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1、高考英语二轮复习与策略仿真冲刺练仿真冲刺练(一).单项填空1Why havent you invited him to see a film together?He _ an important essay when I found him and he _ it.Ahad written;didnt finishBwas writing;hasnt finishedCwrote;wouldnt finishDhas written;hadnt finishedB考查时态。句意:“为什么你还没有邀请他一起看电影?”“当我找到他的时候,他在写一篇重要的论文,而且到现在还没有写完。”由第二句中的

2、when I found him 看出当我发现他的时候,他正在做某事,所以用过去进行时。因为到目前为止还没有写完,所以现在仍未邀请他看电影,故用现在完成时,强调对现在产生的影响。2The extremely competitive work environment,_now includes growing numbers of welleducated females, is having a negative impact on birth rates.Awhere BwhichCthat DasB考查定语从句。句意:现在拥有越来越多知识女性的竞争激烈的工作环境对出生率造成负面影响。空格前

3、有逗号,所以空格处引导非限制性定语从句。从句中缺主语,因此which充当从句的主语。3How do you find your trip to New York during the Spring Festival?_. I cant speak too highly of it.AYou said it. BIts awful!CDont mention it. DOh,wonderful indeed!D考查情景交际。句意:“你春节期间的纽约之旅怎么样?”“很精彩!简直无法用言语形容”。You said it意为“一点不错”;Its awful 意为“这太可怕了”。Dont mention

4、 it意为“别提了”;Oh,wonderful indeed意为“的确很棒”。根据I cant speak too highly of it(我对这次旅行评价很高)来看,应该给予肯定的评价,故选D。4My brother,_ for months to find a job as a waiter,finally took a position at a local travel agency.Astruggling BstruggledChaving struggled Dhas struggledC考查非谓语动词。句意:我的哥哥努力了几个月想找一份服务生的工作,最终在当地的旅行社谋得了一个

5、职位。本句中struggle与主句的主语my brother构成主动关系,并发生在主句动作之前,与for months连用,所以应该用现在分词的完成式。 【导学号:57732084】5Last night,Philip hadnt walked for a long time in the street _ he heard the cries for help.Athan BuntilCwhen DbeforeC考查状语从句。句意:昨天晚上菲利普在街上还没走多久就听到了呼救声。该句中的when意为“就在这个时候”。6Some people dont know that by helping

6、a criminal they could _ with a prison sentence.Acome up Bend upCput up Dcatch upB考查动词短语。句意:一些人不知道,帮助罪犯可能导致他们自己也被判刑。come up with意为“想出(计划,方案等)”;end up with意为“以结局告终”;put up with意为“忍受”;catch up with意为“跟上”。7My aunt cares much about her appearance and always asks if she looks fine in _she is wearing.Athat

7、 BwhatChow DwhichB考查名词性从句。句意:我的婶婶非常注意外表,总是问别人她是否穿着得体。根据look fine in可知,后面跟的是宾语从句,宾语从句中缺少wear的宾语,而what在名词性从句中充当主语,宾语和表语。选项中that在名词性从句中是不充当任何成分的,how只能充当状语,which在名词性从句中可以充当主语、宾语和表语,意为“哪一个”,要有一个选择的范围才行。8They weighed the advantages of the operation _ all the possible risks involved over and over again.Awi

8、thin BexceptCbehind DagainstD考查介词用法。句意:他们再三衡量了手术的利弊和风险。这里含有对比之意。against含有“与对比,对照”之意。9Success is not final,and failure is not deadly.It is,you know,the courage to continue _ counts in life.Athat BwhichCwhere DwhenA考查强调句型。句意:成功不是最终目的,失败也不是致命的。你知道,生活中,继续下去的勇气才最重要。you know为插入语,做题时可删除,以免影响思考。It is the co

9、urage to continue that counts in life为强调句型,强调的是句子的主语the courage to continue。故选A。 【导学号:57732085】10Bungee jumping can be very dangerous,but the people who organize it are very careful not to _ safety.Acompromise BcompensateCconduct DconstructA考查动词。句意:蹦极可能非常危险,但是组织者会非常小心,不会危及生命安全。compromise意为“危及,损害;妥协,

10、让步”;compensate意为“弥补,补偿”;conduct意为“组织,实施;指挥;带领,引导;举止,表现”;construct意为“建筑,修建;组成,创建”。11He found it very difficult to speak _,for his lips trembled and refused to form the words.Aplainly BcloselyCfirmly DfrequentlyA考查副词。句意:他发现自己非常难以简单明了地说话,因为他的嘴唇在颤抖而且无法说话。plainly意为“简单明了地,直截了当地;清晰地,清楚地,明显地”;closely意为“亲密地,

11、密切地,仔细地”;firmly意为“坚定地,坚决地”;frequently意为“经常地,频繁地”。12He managed to reach the summit of his career,but it was at the _ of his health.Aconsumption BcreditCexhaustion DexpenseD考查名词搭配。句意:他设法达到了事业的顶峰,但是付出了健康的代价。consumption意为“消耗,消费”;credit意为“信用,名声”;exhaustion意为“疲劳,耗尽”;expense意为“开支,损失”。句中at the expense of意为“

12、以为代价”,等同于at the price of/at the sacrifice of。13Only when he reached the museum _ it was the same place hed been in last year.Ahe realized Bhe did realizeCrealized he Ddid he realizeD考查倒装结构。句意:他到了这个博物馆的时候,才发现去年来过这个地方。only强调状语时主句要部分倒装,即把情态动词或助动词提到主语的前面。14Dont worry about what to wear to her partyits a

13、ll _ anyway,because you havent even been invited yet.Aacademic BpainfulCphysical DbureaucraticA考查形容词。句意:不要担心参加她的聚会穿什么,不管怎样这完全不切实际,因为你没有被邀请。academic意为“不切实际的,脱离现实的”;painful意为“痛苦的”;physical意为“物质的,身体的”;bureaucratic意为“官僚主义的”。15Mary is a very diligent student._As far as I know,she often stays up late.AYou

14、 can say that againBAbsolutely notCHeaven knowsDNo wayA考查习惯用语。句意:“玛丽是一个非常勤奋的学生。”“你说的对极了,据我所知她经常熬夜到很晚”。You can say that again意为“正是如此,你说得对极了”;Absolutely not意为“绝对不是”;Heaven knows意为“天知道”;No way意为“没门”。.完形填空I believe confidence is a key success indicator in every sport.When knowing my _16_believed in me,I

15、 believed in myself.When I was a collegiate baseball athlete I _17_with confidence at the plate.I felt my trainer and my teammates didnt have the confidence in me to hit the ball and they were _18_It wasnt because I didnt have the ability to hit the ball _19_ because I didnt believe I could hit the

16、ball._20_,when playing defense I was the complete opposite.I_21_the field,knowing every ball that was hit to me would be an out and it usually was.Its _22_ to think back on that now.How could I have two completely opposite views of my skills and abilities in one game?This _23_ is what I bring to my

17、coaching,my training,and my life.I know that if I want to accomplish something or I want someone to accomplish something I _24_to believe in myself and them.Therere two things I do to _25_ improving my selfconfidence every day:1PracticePractice makes perfect.Not a single person in the world can _26_

18、 succeed without practice.Practicing and improving your _27_ is the key to improving selfconfidence.Doing something _28_the game will definitely help you succeed.2_29_SelftalkYou can have everyone in the world believing in you but at the end of the _30_ you need to believe in yourself.Always _31_ to

19、 yourself in a positive way.Even if you _32_Know you can learn from that experience and youll use it in a positive way to succeed the next time.Confidence is the key to success in everything you do.But it doesnt come _33_ and it doesnt come without putting in the work and having a(n)_34_support netw

20、ork.I know that a consistent,daily approach is worth the time and effort and will be having a lasting positive _35_这是一篇个人情感类的短文。上大学时,“我”是一名棒球运动员,可笑的是,进攻和防守时“我”表现出两种截然不同的状态,进攻时“我”缺乏自信,节节败退,而防守时信心满满,胜券在握。现在,“我”相信,自信是成功的关键。16A.trainer BagentCsponsor DfriendA下文的trainer是提示。17A.began BdealtCstruggled Dcom

21、petedC根据下文所述可知,彼时还是一名大学生棒球运动员的“我”不具备强大的自信心,在赛场上时而自信满满,旗开得胜,时而自惭形秽,失意落败。“我”学生时代的棒球生涯可谓是一段与自信心不断斗争的历程。struggle with sth.意为“与斗争”。18A.brave BfreeCcareful DrightD根据下文第二段前两句与第一段所描述的情况形成的对比可推知,“我”在进攻时,成绩不理想,教练和队友对“我”击中球没有信心是对的(right)。19A.or BbutCand DforB而造成这一结果的原因不是因为“我”没有能力击中球,而是(but)因为“我”不自信。20A.Besides

22、 BThereforeCHowever DIndeedC上下文之间构成转折关系。21A.left BsweptCbuilt DownedD根据knowing every ball that was hit to me would be an out and it usually was可知,防守时的“我”,完全相反,掌控着(own)球场,心中确信每个击向“我”的球都会被击到外场,而且通常是这样的。own意为“掌控”。22A.hard BfunnyCsurprising DhopefulB根据下文How could I have two completely opposite views of

23、my skills and abilities in one game?可知,现在的“我”回顾过去的经历觉得特别可笑(funny),在一场比赛中“我”对自己的能力怎么会有两种截然相反的看法呢?23A.experience BbarrierCwish DgoalAThis experience指的是学生时代打棒球时在进攻和防守时“我”对自己的能力持两种截然不同的看法的经历。24A.pretend BcontinueCneed DpreferC回顾学生时代打棒球的经历,“我”意识到,要想达到目标,得(need)有信心。 on Brely onCagree on Dact onA根据

24、下文PracticePractice makes perfect.和第29空所在句可知,每天“我”通过做两件事情来努力增强(work on)“我”的自信心。26A.thus BstillCseldom DtrulyD根据下文第27空所在句可知,在“我”看来,不经过练习,世上没有一个人能真正(truly)成功。27A.memory BskillsCimages DhealthB经过不断练习,才能提高技能(skill),进而增强自信。28A.unlike BoverCoutside DincludingC做些场外(outside)训练对成功绝对有好处。29A.Private BSeriousCLo

25、ng DPositiveD下文Always _to yourself in a positive way给出了提示。 BdayCroad DtermB上文第三段中的every day及文章末句中的daily approach 是提示。31A.speak BturnCrespond DapologizeA与上文selftalk相呼应。32A.cry BsighCpanic DfailD根据learn from that experience 和succeed the next time可知答案。 BeasyCearly DfinallyB根据it doesnt c

26、ome without putting in the work可知,自信来之不易,故选easy。34A.lively BindependentCstrong DinternationalC根据上文When knowing my _believed in me,I believed in myself 可知,自信心的建立需要自己的努力以及周围人强有力的(strong)支持。35A.effect BimpressionCattitude DopportunityA总结学生时代打棒球的经历,“我”明白了一个道理:坚持每天倾注时间、精力去改善自信心是值得的,它会带来持久的积极效果(effect)。.阅

27、读理解A24 hours in western Sydney:what to do,where to goOn a recent weekend,my boyfriend and I decided to explore the area for the first time.Friday6 pm.Check in at Atura Blacktown hotelAfter an easy 40minute train trip from Central Station to Blacktown(about$5 one way with the Opal smartcard),we catch

28、 a taxi(about$20)to western Sydneys newest hotel,the Atura Blacktown. Its a sleek but welcoming hotel with an openplan lobby that incorporates an inhouse restaurant and a comfortable lounge area.Upstairs,we quickly warm to our modern guestroom,which features reliable,free Wifi,free movies on a large

29、 wallmounted TV,and in the bathroom MalinGoetz toiletries(洗漱用品)Its good value at about $160 for a king room.8 pm.Dinner and a drivein movieThe hotels Roadhouse Bar and Grill has an upscale menu(mains $25$40 per person)but a casual atmosphere,with an open kitchen and families seated at several tables

30、.Weve been told not to fill up on dinner so we reluctantly leave our tender scotch fillet and expertly panfried barramundi unfinished.At the reception,we pick up keys to the hotels white Cadillac,which is parked out front,and drive around the corner to the Skyline DriveIn($20 for one car with two passengers)Saturday9 am.Feasting in BonnyriggEverywhere we go,there is food.At the temple,we watch a famous Laotion chef prepare pawpaw salad,while at the mosque we are offered featherlight fai

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