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1、七年级英语时态汇总七年级英语时态汇总一般现在时【定 义】一般现在时表示现在经常反复发生的动作、存在的状态或习惯性的动作。即描述我们日常生活中的衣食住行等活动。【用 法】(1) 在实际应用中,一般现在时常与以下时间状语联用:always, usually, often, sometimes, every week (day, year, month, once a week, on Sundays 例句:He usually plays football on Sundays.(2)没有时间状语,可以分以下四种类型:Abe型 这一类型由be动词+名词、形容词、副词、代词、数词或介词短语等一起构成

2、谓语,表示主语的个性、特征或状态。如: I am a student.(主语+be动词+名词) They are hungry.(主语+be动词+形容词) He is out.(主语+be动词+副词) That pen is mine.(主语+be动词+代词) I am fifteen.(主语+be动词+数词) The bike is under the tree.(主语+be动词+介词短语)Bdo型 do型由行为动词充当谓语,表示经常性或习惯性的动作,其构成为“主语+动词原形或动词第三人称单数形式”。如: I know it. He believes me.Cthere be型 there

3、be型句子表示“某地存在”,其构成为“there be+主语+其他”,表示客观事实。用法遵循“就近原则”,即主语是单数或并列主语中的第一个主语是单数,则用there is;主语是复数或并列主语中的第一个主语是复数,则用there are。如: (1)There is an eraser on the teachers desk.(主语an eraser是单数) (2)There is an orange,five apples and eight bananas in the bag.(并列主语中的第一个主语an orange是单数)D情态动词型 情态动词型句子的构成为“主语+情态动词+动词原

4、形”,情态动词和动词原形一起构成谓语,表示说话人对所叙述的动作或状态的看法。如: He can speak a little English.(can+speak) May I have a book, please?(may+have)【练 习】一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(Be动词)一般现在时中的be动词有四中形式: am is are be其中:am用于一人称主语I之后,构成I am句型。 is 用于三人称单数主语she, he, it或单个的人和物之后,构成She/He/It is句型。 are用于二人称you或复数主语we, they之后,构成You/We/They are句型。

5、be为该动词的原形,用于情态动词can, may, must之后或用于祈使句中。 如:Be careful! 当心!1. Jim _(be) a hard-working student at school.2. _(be) Tom and Sam in the same class?3. Your school life _(be) very interesting.4. There _(be) a pen, two rulers and some books on the desk.5. The boys _(be) very friendly to me.6. Maria _(be no

6、t) from the U.S.A.7. _(be) there any trees and a pool in the yard? 8. I want to _(be) a teacher.9. Mr. Wang cant _(be) at home, because the lights are off.10. Dont _(be) late for school again.二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(情态动词)情态动词有 can“能够,可以” may“可以” must必须 + 动词原形(不需变化) should 应该1. My mom can _(cook) food well.2

7、. Must she _(stay) at home now?3. What can the boy _(do) for his parents?4. Tom cant _(sing) an English song.5. He may _(perform) ballet at Kangkangs birthday party.6. She should _(help) her parents do some housework.三、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(实义动词)主语(一,二人称或三人称复数) + 动词原形主语(三人称单数) + 动词三人称单数形式(动词s/es)否定句中(dont,

8、doesnt) + 动词原形疑问句中(Do, Does + 主语) + 动词原形1. Tom often _(take) a talk after supper.2. Tom and I usually _(go) to school by bike.3. Does Lin Tao _(like) reading storybooks?4. What classes do you _(have) today?5. How often does the girl _(watch) TV?6. Where do they _(live) now?7. Every year many people

9、_(lose) their lives in traffic accidents.8. Sam doesnt _(get) up early in the morning.9. Each of them _(have) a nice schoolbag.10. They each _(sleep) late at night.四、 句型转换。(Be动词)否定句:直接在be动词之后加not。疑问句:将be动词提到主语之前。1. She is in a blue dress.(变否定句) She _ _ a blue dress.2. I am from Qijiang.(变一般疑问句) _ _

10、from Qijiang?3. Are the storybooks very interesting?(否定回答) No, _ _.4. His parents are both workers.(变一般疑问句) _ his parents _ workers?5. There are some nice books on the shelf.(对划线部分提问) _ _ on the shelf?五、 句型转换。(情态动词)否定句:直接在情态动词之后加not。疑问句:将情态动词提到主语之前。1. My mother may speak a little English.(变否定句) My m

11、other _ _ speak a little English.2. We should be careful when we cross the street.(变一般疑问句) _ _ be careful when we cross the street?3. Must I finish my homework at once?(作肯定和否定回答) Yes, _ _. No, _ _.4. Tom can recite a Chinese poem.(对划线部分提问) What _ Tom _?六、 句型转换。(实义动词)否定句:三人称单数主语 + doesnt +还原动词 其他主语 +

12、 dont + 动词疑问句:Does + 三人称单数主语 + 还原动词? Do + 其他主语 + 动词?1. They often play the piano loudly.(变否定句) They _ often _ the piano louldy.2. Jim learns English well.(变一般疑问) _ Jim _ English well?3. She likes Sichuan food very much.(对划线部分提问) What _ she _ very much?4. Do the boys usually play football after schoo

13、l?(作肯定回答) Yes, _ _.5. She usually does some cooking in the evening.(变否定句) She usually _ _ any cooking in the evening.6. I want to do some shopping.(变一般疑问句) _ you _ to do any shopping?7. Tom often wathes TV at night.(对划线部分提问) What _ Tom often _ at night?8. They sometimes go swimming in the afternoon.

14、(对划线部分提问) What _ they sometimes _ in the evening?一般过去时【定 义】一般过去时表示过去某个时间发生过了的动作或存在过的状态。即描述已经发生过了的事情。【时间标志性词】 yesterday,the day before yesterday, in 2010, (three days) ago, last (night, month, year, weekend), just now, 另一般过去时也表示经常或反复发生的动作,常和often, always等表示频率的时间状语连用。例如: I always went to school on foo

15、t last year. 去年我通常走路去上学。【用 法】Abe型 这一类型由be动词(was和were)+名词、形容词、副词、代词、数词或介词短语等一起构成谓语,表示主语以前或过去的个性、特征或状态。如: I was a student ten years ago.(主语+be动词+名词) They were hungry just now.(主语+be动词+形容词) The bike was under the tree yesterday.(主语+be动词+介词短语) It was rainy last Sunday. They were very happy at Kangkangs

16、birthday party.Bdid型did型由行为动词过去式充当谓语,表示以前做过的某事,其构成为“主语+动词过去式动词”。如: I knew him when I was young. He believed me at that time . Cthere be(was/were)型 there be型句子表示“某地曾经存在”,其构成为“there be(was/were)+主语+其他”。用法遵循“就近原则”,D情态动词型情态动词型句子的构成为“主语+情态动词过去式could+动词原形”,情态动词过去式和动词原形一起构成谓语,表示主语过去或曾经能做的事情。如: He could spe

17、ak a little English last year.(could+speak) What could she do when he was ten.【练 习】一、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(Be动词)一般过去时中的be动词有两种形式: was和were其中:was用于单数主语之后,构成I/she/he/It was句型。 were用于复数主语和二人称you之后,构成You/We/They were句型。1. I _(be) a little girl at that time.2. When _(be) you born?3. Maria _(be) born in Cuba.4. T

18、he weather yesterday _(be) very cold.5. They _(be) very happy at Kangkangs birthday party yesterday.6. What _(be) the date the day before yesterday?7. _(be) you at home a moment ago?8. Where _(be) your parents last Saturday?9. My mother _(be not) in Chongqing last month.10. How _(be) the weather thi

19、s morning?二、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(情态动词)情态动词can的过去式为could,无人称变化。1. Jane _(can) speak Chinese well when she was only five.2. _(can) they dance the disco last year?3. I _(can not) sleep well last night.4. What _(can) you do just now?三、 用所给词的适当形式填空。(实义动词)首先根据句中提供的时间短语确定是否该用过去式。然后判断该动词是属于规则动词还是不规则动词。规则动词直接加ed,不规

20、则动词则需强化记忆。1. I _(like) reading books before. But now I dont. 2. She _(watch) TV late yesterday evening.3. We _(clean) up our classroom a moment ago.4. _ they _(have) any bread this morning?5. What _ you _(do) the day before yesterday?6. Tom _(go) to visit the Great Wall last year.7. Mr. Wang _(sing)

21、 an English song just now.8. _ Lin Tao have a good time at the party last Sunday?9. We _(not porform) ballet yesterday. We _(recite) a poem.10. The wind yesterday _(blow) strongly.四、 句型转换。(Be动词)否定句:直接在was/were后加not。疑问句:将was/were提到主语之前。1. I was born in a small town.(变为一般疑问句) _ you _ in a small town?2

22、. Sam was a little boy at that time.(变为否定句) Sam _ _ little boy at that time.3. His friends were in the library just now.(对划线部分提问) _ _ his friends just now?4. Were they very happy yesterday?(作否定回答) No, _ _.5. Was your brother born in Chongqing?(作肯定回答) Yes, _ _.五、 句型转换。(情态动词)肯定句:直接在could后加not.疑问句:将cou

23、ld提到主语之前。1. I could sing English songs when I was five.(变一般疑问句) _ you _ English songs when you were five?2. The boy could ride a bike last year.(变否定句) The boy _ _ a bike last year.3. They could play a game yesterday.(对划线部分提问) What _ they _ yesterday?4. Could your friends cook food last Sunday?(作肯定回答

24、) Yes, _ _.六、 句型转换。(实义动词)否定句:didnt + 还原动词疑问句:Did + 主语 + 还原动词1. I went to Sichuan with my friends during summer holidays.(变否定句) I _ _ to Sichuan with my friends during summer holidays.2. She recited a poem at Kangkangs birthday party.(变一般疑问句) _ she _ a poem at Kangkangs birthday party?3. They did the

25、ir homework half an hour ago.(变否定句) They _ _ their homework half an hour ago.4. Tom sang a song beautifully yesterday.(对划线部分提问) What _ Tom _ yesteray?5. Jim took many pictures in winter holidays.(变一般疑问句) _ Jim _ many pictures in winter holidays?6. Did the kid hurt himself just now?(做否定回答) No, _ _.7.

26、 They knew the girl in blue well?(对划线部分提问) Who _ they _ well?8. I forgot to close the door yesterday evening.(对划线部分提问) What _ you _ to do yesterday evening?现在(正在)进行时【定 义】现在(正在)进行时表示说话的瞬间正在进行或发生的事情。如:They are singing and dancing happily now . 他们正在高兴地唱歌跳舞。 She is showing her friend around the city . 她

27、正在带一位朋友游览城市。【结 构】主语+ be(am / is / are)+动词的-ing形式。肯定句形式:I + am 动词ing. 如:I am reading (read) an interesting story book now.She/He/It + is 动词ing. 如:Tom is reading (read) an interesting story book now.We/You/They + are动词ing. 如:They are reading (read) an interesting story book now.否定句形式:直接在be(am, is, are)之后加not,其余照抄。如: I am not reading ( not read) an interesting story book now. Tom isnt reading ( not read) an interesting story book now. They arent reading ( not read) an interesting

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