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1、天津市中考英语试题解析版天津市2018年中考英语试题第卷一、听力理解A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个或两个句子并看到供选择的A、B、C三幅图画。找出与你所听句子内容相匹配的图画。1.A. B. C. 2. A. B. C. 3. A. B. C. 4. A. B. C. B)下面你将听到十组対话,每组对话都有一个问题。根据对话内容,从每组所给的A、B、C三个选项中找出能回答所提问题的最佳选项5. What sport does Lingling like bestA. Swimming B. Skating C. Playing table tennis6. Where are they go

2、ing?A. To a library B. To a zoo C. To a supermarket7. Whose pens are these?A. Damings B. Bettys C. Tonys8. Who is that man?A. Betty s brother B. Belly s dad C. Betty s uncle9. Where is the woman s hometown?A. In the north of ChinaB. In the south of ChinaC. In the cast of China10. How often does Li l

3、eis grandpa go to see the Beijing Opera?A. Once a month B. Twice a month C. Three times a month11. Whats wrong with Jack?A. Hes got a coldB. Hes got a toothacheC. Hes got a stomach ache12. What club docs Mary want to join?A. The Music Club B. The Dance Club. C. The Chess Club13. What is Daming going

4、 to do this Saturday afternoon?A. Have a picnic B. Do his homework C. Watch a football match14. How much are the two T-shirts?A. 100 yuan B. 180 yuan C. 280 yuanC)听下面长对话或独白。每段长对话或独白后都有几个问题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听下面一段材料,回答第15至第17题15. When is Damings birthday party?A. This Friday B. This Saturday C.

5、This Sunday16. Who makes a birthday cake for Daming?A. His dad B. His mum C. His grandma17. What Present does Betty want to give Daming? A. British coins B. Tov cars C. American stamps听下面一段材料,回答第18至第20题。18. How long docs Zhang Hua read English new spapers cvery day?A. Fifteen minutes B. Half an hour

6、 C. An hour19. What does Zhang Hua talk about in English with friends?A. Great books B. Sports news C. Computer games20. How does Zhang Hua practise listeningA. By watching English filmsB. By talking with foreignersC. By listening to English songs二、单项填空从下列每小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. There i

7、s _old piano in _corner of the living room.A. an; the B. an; 不填 C. a; the D. a; a【答案】A【解析】句意:在起居室的角落里有一架钢琴。本题考查冠词。In the corner of在角落,固定短语,可排除B,D;old的第一个音素是元音音素,元音音素前使用an,可排除B;故正确答案是A。2. -She is too busy to help us finish the work-Lets do it_A. herself B. myself C. itself D. ourselves【答案】D【解析】句意:她太忙

8、了不能帮我们完成工作。让我们自己做吧。本题考查反身代词。A. herself 她自己; B. myself我自己 ;C. itself 它自己;D. ourselves我们自己根据句意“我们自己做”故使用ourselves,所以选D。3. I am afraid we can not _to take a taxi. Let s go by underground insteadA. refuse B. afford C. forget D. fall【答案】B4. Her smile made me feel warm and lively. It was like a hidden_.A.

9、 competition B. interview C. treasure D. tradition【答案】C【解析】句意:她的微笑使我感到温暖和活力。就像一份珍藏的财富。本题考查名词。A. competition 竞赛;B. interview采访;C. treasure财富,宝藏;D. tradition传统。根据句意选C。5. Tianjin is one of _cities in China.A. big B. bigger C. the biggest D. the bigger【答案】C【解析】句意:天津是中国最大的城市之一。本题考查形副最高级的用法。 “one of+the+形

10、容词最高级+名词复数 ”这种有最高级的句型中,表示是最中之一 后面的名词一定要是复数形式。形容词使用最高级,故选C6. Mum asked me to _for dinner.A. lay the table B. go to sleep C. keep a diary D. lake a vacation【答案】A学科网.学科网.学科网.学科网.学科网.学科网.学科网.学科网.学科网.学科网.学科网.学科网.学科网.7. In the picture, he sits _me, looking very happy.A. beside B. among C. up D. through【答案

11、】A【解析】句意:在这张照片中,他坐在我的旁边,看上去非常高兴。本题考查介词。A. beside在旁边; B. among 在中 ;C. up 向上 ;D. through穿过。根据句意选A.8. -Can you open a gift_ after you receive it In England?-Yes. We dont have to wait.A. main B. immediately C. nearly D. loudly【答案】B【解析】句意:在英国,收到礼物之后,你能立刻打开吗?是的,我们没有必要等。本题考查副词。A. main 主要的,最重要的; 全力的 ;B. imm

12、ediately 立刻,马上 ; C. nearly 几乎,差不多 ;D. loudly大声地。由第二句得知我们等不及打开礼物了,可知第一句想表达“收到后立刻打开礼物”。故选B。9. -Must I come before 6: 30 tomorrow?-No. You_ There will be plenty of time.A. mustnt B. cant C. couldnt D. neednt【答案】D【解析】句意:明天我必须六点半前到吗?不,你不必,将有足够的时间。本题考查情态动词的用法。Must是“必须”的意思,当其变为一般疑问句时,否定回答要用neednt“不必”;肯定回答用

13、must“必须”,mustnt不是“不必”的意思,而是一种禁止,一定不能做的意思。所以本题选D。10. Tony was drawing a picture_ I was doing my homework.A. if B. because C. while D. until【答案】C【解析】句意:Tony 正在画画,而我在做作业。本题考查连词。由前后两句话的 was doing 能发现是两个过去进行时的动作,因此可以选用 while 链接,属于时间状语从句。与 A. if 引导的条件状语从句和 B. because 引导的原因状语从句无关。而 D. until 表示直到,与原句逻辑关系不符。

14、故正确答案为C。11. -Jerry, have you ever been to the Great Wall?-Yes. I_ there with my parents last yearA. go B. went C. will go D. have gone【答案】B【解析】句意:-Jerry,你曾经去过长城吗?是的,去年我和我父母一起去那儿的。本题考查动词的时态。由第二句的时间标志词 last year 可以理解句意为去年我和爸妈去过长城。属于一般过去时的标志词,故选 B. went。本题容易误选D. have gone 已经去过,但是需要注意现在完成时的时间标志词。12. Har

15、ry invited me_ with him when his parents were out of town.A. stay B. staved C. staying D. to stay【答案】D【解析】句意:Harry 邀请我在他爸妈不在镇上的时候去陪他待着。本题考查动词的时态。A. stay 原型; B. staved过去式; C. staying 现在分词; D. to stay动词不定式。Invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事,故选D to stay。13. Dr Bethune _ still_ in both China and Canada todayA.

16、is; remembered B. is; rememberingC. will; remember D. has; remembered【答案】A【解析】句意:如今白求恩医生仍然被中国和加拿大的人民纪念。 Dr Bethune是动作的承受者,故使用被动语态,又因句中有时间状语 today(今天),故使用一般现在时被动语态,故选A。14. -Please tell me_.-At ten oclockA. where you have your English lessonB. where do you have your English lessonC. what time you have

17、 your English lessonD. what time do you have your English lesson【答案】C【解析】句意:请告诉我你什么时间上英语课。十点。本题考查宾语从句。首先可以从 Please tell me 分析出本题考查宾语从句。宾语从句的语序是陈述语序,可排除B,D;根据答语At ten oclock是时间,可排除A。故正确答案是C。15. -Tom fell of his bike and hurt his knee.-_.A. Pretty good B. That s too badC. That s funny D. That s a good

18、 idea【答案】B【解析】句意:Tom 从自行车上摔下来,伤了膝盖。本题考查情景交际。A. Pretty good很好;B. That s too bad太糟糕了;C. That s funny 非常有趣 ;D. That s a good idea是个好主意。第一句表达 Tom 从自行车上摔下伤到了膝盖。下面应该选择表示遗憾的句子,因此选用 B. 三、完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。My name is Damian Costa. I was born in a small village in Italy in 1952. I sp

19、ent the first few Years of my life there before my family_16_to Perth AustraliaWe arrived in Australia in the summer of 1957. I went to_17_and I had to attend special classes to learn English as all the lessons were taught in English.We did not have much_18_. so we lived very simply. My parents work

20、ed as cleaners. They earned(挣钱)just enough for us to survive(维持生活)and_19_ a little money. My father had always wanted to_20_a small restaurant. Finally._21_ten years of hard work, in June1967, he managed to save enough and opened our first pizzeria(比萨饼店)._22_business was slow at first, it soon got b

21、etter. I helped out at the pizzeria after school and at weekends. Just two years after we_23_my father decided that we needed a full-time waiter. Then he decided to_24_me the art of making wood-fired pizzas.Today we have three branches(分店), in Perth. Sydney and Adelaide. My children have_25_learned

22、how to make pizzas and they quite enjoy it. I hope to pass on the business to them.16. A. returned B. moved C. pointed D. connected17. A. school B. hospital C. church D. business18. A. paper B. illness C. health D. money19. A. save B. borrow C. share D. choose20. A. sell B. see C. open D. leave21. A

23、. before B. after C. during D. between22. A. Because B. If C. Although D. Whether23. A. played B. relaxed C. started D. stopped24. A. like B. teach C. believe D. lend25. A. perhaps B. never C. hardly D. also【答案】16. B 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. C 21. B 22. C 23. C 24. B 25. D【解析】本文主要讲述了作者的生活经历,作者家比萨饼店从无到有

24、,到发扬光大的过程。16. 句意:在我的家人搬到澳洲珀斯之前,我在那里度过了我生命的最初几年。本题考查动词。. A. returned 返回 ;B. moved 搬迁;C. pointed指;D. connected连接。结合下文We arrived in Australia in the summer of 1957。选.B。17. 句意:我上学并且我必须上特殊的英语课,因为所有的课都是用英语上的。. A. school 学校;B. hospital 医院;C. church 教堂;D. business生意。由I had to attend special classes to learn

25、 English as all the lessons were taught in English知选A。18. 句意:我们没有很多钱,因此我们生活得很简单。. A. paper 纸B. illness疾病 ;C. health 健康 ;D. money金钱。“没有很多钱”是“生活得很简单”的原因。故选D。19. 句意:他们挣的钱仅仅够我们维持生活的几乎省不下几个钱。本题考查动词。 A. save 节省; B. borrow 借; C. share 分享 ;D. choose选择。根据句意选A。20. 句意:我父亲总想开一家小餐馆。 A. sell出售 ;B. see看见 ;C. open打

26、开; D. leave离开。根据下文 in June1967, he managed to save enough and opened our first pizzeria(比萨饼店).知选C。21. 句意:终于,经过了十年的艰辛工作之后,在1967年6月,他设法省钱开了我们的第一家比萨饼店。A. before在之前 ;B. after 在之后; C. during 在期间 ;D. between在两者之间。根据句意选B22. 句意:尽管起初生意很慢,但是不久就会好多了。A. Because因为; B. If 是否; C. Although 尽管 ;D. Whether是否。由本句前后两部分

27、“一开始生意发展缓慢”和“很快变得更好”,可以推断两个部分属于转折关系,虽然一开始缓慢,但是后期很快变得更好。所以选用 C. Although 23. 句意:就在我们开始营业的两年后,我父亲决定需要一个全职的服务员。A. played 玩,打; B. relaxed 放松; C. started 开始,开业 ;D. stopped停止,根据句意选C。24. 句意:然后,他决定教我木制烧烤比萨的艺术。A. like 喜欢; B. teach教 ; C. believe 相信 ; D. lend借,根据句意选B。25. 句意:我的孩子们也学习怎样制作比萨并且他们非常享受它。A. perhaps 或

28、许 ; B. never 从不 ; C. hardly 几乎不 ; D. also也。由后半句 they quite enjoy it 可以推断出孩子们很喜欢,说明是学习了做披萨的方法,而且从我的父亲传授给我,到我传授给我的孩子,属于第二次亲子间的传授,所以选用了 also,表示也。故答案为C。点睛:完型填空的三遍法: 首先,完型填空的首句一般都是完整的,其目的是给答题者一个整体思路,顺着这个整体思路进行第一遍的跳读,也就是不看选项通读全篇。接下去进行第二遍的诸题攻破,边看边选。这遍做起来是最费时间的,因为每选一个空,都要考虑到有关的语义搭配、固定句式、词组、时态等各个方面。比如,如果选项是动

29、词,那么,考查的可能是时态,动词过去式、过去分词的规则、不规则变化;如果选项是介词,考查的可能是固定搭配或词组;如果选项是连词,则考的可能是上下文的顺承转接等等。这就要求答题者有较深的基础知识功底,同时,要能做到上下呼应,左右连接。在填完所有的空之后,就进入到了第三遍的纠错过程。这一步要求把所有的选项一一对应到相应的空中,把它作为一篇完整的阅读文章来通读、复查。 许多学生经常会忽略或意识不到这一步的重要,其实,通过最后一遍的通读,可以通过语感分析出选项是否与语境相吻合,是否与原文协调一致,是否符合应有的逻辑关系。这样看来,这一遍绝对是重中之重、不可或缺的。四、阅读理解阅读下面面的材料,从每小题

30、所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ADear Susan,How are you? Im going to visit Hong Kong with Mum and Dad next month. Well arrive on the second of August. its so exciting! We can meet each other soon!I will spend a day in Ocean Park on the third of August. I know that youve visited Ocean Park many times before. C

31、an you give me some advice on what to see in Ocean Park?I would also like to visit you at your home on the fourth of August. Are you free on that day? Ive bought a present for you. I think youll love it.By the way. would you like to go to Disney land with me? I really want to take some photos with you in Disneyland You know I love the famous cartoon characters of

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