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2、拯救伟大的爱国诗人屈原,另一种是因为怕蛟龙伤害屈原的身体,人们可以驾舟击鼓鸣锣,以驱走蛟龙。每年五月初五,都会有赛龙舟看。这就是中国的传统节日端午。我爱端午节!The fifth day of may is the traditional Chinese festival of DragonBoatFestival. The Dragon Boat Festival is also known as the fifth, May Day, theafternoon festival, the dragon festival, the poets day, the festival of the

3、festival, thechildrens day and the loranfestival. The main customs of the Dragon Boat Festivalare: eatingzongzi, racingdragon boat RACES, daughters returning to the home, combat, hitting, swingingand eating saltedeggs.The origin of the Dragon Boat Festival is to commemorate the greatpatrioticpoet: q

4、uyuan.When making zongzi, they can have different shapes such as triangles,circles, squares andrectangles. They are salty, sweet andpeanut.Dragon boat racing is because the spacecraft can save the great patrioticpoet qu yuan, the other is because afraid of dragon hurt the body of qu yuan,people can

5、play it sailed gong, to kill thedragon. Every year on the fifth dayof may, there is a dragon boatrace.This is the traditional Chinese festival, Dragon BoatFestival. I loveDragon Boat Festival!端午节英语作文演讲2今天是端午节,我们一家人五点就起床,按照习俗上山去趟露水。一路上我用双手捧起晶莹的露珠往眼睛上抹,一时间我觉得眼睛好像亮了好多。直到坐在教室读书时还觉得眼睛特别亮,什么字都能看清楚。放学后,我撒开

6、腿就往家里跑。刚到门口就闻到粽子香,一进门就看见爸爸做了一桌子好菜专门等我回家吃。我洗过手来到饭桌前,先给爸爸妈妈一人解了一个粽子,撒上白糖,然后给我自己解了一个漂亮的三角粽子,撒上白糖就津津有味地吃起来。饭桌上,我们一家边吃边聊,屋子里充满了端午节的快乐气氛,弥漫着香喷喷的粽子味和浓浓的艾香。吃完饭,妈妈给我耳朵上抹了雄黄酒,给我嘴上摸了唇膏,给我手腕上戴了红线绳,把我打扮得和粽子一样香,就让我到学校去学习。我爱吃粽子,爱过端午节,爱享受节日的欢乐气氛。Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and our family get up at five o clo

7、ckand go up to the dew in accordance withcustom. All the way, I put my hands tothe eyes with my glittering dewdrops, and I felt as if my eyes werebrighter.The eyes were so bright as they sat in the classroom that they couldreadanything. After school, I spread my legs and ranhome. As soon as I got to

8、 the door,I could smell zongzi, and as soon as I entered the door, I saw my father make atable for me to come home toeat. I had washed at the table, give mom and dadone solution for a zongzi, sprinkle with sugar, then give my ownsolution to a beautiful triangle zongzi, sprinkle with sugar to eat wit

9、hrelish.At the dinner table, we eat and talk, the room is filled with the happyatmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival, the smellof zongzi and the aromaofincense. Meal, mother gave me the ears with realgar wine, for my lipstouch thelipstick, gave me a wrist red cord, dressed I like dumplings incense,

10、 let I tothe school tolearn.I love eating zongzi, love the Dragon Boat Festival and enjoy thefestiveatmosphere.端午节英语作文演讲3阳光明媚的星期六,我们在家里过着一年一度的端午节。这天,妈妈在厨房里包粽子,做鲜美可口的饭菜。我和爸爸在客厅里下棋。终于到了吃饭的时候,我们围着桌子吃着粘软的粽子和美味的饭菜。把我撑得肚皮像球一样。我想:过端午节真好,我真想每天都过端午节,天天吃好吃的。On a sunny Saturday, we spent the annual Dragon Boat

11、 Festival athome. On this day, mom makes dumplings in the kitchen and makes delicious anddeliciousfood. My father and I were playing chess in the livingroom. When wefinally got to dinner, we were eating sticky dumplings and delicious food aroundthetable. Keep me belly like aball. Ithink: the Dragon

12、Boat Festival is very good, I really want to celebratethe Dragon Boat Festival every day, eat good food everyday.端午节英语作文演讲4 Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient traditional festivals, began in theSpring and Autumn period, has been 2021 years ofhistory. Dragon Boat Festivaloriginated from Qu Yuansstory

13、: Qu Yuan advocated by the virtuous andEmpowerment, Fuguoqiangbing, advocated joint Qi Kang Qin, it was noble son ofLan and others strongly opposed, the result being greedy Qu Yuan has resigned,and was driven out of capital, exiled to Yuan, XiangRiver. 278 BC, the Qinbreak ChuKyoto. Qu Yuan saw thei

14、r country invaded, Xinrudaoge, but still couldnot bear to give up their own country, in the May 5, the pen never wrote aHuaisha, the bouldering vote Miluo River body death, taking our own livescomposed a magnificent song of patriotismmovement. Legend of Qu Yuans death,the state of Chu people abnorma

15、l grief, have rushed to pay tribute to Qu YuanMiluoRiver. Fishermen are drawn from the vessel, in the river salvage his realbody back andforth. One fisherman come prepared for Qu Yuans rice balls, eggsand other food, thump, thump land thrown into the river, saying it was fed tofish, crab, lobster, t

16、hey will not bite Qu doctorshealth. People see belowfollowedsuit. An old doctor was brought an altar Announcements, updates, pouredinto the river, saying that the water should be drug halo dragon beast,so asnot to hurt the doctorbent. Later, as the dragon balls for fear of food, peoplecome up with n

17、eem leaves Ssambap, outer wrapped wire color has developedintozongzi. After the fifth day of May of each year, there is a dragon boat races,eating dumplings, drink Announcements, updates, customs, in order to commemoratethe patriotic poet QuYuan.Dragon Boat Festival is a tradition to eatdumplings. W

18、henever the fifthday of May, my mother would pack a number of dumplings, let us satisfytheirappetites. Mamas dumplings packages are particularly tasty, one end of thetable, the smell of the fragrance comes, I will be devoured his brother and Dadhave to eat, will not rest untileat.The Dragon Boat Fes

19、tival kids wear Sachet, legends evil blast meaningflooding, is actually a window dressing for the firstlapel. Sachet containingcinnabar, realgar, incense medicine, outsourcing to cloth, fragrance lovers, andthen to buckle into a five-color silk string cable for a variety of differentshapes, form a s

20、tring, all kinds,cute.Wearing a sachet, relish in eating the fragrant rice dumplings, the DragonBoat Festival, I have more heart indescribablyhappy. Today, Dragon BoatFestival has been the national statutory holiday and that Chinas folk customshandeddown from generation to generation!端午节英语作文演讲5 Toda

21、y, the Dragon Boat Festival arrived, my mother and Iwent to the hualian supermarket to buy four bags of zongzi, my mother also bought five cerealsfragrantlotus.At home, my mother began to cook dumplings, in ten minutes, sweet anddelicious rice dumplings is born, I bite, I saw there is a sweet glutinous rice,plump peanuts, and fresh corn!Its delicious, sweet and delicious!I like this kind of ricedumplings. 端午节英语作文演讲初中

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