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1、高三英语词汇复习定语从句写作常见高级词汇课 题1)基础知识回顾 2)综合训练任务型写作教学目标提高学生的基础知识;提高任务型写作;重点、难点如何提高学生的写作能力;考点及考试要求高考对综合技能的考查;教学内容StepI Homework CheckStep II 综合训练 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2130各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Scottsdale was a typical American suburb in the 1950s,with children going to each others houses to play, or r

2、iding their bikes around the neighborhood. But for Steven Spielberg none of these “normal” activities were very excitmg. Instead he made his own entertainment, like the time he 21 his younger sisters that he had a dead body in his bedroom and almost frightened them to death. When Steven was about se

3、ven years o1d, he developed a 22for television, despite the 23 his parents made t control the childrens viewing. His father 24 placed hair on the television“ON switch to know when Steven watched TV. But Steven would 25 its position and replace it after watching hours of television. A chance finally

4、came for Steven to 26 his ability to entertain with his enthusiasm for television. When his father received a movie camera for Fathers Day, the movies he took,“according to Steven, were 27.Annoyed by his sons 28criticism;(批评),he gave the camera to Steven. Steven proved to be a( an) 29 with the camer

5、a and quickly made several films using his own toys as the performers. His parents were 30by how life-like they were and so he began a magnificent movie career. 21. A. convinced B. reminded C. promised D. encouraged 22. A. gift B. need C. concem D. love 23. A. decisions B. suggestions C.attempts D.

6、preparations 24. A.quietly B. secretly C hopefully D. successfully 25. A.locate B. relate C. memorize D. examine 26. A.combine B. compare C. connect D. accompany 27. A.special B.terrible C. entertaining D.surprising 28. A.occasional B. humorous C .unreasonable D.constant 29. A.winner B. expert C. na

7、tural D.native 30. A.satisfied B. amazed C. puzzled D.inspired第二节、语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为3140的相应位置上。 Leaders of the European Union say they will help Greece as it Struggles under a mountain of debt. They promise to take action, 31

8、 needed, “to maintain financial stabibty in the euro(欧元)area as a whole.” But the leaders did not announce any 32(detail) plan for Greece after meeting Thursday in Brussels. They said that was 33Greece has not requested any financial support. European Commission President said this means the movemen

9、t believes 34 does not need the support. Businessmen had a mixed reaction 35 the statements from Brussels. Worries over Greek debt have pushed the euro to its 36 (low) value in manths against the dollar. European Union finance ministers are expected to talk about Greece when they meet in the Belgian

10、 capital next week.Sixteen of 37 twenty-seven nations in the European Union use euro as their currency.Now, the stronger members 38(seek) ways to help the weaker ones. European Union rules limit the choices for a rescue. The European Central Bank and national central banks are not permitted to aid m

11、embers by purchasing their debt. European officials hope to avoid the economic disasters 39 could become even worse if Greece fails 40(pay) its debt. This year Greeces debt could reach 120% of its G. D. P.Part IV 任务型写作训练读写任务题型刨析读写任务型写作是任务型语言教学的重要组成部分和有效的评价形式,它是英语考试的新题型,目的是考查考生综合应用语言能力,反映现代语言学习要求在语言的


13、理念,是一种很有推广价值的评价形式的尝试,充分体现了“真实性、思想性和科学性”命题原则,有助于考查考生的英语语言能力,提高以英语为工具分析和解决问题的能力。下面让我们先看看这个全新的读写任务题型。题目:读写任务(共l小题,满分25分)阅读下面的短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。Dear Ari, As you sleep in my arms, Im amazed at how light you feel. I stare at your tiny body, so fragile that a sudden wind could lift you up into the ai

14、r. I love this feeling of protecting you and dreaming of all I have in store for you. I intend to bring you up to be brave and successful in an often difficult society. Thats why your mommy and I have named you Ari, which means lion. Its our hope that you will grow strong and eagerly grasp every opp

15、ortunity to do well for yourself and others. Before you came into the world, we had spent months imagining what youd be like. Would you be a boy or a girl Would you look like Mommy, Daddy or your elder brothers Anyway, we would find out soon. Finally your mothers labor came. And several hours later,

16、 we met the first time. I held you high up in the air. I then was able to cut your umbilical cord (脐带) and put you in your mothers arms. She still had enough energy to radiate the love while she pressed you to her face. And here we are tonight. As I hold you close, you sleep so peacefully. I press m

17、y ear to your chest and hear your strength. I am listening to the first beats of a lions heart. Welcome to the world, Ari.Love,Daddy写作内容 假设你就是信中的Ari,父亲在你出生的时候写了这封信。今天是父亲50岁生日,你准备以写信的方式,祝贺他的生日。以下是信的内容(信的开头和结尾已经为你写好): 1. 以约30个词概括父亲在他信中对你的期望; 2. 以约120个词表达你对父亲的感恩,并包括如下要点: (1)读信后的感受;(2)以你自己成长的经历说明你的感受;(3

18、)表达你对父亲的感激和祝福。 写作要求 1. 作文中可使用自己的亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2.信中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。 评分标准 概括准确,语言规范,内容合适,篇章连贯。我们可以看出,这种读写写作任务的设计思想是很明显的:1设置的语境比较生活化:该读写任务的情景是学生(扮演Ari)在父亲50岁生日时,看到了他18年前在Ari出生时写给他的一封信,Ari准备以写信的方式,表达对父亲的感恩并祝贺他生日快乐。父子情是学生们现实生活中都有过的经历,这样生活化的情景贴近学生的实际生活,使得每个学生都有自己的话可以说,较好地激活学生的语言表达欲望,并

19、具有较好的区分度。2设计的任务真实可操作:该读写任务要求学生阅读完父亲的信之后,给父亲写一封信:首先以约30个词概括父亲在他信中对孩子的期望;并以约120个词表达你对父亲的感恩。以信的方式表达对父亲的感恩不仅体现了写作任务的真实性和可操作性,而且还渗透了深刻的情感态度价值观。 3充分发挥考生的个性:考试中的读写任务设计旨在最大限度发挥学生的阅读和写作能力,并根据学生的语言产出区分他们之间的能力差异。每个学生在完成读写任务时都可能有不同的表现,这是读写任务设计的一个重要标准。该读写任务为每个学生提供了比较大的自由发挥空间,而且每个学生都有自己的经历,因此每个学生都可以根据自己的亲身经历和实际的语

20、言水平完成这项 读写任务,产出具有较好区分度的英语作文。可以看出,“读写任务”其实也是一种“指导性写作”(guided writing),它有如下这些特点:1. 遵循语言学里有关input和output的理论原理,既考查考生的接受技能( receptive skills ),也考查考生的产出技能( productive skills ) ,把读和写有机地的结合起来,改变了以往写作题“为写而写”的被动局面。2. 要求考生对所给的英语语言材料进行加工,即客观、准确而又全面地理解、判断和转述所给材料的观点。3. 考试内容要求上体现民主和宽松,表现为整篇文章要求控制在“150词左右”,其中,概括所给短

21、文要求词数30个左右,发表考生个人看法的词数要求在120左右; “至少包含以下的内容要点”的字眼表明考生可以适当自由发挥增加相关内容。4. 侧重考查考生转述他人观点、提出自我观点、论证所提观点的思维能力,考查考生概括能力、思辨能力和较高的语篇布局能力。由以上特点,我们可以看出,读写任务对考生提出了比较高的语言运用能力上的要求:1.要求考生必须能够具备一定的阅读能力,对材料提纲挈领,用简洁明了的语言客观、准确、全面地转述所给内容。2. 要求考生选材必须切题,能从平时积累的语料和非语言知识中准确而迅速地提取相关的材料。这需要平时知识的积累与考试时敏锐的判断相结合。3. 要求要有明确的文章主题,这个

22、主题必须贯穿整篇文章;文章各段落的主题与整个文章的主题之间相呼应;文章层次分明,有条理;衔接过渡要自然。4. 要求考生使用合乎语法规范的语言, 进而要使用较为地道自然的英语,不能有语法错误和中国式英语。“读写任务”题型的出现是英语高考命题的一大进步。它在一定程度上突破了传统写作的限制,它不仅创造性地把“读”和“写”完整、紧密、有机地结合起来,还注重从篇章结构层次,语言材料的处理等方面对考生进行考查评价,能从更高的层次考查考生英语语言能力。 “读写任务”这种明显的层次性,适应了考生英语能力的层次性,也与高考选拔人才的甄别性与层次性相符。这种令人耳目一新的考试评价方式对于我们今后英语写作教学和应考

23、训练提出了全新的挑战,也指明了前进的方向。Step III 解题方法下面我们来讨论一下完成读写任务的具体操作流程及方法:一、 确定标题不管好坏,一定要有标题,标题是文章的点睛之处。根据所给材料和所规定的论题或要点确立自己论述的内容或观点后进行命题。命题要体现整篇文章议论的中心。如:Opinions towards Fast Food/Is Failure a Bad Thing?/Learn from Mistakes 等。二、 进行概括概括文章要点,语言要精炼,概括要全面,行文要连贯,表达要准确。议论文则用自己的话表达论点、论据和结论。概括时常用的句式有:1 This article dea

24、ls with/discusses/analyzes/strongly emphasizes2 This article not only describesbut also suggests3 This article comparesand summarizes key findings4 This article gives an account of/provides an analysis of / provides a method of5 This article reports the last information on6 The problem of sth is dis

25、cussed7 This article shows/tells us that8 The author finds it necessary to9 The author finds it necessary to10. The author strongly emphasizes the benefits of getting up early such as三、自然过渡写完概括后,用句恰当的过渡语引出自己的观点(反对或赞成)。过渡语起承接启下的作用,使文章显得自然、连贯。常用的过渡句式有:1I do agree with the author2. In some way, I agree

26、 with, but3. This point sounds right, but4. However, I think5. I definitely believe6. In my opinion, 7. Personally, I feel that8. As far as Im concerned9. I cant agree more with . Such cases are often seen in our life.10. Attitudes towardsare various.三、 列举例证提出自己的观点后就要用具体的事例来论证自己的观点。常用的句式见下表:常用英文句式相对

27、应的汉语First, Second Last, 首先.,其次.最后.On the one hand,.On the other hand, 一方面.,另一方面.For one thing and for another.一方面.另一方面.Furthermore/Besides/ In addition.再者.Some think., while others may.一些人认为., 另一些人认为.五、总结点题总结句约30词,进一步总结作者的观点,提出具体做法或号召,升华文章的主题。常用的句式见下表:常用英文句式相对应的汉语In conclusion.总之In short.长话短说In a wo

28、rd.总之In general.总之All in all.总之All these things considered综述所有观点To sum up概括地Therefore因此Practice第二节、读写任务(共1题,满分25分)阅读下列短文,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。 Dear Patti, Im writing to you for some advice on my studies. As you know, football is a very popular sport in the world and I am attracted to it and I have f

29、allen in deep love with it, which makes me feel so crazy. I have been spending lots of time doing many things related to it, like watching football matches, reading newspapers and magazines, and searching the Web for more information about football. As a result, it has certainly disturbed my normal

30、study. Though I know to be a football fan is my hobby and my major objective is to learn more knowledge in school, I cant concentrate on my lessons and gradually I am tired of them. I am still a senior two middle school students, and Ill have my own business even when I grow up, so I am not likely t

31、o do a job in the field of football. But now I cant stop myself from getting involved further with football. So I feel very depressed and want to know how to deal with the contradiction (矛盾) between my studies and hobbies. Sincerely yours, Li Ming写作内容 假如你是李明的笔友Patti,请根据他信中所诉说的苦恼回封信。以下是回信的内容(信的开头和结尾已经为你写好):1. 以约30个词概括李明的苦恼;2. 以约120个词发表你的看法,并包括如下要点:(1) 你认为李明应该如何处理好他的学习和业余爱好的关系;(2) 以自己的事例说明你的理由;(3) 表达你对他的希望。写作要求1. 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的观点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;2. 信中不能出现真实姓名和学习名称。Dear Li Ming, Thank you for your letter. From your lett

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