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M5 U2 The environment 教师版.docx

1、M5 U2 The environment 教师版M5 U2 The environmentUseful expressions and phrases (I):1. open the floor (for ) large numbers of 大量的2. result in 导致 result from 是的原因 the amount of 的数量3. six times what be concerned about 关心4. be seen as 被看做为 think of sb as 5. This does not have to be true.这未必是真的。 What is th

2、at 6. be careful/curious/eager/happy to do sth be cautious about doing sth7. hide from ones responsibility 逃避责任 cut back on8. find sb willing to do sth pump sth into 把排放到9. What if ? 怎么办?那又有什么要紧? raw materials 原材料 New words (I): 1. economy n 节约;经济;理财economist neconomic adj2. consult v _; _ (result)c

3、onsultant n consult sb about sthsth with sb3. survive vt & vi 活着,生存;经历而活下来; 比某人活得久survival n 幸存,生存survivor n 幸存者1) His only chance of survival was a heart transplant.2) That fashion is a survival from 1910.3) She survived her husband by three years. survive sth 经历而活着 survive sb by some years senior

4、to sb by some years4. debate n & v 在讨论中 under debate hold a debate on sth (n) debate with sb about/on sth (v)1) The question about the origin of the universe is still debated hotly by scientists. (v 依然被科学家们激烈辩论)2) She debated herself for a while, and then picked up the phone. ( )更正: debate with ones

5、elf :consider debate “辩论(会);争论;考虑,盘算”。(正式、公开场合) 强调“交锋,往返” argue “辩论;争辩;争吵”。坚持自己的立场或观点,说服对方 (quarral) discuss “辩论;讨论”。为解决问题或弄清观点进行讨论、磋商1) Theyre arguing with each other about money.2) Have you discussed the problem with anyone?3) We are debating whether to go skiing or not this winter.5. open the flo

6、or for discussionfloor n 地板; the floor发言权give/ have/ the floor 取得发言权take the floor 发言hold the floor 长篇大论地发言(尤指他人无法发言)1) 最后,主席发言。 At last, the chairman took the floor.2) When a discussion is under way, everyone is welcome to have the floor in class.6. flow (flowed, flowed) vi & nfly (flew, flown) vi小

7、结:know, _, _. grow, _, _. blow, _, _. throw, _, _.但 show, showed, shown1) 她的眼泪从脸颊上肆意流了下来。Her tears flowed down her cheeks freely.2) This river flows through many villages and finally into the Yellow River. 3) She tried to stop the flow of blood from the wound.4) My friend has a great flow of words.

8、讲话滔滔不绝5) There was a heavy flow of traffic in the street.7. awful adjawfully adv1) 看见那个场景真是件可怕的事情! How awful it is to see it!2) Its awfully cold this winter. 相当地,极其地3) Its going to cost an awful lot of money. 特别多的8. respond vi 回答,答复 (answer vt) respond to sbresponse n 回答,回应 (answer n) in response to

9、 responsible adj 对负责的 be responsible for responsibility n 责任,义务,负责 dutya strong sense of responsibility/duty escape responsibility have/ take responsibility for sth/sb claim responsibility for 声称对负责 put responsibility on ones shoulder1) The manufacturers disclaim all responsibility for damage caused

10、 by misuse.制造商们拒绝承担因为错误使用而导致的破坏的责任。9. cut back on: reduce, cut down on1) Others who cannot cut back on driving ate thinking of ways to cut costs.另外一些不能减少开车的人,则正在想办法如何降低成本。2) 现在几家大医院正在裁员。Several major hospitals are cutting back on staff at the moment.3) Youd better cut out the last paragraph of your

11、composition.4) The secretary cut in to tell Mr. Johnson that someone was looking for him on the phone.5) I was speaking to Ann on the phone when suddenly we were cut _.away 砍去,砍掉through 剪断,抄近路cut up 切碎 eat up, use up, break upin 超车,插嘴off 切断,割掉out 剪下,删除10. brief adj n & v detail n in detailbriefly ad

12、v in brief11. figure n & v1) The figures are not accurate. 数字2) He was one of the great figures of his age. 人物 3) My sister has a nice figure. 身材4) This is the figure of Lu Xun in marble. 雕像5) He figured the cost of my trip. 计算6) I figured that you would arrive before noon. 认为,料想 thought figure sb t

13、o be 料想某人是 figure out : work out12. operate vt & vi run; operator n 接线员;操作员operation n operate a machine/factory : run operate on sb/ones stomach 13. credit n 赞扬,称赞,认可 信用,信誉 学分1) Its greatly to your credit that you gave back the money you find. Your honest does you credit. 你拾金不昧是非常难能可贵的;你很诚实,应该受表扬。

14、be to ones credit = do sb credit 使值得赞扬 credit to sb2) Recent developments lend credit to previous reports. 信用,信誉;可靠的 信用卡 credit card3) My maths class is worth three credits. 14. belief n pl : beliefsbelieve vt beyond (ones) belief 无法令人相信;令人难以置信 (beyond ones imagination) Its my belief that 我相信 = in t

15、he belief that 1) 我发现他的所作所为到了令人难以置信的地步。I find his behavior beyond belief.2) He came to me in the belief that I could help him.= Its his belief that Ill help him. -f结尾的n,变pl. 直接+s 的名词有:在海湾,在屋顶,农奴和领袖都有信仰,证据就在手帕上 gulf, roof, serf, chief, belief , proof , handkerchief (-s; -ves) believe vt & vi believe

16、in 信赖 believe sb to be/to have done15. number nthe number of + pl. + 单数谓语 “的数量”a number of +pl. +复数谓语 “一些,若干”numbers of +pl. +复数谓语a large/good/great number of +pl. +复数谓语 “许多的,大量的”larger/good/great numbers of +pl. +复数谓语 many a + 单名 + 单谓 比较: a great/good many + pl. +复谓 more than one + 单名 + 单谓小结:“许多,大量

17、” 只修饰 c.n 的16. amount n & va large amount/deal of + large number of + pl.1) A large amount of work needs to be done.Large amounts of work need to be done.2) No amount of encouragement would make him jump.3) The cost amounted to $ 260.小结:“许多,大量” 只修饰 u.n 的 a great/good deal/amount of + u.n + 单谓17

18、. quantity n 数量 quality n 质量,品质;特性;才能1) Its cheaper to buy goods in quantity/in large quantities. 很多的,大量的 2) There is a large quantity of drugs in his home.3) Large quantities of water have been polluted in the river. quantity 所构成的短语做主语时,其谓语动词的单复数由quantity本身决定 a (large/small)quantity of + pl./u.n +

19、单谓 (large/small) quantities of + pl./u.n + 复谓小结:“许多,大量” 既可修饰 c.n 又可修饰 u.n的18. will n & v 意愿,意志willing adj adv: willingly unwilling adj be willing to do sth quite/ perfectly willing 很乐意,非常乐意1) 有志者,事竟成。Where there is a will, there is a way.2) There is his last will in this little. 遗嘱3) If you _ wait o

20、ver there for a minute, Mr Smith, Ill tell our manager youve arrived.A. are going to B. shall C. will D.need19. use up : give out, get throughrun out (of)1) 我的钱就要用光了。My money is being used up. = Im using up my money.=Im getting through my money.My money is running out. = My money is being run out of

21、.Reading1. With me are Ms Lin Shuiqing, from, and Mr Qian Liwei, a 表 系 主这个句子为全倒装结构。这里为了避免头重脚轻,把介词短语提到句首。有时为了强调句子中的某一个成分,如地点状语,也会构成倒装结构。请说出下列使用全倒装的情况:1) Attending the meeting is Mr Green.Loved deeply by Germans is Albert Einstein.2) On the top of the mountain stands a tall tree.3) Away ran the boy. a

22、dv位于句首 vi 如come/go/run/rush/come主语为n4) Such ended his life.5) There is a teacher and forty students in the classroom. 及there be变体结构2. present adj n & vtpresenter n host1) birthday present 目前,现在 at present 暂时 for the presnt2) 出席 be present at = in ones presence be absent fromthe present presidentthe

23、president present3) On his retirement, his colleagues presented him with a set of golf clubs. 赠送 a set of golf clubs to him. The committee will present his final report to the president.提交 You should present yourself better. 展现,呈现represent vt 表现,描述;代表,象征,表示;作为的代表representation n 表现,表示;代理representati

24、ve n & adj 代表;代理人;有代表性的,典型的 chief representative 首席代表 be representative of 代表的1) She was said to represent the whole group to attend the meeting. represent sb to do sth2) White is meant to represent purity and innocence. 象征3) This painting represents a storm. 描述,表现4) Chinese people invited many char

25、acters to represent idea, object and action. (express)3. lay eggslie n &vi (lied, lied) 谎言;(向)撒谎 tell a lie to sb = lie to sblie vi (lay, lain) 位于;躺lay vt (laid, laid) 下蛋;搁,放置 lay sth aside 把放在一边 lay the table 摆放桌子1) I would lie very still so that the “enemy” would not discover me.2) The cock lying

26、in the corner lied he laid the egg.3) He laid a hand on my arm. 把放在上4) The gang laid about him with sticks. (用某物)袭击/猛打某人5) Doctors have to lay their personal feelings aside. 把放在一边6) Both sides were urged to lay down their arms. 被督促放下武器7) I think youd better lay off fatty foods. (keep off 停止使用,远离)4.

27、The worlds population has grown by six time what it was in 1800. 倍数表达方法:1 倍数 + times + 比较级 + than2 倍数 + times + as + 原级 + as3 倍数 + times + the size/width/height/length of 4 倍数 + times + that/those of 5 倍数 + times + what 从句翻译:今年的产量是2008年的3倍。1) The output of this year is twice more than that of 2008.2

28、) The output of this year is three times as many as that of 2008.3) The output of this year is three times the size of 2008.4) The output of this year is three times that of 2008.5) The output of this year is three times what it was in 2008.5. As an economist, Im often seen as being against see sb a

29、s 把看做1) 美国被看作是世界和平的危险因素。 America is seen as a danger factor. treat as/like think of as regard as look on as consider (as) take it for granted against prep1) The evidence is against him.2) Although against my opinion, the old professor didnt come up with his own. be against 反对,不赞成 go against 违反,违背6.

30、They think of greedy businessmen hiding from their responsibility to the environment and hide vt (hid, hidden)1) She hides herself away in her office all day.2) He hid his face with a book.3) After searching the mountain, the police found the murderer _ in a big hole.A. hiding B. hidden C. hide D. having hidden4) Hidden behind the tree, he found her secret.Word powerGrammar and usage V-ing略New words (II):1. pick up1) The moment Mrs Black picked up the telephone and dialed Mr Blacks number, he picked hi

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