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1、普通高等学校招生全国统一考试临考冲刺卷(十)英注意事项:语1答题前,先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在试题卷和答题卡上,并将准考证号条形码粘贴在答题卡上的指定位置。2 选择题的作答:每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。3非选择题的作答:用签字笔直接答在答题卡上对应的答题区域内。写在试题卷、草稿纸和答题卡上的非答题区域均无效。4 考试结束后,请将本试题卷和答题卡一并上交。第卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) ( 略 ) 第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给

2、的四个选项(A、B、C和D )中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A Sydney Trains is one of the most economical, reliable and convenient ways to travel throughout Sydney and itssurrounds. Our network, the NSW Trains Intercity, covers suburban Sydney and extends to the Hunter, Central Coast, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands and

3、South Coastregions. The network is made up of several color-codedlines. Trains from different lines can share the same platform, so check display screen and listen toannouncements. Ticket prices are generally based on the distancetraveled. You can visittransportnsw. Info fordetails. Getting to theCi

4、ty. In Sydney, if youre near a train station, youre on your way to thecity. Every rail line leads directly or indirectly to the CityCircle. Its the loop around the central business district ofSydney.Most City stations are underground so look out for the sign on streetlevel. Automatic ticket gates La

5、rge stations have automatic gates for entry to, and exit from, thestation. If you have an Opal card or a ticket which has a magnetic stripe you must use the automaticgates. You may use the wide gate for wheelchair, pram or luggageaccess. Station staff will assistyou. Night Ride buses Most trains do

6、not operate between midnight and 4:00a.m. For your convenience a special Night Ride bus service is available between these hours on most Sydney suburbanlines. Track work In order for the tracks to the maintained, we sometimes have to replace train with buses, particularly at weekends, please check t

7、he track work section for the latest service alterations on yourline.21. To get more information about ticket prices, travelers had better_.A. go to the City CircleB. visit a websiteC. check display screenD. listen to announcements 【答案】B 【解析】本文主要向我们介绍了悉尼的列车服务以及有关悉尼列车的具体细节介绍。细节理解题,根据第四段“Ticket prices

8、 are generally based on the distancetraveled. You can visittransportnsw.票价大体上是建立在旅行距离上的,你可以访问transportnsw,”所以要通过访问网站的方式,故选B22. What service is offered to travelers in need at most big stations?A. A free Opalcard.B. Earlier entry to thestation.C. Help from stationworkers.D. A ticket with a magneticst

9、ripe. 【答案】C 【解析】细节理解题,根据Automatic ticket gates这一小标题下的“Station staff will assistyou.”,可知在大型车站会有工作人员的帮助,故选 C.23. Which is the best convenient time to travel by Sydney Trains?A. Atmidnight.B. On Sundayafternoon.C. Between midnight and 4:00a.m.D. At 6:00p.m. onWednesday. 【答案】D 【解析】细节理解题,根据Night Ride bus

10、es这一小标题下的“Most trains do not operate between midnight and 4:00a.m.大多数的列车在半夜和凌晨四点之间不运行”,再结合四个选项,故选D. B A man observed a woman in the grocery store with a three year old girl in herbasket. As they passed the cookie section, the child asked for chocolate and her mother told her “no.” The little girl im

11、mediately began to get upset, and the mother remarked quietly, “Now Tina, we just have half of the aisles(通道) left to go through;dont beupset. It wont belong.” He passed the Mother again in the candyaisle. Of course, the little girl began to shout forcandy. When she was told she couldnt have any, sh

12、e began tocry. The mother said, “There, there,Tina. Only a little bit longer, and then well be checkingout.” The man again happened to be behind the pair at the check-out, where the little girl immediately began to cry for a gum(橡皮糖) and burst into a terrible anger upon discovering there would be no

13、 gum purchasedtoday. The mother said, “Ellen, well be through this check out stand in five minutes, and then you can go home and have a nicenap.” The man followed them out to the parking lot and stopped the woman to complimenther. “I couldnt help noticing how patient you were with little Ellen .” Th

14、e mother broke in, “My little girls name is Tammy. ImEllen.”24. What did the little girl ask for?A. cakes, candies, gumsB. cookies, candies, a napC. candies, gums, a napD. cookies, candies, gums 【答案】D【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,叙述一个小女孩和妈妈在杂货店里的情景。细节理解题。根据第一段第二句As they passed the cookie section, the child asked for

15、 chocolate and her mother told her “no”.第二段第二句the little girl began to shout for candy,和第三段第一句The man again happened to the behind the pair at the check-out, where the little girl immediately began to cry for a gum(橡皮糖),可知小女孩想要cookies,candies, gums, 故选D。25. Which of the statements is not true?A. The

16、 little girl wanted to eat somesnacks.B. The woman didnt buy anything her daughter askedfor.C. The man would be very surprised at the womansanswer.D. The man wanted to offer some help to thewoman. 【答案】D 【解析】推理判断题。根据倒数第二段The man followed them out to the parking lot and stopped the woman to compliment

17、her. “I couldnt help noticing how patient you were with little Ellen .”可知,这个男子并不想提供帮助给这个妇女。故选D。26. What does the underlined word mean?A. scoldB. criticizeC. praiseD. comfort 【答案】C 【解析】词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段第二句“I couldnt help noticing how patient you were with little Ellen .”“我特别注意到你对小蒂纳真是有耐心.”可知这个男士在称赞这位妇女。划

18、线词的意思应该是“称赞”,故选C。27. Which word can best describe the woman?A. patientB. anxiousC. caringD. humorous 【答案】B 【解析】推理判断题。根据第一段最后一句“Now Tina, we just have half of the aisles(通道)left to go through;dont beupset. It wont belong.”可知,这位妇女是焦虑的,她想快点走过去。故选B。C Welcome to Glass of Venice, the number one importer a

19、nd retailer of authentic Murano Glass in the US and one of the top names among Murano Glass retailersworldwide. We work directly with artisans (工匠) from Murano, Italy to bring you the unique centuries old art rooted in tradition andskill. Every item is handcrafted with passion using ancient techniqu

20、es that made Murano glassmakers world-famous since the 8thcentury. Now you neednt make a trip to Murano to own an authentic piece of art as beautiful as Veniceitself. At the time of mass-produced products that carry no special meaning, Murano Glass gives you an opportunity to express yourindividuali

21、ty. Every piece isunique. Murano Glass is 100% handcrafted inVenice. Be a part of the centuries-old Venetian tradition!A piece of the artisans heart and soul is captured in every Murano Glasscreation. Crafting Murano Glass jewelry, vases, sculptures and other functional and decorative pieces is a co

22、mplicated process from silica, minerals, water, andfire. Venetian artisans createmasterpieces. The techniques they use are centuries old, and artisans have been trained for many years in their fathers and grandfathers, workshops before they can attain a revered status of the true master of thecraft.

23、 Murano Glass masters are not just artisans;they areartists. Ever since Murano glassmakers guild (公会) was established on this Venetian island in 1291, they have been innovating, seeking new methods of creating glass, and pushing forward to express new philosophies and artistic visions throughglass.

24、This made Murano Glass get its own art form, and it has been recognized at international expositions and top art museums and galleriesworldwide. Today the famous glass masters working on Murano Island are first and foremost artists, and Glass of Venice is proud to offer artistic masterpieces from to

25、p Murano glassworkshops.28. What can be inferred about Murano Glass?A. It is made by using modernmachines.B. Every piece is made in theUS.C. Every piece has a specialstyle.D. It was designed in the 8thcentury. 【答案】C【解析】这篇文章主要介绍了“慕拉诺玻璃”举世闻名,每一块玻璃都是独一无二的风格,如此奇特的玻璃出自“慕拉诺玻璃”大师之手。他们使用的技术已经历经几个世纪,工匠们在获得令人

26、尊敬的工艺大师身份之前,已经在他们父辈和祖父辈的工作坊里训练了许多年。细节理解题。由Every piece isunique.可知“慕拉诺玻璃”每一块都是独一无二的风格,选C。29. The underlined word “revered” in Paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to “A. considerateB. relievedC. complexD. respected 【答案】D 【解析】词义猜测题。The techniques they use are centuries old, and artisans have been trained

27、 for many years in their fathers and grandfathers, workshops before they can attain a revered status of the true master of thecraft.这句话的意思是他们使用的技术已经历经几个世纪,工匠们在获得令人尊敬的工艺大师身份之前,已经在他们父辈和祖父辈的工作坊里训练了许多年。所以“revered”的意思是受尊敬的,选D。30. What were Murano Glass masters devoted to doing according to the text?A. Ex

28、ploring ways to develop the creation ofglass.B. Exporting Murano Glass to many foreigncountries.C. Building art museums to show the beauty of MuranoGlass.D. Creating a special art form to express their philosophies oflife. 【答案】A 【解析】推理判断题。由Murano Glass masters are not just artisans;they areartists.

29、Ever since Murano glassmakers guild (公会) was established on this Venetian island in 1291, they have been innovating, seeking new methods of creating glass, and pushing forward to express new philosophies and artistic visions throughglass.可知“慕拉诺玻璃”大师们致力于玻璃的创新,选A。31. What is the authors attitude to Mu

30、rano Glass masters works?A.Critical.B.Admirable.C.Cautious. ”.D.Aggressive. 【答案】B 【解析】推理判断题。由This made Murano Glass get its own art form, and it has been recognized at international expositions and top art museums and galleriesworldwide. Today the famous glass masters working on Murano Island are first and foremost artists, and Glass of Venice is proud to offer artistic masterpieces from top Murano glassworkshops.可知作者对“慕拉诺玻璃”大师的作品持赞赏态度。选B。D At your next meeting, wait f

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