes,Im looking for a sweater. , 6 ,Im an ext

19、ra large. , 7 ,Yes,thats nice. 8 ,Certainly,there is a changing room over there. ,Thank you. , 9 Its too large.Do you have a large? 10 Thank you.Ill have it,please. A.How does it fit? B.How about this one? C.Can I try it on? D.Yes,let me have a look. E.What size are you? F.How would you like to pay?

20、 G.Yes, here you are. (3) Well, Bob, what a surprise! Its nice to see you again! Hello, Ann! 11 Wasnt it a year ago Christmas, the last time we saw you? You know, I think youre right(How are your wife and the children? Oh, theyre fine(Billy fell down and broke his leg a few months ago( 12 Wasnt Joey

21、 learning to play the violin? Seems to me I remember something about that( 13 Hes all excited about sports now( And you wife, what is she doing these days? Shes going to a night school on Mondays and Thursdays(Shes studying French now(But last year she studied typing and sewing( 14 Next itll probabl

22、y be cooking( How nice for her! 15 But say hello to Mrs James for me, will you? Sure I will, and remember me to your husband(Goodbye( A.Oh, hes given that up( B.Oh, Im sorry(Ive got to rush( C.Shes made great progress in that( D.How long has it been? E.I think she just enjoys going to school( F.Joey

23、s getting on well with her( G. But other than that, theres been nothing special. (4) _16 -Isnt it terrible ? The rain_17. I dont like it at all.Do you ? Strange such a day in July._18 _19 Yes, I remember, too. _20 Yes, it was. A. When did it rain a lot in July ? B. Or was it in 1928 ? C. Rain in the

24、 morning, then bits of sunshine, and then rain, rain, all day long D. Bad day, isnt it ? E I remember exactly the same July day in 1936. F. I hate the rain G.What a day it is ! (5) Alices mother is very ill. She wishes to take a few days off from school so she goes to her teacher, Mr Green. Excuse m

25、e, Mr Green. Id like to take a few days off. _21_ My mothers ill. I have to take care of her. Oh dear! Im sorry to hear that. _22_ No, thank you. My mother has caught a bad cold. She has a high fever and coughs day and night. The doctor says my mother has to be in hospital for a few days. Id like to

26、 be with her. I understand. _23_ I hope to be back next Wednesday. Thats all right. _24_ Thank you, Mr Green. Thats very kind of you. Ill write it immediately. _25_Ill certainly help you with them when you get back. A.Is there anything I can do to help? B.Whats the matter, Alice? C.I hope your mothe

27、r gets well soon. D.How long will you be away? E.Where have you been, Alice? F.But you must write a written request for leave to be away. G.Dont worry about your lessons. (6) -I think I was very lucky to get the job._26 -But it wont be a little village forever._27.There will be a lot more people her

28、e in about five years time. -Yes,but there wont lie any factories, just two or three office buildings, and they will lie far behind that woodland over there. -Very nice._28 .It was so quiet ! -I didnt sleep too well.I couldnt get used to be silence._29 . -Well, _30. A. Never sleep better B. This is

29、a developing area C. The only noise I heard last night was some birds at about two oclok in the morning D. Now we are able to live in a little village. E. The silence was wonderful for me F.Was it noisy ? G.What is happening to the village ? 【参考答案】 (1)1-5 D C B F E (2) 6-10 E B C A G (3)11-15 D G A

30、E B (4)15-20 D F C E B (5)21-25 D A B F G (6) 26-30D B A C E - Mary, do you want to see the pictures of my holiday in Italy? - 1 - Ah, it was great I The food was great The wine was great! But the traffic was terrible! - 2 - Those Italians are crazy drivers! I don t want to think about it! - OK, OK. 3 - Yes, so here s a picture of the Tower of Pisa. - How nice! - It was raining that day, but it was still wonderful. We climbed to the top! - 4 - That s a photo of the Amo River. That s the Ponte Vecchio, the old bridge. - 5 - It was very interesting. There were beautif

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