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1、高考英语句子翻译专项练习英语句子专项翻译2009.7一、名词和主谓一致1. 多亏了同事们的帮助,他进公司后英语口语进步迅速。 (progress)2. 女子排球队赢得冠军的消息传来了。 (word)3. 尽管我也不是很富有,但我会尽力相助的。 (means)4. 这个区的图书馆遗失的书籍数量很大。 ( number)5. 勤洗手是避免疾病传染的有效方法之一。 (infect)6. 所有的这些事实证明,你和我一样能胜任教练一职。 (as well as)7. 他是这期买彩票者中唯一一个获得一等奖的。 (one of)8. 近年来,这种关于“真人秀”的节目很受观众喜爱。 (popular)9. 新

2、开的这家超市离我家骑车只有十分钟的路程。 (ride)二、冠词,数次和代词10. 既然你已经是成年人,应该很明白善恶。 (knowledge)11. 在那个村庄,感染艾滋病的人的数量仍然在上升。 (number ,infect)12. 医院的这个紧急病房是由资深的格林医生负责的。 (charge)13. 在小偷将手伸进一位女士的手提包时,便衣警察抓住了他的胳膊。 (catch)14. 公司已经下规定,凡是上班迟到的要罚款。 (it)15. 据说在那个湖底发现了一个古城的遗址。 (discover)16. 我没有想到汤姆会被选为学生会主席。 (occur)17. 那些未曾经去过那个村庄的人很难描

3、绘出它的美。 (It)18我发现很难和那些一贯固执己见的人合作。 (it)19. (behave)她的女儿尽管平时调皮,却知道有客人在家时该怎么做。20. 随着科学的发展,我们以后将会住在和现在大不相同的城市里。 (those)21. 在居民搬进新居之前,工人们花了三四天时间来清洁大楼所有的窗户。 (spend)三、形容词和副词22. 和他们预料的相反,这种颜色的窗帘和绿色的墙纸配起来很好看。 (contrary)23. 在场的领导有公司的总裁,还有各个部门的经理。 (present)24. 星期五之前让我完成这工作实在是太难了。 (much)25. 她对这次考试的结果极不满意。 (far f

4、rom)26. 随着年龄的增长,他感到看、听、爬楼等都越来越困难了。 (find)27. 因为大多数学生成长中未经历过这样的困难, 所以他们很有可能不知道如何处理在学习、找工作和人际关系方面的压力。 (likely)28. 事实证明,不断增长的房价对年轻夫妇们来说始终都是难以承受的。 (prove)29. 由于缺乏正规的教育,他觉得在英语和电脑方面不如他人。 (inferior)30.跟他接触的越多,我对他的敬意就更增一分。 (more)31.美国人食用的蛋白质是他们每天实际需要量的两倍。(protein)四、情态动词和助动词32.你昨天根本不必叫出租车的,走几步路就到我家了。(need)33

5、.你绝对想象不到一个接受过良好教育的年轻人竟然会持有这样荒谬的观点。(hold)34.他开始不同意我的观点,但是我最终还是说服了他。(persuade)35.我要是想得出办法,就不会给你添麻烦了。 (help)36.我记得爷爷看书时老是会睡觉。 (fall)37.无论你多么努力,你都不可能在一个月内掌握一门外语。(However)38.因特网的确带给我们许多方便,然而不可否认它也有一些负面影响。(do)39. 他肯定在等一个非常重要的人物,因为他的穿着从来没有这么讲究过。 (must)40. 她非常健谈。如果你给她机会,她会没完没了地说上几个小时。 (so)五、介词41. 该实验的目的在于研究

6、不吃早饭对人工作时注意力的影响。 (effect)42.尽管困难重重,我们仍将勇敢面对。(spite)43.他给我发了封电子邮件祝贺我成功。(congratulate)44.母亲打电话告诉我晚饭最迟六点准备好。(ready)45.非常感谢你为我预定到了两张今晚音乐会的票。 (grateful)46.尽管他只是个高中生,但他能够用流利的英语和美国人交流。 (communicate)47.除了知道他住在上海郊区之外,我对他一无所知。 (suburb)48.在你的演讲中,你太过强调主观因素了。(emphasis)49.他一发现误拿了别人的购物袋,就匆忙返回超市了。 (On)六、动词50. 她当模特的

7、梦想成了现实。 (dream)51.这种洗发水经证明对防止头发分叉很有效。(prove,hair split ends)52.校长给最优秀的学生颁发特别奖学金。(award)53.我建议他下次乘坐上海到北京的直达车。(suggest)54.加拿大北部的气候对你的健康有益。 (benefit)55.导游说我们要等到所有的游客都到齐了再出发去另一个景点。 (scenic spot)56.我认为我们要时来运转了。 (feel)59. 睡觉前要确保每扇窗都关好, (see to)60. 我正要复习功课,这时我的一位老同学突然来访。 (about)61. 他总是向别人借钱又总是忘记还。 (always)

8、62. 坐在我旁边的小女孩似乎非常兴奋,她告诉我这是她第一次乘坐飞机旅行。 (seem)63. 令我们恼火的是,我们刚出发,车胎就破了。 (hardly)64. 电话已经响了近五分钟,我不知道他为什么不接电话。 (wonder)65. 听讲座期间,有人注意到她偷偷地从后门溜了出去。 (slip)66. 我认为这一点很重要,值得一提。 (deserve)67. 根据市场调查,这一款式的牛仔裤很畅销。 (sell)68. 昨天丢失在教室第一排座位上的手机是你的吗? (belong)69. 在英国,有人认为青少年犯罪出现新的增长趋势,网络日志该受责备。 (blame)70. 在该市,这种疾病并未引起

9、足够的重视。 (attention)71. 在他的家乡,大多数人从事事业。 (engage)72. 必须指出,这种药在止痛的同时也会有一些副作用,如胃部不适。 (relieve)73. 和你预料的相反,这种事情相当棘手。 (contrary)74. 火车站可以提前买到一个月之后的票。 (available)75. 她病得很严重,正住院接受治疗。 (treatment)八、不定式76. 他尝试着写完小说的结尾,但没有完成,因此,他决定去看电影放松一下。 (attempt)78.为了占有更大的市场份额,各公司都努力使他们的产品更具竞争力。(strive)79.如果你要申请信用卡,你需要填写此表。

10、(require)80. 他不知所措,因为他无人可以求助。 (loss)81.接到电话,我匆忙赶往外滩去接我的笔友,结果却发现在约定的地方根本没人。(On)82.我原本打算国庆节是要来看你的,但是我太忙了。(plan)83.面对货架上品种繁多的洗发水,我不知道买哪一种。(variety)84.丢了车费又不想向他人借,他只好走回家。 (do nothing)85.既然你已经看过广告,那我就没有必要向你解释这一职务的必要了。(need)86.坦率地说,我对他的提议根本不感兴趣。 (frank)87. 有人认为 Bausch Lomb 会导致眼睛感染甚至失明。(believe)九、动名词88. 如果

11、不是在网上亲眼看到这张照片,我绝对想象不到一个女孩会这么残忍地对待猫。 (imagine) 89. 地面太滑了,很难防止摔倒。 (prevent)90. 死记硬背毫无意义。 (good)91. 一接到火灾报警,消防队员立刻赶往事故现场。 (On)92. 身心自在很重要;向他人学习也同样重要。 (equally)93. 表面看来,这房子没有任何被盗的迹象。 (sign)94. 我想知道一些大公司是否有可能赞助我们学校。 (possibility)95. 网络赌博是迄今为止人们创造的最危险地赌博方式,应该受到管理。 (regulate)96. 直到身体变得虚弱时他才开始意识到他工作过度劳累了。 (

12、fail)十、分词97.上周报纸上提到的某位市长与一起严重的违纪事件有关联。(involve)98.从她困惑的表情可以判断她根本没有听懂如何操作这台机器。(Judgi ng )99. 我们所有的人都希望看到房改政策早点执行。 (carry)100.一个人在家时,她感到害怕,整晚看着灯。 (have)101. 受利益驱使,一些农民仍然用瘦肉精(clenbuterol) 添加在猪饲料中。 (drive)102.一旦出版,这本书将引起许多争论。(once)103.谈到“超女” 、“好男儿”两个节目,许多学生都表示发了许多手机短信为他们喜爱的选手投票。 (vote)104.情况允许的话,我们明天就开始

13、工作。(permit)十一、简单句,并列句,强调句和虚拟语气105. 我们应该尊重他们,因为不是每个人都和你有相同的兴趣。 (respect)106. 在蒙蒙细雨中漫步西湖,你会为西湖的浪漫和美丽所打动。 (drizzle)107. 她说这个是个秘密,我们都在纳闷她究竟邀请了哪些人。 (it)108. 倘若我刚才的话的确冒犯了你,我现在向你道歉。 (offend)109. 正是在多年以前,整件事情才真相大白。 (light)110. 在英国地铁叫 underground或tube,而在美国叫 subway。(while)111. 他肯定做过职业婚纱摄影师,是吗? (professional)1

14、12. 投篮之前他犹豫了片刻,要不然他就能拿两分了。 (otherwise)113. 银行要求工厂两个月内还钱。 (require)114. 要是你早点通知我多好。 (if only)十二、倒装116.尽管她很漂亮,她并不受同事喜欢。 (though)117.只是在一个小时前我才查出了谣言的出处。(Only)118.小偷刚将手伸进我口袋就被我抓住了。(Hardly)119.她近来如此苗条,父母都很担心她的健康。(So )120 .在任何情况下,我们都不应放弃。 (Un der no)121.万一有人找我,告诉他 /她我在阅览室。(Should sb. do sth.)122.我们在一起无忧无虑

15、玩耍的日子已经一去不复返了。 (Go ne)十三、定语从句123.关于这件事情,我能做的很少。 (little)124.他的思维方式和我们大多数人不太一样。(way)125.上周,我收到父亲的来信。他现在在中东工作。 (,who)126. 凡是有资格做律师的人都必须具有广博的知识。 (qualify)127. 人人皆知,地球围绕太阳转。 (as)128. 汤姆勤奋、谦虚,而且乐于助人,这正是他父母所盼望的。 (ready)十四、名词性从句129. 很有可能到一周后,他就将现在的雄心壮志抛到九霄云外去了。 (likely)130.我是否接受邀请不关你的事。(business)131.他迟到的原因

16、是他误了车。(miss)132.化学老师一直认为试管每次使用后都有必要清洗干净。(consider)133.我认为他不太在意我的话。(care)134.我毫不怀疑他被认为是当今世界最佳篮球运动员之一。(doubt)参考答案2009.7一、名词和主谓一致1. Thanks to the help of his colleagues, he has made rapid progress in his oral/spoken English since he entered the company.2. Word came that women s volleyball team had won

17、the championship.3. Although I m not rich enough, I ll try every possible means to help you.4.In this district, the number of books missing from the library is large.5. Washing hands frequently/often/regularly is one of the effective ways to avoid being infected by diseases.6. All these facts have p

18、roved that you as well as I are qualified as a coach.7. He is the only one of the lottery buyers who has got the first prize in this issue.8.In recent years, this kind of program on “Reality Show ”has been popular with the audience. 9.The newly opened supermarket is ten minutes ride by bike from my

19、house.二、冠词,数次和代词10.Since you are already an adult, you should have a good knowledge of good and evil.11. In that village, the number of people who have been infected by AIDS is still increasing.12. The emergency ward of this hospital is in the charge of a well-qualified doctor, Dr. Green.13. The und

20、ercover policeman caught the thief by the arm when he was putting his hand into a lady s handbag.14. The company has made it a rule that whoever is late for work will be fined.15.It is said that the site of an ancient city has been discovered at the bottom of the lake.16.It never occurred to me that

21、 Tom would be elected/made chairman of the students union.17.It s very hard for those who haven t been to the small village to describe its beauty.18.I find it hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.19. Although her daughter is usually naughty, she knows how to behave he

22、rself when there are guests at home.20. With the development of science, we will live in cities quite unlike those of the present.21. The workers (had) spent three or four days cleaning all the windows of the building before the residents moved to their new houses/flats/apartments.三、形容词和副词22. Contra

23、ry to what they expected, the curtain of this color goes well with the green wall paper.23. Among the leaders present were the president of the company and managers of different departments.24.It is too much for me to have the work done before Friday.25.She is far from being pleased with the result

24、of the exam.26.As he gets old, he finds it more and more difficult to see, to hear and to climb stairs. 27.Since most students grow up without experiencing such difficulties, it is very likely that they don t know how to deal with the pressures from study, job hunting and relationships.28.The rising

25、 house prices have proved always difficult for young couples to afford.29.For lack of formal education, he feels himself inferior to others in English and computers.30. The more contact I made with him, the more admiration I had for him.31. Americans eat twice as much protein as they actually need e

26、very day.四、情态动词和助动词32. You neednt have called a taxi yesterday; it onsly within a walking distance to my home.33. You cant imagine that a well-educated young man should hold such an absurd opinion.34. He didn t agree with me at first, but I was able to persuade him eventually.35.I will not give you

27、any trouble if I can help it.36.I still remember that my grandfather would fall asleep when he reads books.37. However hard you may study, you cannot master a foreignlanguage in a month.38. Although the internet does bring us a lot of convenience, there is no denying that it also has some negative e

28、ffects.39. He must be waiting for someone very important, for he has never been so well-dressed.40.She is so talkative that if given a chance, she will talk for hours.五、介词41.The experiment is intended to study the effect of skipping breakfast on the concentration while one is working.42.In spite of

29、many difficulties, we will still face up to them.43.He sent me an e-mail to congratulate me on my success.44.My mother telephoned me that supper would be ready by 6:00.45.I am very grateful to you for having booked two tickets for tonight s concert for me.46.Although he is a senior high school stude

30、nt, he can communicate with an American in fluent English.47.I know nothing about him except that he lives in the suburbs of Shanghai.48.In your speech, you put too much emphasis on subjective factors.49.On discovering that he had taken someone elses shopping bag, he hurried back to supermarket.六、动词

31、50.Her dream of becoming a model has come true.51. This shampoo has proved (to be) effective in preventing hair split ends.52. The principal awarded the best students special scholarship.53.I suggest that he (should) go by the express train from Shanghai to Beijing.54.The climate in the northern Canada will benefit your health.55.The guide said that we wouldn t leave for another scenic

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