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1、作文模板 3. 常见土单词排行榜: 1)think have been convinced that be of the opinion that cling to the perspective that maintain contend assert argue assume claim 2) many a sea of multitudes of immense amounts of numerous innumerable plentiful ) people we us private individuals youngsters and teenagers all children

2、 and adults experts and professors parents kids offspring businessman university students 3) very pretty rather quite exceedingly distinctly outstandingly remarkably extraordinarily especially 4) important be of great significance play a key role in sth essential crucial critical indispensable 5)ver

3、y quite pretty rather extremely especially outstandingly remarkably exceedingly extraordianrily 写作无话可说时怎么办? although so abundant cases can support my simple view, the following one is most favorable. B examples to prove the view are abundant. The most persuasive one is the case of sb ; C this can be

4、 illustrated by the example of sb ; D such stimulating/ less impressive cases /stories are not rare in our daily life, yet the following one is definitely typical. 举例:不要以貌取人: once i had a classmate named xiaocui and she is so short and fat. thus, almost everybody was laughing at her. until one day,

5、she, in our English class , sang a beautiful song bravely while other students were just sitting there because of shyness. from then on, we knew that she was really brave and beautiful. the story tells that donot judge a person by his appearance. 二 引用名人名言 there seemed a well-known writer in japan wh

6、o stated that sth is to human beings as water is to fish 或者“ sth is to human beings as nightmares are to poor kids.” 三 数据列举 in accordance with an investigation by the department of social science in an esteemed university, an increasing amount of adolesents are of the opinion that sth , no wonder, i

7、s playing a key role in our daily study and life. 或者 sth, no wonder, is playing an less impressive role in our daily life and study.7 文章 一 谚语警句类 第一段 引出主题 + 解释你对这句话的理解 第一句 1.Nowadays, there remains an increasing interest in the topic about; 2 Recently the issue ofhas been in the limelight / brought i

8、nto focus; 3. what is your idea as to the topic about? it is my belief that 二句 三句:解释这句话的意思 the meaning of the saying seems that . 比如: 不要草率做决定 seems that if you hope to do something successfully, please think it carefully. that is to say, it is foolish to decide it quickly. 二段 举例 三段 总结段 第一句 1.under n

9、o circumstances can we fail to pour attention into the importance /seriousness of the fact that 2. it is really high time that we poured attention into the fact that 3 it is the fact that_ which plays an essential role in our study and life 4 it is the fact that_ which really has a great influence o

10、n our study and life. 第二 三句话具体措施 for one thing / for another; on one hand / on the other hand; eg write an essay on happiness by referring to the saying “Happiness is not the absence of problems, but the ability to deal with them.” You can cite examples to illustrate your points and then explain how

11、 you can develop your ability to deal with problem and be happy 措施一 父母采取措施 parents are supposed to spend more time eduacating their kids to do sth eg to be happy facing difficulties. to put eggs in different baskets. 措施二 awareness about sth could be cultivated to make ourselves lead a healthy and fa

12、vorable life. 最后一句: 喊口号! 1) Only by taking these action can people have a more brilliant and glorious future. 2) so Shouldnt human beings pay much attention to the meaningful saying /problem? 3) so under no account could people divert attention from the issue of sth. 4) the more actively people face

13、 the issue, the more happily they will lead their life.二 图画图表作文 第一段: 一二句主语从句引出描述图画或图表; it seems beyond dispute is that in the vivid cartoon/chart . a son is telling his father that he is . while his father is saying that . 三句话 总接图画中心思想; simple as the cartoon looks, its meaning behind is really so fa

14、r-reaching- if you desire to do something great ,you have to do it from small things. 第二段 原因分析或举例 第一句 1 The majority of people would agree that sth has caused serious problems. 2 it is superficially a simple phenomenon, but when subjected to analysis ,it has its fundamental reasons. 3 there stand at

15、 least two reasons, from my perspective, for the present phenomenon . 4 However, recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution. to begin with 原因一 in addition 原因二 in the end 原因三 三段 解决问题 第一句 1 therefore, it is imperative for us, people in all walks, to take drastic measures to reverse

16、this disturbing trend 。 2 if we donot desire the trend to become a reality in the future, positive steps must be taken to put an end to sth right now. 3 my suggestion, to put an end to the negative situation ,are the following steps. 4 the most important thing, confronted the current situation, is n

17、ot to say, but instead to do. 第二 三句话具体措施 for one thing / for another; on one hand / on the other hand; 措施一 父母采取措施 parents are supposed to spend more time eduacating their kids to do sth eg to do little things well.措施二awareness about sth could be cultivated to make ourselves lead a healthy and favora

18、ble life. eg doing current things 第四句 1) Only by taking these action can people have a more brilliant and glorious future. 2) so Shouldnt human beings pay much attention to the meaningful saying /problem? 3) so under no account could people divert attention from the issue of sth. 4) the more activel

19、y people face the saying/ issue, the more happily they will lead their life.三 论说文第一段 引出主题 + 个人观点 第一句 1.Nowadays, there remains an increasing interest in the topic about; 2 the issue of, under modern conditions ,has been in the limelight / brought into focus; 3. what is your idea as to the topic abou

20、t? it is my belief that 二段 原因分析或举例1 The majority of people would agree that sth has caused serious problems.2 it is superficially a simple phenomenon, but when subjected to analysis ,it has its fundamental reasons. 3 there stand at least two reasons, from my perspective, for the present phenomenon .

21、 4 However, recognizing a problem is the first step in finding a solution. 三段 第一句 1 therefore, it is imperative for us, people in all walks, to take drastic measures to reverse this disturbing trend 。 2 if we donot desire the trend to become a reality in the future, positive steps must be taken to p

22、ut an end to sth right now. 第二 三句话具体措施 for one thing / for another;on one hand / on the other hand 措施一 父母采取措施 parents are supposed to spend more time eduacating their kids to do sth eg to refuse some useless information. 措施二awareness about sth could be cultivated to make ourselves lead a healthy and

23、 favorable life. information exploration 第四句 1) Only by taking these action can people have a more brilliant and glorious future. 2) so Shouldnt human beings pay much attention to the meaningful saying /problem? 3) so under no account could people divert attention from the issue of sth. 4) the more

24、actively people face the saying/ issue, the more happily they will lead their life.四 书信作文 举例:求职信 大学快要毕业了,需要找工作,写一封求职信说明申请工作的原因和自己能胜任的理由 推荐一个旅游景点。 一 称呼 文中已给出: 文中未给出: 1 dear sir or madam 2 dear Mr president/ professor/ editor 二 正文 第一段 自我介绍+写作目的 自我介绍: I am senior from the department of _ in_ university

25、. 写作目的: I am, To be frank, writing the letter in order to (文中一定给出) 第二段 按文中要求来写; 比如推荐旅游景点 there,to begin with, are so many beautiful flowers and trees on campus. you, undoubtedly, will enjoy it. in addition, the university is quite famous among chinese for it has a history about 100 years long. conse

26、quently, a sports meeting is held there and you could think about taking part in it and make some new friends with some foreigners. 第三段 一:文中已经做出要求 一句话来写文中要求的内容 第二句话 表示感谢或期待回信 二 :未给出要求,则是: 表示感谢 + 期待回信 表示感谢: A My thanks to you for your generous assistance are beyond words. B Words fail me when I desir

27、e to express my sincere gratitude to you for your kind consideration my requirement/application/complaint. C I take the opportunity to show my heartfelt appreciation for your generous assistance you rendered me 期待回信: A i am looking forward to your reply. B I look forward to a favorable reply at your earliest convenience. C your prompt attention to my . Would be highly appreciated. 三 落款: yours truly, liming

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