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1、浙江省超级全能生高三上学期第一次联考英语试题及答案解析2019年浙江省超级全能生高三上学期第一次联考英语试题题号一二三四五六总分得分注意事项:1答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息;2请将答案正确填写在答题卡上。第I卷(选择题)评卷人得分一、阅读理解Fresh off the biggest win of her short gymnastics career, 16-year-old Morgan Hard and her coach, SIava Glazunov, landed at Philadelphia International Airport, headed to bagg

2、age claim and prepared for the hour-long drive home to Middletown, Delaware. It was a dull drill theyd performed hundreds of times before.She is that gymnast who competes wearing glasses She is so petite(娇小)that she looks tiny standing next to other gymnasts.No one is born perfect, Hard says. You wi

3、ll have imperfections. I hope more people see me and try to do sports or gymnastics with glasses. Nothing should stop you from doing something you are passionate about. ”Hard was 11 months old when her mom, Sherri, adopted her from Wenzhou, China, and brought her to Middletown. When Morgan was 3, Sh

4、erri began signing her up for various sports-gymnastics, soccer, T-ball, dance. Because of her size, most sports were tough. But at gymnastics class, being tiny and flexible was a gift. By the fifth grade, her talent had outgrown her classes, so Sherri brought her to First State.She stood out from t

5、he start, Glazounov says. She exhibited that desire. She loves to impress and she wanted it always. No one ever had to tell her to work hard.A single mom, Sherri worked as a dental hygienist for 30 years until retiring and taking a job for Discover Bank that allowed her to work from home, support he

6、r daughters home-schooling and help her daughters gymnastics career.Who would have known when I went to get that little girl in China what was going to happen, Sherri says. This is our life now, but that is what I want for her, a life that is as fulfilling and happy as possible. 1What made Morgan Hu

7、rd different from other athletes?AThat she is the gymnast who won the champion at the age of 16.BThat she is the gymnast who competed wearing glasses.CThat she is the gymnast who was adopted from China.DThat she is the gymnast who has a single mother.2What can we learn from the text?AMorgan had a gi

8、ft for gymnastics. BMorgan had a passion for soccer.CMorgan was talented in dance. DMorgan was brought up in China.3Where is the text most likely from?AA travel guide. BA scientific report.CA commercial advertisement. DA sports comment.The firefighters of Paris told me they are very hopeful about sa

9、ving the northern tower, French Junior Interior Minister Laurent Nunez said on Twitter late Monday, adding that the firefighting efforts would continue for hours.The Notre Dame Cathedral(巴黎圣母院), one of the most famous landmarks in the French capital, was engulfed in flames Monday evening as a catast

10、rophic fire tore through the historic structure, collapsing its spire as fire officials raced to save the monument from total destruction.Video and photos posted on social media showed flames engulfing the cathedral, thus both the ceiling and the 90-meter spire came crashing down. The fire spread to

11、 one of the cathedrals towers, but French officials said late Monday that firefighters were optimistic they could save both towers.French President Emmanuel Macron said a national fundraising campaign would be launched on Tuesday and called on the worlds greatest talents to assist in the effort. We

12、will rebuild, Macron told reporters. We will rebuild Notre Dame because this is what the French expect, because this is what our history deserves.Officials said there were no deaths in the fire. Jean-Claude Gallet, chief of the Parisian fire department, said one firefighter was injured while respond

13、ing to the flame. Two-thirds of the cathedrals roof was destroyed, Gal let said. The fire broke out just before p. m. minutes after the cathedral, which has been partly rebuilt, closed to the public. Around 30 000 people visit the church daily.Despite its long history and many treasures the Cathedra

14、l needed the help of a writer to become truly famous. Victor Hugos 1831 novel, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, presented the building to a wide audience of readers. The books ugly lead character, Quasimodo, serves as a symbol for Paris forgotten Gothic architecture. Hugo wrote the book to remind people

15、 of it, with hope they would work to protect the beautiful old buildings of Paris. The loss of cultural relics will never come again if they are lost only once. This is a painful loss of world civilization.4The following issues are wrongly stated in the text except_.Athe Notre Dame Cathedral was tot

16、ally destroyedBfirefighters were pessimistic because they couldnt save both towersCa national fundraising campaign would be launched to rebuild the cathedralDthe Cathedral became truly famous for its long history and many treasures5What does the underlined word engulfed in Paragraph 2 mean?AFlooded.

17、 BSwallowed.CDisappeared. DConstructed.6What can be a suitable title for the text?AA fire broke out in the Notre Dame CathedralBThe mystery of the Notre Dame CathedralCA national fundraising campaignDThe rebuilding of the Notre Dame CathedralYou want your children to do well in school. You want them

18、 to have nice friends and interesting hobbies and to not go out with strangers. You may even want them to be happy. But in this computer game, you can always start over with a new digital child if things dont work out as planned.A new game in China puts players in control of those most fearsome of c

19、haracters: Mom and Dad. The mission? Raise a son or daughter from kindergarten to college.In a nation of famously demanding, scolding and, yes, sometimes loving mothers and fathers, the game, Chinese Parents, is a hit. Since its release in September, it has found a huge audience on Steam, an online

20、marketplace run by the American game maker Valve Corporation. There are no official figures for how many people have downloaded the game but it has caused heated discussion online while earning tens of thousands of reviews.Yang Gee Yelling, a founder of Moy wan Games, the independent studio that dev

21、eloped Chinese Parents, said he hoped to produce an English version this year. The success of the game, which costs $9. 99 to play, does not appear to be driven by people hoping to exact revenge for their own upbringings. Quite the opposite: Some fans have written that, by letting them experience ch

22、ildhood from their parents perspective, it had moved them to tears.I used to not understand many things my mom made me do when I was little, said Kang Shang hero, 19, a professional blogger in the northeastern city of Qinhuangdao. But when I play the game and try to increase figures for my son so he

23、 can unlock more achievements and marry the prettiest girl in school, start to understand my parents more.All the joys and trials of raising children are here. Players choose between pushing their digital generation to attain conventional success and allowing them some appearance of childhood innoce

24、nce. They must give career guidance and tolerate (just barely) their teenagers first dates. Everything leads up to the gaokao, the highly competitive college entrance exam that decides the fortunes of so many young Chinese people.7Whats the function of the first paragraph?ATo attract readers to the

25、topic. BTo present the parents expectations.CTo arouse argument among readers. DTo state clear fact.8How do we know this computer game Chinese Parents is popular?AIt is produced as expected.BIt has aroused heated discussions and received many comments online.CMany parents have been engaged in playin

26、g this computer game.DIt is hoped that an English version of this computer game will come out this year.9Whats the authors attitude towards this computer game?APessimistic. BCautious.CSupportive. DDisgusted.10Whats the authors purpose in writing the text??ATo introduce the computer game Chinese Pare

27、nts.BTo encourage children to play this computer game Chinese Parents.CTo persuade parents to be strict with their children.DTo let parents understand their children better.评卷人得分二、完形填空Jack Rummler was in hospital, but he kept emailing his journalism teacher and classmates at Boone High School in the

28、 US. He wanted to stay on top of his 11 work and didnt want anyone else to be 12 with the tasks hed taken on.He would be in hospital 13 stories, said Renee Burke, his teacher at the time. He wouldnt stop worrying about us. Rummler, 18, said he did this because he enjoyed high school journalism so mu

29、ch. Every little 14 of it.“He is student with 15 , Burke said who always seems to be thinking about others, even when he faces his own 16 . Born with spina bifida(脊柱分裂), he walks with limp(跛行) and has had about 12 17 . Two years ago, 18 problems kept him out of school for weeks. 19 , he never wanted

30、 to be treated 20 Burke said, nor did he 21 doing anything that might be 22 challenging for him, such as filming football games. And last month, he won the Student Journalist of the Year 23 from the Florida Scholastic Press Association.The contest required student journalists to put together 24 of t

31、heir work and their ability to be backpack journalists who could 25 many types of assignments. Rummlers examples 26 stories and opinion pieces, graphic(图表)he d designed about school construction, and TV advertisement for the papers online site. ” think one of the things that journalist taught me is

32、to always 27 whats going on in the world,” he said.His school paper publishes in print four times a year, as well as online. The last issue he worked on was about graduation, 28 the achievements of top students and athletes, among other soon-to-be graduates. In August, Rummler will start at the University of Florida, where he 29 t

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