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1、药理学英文作业及答案 药理学作业 -周师兄General principles1. Which route of administration is most likely to subject a drug to a first-pass effect?a. Intravenousb. Inhalationalc. Orald. Sublingual (SL)e. Intramuscular2. Two drugs may act on the same tissue or organ through independent receptors, resulting in effects i

2、n opposite directions. This is known asa. Physiologic antagonismb. Chemical antagonismc. Competitive antagonismd. Irreversible antagonisme. Dispositional antagonism3. If a drug is repeatedly administered at dosing intervals that are equal to its elimination half-life, the number of doses required fo

3、r the plasma concentration of the drug to reach the steady state isa. 2 to 3b. 4 to 5c. 6 to 7d. 8 to 9e. 10 or more4. The pharmacokinetic value that most reliably reflects the amount of drug reaching the target tissue after oral administration is thea. Peak blood concentrationb. Time to peak blood

4、concentrationc. Product of the Vd and the first-order rate constantd. Vde. Area under the blood concentration-time curve (AUC)5. Of the following, which is a phase II biotransformation reaction?a. Sulfoxide formationb. Nitro reductionc. Ester hydrolysisd. Sulfate conjugatione. Deamination6. The grea

5、ter proportion of the dose of a drug administered orally will be absorbed in the small intestine. However, on the assumption that passive transport of the nonionized form of a drug determines its rate of absorption, which of the following compounds will be absorbed to the least extent in the stomach

6、?a. Ampicillin (pKa = 2.5)b. Aspirin (pKa= 3.0)c. Warfarin (pKa = 5.0)d. Phenobarbital (pKa = 7.4)e. Propranolol (pKa = 9.4)7. Of the following characteristics, which is unlikely to be associated with the process of facilitated diffusion of drugs?a. The transport mechanism becomes saturated at high

7、drug concentrationsb. The process is selective for certain ionic or structural configurations of the drugc. If two compounds are transported by the same mechanism, one will competitively inhibit the transport of the otherd. The drug crosses the membrane against a concentration gradient and the proce

8、ss requires cellular energye. The transport process can be inhibited noncompetitively by substances that interfere with cellular metabolism8. Which of the following is unlikely to be associated with oral drug administration of an enteric-coated dosage form?a Irritation to the gastric mucosa with nau

9、sea and vomitingb Destruction of the drug by gastric acid or digestive enzymesc. Unpleasant taste of the drugd. Formation of nonabsorbable drug-food complexese. Variability in absorption caused by fluctuations in gastric emptying time9. Which of the following is classified as belonging to the tyrosi

10、ne kinase family of receptors?a. GABA -A receptorb. -adrenergic receptorc. Insulin receptord. Nicotinic II receptore. Hydrocortisone receptor2.Explanation of terms1、Bioavailability2、Hepatoenteral circulation3、Half-life time4、50% lethal dose5、Absorption6、Ateady state plasma concentration7、Pharmacokin

11、etics8、Pharmacodynamics9、adverse effect10、antagonist11、potency12、symptomatic treatment13、therapeutic index14、first-pass effect(elimination)15、enzyme inhibitor16、etiological treatment17、median effective dose18、side effects19、dose- effect relationship20、structure activity relationship21、tolerance22、ta

12、chyphylaxis1. Describe factors affecting absorption of drug.2. Describe receptor characters.3. Which is the most common process for drug transfer across cell membranes and point out its characteristics.4. List the characteristics of plasma protein binding of drugs.5. What is the hepatic microsomal e

13、nzymes? List their main characteristics.6. What is the difference between the action and the effect of a drug?7. Use receptor-action theory to elucidate what is the difference between the competitive antagonist and the non-competitive antagonist.1.c 2c. 3b 4e 5d 6e 7d 8d 9c 1生物利用度:是药物活性成分从制剂释放吸收进入血液





18、异性大。6区别为;药物作用是药物对机体组织发挥的原发作用,而药物效应是药物原发作用引起的机体器官组织能够被观察、记录、测定到的功能、代谢等的变化。7区别为;竞争性拮抗剂的效应给药被增加激动剂浓度所对抗,而非竞争性拮抗剂不行。竞争性拮抗剂可以提高ED50值,而非竞争性拮抗剂不行。 Autonomic Nervous System1.Compare the Pharmacology of physostigmine and neostigmine.2.Compare ocular effects of pilocarpine, physostigmine, atropine and phenyle

19、phrine.3.Compare the Pharmacology of Noradrenaline, adrenaline, and isoprenaline?4.List the indications and the contraindications of propranolol?5. List the steps in the synthesis, storage, release and inactivation of acetylcholine。6. Describe the types and subtypes of adrenergic receptors, their lo

20、cations, and physiologic response to activation.1. The drug of choice for the treatment of anaphylactic shock is:(A) histamine(B) epinephrine(C) norepinephrine(D) isoproterenol(E) diphenhydramine2. Phentolamine often causes an increase in heart rate and in the force of contraction by which of the fo

21、llowing mechanisms:(A) Directly stimulating cardiac b1 receptors(B) Antagonizing the vagal transmitter(C) Releasing histamine from mast cells, which stimulates the heart(D) Blocking peripheral vasoconstriction, which produces reflex stimulation of the heart(E) Increasing the amount of calciumavailab

22、le to the heart3、If a drugs half-life is 10h,when it is repeatedly administered at dosing intervals that are equal to its t1/2, the time of the drug to reach the steady state concentration is () A、20 to 30h B、30 to 40hC、40 to 50h D、60h or more 4、 At small dose, atropine effects on secretions are ( )

23、A. sweat and salivary gland secretions are greatly reduced. B. intestinal gland secretions are greatly reduced.C. bronchial secretions are greatly reduced D. gastric acid secretion are greatly reduced5、抢救心跳骤停的药物是:( )A、adrenaline B、noradrenaline C、isoprenaline D、digoxin 6、The drug of choice for the t

24、reatment of allergic shock is( )A、isoprenaline B、Adrenaline C、Atropine D、Noradrenaline7、伴尿量减少的中毒性休克最好用( )A、isoprenaline B、noradrenaline C、adrenaline D、dopamine 1:毒扁豆碱作用与新斯的明相似,但无直接激动受体作用。其结构为叔胺类化合物,可进入中枢。眼内局部应用时,其作用类似于毛果芸香碱,但较强而持久,表现为瞳孔缩小,眼内压下降。吸收后外周作用与新斯的明相似,表现为M、N胆碱受体激动作用,进人中枢后亦可抑制中枢 AChE活性而产生作用。中



27、肪的分解起调节作用。1:B 2:D 3:C 4:A 5:A 6:B7:D Cardiovascular SystemDry cough is acommon, annoying side effect to the use of which of the following drugs? ( )A. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors B.calcium channel-blockersC. - blockersD. M- blockers22 Which of the following drug is the first choice for

28、hypertensive crisis ()A. clonidineB. sodium nitroprusside C. -receptor blocker D .thiazides diuretics 33Adverse reaction of ACEI include all of the following EXCEPT A. hypotension B. cough C. hyperkaliemia D. hypokaliemia 44Which of the following drugs is considered to be most effective in relieving

29、 and preventing ischemic episodes in patients with variant angina? ()A. propranololB. diltiazemC. nifedipineD. verapamil 55A drug that decreases blood pressure by a CNS action is ()A. captoprilB. PropranololC. nitroprusside sodiumD. Clonidine66.Which of the following is unlikely to occur with nitrog

30、lycerin? ( )A. Decreased heart rate B. Decreased end-diastolic blood pressure C. Decreased myocardial oxygen demand D. Decreased preload and afterload 77Propranolol is a potent blocker of beta-adrenergic sympathetic activity. It has been found to be detrimental in patients with: ( )A. bronchial asth

31、maB. hypertensionC. hyperthyroidismD. atrial fibrillation 88Which of following antihypertensive drug is AT1 antagonist:( )A. captopril B. nifedipineC.losartanD. thiazides 99Verapamil exerts its effects through which of the following actions? ( )A. Preventing entry of calcium through slow channels B. Enhancing potassium effluxC. Increasing sodium entry D.Antagonizing the opening of the fast sodium channel10The drugs could be used for treatment of CHF (congestive heart failure) ( )a digoxin bhydrochlorothiazide ccaptopril dall of a

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