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1、七年级英语上学期期中试题无答案牛津译林版江苏省南通市启秀中学2017-2018学年七年级英语上学期期中试题一卷(选择题)一、听力略二、单项选择(本题共15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15 分)21. -Millie, doyouhavebasketball?-Of course, Ilikeplayingbasketball verymuch.A./;/ B.a;/ C.a;a D. /;a22. -What else do we need for theparty?-else. I get everything readynow.A. Nothing B.Everything C.Someth

2、ing D.Anything23. Mum,whereisof my shoes? Ionlyfindunder mybed.A. other;two B.another;them C. theother;one D. the other;it24. -Wendy,thankshelping me learnEnglish.-Youre welcome. And you help mealotmy maths,right?A. with;for B.for;with C.about;for D. for;about25. Mary looks at me in surprise, withhe

3、rmouth.A. opened B.close D.closed26. Which of the underlined sound is different from theothers?A. book C.cook D.look27. My house is south of my school. It isthreekilometerstheschool.A. farawayfrom B.farfrom C. awayfarfrom D. awayfrom28. -CanIyour Mathsbook?-Of course, butyoucantit toot

4、hers.A. borrow;lend B.lend;lend C.lend;borrow D. borrow;borrow29. Nowadays more and more boy studentshavefuncomputergames.A. played B.playing C.toplay D.plays30. -What do you know about yourneighbour?-I thinkhehasfriends because he always stays at homealone.A. few B.afew C.little D. alittle31. -How

5、long doyouspendyour homework everyday?-Doing myhomeworkusuallyme an hour and ahalf.A. to do;spends B. todo;takes C.doing;spends D. doing;takes32. Hethe homework today. He may do ittomorrow.A. neednttofinish B. doesnt needfinishC. needsnotfinish D. doesnt need tofinish33. -Why are you in a hurry,Mike

6、?-My cousin, withhisfriendsat the schoolgate.A. wait B.waits C.iswaiting D. arewaiting34. -Tom,is it from your school to the WestLake?-Im not sure. I guess its about 30 minutes byunderground.A. howlong B.howfar C.howsoon D. howoften35. -Mum, Id like to watch a film thisafternoon.-. But please do you

7、r homeworkfirst.A. Thatsright. B.Allright. C. Thatsallright. D. all theabove三、完形填空(本题共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)Who invented (发明) music?Who sang the first song ?No one knows the answers _ 36 these questions. But we know that music is 37 in almost everyones life.Babies and young children would like 38 to sing

8、 for them. When they grow older, they liketosing the songs themselves. When children go to school, their 39 of music grows . In school, students 40 music lessons. And they become 41 in pop music.Music will make them 42 after a days hard 43 .We can 44 hear music in shops,buses and houses ,we shall tr

9、y to findout 45 aboutmusic.The following is a radiobroadcast(广播).Good morning,todays broadcast brings together music away from different places of the world.We 46some American music and pop music you.In this broadcast we shallstudy the music. We shall try to find out what music says and howpeople 47

10、 .I will tellyou48_ they are all good music.The word “ music ” comes from the word muse.TheMuses are goddesses(女神) of the arts. So Music is a kind of 49 . Its like a speaking,but it is 50.We cant imagine that without music what our life would B.with C.on D.in37.A.important B.enough C.

11、easy38.A.everyone B.someone C.country40.A.make B.teach C.hate41.A.interesting B.lucky C.interested42.A.happy B.sad C.design44.A.too B.also C.either45. A,more B.little C.few46. A.tell B.give C.collect47. A.learn B.feel C.smile48. B.what C.why49

12、. A.lesson C.dance50. A.bad B.different C.goodD.difficult D.nobody D.home D.have D.happy D.beautiful D.never D.many D.spend D.know D.which D.differently四、阅读理解(本题共20小题:每小题2分,满分40分)AToms clothingshopClothesColourPricesockswhite,blue$4pantsblack$11sweaterred,white$8T-shirtred, green

13、,black$7hatblack,red$651Which is the most expensive ofall?AHat. BT-shirt. CPants. DSocks. 52You dont like black, so youmaybuyintheshopAsocks Bpants CT-shirts Dhats 53You only have sixteen dollarsYoucanbuyAa sweater and a pairofpants Btwo T-shirts and a pairofsocksCa sweater and two pairsofsocks Da s

14、weater and twohatsBWillyoutell othersyourQQpassword(密码)?Ofcoursenot.Butifyourpasswordsaretooeasy,thehacker can guessthem.3These days we have too many passwords to remember. To make life easy, some people use easy passwords, like “123456”, “888888” or “abc123”. Many people also use personal informati

15、on (个人信息), like a birthday, as passwords. But these easy passwords are not safe(安全) online. So please use different passwords for different things and remember to change your passwords every 90days.Here are some ways to make a safepassword.Upper-casing (大写) your password is a good start. Put numbers

16、 and symbols in your password. Makeyour passwords long. For example(例如), make a password of nine letters, with numbers and symbols in itandupper-casing it. Then it will take hackers hundreds of years to workout!54. We should changeourpasswords.A. everyweek B. every 30 days C. every 60 days D. every

17、90days55. According to this passage,thereareways to make a safepassword.A. one B.two C.three D.four56. Which of the following passwords is thesafest(最安全)?A. 20040215. B. STARwars#520. C.abc123. D.goodluck.57. This passage ismainlyabout.A. how to use your QQnumbersB. how to change yourpasswordsC. how

18、 to make a safepasswordD. how to remember yourpasswordCThere was a very self-sufficient (自负的) blind man (盲人), who did a lot of traveling alone. He was making his first trip to Texas and happened to sit next to a man from Texason the plane. The Texan spent a lot of time telling him how everything is

19、bigger and better in Texas. When the blind man reached a large hotel, he was very excited about being inTexas.The long trip made him very tired so he decided to stop at the bar for a small drink and a light snack before going up to his room to change his clothes. When the waitress set down his drink

20、, it was in a big cup. “Wow, I hear everything in Texasis bigger,” he toldher.“Thats right,” she answered. The blind man ate his snack and finished his drink. After drinking so much, he wanted to go to the restroom (厕所). He asked the waitress where it was. She told him to turn left at the register (

21、登记处) and it would be the second door on theright.He reached the first door and continued down the hall. A few steps later he stumbled (绊脚) and missed the second door and went through the 3rd door instead. Not knowing he went to the swimming area, he walked forward (向前) and fell into the swimmingpool

22、.Remembering everything he heard about things being bigger in Texas, as soon as he had his head above water, he started shouting, “Dont flush (冲洗)! Dontflush!”58. What was the first thing the blind man did in thehotel?A. He talked with aTexan.B. He had a small drink and a lightsnack.C. He went up to

23、 his room to change hisclothes.D. He wanted to go to therestroom.59. What is the Chinese meaning of the underlined word“waitress”?A.店主 B.女服务员 C.男服务员 D.客人60. What did the blind man know about Texasbefore he gotthere?A. He went there for the first time and knew nothing aboutit.B. He knew that the Texa

24、n were veryfriendly.C. He knew Texasvery well fromothers.D. He knew everything was bigger and better inTexas.61. Where did the blind man think hewent?A. He thought he went into therestroom.B. He thought he went into a bar.C. He thought he went into the swimmingarea.D. He thought he went up into hisr

25、oom.DDo you know something about the holiday camps in Hong Kong? The students in Hong Kong used to takepart in an English holiday camp in their holiday and their parents werent with them, though they were veryyoung.Now they will enjoy taking part in many kinds of holiday camps without their parents.

26、 Many parents let their children take part in some kinds of holiday camps in order to learn some practical knowledge in their life and also learn some knowledge about living skills, science, reading and writingThe most important for the children is to learn to look afterthemselves.Holiday camps in H

27、ong Kong are not so expensive. Most of the family can afford to send their childrenthere for furtherstudy,formakingtheirbodiesstrongAndthegovernmentnevercharges(收费)forthem.It is said that students in Hong Kong have much knowledge about many things. Perhaps it has something todo with the kinds of hol

28、idaycamps.62. Students in Hong Kong like to take partinthe.A. Englishholidaycamps B. holidaycampsC. scienceholidaycamps D. Chinese holidaycamps63. When students in Hong Kong are in holiday camps,theirparents.A. must be withthemB. have to look after themnearbyC. must stay athomeD. arent withthem64. T

29、he most important thing for the students to take part in the holiday camp in HongKongis.A. to learn to lookafterthemselves B. to learn much knowledge about manythingsC. to make theirbodiesstrong D. to have a further study about manysubjects65. The cost to take part in a holidaycampsis.veryexpensive

30、B.notcheap C.veryhigh D.low66. The students who often take part in the holidaycamps A. must have much knowledge about manythingsB. must be verythinC. must be verytallD. must be verybeautifulE“How are you?” is a nice question. Its a friendly way that people in the U.S.A greet each other. But How are

31、you?isalsoaveryunusualquestion.Its aquestionthatoftendoesntneedananswer.Thepersonwhoasks How areyou?hopestoheartheanswerFine, evenifthepersonsfriendisntfine.ThereasonisthatHowareyou? isnt really a question and Fine isnt really an answer. They are simply other ways of saying Hello orHi.Sometimes, people also dont say exactly what they mean. For example, when someone asks Do youagree? the other person might think, No, I disagree. I think youre wrong.But it isnt very polite to disagree sostrongly, so the other person might say

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